My players are all actors

Chapter 123 Collapse without a fight?

Chapter 123 Collapse without a fight?

Li Hongyun felt pretty good about himself after taking the wanderer away with a single shot.

How about your superb knife skills?In front of muskets, it is all false!
Sure enough, after the military resources were in place, Sheng Jun's weapons and armor were completely reformed, and the enemies that seemed invincible before were no longer a problem.

There is a good saying that to do great things, you must do three things: first, have money, second, have money, and third, still have money!
Sheng Jun has been invincible from the beginning of the rookie combat effectiveness to the present. General Deng's improvement of the military system and hard training have a lot of credit, but the money is also a very important reason.

Otherwise, without so many wolf sticks and rattan tokens, and without sophisticated muskets, I am afraid that they will still have to pay a heavy price to fight against these well-trained thieves.

Of course, the power of the current muskets is not so terrible. One shot is not enough to kill completely, and once the distance is far away, it will not work. The thieves died in such a useless manner.

Li Hongyun, on the other hand, blew the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle smartly, and handed it back to the gunner next to him: "Reload!"

It's good to be a lieutenant general!
The blunderbussman next to him dared not speak out, and silently lowered his head to reload the musket.

Although the principle of matchlock guns in this era is not particularly complicated, loading ammunition is still a technical job, not everyone can do it.

In the later period of the Dasheng Dynasty, firearms gradually emerged. The Dongyi people improved the Western matchlock guns into barbarians, and the Sheng army improved them into new bird guns based on the captured Western matchlock guns and barbarian guns.

At this time, the bird gun already had a fixed propellant, but the loading process was still far from simple, so it could not be used as a main battle weapon.

Because once the gunner is close, he is basically at the mercy of others.

General Deng also incorporated bird guns into the array, and with the cooperation of other arms such as rattan players, wolf soldiers and spearmen, they can play their role to the maximum.

The ensuing battle can be described as devastating.

Sheng Jun's massacre of these thieves was simply one-sided!

The pawns with different weapons cooperate with each other tacitly. Wolf soldiers and rattan players restrain the enemy, while spearmen and bird gunners take the opportunity to output. The whole formation is like a mobile fortress, where they can fight wherever they go.

Whether the thieves are trying to charge alone or besieged by many people, it will not help at all!
The Yi Dao, which could have been called a sharp weapon, met a weapon that completely restrained it. Not only was it completely unable to exert its original effectiveness, it even became a drag.

Moreover, when encountering narrow terrain, the formation can be changed at any time. These soldiers can be deployed like arrows, or formed into a circular formation, and can be divided into two formations when passing through narrow terrain, which is suitable for all terrains.

Some thieves wanted to escape into narrow terrain to fight, but found that no matter what terrain, they were free!

What's more, the number of Sheng's army was already several times that of the bandits, so they had an absolute advantage in numbers.

As a generation of famous generals, General Deng never liked to fight a battle where less wins more.

Although winning more with less sounds exciting, it is indeed full of too many uncertainties.

More capable people beat others less, why not?
General Deng's pursuit of low battle losses has always been to concentrate superior forces to besiege the bandits, just one word, steady!

Even Li Hongyun, who was in it, felt a little too boring, it was simply a one-sided massacre, and he couldn't lift his spirits at all.

There was a little bit of suspense during the siege, but once they entered Puning Port, the Sheng army killed hundreds of thousands of bandits, and their own casualties were estimated to be only single digits.

Even if they were injured, they were all caught off guard by muskets or bows and arrows.

Yi Ren's originally confident Yi Dao was useless in front of Sheng Jun!
Finally, after a fierce battle, these thieves were unable to fight anymore and were forced to the port.But the boats were limited, and they were all crowded together in a mess.

However, maybe they also knew that their death was imminent, so these stubborn bandits also broke out with extremely strong fighting power, and it was difficult to take down for a moment.

"Attack, don't let anyone go!" General Deng ordered again, launching the final attack!

However, at this moment, someone rushed to report: "Report! General Deng, Nanhe City... Nanhe City has fallen!
"Those thieves are coming, I'm afraid we will face the enemy!"

General Deng's expression changed involuntarily: "What? Isn't there Wang Jianjun and General Liu in Nanhe City? Why can't they hold on for even a day!"

The soldiers who summoned the news also looked confused: "I don't know, I just heard... I heard that Wang Jianjun and General Liu fled watching the wind, and the defenders of Nanhe City collapsed without a fight..."

Deng Yuanjing suddenly changed color: "Bastard!"

However, anger turns to anger, and the situation has become out of hand at this time.The thieves in Puning Port are still fighting stubbornly, and after the rear is lost, Sheng's army will soon face the two sides of the thieves.

Although the number of thieves and bandits with more than [-] people does not seem to be very large, many of them are regular troops and their combat power is very strong.

Although the Sheng army attacking Puning Port was victorious, after all, it would show fatigue after a long battle.

Under the attack from both sides, Sheng Jun suffered heavy losses.


General Deng cast a bitter glance at the bandits who were about to be completely wiped out, and reluctantly gave the order to withdraw the troops.


After the white mist in front of him dissipated, Li Hongyun returned to the original scene again.

"Depend on!"

He didn't expect that he was about to pass the level, but he still failed!

"It seems that Nanhe City is the key to this battle.

"If you can't defend Nanhe City, then Sheng Jun will be dumped, but if you can defend Nanhe City, then the bandits will be dumped.

"This team of more than [-] thieves should not be underestimated. Many of them are professional soldiers from the regular army. If they cannot be completely wiped out, then even if Puning Port is taken, the thieves in the southeast may not be completely quelled.

"Only by completely eradicating this elite group of thieves, can the world be settled in one battle, and the southeast thieves can be completely pacified."

Li Hongyun understood that if he wanted to clear the customs, he had to eliminate all the thieves in Puning Port and Nanhe City at the same time, causing these thieves to suffer heavy losses. Only in this way could they form enough deterrent force, so that the thieves would not dare to cross the sea continuously. Harassment.

"In that case, let's play the role of Wang Jianjun."

Li Hongyun is not at all aware of the situation in Nanhe City at the moment, but one thing is certain, Wang Jianjun must be a very important person if he wants to defend Nanhe City.

Although in Li Hongyun's view, Wang Jianjun had no role or ability before, but since General Deng said "with Wang Jianjun here, Nanhe City should be fine", it is obvious that he has great confidence in Wang Jianjun's ability .

The defenders of Nanhe City fled because of some accidents, or the role of Wang Jianjun had been tampered with.

Thinking of this, Li Hongyun no longer hesitated, and began to play the role of Wang Zongchang.

As for the natural skills, he finally chose "increasing morale" after consideration.

This is a Xin-level white skill. Although Li Hongyun does not have the blessing of righteousness and cannot be linked with this skill, this skill is still the most suitable for the current situation.


The white mist gradually dissipated, and when Li Hongyun came back to his senses, he had already arrived at a government office in the city.

Wearing an official uniform, obviously, he has entered the role of Wang Zongchang.

"Report! My lord, there is a group of thieves rushing towards Nanhe City. It seems that there are more than ten thousand people and they are well-equipped!

"General Liu is discussing matters with the generals, and seems to want to retreat to Hezhou..."

Li Hongyun couldn't help but turn cold: "Take me there!"

It seems that the bad things happen to General Liu.

Wang Zongchang's official position is not low. Although he is a civil official, his official title is to participate in politics, but he is also in charge of the army.

The so-called supervising the army actually means supervising military affairs.Although in principle, it is not allowed to interfere with combat command, but the supervisory army has the right to supervise, and can report the military situation to the court at any time, and can also impeach generals, so speaking is still useful.

Wang Zongchang, played by Li Hongyun, walked quickly to the meeting hall.

"The thieves are powerful, not only there are more than [-] people, but they are all elite!
"At this time, there are less than [-] old, weak and remnant soldiers in Nanhe City, and they are powerless to resist!
"In my opinion, it's better to retreat to Hezhou immediately, join forces with the defenders of Hezhou, and then fight back..."

The leading general should be that General Liu, who is considering the retreat route against the map.

Li Hongyun said sharply: "It's nonsense! Retreat before the battle, surrender without a fight, where do you want to put the emperor's order? Where do you want to put the people in Nanhe City?"

General Liu's expression was not unexpected: "Master Wang, you are indeed responsible for supervising the army, but the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and as a general, I have to respond accordingly!

"The thieves are powerful. What we are leading now is not the army of hundreds of battles trained by General Deng, but a group of old and weak soldiers with incomparable combat strength. What can we do to resist these thieves? Even if they are all exhausted, so what? The result is still the same!

"What's more, at this time, many soldiers and civilians have sneaked out of the city. The city is already in chaos, and the morale of the army is shaken. They have no strength to fight!"

The other generals also nodded.

"That's right, Lord Wang, it doesn't make any difference whether to defend the city or not. If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood!"

"Lord Wang, the thieves are nothing more than looting, and they will retreat soon. When we join forces with Hezhou and attack back, we will just wipe out these thieves..."

Before Li Hongyun could speak, General Liu had already made a decision: "Pass on my order and retreat to Hezhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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