My players are all actors

Chapter 131 Found the flaw in "Dark Sand"!

Chapter 131 Found the flaw in "Dark Sand"!

The upgrade of these exclusive talent skills, although there are indeed obvious changes, but it is indeed not to the point of being reborn.

For example, the effect of the Assassin skill "One Fury" was originally activated as long as the preparation was sufficient, but now there is a small chance of activation when the preparation is not sufficient.

Under extreme circumstances, it is true that assassins can unleash considerable combat effectiveness, but this kind of accidental factor is too strong, and it is not easy to include it in the battle plan.

But for Li Hongyun, this upgrade is very cost-effective.

Because he is a European emperor!

If it is really possible to turn Pifu's Wrath into a resident skill, wouldn't his combat power be able to go up several levels?

Of course, no matter how much Ouhuang has limitations, it is impossible for Li Hongyun to activate a skill with a very low probability 100%, but for him, as long as he activates it a few times at critical moments, it is bloody money.

After successfully upgrading his talent skills, Li Hongyun, like other players, started to clear the rankings.

So far, he has rolled from the original "Ding Shang" to "B Shang", crossing the threshold of ranking selection.

But judging from the situation in the last dungeon, if you want to enter the ultimate trial steadily, it is estimated that you will be stable if you get "under the armor".

So, still have to roll.

Opening the forum, the screen has been flooded with various sharing posts that improve the rating.

"I found out that the scoring mechanism of the new dungeon is not exactly the same as the previous dungeon. For example, Governor Lin's literary drama seems to have a high proportion in the scoring! So the focus of this literary drama is not how to speed pass, but how to act !

"The dialogue with Sun Fanghua, the emperor, and Mr. Xu, whether you can play the role of Lin Xiangmin well, are all important factors that affect the score, so I suggest that everyone should not rush to go through the motions, or try to play the role as well as possible!"

"I found a relatively stable way to pass the first stage. As long as you stand in this specific position and cover General Deng, you can pass the level stably. And you don't have to worry about lowering your score. The impact on the final score is minimal."

"Wang Jianjun fought in close hand-to-hand combat, and the score will be slightly higher, probably because the real Wang Jianjun in history also fought like this."

"Doesn't that mean that if a player of the scribe profession plays the role of Wang Jianjun, and then goes into battle in person, the score will be higher?"

"In theory, it should be like this, but the difficulty is too high. Is there really a scribe player who can survive to pass the level under this kind of combat intensity..."

Discussions by players range from the specific positioning and style of play of a certain battle to the main points and essence of a certain role-playing.

Of course, since the dungeon itself does not have an accurate and detailed scoring standard, these strategies are basically determined by the players after clearing the level again and again, according to their own different play styles combined with the score changes, and may not be completely accurate.

But no matter what, the players are still using this method to advance the points on the leaderboard step by step.

"Hey, keep fighting!"

Li Hongyun silently wrote down a few customs clearance points in the small notebook, and then re-planned the new customs clearance process in his mind, preparing to continue to strive for a high score tonight.

Seeing that the deadline for the leaderboard is approaching, these players who are currently on the list dare not neglect at all, for fear of being squeezed out by other players at the last minute.


At the same time, villas in a certain first-tier city in China.

A middle-aged man in formal attire with the appearance of a business elite rang the doorbell of the villa.

"Ding dong!"

After ringing the bell several times, the door opened.

But after the door opened, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment.

Because Su Chengbai, who opened the door at this time, was really in a strange state!

His eyes have heavy dark circles, his mental state is a bit like a frightened bird, his hair is messy, a bit like a disaster victim.

Every move seems a little nervous.

Su Chengbai looked at the person and seemed a little confused: "Are you... President Bai?"

This president Bai's full name is Bai Yuanteng, and he is the president of Yuanteng Entertainment.And Endo Entertainment has always maintained a good cooperative relationship with Su Chengbai, and has created several historical knowledge and cultural online programs around Su Chengbai.

Bai Yuanteng was a little surprised: "Mr. Su, what's wrong with you?"

Su Chengbai shook his head stubbornly: "Am I okay? I'm fine! Boss Bai, are you okay? Come in and say."

The two came to the living room of the villa and sat down.

Bai Yuanteng took a look and found that the living room was messy and there were many books scattered around.

And on the sofa, the game helmet is in the most conspicuous position.

He was a little puzzled: "Ms. Su, you... have been playing that game for the past few days? Didn't you say that this game has the effect of improving sleep? Then you are..."

Su Chengbai stared at two dark circles: "I'm fine! I've already found evidence that this game is a fake history, give me a few more days and I can expose this scam on the Internet..."

Bai Yuanteng was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Su! I'm here to tell you about this!
"Why don't we let this matter go like this, the background of the game "Dark Sand" is really unclear, if this continues, we might really touch the line!"

Su Chengbai stiffened his neck and said, "Forget it? Then how can it be forgotten!
"President Bai, don't you think this is a good time? Let's put it this way, if I can really prove that the so-called 'historical memories' in "Dark Sand" are all fake, then when our new program starts broadcasting, how much traffic will it have?" !
"At that time, it might become the most popular cultural program in China!

"Besides, you don't have to worry at all. If something really happened, someone should have come to the door long ago, but until now, nothing has happened. The game company even gave in and gave me a special experience qualification!
"So absolutely no problem, don't be afraid!"

Bai Yuanteng frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

He felt that what Su Chengbai said seemed to make sense.

"But how do you prove that the 'historical memory' in "Dark Sand" is all fake? I am also paying attention to this game, so far, there seems to be no mistakes here...

"On the contrary, Mr. Su, some of your previous speeches on the Internet were picked up, which did not match the historical records...

"Of course, I know it's mainly for the ratings of the show, but we don't have an advantage in public opinion after all..."

In fact, Bai Yuanteng said this to save face for Su Chengbai.

For ratings?
Of course, that is also one aspect, but there are also many contents, which are indeed Su Chengbai's true inner thoughts.

Because of prejudice against China's history and skewed values, it is natural to distort and interpret the historical content in another direction.

In fact, Bai Yuanteng also vaguely knew about this point.

But so what?For Endo Entertainment, Su Chengbai is a very influential cultural celebrity, and the cultural programs he created are quite popular. Since there is popularity to make money, these can be turned a blind eye.

It's just that seeing that Su Chengbai is actually going to confront the game "Dark Sand" now, he feels a little bit lost.

Su Chengbai said very firmly: "Don't worry, I found a fatal mistake in this game!
"This is it, the memory fragments found by some players! Watch this video!"

As Su Chengbai said, he clicked on a video on his laptop.

Bai Yuanteng came over curiously, and found that this was a clearance video of a certain player of "Dark Sand". There was a section of it, which was a memory fragment obtained when he met General Deng at the end.

And this fragment of memory turned out to be about the general Wang Zongchang who defended Nanhe City!
In the memory fragments, Deng Yuanjing was rewarded by the imperial court for his meritorious service against the bandits. Naturally, there were other soldiers who died in battle because of the bandits in the list of rewards.

Among them, there is Wang Zongchang.

Because Wang Zongchang made key contributions in guarding Nanhe City, the court rewards were also very generous. There are more than ten pieces of various gold wares alone!

Of course, these contents are just a flash, and they are mixed with other people, without much description.

Su Chengbai got the visitor qualification, so every day when he enters the game, he is constantly killed by thieves in the first scene, but he can still watch other players' clearance videos during the day.

Bai Yuanteng was a little puzzled: "Mr. Su, what does this prove?"

Su Chengbai was full of confidence: "Hmph, this is obviously a huge loophole, because according to historical records, this Wang Zongchang was a well-known upright official, and he didn't have the money to bury him at all after his death, it was 'buried with a straw mat'!
"Since this is the case, how could it be possible to receive a reward of more than a dozen pieces of gold?
"Obviously, this is because the officials of "The Dark Sand" didn't do a good job of researching it, so they forcibly arranged a better ending for Wang Zongchang!

"As long as you grasp this point and pursue it fiercely, the lie of "The Dark Sand" claiming to be a real historical memory will naturally be destroyed!"

(End of this chapter)

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