My players are all actors

Chapter 132 Does not match the official historical records!

Chapter 132 Does not match the official historical records!
Bai Yuanteng frowned slightly: "Is there such a thing? Is this record reliable?"

Obviously, he is also skeptical of Su Chengbai.

After all, Su Chengbai often likes to find some records in unofficial history to achieve his "shocking" argument.If it's used to make a show and generate heat, then of course Bai Yuanteng has no objection, but if it's used to attack the game "Dark Sand"... I'm afraid it's a bit deadly.

What if the loopholes are seized in reverse and pursued fiercely?
Although he also wants to be popular, he still has the basic desire to survive.

Su Chengbai immediately brought a book of official history: "It's absolutely true!
"You see, there is a clear record of Wang Zongchang being buried in a straw mat.

"Wang Zongchang himself is an upright official. Before the first battle in Nanhe City, perhaps because of his desire to die, he had already made a will to his family and subordinates, requesting that when he died, he should only be buried in a straw mat. Any rich funeral goods.

"According to official history, after his death, his family and subordinates did indeed do the same.

"In fact, although Wang Zongchang himself was an upright official, his father and brothers were also famous officials at that time. There is a saying that "Father and Son Four Scholars", the people gave them four Wanmin umbrellas as gifts, and there are still "Four Umbrellas" Lane' This site commemorates them.

"That is to say, even if the father and son were both upright officials, given the conditions of Wang Zongchang's family at the time, they could still be buried generously. The reason why the corpse was buried wrapped in straw mats was purely Wang Zongchang's personal request.

"So, in the memory fragment of "Dark Sand", it is impossible to explain the fact that the emperor rewarded more than a dozen pieces of gold artifacts!
"I dare not transfer or sell the things rewarded by the emperor. Most of them are to be buried in the tomb. But this obviously contradicts the historical records of 'buried in straw mats'!

"So, this is probably a fabrication of the game "Dark Sands"!

"Even if it's not fabricated, it can't be proven at all!"

Bai Yuanteng looked at the content recorded in the official history, thoughtful.

It seems... indeed!
There are official historical records that Wang Zongchang was buried wrapped in a straw mat, because he did make such a will back then, and from the reactions of the people at that time and various other researches, it should all conform to this point.

However, the emperor's reward mentioned in "Ansha" has not been found in the official history records, and even has a certain contradiction with the official history records of "buried in straw mats".

Of course, it can also be forced to explain, for example, these rewards arrived after Wang Zongchang was buried, and then lost with the downfall of Wang's descendants, or these gold objects were indeed buried with Wang Zongchang, but they have not been seen in historical records.

But in any case, this kind of forced explanation is obviously very weak compared with the official historical records.

This is indeed a good opportunity to attack "Dark Sand"!
If it is successful, it will immediately cause huge controversy and bring huge heat!
After all, there are historical records, so Bai Yuanteng also has some confidence.

"Then... have you found Wang Zongchang's tomb?" He asked again.

Su Chengbai shook his head: "No!
"How is it possible to find out? He was buried wrapped in straw mats, so how can there be any other tombs to be excavated? There is absolutely no evidence for this!"

Bai Yuanteng was still not at ease: "Is there not a one-in-a-million possibility?"

Su Chengbai was a little speechless, obviously he was a little impatient with Bai Yuanteng's excessive caution: "Boss Bai, think about it carefully.

"Our archeology is so developed, so far, apart from those important tombs that have been protected, how many undiscovered and undiscovered tombs are there?

"What's more, the Dasheng Dynasty itself is a dynasty very close to us. If it is a dynasty farther away, such as Yan and Chu, it is possible that some tombs are unknown. Dasheng Dynasty? Absolutely impossible!"

Bai Yuanteng was a little moved.

Is there a setting in "Dark Sand" that does not match the official historical records?This is indeed a good topic that can spark heat and spark controversy.

If they can really take this opportunity to launch a fatal blow to "Dark Sand", then their entire entertainment group can take advantage of this and gain great popularity and benefits!
Of course, there are also risks, such as being hit hard by relevant departments.

But Su Chengbai's incident has been going on for so long, and nothing happened, which seems to indicate... There is no risk?
Perhaps the relevant departments themselves are doubting and waiting to see the authenticity of the so-called "historical memory" in "The Dark Sand"?
If that's the case, it's lucrative.

After thinking for a long time, Bai Yuanteng finally made a decision: "Okay, then do as you said, Mr. Su! Post on Weibo, we will find a way to cooperate with you!"


in the afternoon.

Du Gang was checking the discussions among the players on the official forum of "Dark Sand" while paying attention to the public opinion about "Dark Sand" on the Internet.

"It's really curly!"

He said with deep emotion.

Every morning at 6 o'clock, the leaderboard of this dungeon of "Fenghou is not my will" will be refreshed, and then you can see that many players who were originally at the top of the list suddenly lost more than a dozen players, or many originally Players at the bottom of the list rushed up.

Until the last moment, no one knows which lucky ones will be selected.

Du Gang, who was unable to participate in this selection, was able to face all this with a relatively relaxed and comfortable attitude.

He was even a little rejoicing, if he hadn't learned the truth about "Dark Sand", he would probably have joined the ranks of the rankings by now.

It must be painful then!

Although everyone's game time is equal, and they all use the time to sleep at night, but some gaps can be widened during the day.

Some players check information, watch strategies, and make plans during the day, and some players have to go to work during the day, which will still open up some gaps.

In this situation, Du Gang can better concentrate on his own work.

I scanned the Internet and found that the public opinion related to "Dark Sand" is still very stable.

At present, the story of "It's a matter of waiting to close the coffin" has set off an upsurge on the Internet. The storyline of the movie itself, several distinctive historical figures, and the wonderful performance of the players in the customs clearance have all aroused netizens. their great attention.

Overall feedback is good.

When the ultimate trial of "Fenghou is not my will" is over and the film is released, it is estimated that there will be another upsurge.

However, at this moment, Du Gang saw that unharmonious voice again.

Su Chengbai!It's him again!
This time, Su Chengbai posted another long Weibo.

"Irrefutable evidence! Exposing the scam of "Dark Sand"! This is not a real historical memory at all! The content of the game does not match the official historical records!"

In this long Weibo, Su Chengbai praised Wang Zongchang for the first time, saying that he is a rare official and famous official, but then changed the subject, citing official historical records that Wang Zongchang was "wrapped in a straw mat". body buried", so there is absolutely no possibility of "received more than a dozen gold objects" reflected in the memory fragments of "Dark Sand".

From this, he said that the content of "The Dark Sand" does not match the official historical records, so why dare to call itself "true historical memory"?
Du Gang was very irritable.


It's not over, is it?
If Bei Chen, the administrator of "Dark Sand", hadn't specifically warned him, Du Gang would have attacked this guy a long time ago.

But there was no way, Bei Chen said he had his own arrangements, and Du Gang had no choice but to respect Bei Chen's opinion.

Du Gang clicked on the comment section of this Weibo to check the reactions of netizens.

 still today

(End of this chapter)

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