My players are all actors

Chapter 133 Burial

Chapter 133 Burial
In the comment area, of course, most of the speeches are just.

"Huh? Isn't this the famous historical inventor Teacher Su? After being silent for so long, Teacher Su finally spoke?"

"Why hasn't Teacher Su posted on Weibo recently, is "Dark Sand" too much fun?"

"Hey, the game "Dark Sands" is so merciful. It's a waste of a clown to give a special visitor status! Why don't you give it to me!"

"But it feels like this guy's mental state has become more unstable? Look at this Weibo, it's obviously written in a state of hysteria."

"I guess it's to pick a thorn in "Dark Sand", to pick a demon, right?"

"What did you say before? The Dasheng Dynasty was a dynasty with no names? No celebrities? Then Wang Zongchang, a civil servant who went into battle to kill the enemy and died for the country, is he considered a celebrity? Now you start to praise him for being buried wrapped in straw mats 'Okay, slapping yourself in the face is not ambiguous at all!"

"After the story of the dungeon of 'Fenghou is not what I want', I didn't expect you to dare to speak! There are no famous generals in the Great Sheng Dynasty? No famous scholars? Then General Deng, Governor Lin, and Wang Jianjun, how do you explain?"

"I'm not letting go of the minutiae. The Dasheng Dynasty originally had pensions for the civil servants and generals who died in battle. It is not impossible to reward more than a dozen gold objects. But it doesn't prove that the imperial court definitely didn't confer rewards! It may also be rewards afterwards!"

But there are also many Su Chengbai supporters.

"Why, "The Dark Sand" used to claim to be a true historical memory, but now there are contents that are inconsistent with the historical records, so it's just so vague?"

"There's nothing wrong with what Teacher Su said."

"It's not the same as the official historical records! Since "Dark Sand" can restore all historical memories, can we also find the tomb of Wang Jianjun? If we can really dig out more than a dozen pieces of gold, then I will believe it!"

"How is it possible? This game is just using history as a gimmick. Anyway, I think many places in this game are not very real, and most of them are bragging."

Although the righteous netizens clearly have the upper hand, there are also a lot of people who mess around.

There are not many people like Su Chengbai, and the reasons for this are complicated. Everyone's situation may be different, but their crooked buttocks are very similar.

Coupled with Endo Entertainment's support behind the scenes, and the deliberate use of trolls and other means to hype, this quickly became a hot topic!
It's just that no matter how the two sides argued, the official of "Dark Sands" remained silent and did not say a word.

Many netizens who supported Su Chengbai took the opportunity to ridicule him.

Why didn't you dare to respond?Are you rummaging through some unofficial history, looking for evidence for a reward that doesn't exist at all?
The heat ferments quickly.

Finally, just when everyone thought that the "Dark Sand" official was going to play dead to the end, the official sent a message.

This message is very simple, only a few words, but the amount of information is very large.

Because this is a very accurate place name!

"The back mountain of Wangzhuang, Linjiadu Village, Canghe Town, Binhai City"!

Just over an hour later, some players have already arrived at this remote mountain village.

Although there are not many internal beta players of "Dark Sand", it generally shows that Tiandu City is the main player, and players from other domestic cities are also involved, so there are naturally many players in Binhai City.

It was approaching evening at this time, and there were only two or three hours left before the sun set, but it still couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the players.

Many players drove here from nearby, making this remote mountain village very lively.

Li Weiyi once again confirmed his position from the perspective of positioning. Seeing that the road inside the village entrance became narrow, it was difficult to enter the SUV he was driving, so he got out of the car.

This place is indeed a bit remote, and the mobile phone signal is weak.

Soon, several other cars arrived, and the players greeted each other.

Because they are all players from around Binhai City, and some of them have participated in the offline activities of the monster invasion together, so they got to know each other very quickly.

Everyone's goals are pretty much the same.

I just want to know what is on this back mountain!
The official of "Dark Sand" will never post an inexplicable location for everyone to play for no reason. This place definitely has some special circumstances that have not been discovered yet.It could be a burial, it could be some kind of relic.

Maybe there is a stone hammer to beat Su Chengbai to death!

Of course, most people are still skeptical about this, and Su Chengbai just doubted it, and the "Dark Sand" official immediately found an ancient tomb through historical memory, right?

That's a little outrageous.

But anyway, everyone is still full of expectations.

Wangzhuang is a small village, and there are not many villagers. The arrival of the players also caused some commotion.

Li Weiyi stepped forward, paid some money and hired two villagers as guides, and wanted to go to the back mountain to have a look.

In fact, the so-called back mountain itself is not a very steep place, it is just a small slope, and it doesn't even matter if you don't need a guide.It's just that Li Weiyi and the others hired two villagers to lead the way just in case.

Of course, the two villagers were very happy to get some extra income, but after hearing their intentions, they shook their heads.

Tomb?Absolutely impossible!

Although few people usually go to this mountain, there should not be any tombs.If it really existed, it would have been discovered long ago, and it is impossible to wait until now.

But under the insistence of Li Weiyi and others, everyone climbed up the small hill before the sun set.

Several other villagers also came with them. They also brought some tools, saying that they just took this opportunity to dig some stones from the back mountain to renovate the cowshed at home.

Soon, the players began to explore independently on the mountain.

This small slope was not big, but it was considered a hill after all, so everyone dispersed, looking for any places that might be tombs or relics.

Although they all brought all kinds of emergency equipment and lights, everyone only had less than two hours. Once the sun goes down, it will be a little unsafe. It is best to go down the mountain to rest for a night and come back tomorrow.

Li Weiyi looked around and found that the mountain was indeed bare. Except for weeds and various rocks, there was indeed no trace of any tombs at all.

"Could it be that...the location given by the government is not a tomb? Rather, it is a place where gold artifacts are buried?
"Then it will be troublesome to find it. Maybe you have to dig the whole mountain three feet to find it."

Li Weiyi couldn't help but also had some doubts about this. It wasn't that he suspected that the officials were deceiving people. The key point was that the officials didn't say that there were tombs in this place. What if it was something else?Then relying on these players alone, they must not be found.

However, at this moment, a villager who was digging stones shouted in surprise: "Hey? Look, what is this!"

When everyone heard the words, they rushed over.

The villager had already dug some suitable stones to go back to repair the cowshed, and the stones were packed in the back basket.But under the gravel he dug up, there was a stone slab that looked fairly flat!
The stone slab was pressed under a lot of gravel, and the gravel was covered with weeds. If the villager hadn't just dug up the gravel, he really wouldn't have noticed it.

Li Weiyi hurriedly leaned over, wiped off the dirt on the slate, and then carefully read the writing on it.

There are characters and patterns on this stone slab, all written in ancient characters, and there are still a few damages, but the key handwriting can still be seen clearly.

"Tomb of Wang Zongchang"!
Li Weiyi couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's really a tomb! It's really Wang Zongchang's tomb!"

The players at the scene couldn't help but burst into excitement!
"Fuck! Is there really a tomb?"

"It's really Wang Zongchang? Are you reading it right?"

"The slate looks like it's been around for ages."

Everyone gathered around this stele to take pictures, feeling the excitement of discovering the dusty history!
Just then, there was another sound of footsteps.

A group of people arrived hurriedly.

"Should it be this?"

The leader, a middle-aged man, wore glasses and looked a little pedantic. When he saw everyone on the mountain, he was stunned: "You are..."

Li Weiyi introduced: "Oh, we are all "Dark Sand" players."

The middle-aged man came to a sudden: "That's it! We are all from the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau, these are a few experts. We received an order from our superiors that there may be tombs here, let us explore and carry out protective excavations.

"Hurry up all the way, for fear that the news will spread and the lawbreakers will get there first.

"But since you are players of "Dark Sand", then you'll be fine!"

The players suddenly realized that it was the experts from the Bureau of Cultural Relics who had arrived!

Then you can rest assured.

But this also makes everyone look forward to it, because with the discovery of Wang Zongchang's tomb, maybe many unsolved mysteries in history will be solved logically!
(End of this chapter)

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