My players are all actors

Chapter 141 Misleading

Chapter 141 Misleading
Of course, there was a reason for Meng Yuan to do this.

In order to play the role of the emperor well, Meng Yuan took two talent skills for acting like Su Xianjun before, one can improve his acting skills and expression control ability, and the other is to make his every move closer to the emperor.

As for the third talent, he took it quite special.

[Xin. Demonic retreat (golden): When the character you play is tampered with by demons, not only can you completely shield the influence of demons, but also cause backlash against demons after the history slice is breached. 】

As a card sequencer, Meng Yuan can perceive far more things than other players.

Shortly after entering the history slice, Meng Yuan already sensed the existence of this monster, and knew that it was observing every move of the players.

Just like now, the monster is staring at him and Chu Ge, as if hesitating.

And which character the monster chooses to tamper with in the end may determine whether it can successfully break through this trial illusion.

After the players entered, the development of the historical slice has actually changed, so the monster is also very likely to choose other characters to tamper with, making the development of the slice uncontrollable.

Although other players also have the power of the orderer, and the monsters can resist part of them when they are tampered with, but this time the monsters are stronger after all.

The best result is to let the monster tamper with Meng Yuan himself. While ensuring nothing goes wrong, it can also make the "demon retreat" talent skill take effect and have a weakening effect on the monster.

To achieve this goal, two things must be done: the first is to act like the emperor, so that the demons cannot see that the emperor is actually played by the orderer; the second is to show the emperor as weak as possible It is easy to tamper with, and at the same time, it is enough to have a key impact on the direction of the entire historical slice.

In this episode, the emperor actually only had two or three simple sentences. When playing the role of Governor Lin, the player only needs to prepare two statements in advance and understand that Yan Maoqing should be properly protected when meeting the emperor, and it is enough to pass the level.

But this does not actually reflect the fact that the emperor is easy to tamper with, and at the same time has a major impact on the entire historical slice.

At this time, Meng Yuan wanted to better show the emperor's suspicious and money-greedy character, and let the monsters take the bait.

Meng Yuan looked at Chu Ge, and the majesty of the emperor naturally radiated from the natural skills.

He believed that Chu Ge, as a top player, would definitely be able to understand his intentions and improvise with his best acting skills.

Chu Ge did not disappoint him.

"It's all thanks to His Majesty's sageness, the soldiers of the three armies worked hard, and the local people also sympathized with the court's difficulties and helped to fight against the bandits together. Only then did some victories be achieved."

He has already fully integrated into Lin Xiangmin's role, so even if there was an unexpected direction in the script, he did not panic at all, but responded in a well-regulated manner according to Lin Xiangmin's role positioning.

This answer may not be very brilliant, but it is definitely not wrong.

The emperor played by Meng Yuan changed the subject and his tone became much lower: "However, some people said that you were unable to attack Puning Port for a long time, but let General Deng lead the troops to fight and wipe out many bandits. You are raising your own self-respect, aren't you?"

Chu Ge was surprised: "Your Majesty, I have been doing my best in the southeast, and I have no intention of doing so!"

The emperor played by Meng Yuan leaned forward slightly, his body full of oppression: "In this case, why do you keep asking the court for military funds?"

Chu Ge was a little taken aback, and didn't understand why Meng Yuan asked such a question.

Isn't the lack of military resources the problem facing the southeast?
He hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, the bandits are powerful, and it is true that the frontline military resources are insufficient."

The emperor leaned back slightly: "Is it the lack of military resources? Or is the local government too greedy? You are a practical person, but you don't want to offend others. You are familiar with the greedy people. Now that the military resources for war are insufficient, you can only run away." Come to the capital to ask for military funds, tell me, how did you become the governor?"

Hearing this, Chu Ge's eyes lit up.

He understood Meng Yuan's intentions!
He responded passively to the questions Meng Yuan raised before, but now, when Meng Yuan said "the local government is too greedy for ink", Chu Ge instantly understood.

Meng Yuan is indeed adding drama to himself, but this drama makes sense!
This emperor is a greedy and suspicious emperor, so it seems a bit too simple to let Lin Xiangmin go after simply asking two questions like in the simulated trial before.

In fact, the lack of military resources is not only a problem of the court.

Another very important reason is that the official circles in the southeast are full of ink corruption. Even the governor Lin Xiangmin has been giving gifts and theater troupes to Yan Maoqing. What about other officials?It must be up and down.

In fact, Lin Xiangmin is already considered a hard-core strict party, so the entire southeast is also dominated by strict parties, greedy for ink and money, a little bit.

The lack of military resources is also largely due to the corruption of officials in the southeast.

The emperor asked this question because of three considerations.

First, the emperor was already suspicious. Lin Xiangmin and General Deng failed to attack Puning Port for a long time, but they kept reporting successes and repelling bandit attacks in other places. .

Second, the lack of military funds is indeed due to local corruption, and the money-loving emperor really does not want to allocate extra money, so it is logical to beat Lin Xiangmin, the governor.

The third and most important point is that the emperor actually had the idea of ​​killing the Yan Party at this time, so he also took this opportunity to test and beat Lin Xiangmin, and gave the topic of "the Yan Party in the southeast is seriously corrupt with ink". I want to see Will Lin Xiangmin turn against him?

Chu Ge is worthy of being an excellent representative of literati players. He quickly reacted, bowed his head and said: "I am not a talent for enforcing the frontier. I am corrupt in the officialdom. As the governor, I cannot escape the crime of neglect. After the bandits are wiped out, I will resign and go back to my hometown." .”

The face of the emperor played by Meng Yuan sank: "Don't use resignation as an excuse, I'm not so stupid yet..."

The two of you talked to each other, pretending to be monarchs and ministers to confront each other.


At this moment, the black smoke in the air was rolling, revealing a feeling of joy.

The dialogue between the monarch and his ministers was seen by the demon.

Originally, the demon just wanted to keep staring at Lin Xiangmin, and finally decided whether to tamper with him or Wang Zongchang, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered that tampering with the emperor seemed to be a very good choice!

Judging from the dialogue between the emperor and Lin Xiangmin, the emperor is obviously a greedy and suspicious person.

It was obviously quite reluctant to give military funds in the end, and it was only after Lin Xiangmin exhausted all his tricks and made the entire cabinet present a delicate balance that he won the opportunity to go to Beijing to face the saint.

So... what if the emperor is tampered with?
The emperor himself is not a wise king who loves the people like a son, and he will not have the protection of righteousness like General Deng.Moreover, slightly tampering with some results, so that the emperor did not issue military funds for various reasons, basically conforms to the emperor's character, which is very confusing and not easy to be detected.

In the original dialogue, the emperor said too little and his personality was not obvious, so after considering it, the demon finally tampered with Wang Zongchang's safer choice.

But now, the emperor's character was perfectly displayed, which made the demon change his mind.

It continued to observe the emperor's subtle expressions and movements, and made the final decision.

But in the end, it didn't see any flaws.

A wisp of black air that was almost invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people floated from the air, and penetrated into the emperor's body without anyone noticing.

(End of this chapter)

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