My players are all actors

Chapter 142 Raiders

Chapter 142 Raiders
The white mist gradually dissipated, and the entire historical slice continued to move forward.

The demon floating in the air looked confidently at Puning Port and Nanhe City.

This slice of history is gradually coming to an end, and the Battle of Port Buning will determine the final outcome.

The demon is very confident.

Because it knows that after tampering with the emperor, the direction of the entire historical slice will almost certainly be reversed.The emperor finally changed his mind, which meant that Lin Xiangmin would never get the military funds he wanted!

And without military funds, it means that the war against bandits can only be dragged on forever.

However, as the white mist dissipated and the army under Port Bunin appeared in the sight of the monster, it froze.

The tumbling black air in the sky seemed to have stagnated temporarily, becoming frozen.

Because it saw that the equipment of the Sheng army who was about to attack Puning Harbor had been completely renewed!
Brand-new rattan tags, wolf whisks, and various new firearms have all been installed on every soldier.

This is already a brand new army that has been carefully trained by General Deng, and its combat effectiveness can be seen at a glance!

The demon was puzzled.

What about no military funding?

It instantly realized that there must be a problem in a certain link, and the emperor was not successfully tampered with by himself!

The black smoke in the air was billowing, and the monster had already entered a state of rage, but it was also very clear that it was too late to find out what happened to the emperor, and more importantly, to find a way to make the bandits win. The next battle!
As long as the thieves can win, the direction of this slice of history will still be tampered with and distorted.

As a result, the black mist in the air spread rapidly, and the power of demons shrouded the bandits in Puning Harbor and outside Nanhe City!

As a high-level monster, it is fundamentally different from the previous monsters who "need to close the coffin".

In addition to being able to view the entire historical slice from the perspective of God, it can also directly spread its demonic power to affect all thieves in the slice.

Enhance their fighting power and improve their fighting will!

After failing to tamper with key figures, this is the demon's last fight.

But it is the last fight that is the most dangerous!
Because the thieves' combat power is already strong, and now they have been boosted by monsters, they should not be underestimated.

The black smoke in the air rolled and boiled, as if it was ordering all the thieves, making them think of the Dasheng Dynasty's army to attack crazily!

At this time, the players outside Puning Harbor also felt this change.

Upstairs in the stronghold, arrows and projectiles from the thieves poured down, and many soldiers of the Sheng army were injured.

Zhao Haiping frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "It's strange, these bandits seem to have become stronger in fighting power? They are more accurate in marksmanship and arrows, and their will to fight seems to have become even stronger!"

Fan Cun held up the rattan badge, two arrows had already been inserted into his body, but with the protection of the armor, it was not a big problem.

"It doesn't matter, let's go in recklessly! We must quickly capture Puning Port, and there is no room for loss in Nanhe City!" Fan Cun's idea is relatively simple, just one word, reckless!

After obtaining the golden fighting talent, his IQ seems to have a further downward trend.

Zhao Haiping shook his head: "It's not good to fight like this! Attacking the main gate by force will cause too much loss. You can see that General Deng is also thinking about it."

Fan Cun held up the rattan shield to protect himself, a little annoyed: "Then what should I do?"

Li Hongyun had a flash of inspiration: "So, Fan Cun, you continue to lead people to attack the main gate, and Zhao Haiping and I will try to sneak into Puning Harbor from other directions as surprise soldiers, how about it?"

After the thieves' combat effectiveness and fighting will have been fully enhanced, storming the main entrance has become an irrational behavior.

If they successfully invaded Puning Port, then the Sheng army could use wolf sticks and muskets to achieve an exaggerated battle loss ratio and sweep away the thieves.

But before breaking through the gate of Puning Port, the thieves were condescending and kept shooting with muskets and bows. There was only one narrow passage through the gate, so a rash attack would inevitably lead to heavy losses.

What's more, once you can't attack for a long time and your morale is frustrated, things will become more difficult.

That's why Li Hongyun thought of a plan to sneak in from other directions.

Zhao Haiping thought for a while: "It is possible! I will report to General Deng right away!"


At the same time, Nanhe City.

The thieves outside the city are like black clouds pressing down on the city, gradually approaching.

Lu Heng, who played Wang Zongchang, stood on the city wall and looked at the bandits who were about to attack the city.

He had already tied General Liu Ji to the city wall for the first time. At the same time, he had opened the armory, gathered the remnants of the soldiers and the people in the city, and asked the people to put on armor and climb up the city wall.

According to the standard solution in the previous trial illusion, this move can at least buy nearly an hour.

When the thieves saw so many soldiers in full armor on the city wall, they would naturally feel afraid and dare not attack rashly.

For the defense of Nanhe City, time is life.

But this time the thieves are a little different.

They didn't hesitate for too long, but after just two quarters of an hour, they had already started to try to launch an attack!
Lu Heng's expression couldn't help becoming serious.

Xia Ruoling, who was dressed as a commoner, stood beside Lu Heng and said, "I will assassinate the elite bandits in the city to buy you time.

"But no matter what, the first target of the thieves will definitely be you, you have to be careful. The fighting power of these thieves seems to be stronger than in the previous regular trial illusion."

Lu Heng nodded: "Don't worry, what I got is combat talent.

"Also, trust Zhao Haiping and Fan Cun."

Xia Ruoling nodded, turned around and quickly left the city wall to ambush in the city.

According to the previous experience of routinely testing the illusion, Wang Zongchang will always fight to the death on the city wall.The thieves climbed the city walls and attacked the city gates at the same time.

Wang Zongchang was finally killed when the city gate was breached and bandits entered the city and attacked from both sides.

Therefore, ambushing bandits in the city can also greatly delay their progress.

For Lu Heng and Xia Ruoling, their task is very simple, that is to persevere as much as possible until the reinforcements arrive!


In the sky, black smoke billowed.

The tampering didn't seem to work, which angered the demon, but that didn't mean he didn't have a chance.

As long as these thieves are strong enough to fight, and as long as Sheng Jun makes some mistakes in the battle, the final victory will still belong to the monsters.

Looking down at Puning Port and Nanhe City from a high altitude, seeing the difficulty of the Sheng army's battle, the demon was even more sure of this.

But at this moment, it noticed that the two inconspicuous lieutenants actually left Sheng Jun's main force and began to climb the steep slopes on both sides of Bunning Port with difficulty!
Puning Port itself is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the terrain is dangerous. There is only a narrow pass in the middle, which is blocked by wooden villages.

But the mountains on both sides are not cliffs. Although the slope is very steep and difficult for large troops to climb, it is not difficult for players like Li Hongyun and Zhao Haiping.

Due to their excellent performance in the first stage, they are all lieutenants at this time.

Not only are they of excellent physical fitness, they are also equipped with excellent equipment.

Zhao Haiping's equipment included a special round rattan shield, a new waist knife improved by General Deng, an excellent barbarian knife seized from bandits, a Zhenyuan bow and more than a dozen arrows.

The equipment on Li Hongyun's body consisted of seven or eight short spears for throwing, three new-style blunderbusses of the Sheng army, and dozens of musket pellets.

As for close-up weapons, Li Hongyun only brought a waist knife.

The reason why you need to bring three muskets is because the musket technology is not so advanced at this time, there will be some gunpowder left in the chamber, and it will become difficult to use after a certain number of bullets are fired, and the bullets may not be fired or even exploded. The condition of the chamber.

Therefore, Li Hongyun simply carried three muskets on his back to prevent this embarrassing situation as much as possible.

As for the short spears, they were prepared to prevent the muskets from being too late to reload when the enemy approached.

When he cleared this trial illusion for the first time, Li Hongyun didn't know how to use a musket, so he had to wait for the musketeers in the army to reload it before taking it over and shooting.

But now, after repeated learning and practice, his musket loading skills have become very proficient, even faster than ordinary musketeers.

After all, with the blessing of good luck, the right amount of gunpowder can be filled in every time, which is a huge improvement in the loading speed.

After some twists and turns, the two finally climbed to the middle of the mountain.

And their goal is also very clear, those thieves in the stronghold!
As long as the thieves on the Zhailou who kept shooting Sheng Jun with bows, arrows and muskets are cleared away, Sheng Jun can drive straight in and take Puning Port!

(End of this chapter)

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