My players are all actors

Chapter 167 There is no chicken crowing

Chapter 167

In the sequencer space, Zhao Haiping is also ready to enter this new trial copy.

Although the copy of the cavalry trial has not been cleared and the riding skills have not been obtained, Zhao Haiping decided to let it go.

On the one hand, it was because he was making good progress in the cavalry dungeon, and it was only a matter of time before he cleared the level; on the other hand, it was because he wanted to see the situation of this new dungeon.

Everyone has guessed that the dungeon of "Heroic Bravery" is the exclusive dungeon of the founding emperor of the Dasheng Dynasty.

According to the previous update announcement of the new version, this dungeon has a single protagonist, and the difficulty is the highest difficulty in the entire Dasheng Dynasty.

In other words, players of any identity and profession will play the role of Taizu Sheng after entering.

But the update announcement also said that this dungeon is divided into different stages, allowing players to freely form teams and conquer different stages separately. The final ranking is based on the team's clearance score.

Many players have speculated that this may be because the difficulty of the dungeon is too high, so they must play in stages.

Sheng Taizu's life journey started with a bowl and ended with rebuilding China.Throughout the process, too much has been left in the history books.

In different historical periods, the challenges he faced were completely different.When I was young, I faced survival challenges. Later, when I joined the rebel army and pacified the Northern Man, I faced military challenges. In my later years, I faced the challenges of political, economic, and institutional innovation in governing the country.

Players are basically partial and serious, even if there are all-round talents, they are very few.

It is obviously too difficult for a player to complete all these challenges.

Therefore, players can freely form teams, freely conquer different historical stages, and rank according to team scores.

It's just that players have some differences on the point of "freely conquering different historical stages".

For example, you play the role of Sheng Taizu when you were young, and I play the role of Sheng Taizu when you were young.As a result, you did not operate properly and starved to death, so what should I do?
These specific rules are not yet clear.

Therefore, Zhao Haiping intends to check the situation first, especially if he needs to form a team, he must find a reliable team as soon as possible and go to the rankings.

After all, the higher-ranked teams in this customs clearance can get more resources and higher positions in the next Sequencer expedition.


In the space of the sorter, the space-time turbulence continues to roll.

The long river representing the historical line continues to extend into the distance, and in front of the dungeon of "Fenghou is not my will", a new dungeon of "Heroism with Reckless Mind" appears.

This time, the extension was longer than last time, and some kind of obstacle loomed ahead.

It's a bit like a dark and turbid barrier, temporarily blocking the continuous upward tracing of the long river of history.

This shows that the front line of the battle between the sequencer and the monster is temporarily stuck here, and only by cracking the copy of "Heroism with Brash Heart" can we continue to break through.

The dungeon of "Heroic Brashness" is like a shining star in the sky. As the main star, it plays a vital role in the entire constellation.

Zhao Haiping took a deep breath and stepped into the illusion of trial.

Then, he appears in a brand new initial scene.

This is a wilderness.

As far as the eye can see, the earth is cracked, and the cracks on the yellow earth are criss-crossing.There is no grass, no trees, only holes left by digging grass roots and dead trees stripped of bark.

In the village not far away, there were no signs of living people walking, only a few skinny corpses lying on the side of the street, flies and insects flying around.

Such a scene made Zhao Haiping naturally think of a few lines of poems.

The bones of the dead are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles; one hundred people are left behind, and the thought of it breaks the heart!

This is clearly the scene after the drought.

But not long after, the scene in front of him changed again.

Still the same spot, but this time, a puff of black smoke drifted from afar.

It wasn't until the cloud of black smoke got closer that Zhao Haiping realized that it wasn't black smoke at all, but locusts overwhelming the sky.

These locusts are like a sandstorm, devouring all the animals and plants that can be seen in the field of vision.

Soon, they flew away again.

Immediately afterwards, there was a flood, and the muddy flood swept everything in an instant, turning everything around into a flood country, and the people in the village continued to sink and sink with the flood, and finally disappeared from Zhao Haiping's vision.

Zhao Haiping has not formally started to test the illusion, so he is equivalent to seeing all this from the perspective of God.

Only after seeing this cruel scene will one understand that the "catastrophe and people eating each other" recorded in the history books is definitely not an exaggerated statement, but an extremely true record.

An identity card appeared in front of Zhao Haiping.

The style of these cards is the same as the identity cards in the previous two trial illusions. They are exquisitely shaped, with reliefs of different identities on them.

There are four identity cards in total, namely [Beggar], [Rebel Army], [Commander], and [Emperor].

It can be seen that the protagonists on these four identity cards are all the same person, with a square face, broad forehead, and a majestic appearance, with a domineering aura that is not angry and majestic.

But the appearance details of different identities are different.

For example, the portrait of the beggar is clearly the youngest, and is ragged.

The ages of the four identity cards increase sequentially, from the beggar's teens all the way to the emperor's 70 years old, the difference is obvious.

It's just that this time the identity card is not directly selected with one click, but there is an additional avatar field under each card, which means that each player can only play one of the identities.

When Zhao Haiping was considering how to choose, a new dialog box popped up in front of him.

[Player Chu Ge invited you to join the team, do you agree? 】

Zhao Haiping couldn't help feeling refreshed.

Chu Ge?That's fine!
Just thinking about which strong teammates to find, strong teammates automatically came to the door.

Click OK now.

After a while, three figures appeared in front of Zhao Haiping.

Zhao Haiping found out that he knew them all, namely Chu Ge, Lu Heng and Huo Yunying.

Not much to say about Chu Ge and Huo Yunying. Among them, Lu Heng played Wang Zongchang in the copy of "Feng Hou Is Not My Will". He performed well as a combat scribe, and his unlimited fighting skills left a deep impression on everyone.

"OK, this way we'll be all together!
"Our team configuration is perfect." Chu Ge said with satisfaction.

Zhao Haiping was a little surprised: "Hey, didn't you form a team with Li Hongyun?"

Chu Ge chuckled: "Who wants to form a team with that kind of dog Ouhuang! The two of us agreed to form teams to open up wasteland, and see who can make the first pass faster. Everyone should perform well. If we lose to him, I will lose face." I can't hang on."

Lu Heng hesitated: "We are both scribes, will it be a bit repetitive? Wouldn't it be better for you to change to an assassin player?"

Chu Ge shook his head: "That's unnecessary.

"Occupation is not particularly important in this dungeon, the key is to complete the mission objectives of different stages.

"The reason why I chose you is because I think you can play a vital role at a certain stage."

Lu Heng froze for a moment: "Oh? Really? Which stage?"

Chu Ge: "Beggar!"

Lu Heng: "..."

Obviously, Lu Heng had two things that left a deep impression on Chu Ge before. One was that he had a high tolerance for pain when he played Wang Zongchang, and the other was that his unlimited fighting skills could break out even when he was weak. A lot of lethality.

Therefore, in Chu Ge's view, the status of beggar must be Lu Heng.

Zhao Haiping asked curiously: "That is to say, you have already arranged these four identities?"

Chu Ge nodded: "Well, I have already considered it.

"Actually, from the images and names of these four identity cards, we can roughly guess the tasks of each stage.

"Needless to mention the two beggars and rebels, although the identity of the commander is somewhat confusing, it is not difficult to guess based on the age that he is the commander and the content of fighting the northern barbarian army.

"Only the identity of the emperor is more confusing.

"Judging from the image on the identity card, this should be the state of Sheng Taizu when he was about 70 years old, that is to say, it has not been a few years since his death. Therefore, the identity of the emperor is mostly a pure puzzle or part of the political struggle.

"In this way, it's easy to assign: Lu Heng will play the beggar, Yunying will play the rebel army, Haiping will play the commander-in-chief, and I will play the emperor."

Everyone nodded: "Well, reasonable."

Although the emperor has the highest status, everyone's goal is to clear the dungeon, and it doesn't matter whether the status is high or not.

What's more, Chu Ge is indeed the best in solving puzzles and political struggles, and it is safest to let him play the emperor.

"Then what does this initial scene mean?" Huo Yunying asked.

(End of this chapter)

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