Chapter 168
The initial scene has a very important meaning in the trial copy.

It is not only an initial interface for identity selection, but also contains some information.

For example, the initial scene of "It's decided to wait for the coffin to be closed" is on the city wall of the county seat, while the initial scene of "Fenghou is not my will" is in Lin Xiangmin's governor's office.

They all played a very critical role in series connection to the plot of the entire dungeon.

Although analyzing the initial scene may not be of great help to cracking the dungeon, it can to a certain extent allow players to grasp some core elements of the dungeon earlier.

Chu Ge said: "This initial scene is very simple, and it should represent the general status quo of that era at that time.

"Sheng Taizu lived in a special place, and he experienced many catastrophes in his youth.

"Including drought, locust plague, plague, and later the flood that caused chaos in the world.

"These natural disasters were extremely deadly to all farmers at the time.

"Just as shown in this copy, during the drought, the land is dry and the vegetation dies; during the locust plague, the locusts cover the sky and eat everything; when the plague breaks out, ten rooms are empty, and the village is full of dead bodies But when the flood came, the Yellow River changed its course, thousands of miles were reduced to Zeguo, and countless people were washed away by the flood and buried in the belly of fish.

"And the land as the initial scene is the witness of all this, witnessing the ups and downs of countless farmers with tragic fate, struggling to make a living on this land."

The other three were silent.

Good guy.

I thought that the scenes of drought, locust plague, plague, flood, etc. that appeared in this initial scene were just an exaggerated expression technique, which concentrated on the expression of natural disasters in different places.

But I didn't expect that it was all true, and it all happened in one place.

According to the concept of ordinary people, disasters in different places should be different, such as floods in places with a lot of water, and droughts in places with little water.

But in fact, it is often that after the drought is over, it will be followed by locust disasters, and after the locust disaster is over, it will be followed by floods, which is endless.

There are not a few years when the weather is really good.

Just like money will flow to those who are not short of money, love will flow to those who are not short of love, and suffering will find those who can bear it the most.

The hemp rope is only broken from the small places, and bad luck only finds the poor.

The initial scene that players see at this time is the real life scene of Sheng Taizu when he was a teenager.

"Since the identity is determined, let's hurry up and enter the copy to see the specific situation."

Everyone selected their own identity cards.

After the identities were assigned, everyone entered into different periods of this historical slice and began trials.


Chu Ge chose the status of [Emperor], that is, Sheng Taizu in his later years.

After choosing the identity card, the scene around him began to change rapidly.

In the end, everything stopped, and Chu Ge found that he had come to a palace hall.

And in front of him, there are all kinds of memorials, piled up like a mountain.

Three talent cards appeared in front of Chu Ge.

【Ren · hale and hearty (white): You are full of energy and can stay awake even after long hours of work.The effect is doubled in the old state. 】

【Ren·No anger and self-prestige (blue): Your majesty is enhanced, and the opponent is more likely to become flustered in front of you. 】

[Xin. Generous speech (blue): Your speech becomes more contagious and persuasive. 】

The conventional Trial Illusion is indeed not as generous as the Cavalry Trial dungeon, and the talents and skills given are all relatively common talents.

Chu Ge first ruled out the third talent. Obviously, for the emperor, there is not much need to convince anyone.

After hesitating between the first two talents, Chu Ge finally decided to choose "Healthy".

Because he knew very well that at this time he was playing the role of Sheng Taizu in his twilight years. He was already in his seventies and not long before his death.

The average age in ancient times was very low. Even the emperors died at the age of 50 years old.Therefore, Sheng Taizu's 70 years old age is truly "rare in ancient times".

In this state, if you lack energy, you may not be able to do anything.

In comparison, not being angry and self-defense may be useful when interrogating officials, and it is easier to find the opponent's flaws, but the priority is not as high as this.

Chu Ge improved a bit on the "spiritual and hale" talent, and began to practice.

Everything in the Trial Illusion began to work.

There was a little eunuch next to him, serving him personally, and there was no one else besides that.

"What should I do now?
"Could it be... to review the memorial?"

Chu Ge looked at the mountain of memorials in front of him, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The reason why he chose the status of emperor is because he knows very well that this status is probably the most difficult of the four identities.

In terms of age, Taizu Sheng at this time has reached his later years, which is the so-called "twilight hero".And for every hero in his later years, it is the most difficult stage in his life.

There are too many unfinished things to do, and too many Xiao Xiao will take the opportunity to create chaos.

In terms of identity, it is much more difficult to rule the world than to fight the world.

The status of the emperor played by Chu Ge is definitely not about enjoying pleasure and enjoying the rewards, but the most dangerous last stick.

"At present, it seems that there is no necessary linear connection between different stages.

"That is to say, regardless of whether the first three people have cleared the level or not, I can continue the fourth stage of the game normally.

"However, it cannot be ruled out that if the first three perform well, it will improve the opening situation of the fourth stage.

“Let’s focus on this part of ourselves first.

"Review the memorial.

"It's definitely not an easy job if you look at it historically.

"I don't know if I can stand it..."

As a student of the history department, Chu Ge was of course not idle during this time, and has been preparing historical materials related to Sheng Taizu.

There are clear records in history about the memorial.

Sheng Taizu once reviewed 100 more than 400 memorials in eight days, which involved 20 more than 400 things.If each memorial is calculated at [-] words, he has to review more than [-] words and deal with more than [-] things every day on average.

Of course, it is not necessary to reply to all these memorials in great detail, some of them can be handed over to the Sixth Ministry for processing, and a few important matters need to be approved in detail.

Moreover, there is no need to engage in too much red tape when replying. Sheng Taizu liked to use vernacular to approve memorials or issue imperial edicts.

For example, in the early years of the Dasheng Dynasty, Dongyi thieves also occasionally invaded. Sheng Taizu issued a very simple imperial decree to the soldiers and civilians in the southeast: "Following the heavens, the emperor said: Tell the people (everyone), prepare your knives, these guys come here." Let’s talk about it after killing it. This is it!”

What's more, the game "Dark Sands" itself has an auxiliary mechanism, just as players don't need to imitate the ancients when they talk to the ancients, and naturally there is no need to approve the memorials in the same way as the ancients.

As long as you get it right, the game mechanics themselves will correct themselves.

So for Chu Ge, the matter of approving memorials is actually not too difficult.

The key is to identify and filter out some key information from such a massive amount of information.

Take one copy from the pile of memorials and start reviewing.

After flipping through it, Chu Ge found that the contents of the memorial were quite clear, and things were explained more clearly.Moreover, the more difficult and difficult parts of the memorial will be automatically transformed into modern vernacular or expository texts and appear in his mind, which undoubtedly further reduces the difficulty.

This is also reasonable, after all, there are not many players like Chu Ge.

If those players who haven't studied historical materials or even know too many traditional characters challenge this level, wouldn't they have no possibility of passing the level at all?Definitely need to add some auxiliary measures.

It was only by the third book that I started to feel a little irritated.

Write a thousand words, digress thousands of miles, even trivial things have to be said over and over again.

This reminded Chu Ge of an interesting incident in the previous Dasheng Dynasty.

Once a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Punishments gave a memorial. Sheng Taizu read more than 6000 characters and still didn’t understand why, and it was all empty talk; thing.

And these five things can basically be explained clearly in five hundred words.

So Sheng Taizu was furious, and directly called the official to beat him up on the spot, and warned all other officials that the future memorials could only state the facts and not engage in these red tapes.

As a result, the atmosphere in the entire officialdom was cleared up.

Chu Ge used to read this story as a joke, but now when it was his turn, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The memorial he read was already in the state after the purge.It is really hard to imagine how long-winded and disturbing the memorials Sheng Taizu had seen before were.

Soon, the sky darkened, and I could only read at night with a lamp.

The little eunuch who waited on him was obviously very used to this state, and waited quietly beside him.

Chu Ge was dizzy from the end, with stars in front of his eyes, and finally finished approving all these memorials.

As a result, just as he was about to stand up and move around, everything in front of him changed rapidly.

There is a new pile of memorials.

It looks like a new day has arrived.

Chu Ge froze and remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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