Chapter 170

Is it difficult to achieve 230 years of Guozuo?
It's hard to say.

If you look at the Guozuo of the Dasheng Dynasty, there are nearly 300 years.

230 years of Guozuo can only be regarded as a passing grade.

Moreover, there have been many foolish and mediocre kings in the past dynasties of the Dasheng Dynasty, and there has been no lack of tossing around.

So as long as mistakes are avoided, achieving 230 years of Guozuo does not seem to be a particularly outrageous task.

But what about horizontal comparisons?

Not to mention the special dynasties in ancient times. Since entering the feudal era, there has never been a single unified dynasty in history with a life span of more than 300 years.

Even those who can live to 200 years are a minority.

Many dynasties only need a few decades from establishment to demise.

Judging from the results, the Dasheng Dynasty has enjoyed nearly 300 years of Guozuo, which is already very good. The founding emperor Sheng Taizu must have done a lot of correct things to give such an answer.

And there is another difficulty in this dungeon, that is, you can't copy the answers casually.

Many of Sheng Taizu's strategies for governing the country can be found from historical records.

But the system prompts that some cases may be plausible.

Therefore, you can't completely copy the standard answer of Sheng Taizu in history, but use your own brain to analyze and deal with it.

If it is those players who don't know much about history, they probably have quit the dungeon at this time and are ready to change their identities.

But for Chu Ge, this kind of game content is what he looks forward to most.

Thinking of this, he found out all the memorials related to the North and South List case, and began to read them carefully.

At the same time, combined with the historical knowledge and related memories I had consulted before entering the dungeon, I started to analyze it.


It is actually very simple to briefly summarize the history of the North and South List cases.

At that time, it had been nearly 30 years since the founding of the Dasheng Dynasty, and the imperial examination system had been running smoothly for more than [-] years.

During this year, Taizu Sheng invited Zheng Sansheng, an eighty-year-old Hanlin scholar, as the examiner.

It can be seen from the name that the name of the chief examiner comes from "Three Examinations of Myself". At that time, he could be regarded as a highly respected Confucian. The relevant laws and regulations of the DPRK are also related to him.

It can be said that Sheng Taizu chose him as the chief examiner at that time, and no one in the court refused to accept him.

But after several days of examinations and a very strict marking procedure, the spring list was released, and all the students admitted were from the south, so it was also nicknamed the southern list.

So the northern students blocked the way to complain, and went to the Ministry of Rites to beat drums and complain.

Sheng Taizu asked for a thorough investigation of the matter, so he ordered the establishment of a special investigation team.The result submitted by Liu Xin, an official headed by the investigation team, is that there is nothing tricky about the admission results this time, and the answer sheets of the northern scholars are too poor to be admitted.

Therefore, Sheng Taizu was completely angry.

He identified all the examiners and assistant examiners as "remnants of treacherous ministers" or "rebels" and punished them severely.Zheng Sansheng, the chief examiner, was exiled to the Northwest because of his old age and frailty, while Liu Xin, the deputy examiner and the investigation team, were directly torn apart.

As for the final result, Sheng Taizu opened another list to supplement the enrollment of northern scholars, which is the so-called northern list.

But Sheng Taizu passed away soon, and in the following years, all the northern scholars failed again, until a certain emperor finally decided to divide the imperial examination into the north and the south. Forty percent, this ratio was finally determined.


Chu Ge fell into deep thought.

"The South-North List case... Although I haven't studied it in detail, from the mainstream point of view, there is no major problem with Sheng Taizu's handling method.

"In the imperial examinations in the early years of the Great Sheng Dynasty, northern scholars could still account for [-]% of the imperial examinations, but when Taizu Sheng was about to die, none of them could be admitted.

"Although many people have verified that the imperial examinations at that time were very strict and there would be no serious fraud, this ratio itself is already very outrageous.

"It can't be that in the north when the Great Sheng Dynasty was first established, 20% of the scholars could still pass the exam, but after being governed by Taizu Sheng for more than [-] years, none of them could pass the exam, right?
"According to the analysis of the population files at that time, the population of the northern provinces accounted for about [-]% of the population, so [-]% to [-]% of the northern scholars were admitted, and this ratio is more reasonable.

"Even if the economy in the south is more developed and the level of education is higher, it will not dominate the list.

"What's more, there was an outrageous situation in which candidates from a certain province dominated the top seven.

"Although the imperial examination system at that time was relatively complete, and large-scale fraud was unlikely to occur, officials could also use other methods to achieve similar effects to fraud.

"At that time, the capital of the Dasheng Dynasty was in the south, that is to say, the scholars in the south were naturally more likely to get close to the Confucians and the examiners. Their thoughts and ideas in answering the papers must be more in line with the minds of the Confucians. These examiners pay a little attention, maybe You can roughly distinguish the difference between northern and southern scholars.

"Furthermore, the key to this case is not actually the results of the initial Nanbang list, but the fact that after the investigation team investigated, under the circumstances that Taizu Sheng had clearly requested to supplement the recruitment of northern scholars, Liu Xin, the head of the investigation team, still insisted on Said that the admission result was no problem, and insisted on not admitting northern scholars.

"Therefore, it is right to punish these people. If there are obviously tricky things, if you can't find out the tricks, then you can only say that the problem has spread very seriously, and it has even reached the point where it is difficult to deal with it without Thunderbolt's means.

"Since this is the case, the easiest way should be to copy Sheng Taizu's answer. First, ask the establishment of an investigation team to make a supplementary record of the northern scholars. If the supplementary record is made, then this matter will be exposed for the time being. If there is still no supplementary record, then we can only severely punish... …

"But there are two problems with doing that.

"The system reminded that there may be deviations between these cases and the historical ones, and I have to judge according to my discretion; moreover, even if I copy correctly this time, the next case may not be so simple.

"So, I have to start with the North and South List case, analyze the situation in the court at that time, and figure out why Taizu Sheng had to deal with it like this at that time, and if it is handled in another way, how many years will it affect Guozuo.

"Only by understanding this can we be prepared for the future."

After thinking about it, Chu Ge decided to take a look at the wrong way of handling it.

The first method is still to let Liu Xin and others set up an investigation team to investigate. After the investigation results come out, maintain the result of not admitting northern scholars to see how many years it will affect Guozuo; , a lighter punishment, such as just dismissal, a fine, and a small number of supplementary recruitment of northern scholars.

Then use the results of these two processing methods to reverse the necessity of Sheng Taizu's method at that time, and then determine the current court situation and other details, so as to prepare for other possible cases that may arise later.


After Chu Ge made up his mind, he entered a special movie perspective, and the subsequent clips flashed in front of him quickly.

First of all, the first method, Sheng Taizu chose to accept the results given by the investigation team and no longer pursue it.

[Dasheng Dynasty enjoys Guozuo: 97 years]

Then came the second method. Sheng Taizu did not accept the results given by the investigation team, but he was given a lighter punishment. Several major officials were only demoted and fined, and more than ten additional northern scholars were recruited to calm the incident.

[Dasheng Dynasty enjoys Guozuo: the second year of 140]

Chu Ge couldn't help falling into silence.

Before he made a decision, he had foreseen in advance that doing so would definitely reduce the Dasheng Dynasty's Guozuo greatly.

It's just that I didn't lose so much!

What surprised him in particular was that the second method actually calmed down the incident at the time, but compared to the first method, it did not extend the country's status too much, and it only extended it by less than 50 years.

Obviously, there is a huge amount of information in it.

 Big update on the 15th, don't forget

(End of this chapter)

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