My players are all actors

Chapter 171 Only kill!

Chapter 171 Only kill!

Returning to the beginning of the North and South List case again, Chu Ge fell into deep thought.

He had known for a long time that such a treatment would have serious consequences, but obviously, his estimation of the consequences was still insufficient.

Originally thought that the impact of this case on Dasheng Chao Guozuo was nothing more than three 50 years.

But I didn't expect that even a relatively moderate and peaceful way of dealing with it would cause Guozuo of the Dasheng Dynasty to be cut in half!
Obviously, this is by no means a simple imperial examination.

If it is just a simple imperial examination, what if it is not recorded?The one-year official reserve is nothing more, even if all of them are not used, it will not have much impact.

Sheng Taizu killed tens of thousands of officials, and the court did not stop.

Therefore, it is clear that this North-South list case involves not only these scholars, but also officials in the court and even some deeper things.

"I remember that during the Qi Dynasty, there was once a scholar who went all the way to the imperial examination. He was deposed in the end, and he couldn't be satisfied, so he went to join the army again, and he was 'doubtful and not used'.

"The reason is also very simple, because he is too ugly and has no strong relationship, so I don't like him.

"So, he defected to the enemy country, beheaded more than [-] troops of the Qi Dynasty in one battle, was worshiped by the enemy country, and even wrote poems to ridicule him.

"Since then, the Qi Dynasty has reformed the imperial examinations. As long as they enter the imperial examination, they can no longer be dismissed, lest they will turn to the enemy because of this.

"Therefore, the imperial examination has never been a matter of selecting a few insignificant officials, it is the only promotion channel for low-level talents, and it is also the most critical link for the whole country to win over talents and win the hearts of the people.

"If there is a problem in this link, it will indeed shake the foundation of the country.

"A deposed talent can turn the Qi Dynasty into such a mess. If Sheng Taizu's imperial examination this year really offended all the talents in the north, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"You know, it's only been a few years since the Beiman retreated beyond the Great Wall. There are many people in the north who are even looking forward to the Beiman's comeback. After all, before the establishment of the Great Sheng Dynasty, the division of various parts of China was unimaginable.

"The north and the south have been separated for more than [-] years, Yanyun has been separated for more than [-] years, and Hexi and other places have been separated for more than [-] years... The differences between these places are unimaginable.

"In some places, they have been separated for only a few decades, and they have been separated for hundreds of years. In fact, there is little left to identify with each other as the same nation.

"And Sheng Taizu spent his whole life trying to bridge this gap again.

"At this time, seeing that a group of bureaucrats are working together to push the entire north towards the northern barbarians, of course, they are outraged.

"So, from a national point of view, it is very necessary to set up the north and south rankings to select scholars separately.

"It's just that it takes at least ten years of planning and regulation to set up the North and South List. Taizu Sheng is now seventy years old and doesn't have that much energy.

"He can only be severely punished. After all, he is still alive and these officials have already dared to put their noses in the face. After his death, there may be some troubles..."

Chu Ge has a clearer understanding of why the North and South List case is so important.

But he still didn't understand why he must be punished strictly and severely?Why must several major officials be exiled or even broken?

Why can't it be fined and demoted?
Chu Ge frowned and continued to analyze.

"As I analyzed before, Taizu Sheng will not live long at this time, and in history he will pass away in less than two years.

"Besides, it is impossible for Sheng Taizu to predict his own death date. There are so many emperors who died in 50 years old in history. He is already over [-] years old. It can be said that every day passes, he is waiting for the king of hell to accept him. It is a gift from God to be able to live one more day.

"So, why do these officials dare to stick their noses in the face?
"First, Zheng Sansheng, the chief examiner, found out the established fact that all the northern scholars had failed; then Sheng Taizu asked Liu Xin and others to set up an investigation team to investigate, and also hinted that they should recruit additional northern scholars, but the results of their investigation were still the same. He didn't change it at all, and even deliberately showed the poor answer sheets of some northern scholars to Taizu Sheng...

"Don't they know that Taizu Sheng is a very murderous emperor?
"Singing against the emperor at the risk of your life, why?
"For the fairness and justice of the imperial examination? That is obviously impossible.

"There are only two possibilities. First, they have huge interests behind this move, and they are willing to take risks for their own interests; second, they have a fluke mentality, thinking that they may die after a trial.

"I just didn't expect the [-]-year-old Sheng Taizu to still be able to carry a knife, he was not used to it at all, he died as soon as he tried it.

"So, the key question at this time is: what are the huge benefits they are seeking? Why is it that simple demotions and fines are still unable to punish their ambitions and continue the state for the great prosperity?
"Why do you have to kill so many people to stop this trend?"

The answer is not difficult, so Chu Ge thought of it almost instantly.

"that power.

"They want to wrest power from the emperor.

"The ultimate goal of every civil servant is to evade the emperor and become an uncrowned king. And the entire bureaucratic system is actually trying to hide the truth from the emperor all the time to seek benefits for itself.

"The way Sheng Taizu handled this matter will give these bureaucrats and gentry feedback a specific message.

"Sheng Taizu is very old, he is not far from death, and his physical strength, energy and even judgment are not as good as before.

"So, if Taizu Sheng didn't say anything and let this matter go by like this, it means that Taizu Sheng didn't have any energy to deal with these matters.

"If you can't even deal with such an important matter, what about other things? Don't you have no energy to deal with it at all?
"At that time, officials will be free to act boldly.

"Even after the new king ascends the throne, it is logical to make this matter an 'ancestral rule'.

"They will say, back then, when the Emperor Taizu only recorded scholars from the south, it shows that Taizu acquiesced. So what if these civil servants continue to only record scholars from the south after the new emperor succeeds to the throne? It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"At that time, I'm afraid they will only get worse. With more and more scholars in the south, all parties in the court are controlled by specific groups of people. It's hard to say whether future emperors can suppress them.

"What if Taizu Sheng was only demoted and fined?

"In fact, the result is not too different. Officials still think that Taizu can no longer lift a knife. Such a serious matter is just a demotion and fine. Then we will do some relatively minor things in the future, don't we just do it casually?
"After all, the emperor is old and feeble, so he may not be able to find out; even if he finds out, it will be nothing more than a demotion and a salary, and the punishment is completely out of proportion to the benefit.

"If Taizu Sheng lived 30 years longer, then he could be given a lighter punishment. Anyway, there is still enough time to change the whole system and fix the admission ratio of the north and south rankings.

"But he's running out of time, he could die at any moment, and once he's dead, the way this is handled becomes a clear signal.

"So, just kill!

"Because only by massacres can these officials be feared, and can they leave a clear signal to future emperors that the imperial examination must be taken from both the north and the south.

"It is unavoidable for officials to try to control the imperial examinations and continue to cultivate their own party members. It will be difficult to recover in the middle and late stages. But Sheng Taizu's approach, at least in the early days of the dynasty, stopped this unhealthy trend as much as possible. It is possible to extend the Dasheng Dynasty's Guozuo."

Thinking of this, Chu Ge couldn't help sighing.

Sure enough, there are deep reasons behind the actions of those heroes in history.

Many people said that Sheng Taizu killed a few great Confucian scholars on the basis of the Nanbeibang case, which seemed so heinous, but in fact, the actual consequences of what these people did and the actual consequences, just beheading is considered light.

He took the memorial and wrote a word on it.


Indeed, there is no other way but to kill.

After going around in a circle, he returned to the standard answer given by Sheng Taizu.

Of course, this does not mean that his analysis is meaningless.

Because this is only the first problem encountered by Sheng Taizu, who plays the role of emperor, and there are more problems waiting for him after that.Analyzing this topic is very helpful for solving problems later.

Chu Ge calmed down a little, and continued to analyze the next case.

(End of this chapter)

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