My players are all actors

Chapter 184 Clearing the Cavalry Trial!

Chapter 184 Clearing the Cavalry Trial!

It worked!
Zhao Haiping was excited, and his confidence in clearing the trial illusion was a little more.

This is a style of play that he thought of for a long time before, but he did not expect that the first attempt would yield very good results.

Back to the horse gun, common in many ancient records, has also been repeatedly interpreted in various literary stories such as storytelling or story books.

It seems that it has become synonymous with the ancient famous generals such as "killing mace".

And in the spear technique that has been passed down to modern times, there is also a specific movement of "returning the carbine".

Zhao Haiping once saw an old man who was proficient in spearmanship use a carbine in a movie, and it was indeed outstanding in terms of practicality and appreciation.

It's just that the return of the carbine in foot combat, in addition to the series of movements of pushing forward with the right hand, raising the left hand, and flying the tip of the spear over the shoulder, there is also an additional movement of kicking and turning to make the return of the carbine stronger.

And if it's a horse fight, you can't kick your legs and twist your body, and your body can only twist to the side. In terms of lethality, it will be slightly weaker.

But the action of returning the carbine does have some special meaning on horseback.

Especially in horse battles without stirrups, it is indeed a big killer.

The reason why he wanted to study the way of returning to the carbine is because Zhao Haiping had previously experienced that when two horses collided, he would be knocked off the horse when he stabbed the enemy.

As we all know, the effect of force is mutual.

Two generals are riding horses to hedge against each other. In the era when there were no stirrups, they could only rely on the friction force of their legs to clamp the horse's belly to ensure that they would not fall off the horse.In the case of a horse running fast, this reaction force will reach many times the general's own weight, and it is almost impossible to withstand this powerful reaction force with friction alone.

But the situation of returning the carbine is different.

Because the scene of using the carbine is when the enemy general is chasing him, and the relationship between himself and the enemy general is one in front and one behind.

At this time, using the carbine to stab the enemy general, on the one hand, it is unexpected and unprepared, so that the enemy general cannot react to the sudden stabbing in front of him, and the chance of hitting is greatly improved; The lethality of this gun has been greatly improved.

After this shot hits, the enemy general will fall off the horse even if he does not die.

The more critical point is that because the carbine is attacking backwards, the reaction force of the enemy general's horse charging will push Zhao Haiping forward.

In this way, there is basically no risk of falling from the horse, as long as the body leans forward and unloads the force.

With the stirrups, the carbine basically only has the advantage of surprise. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the carbine appeared less and less as a big move in later dynasties.

With this killer move, Zhao Haiping's hope of breaking through the siege has been greatly improved.

He galloped towards the enemy's formation on a red horse, while quickly searching for flaws in the enemy's formation.

Those soldiers who fell into chaos when changing formations, or soldiers who lacked fighting spirit, or the huge gaps that appeared during the formation change process, would all become breakthroughs and be completely torn apart by Chiji's high speed.

Zhao Haiping has repeatedly studied these flaws many times. Although the situation will change every time and needs to be adapted, it is not difficult for him to do.

If an enemy general came to intercept him, Zhao Haiping would act accordingly, either avoiding it and handing it over to the deputy general behind him, or killing him with his carbine.In short, we will definitely not waste too much time on these lieutenants.

After a while of galloping, Zhao Haiping finally came to Gao Yi.

Under his command, Gao Yi is also riding a tall horse with gorgeous armor, directing the battle.

Seeing Zhao Haiping coming, Gao Yi had a shocked expression on his face.

Obviously, at this time, General Qin Kaiyun, played by Zhao Haiping, has gone deep into the enemy's line, or it can be said that he is surrounded.

There were not many elite cavalry who could keep up with him, and many of them were blocked halfway and had to stop and fight.

At this time, the formation of the army led by General Qin Kaiyun was pulled into a steel cone, and a huge gap was forced open.

But once this gap closes, these elite cavalry who advance rashly will also be surrounded and difficult to escape.

"act recklessly!"

Gao Yi pointed forward with the spear in his hand, dialed the horse's head and turned to the direction Zhao Haiping was rushing towards.

And the lieutenants beside him also flattered him, trying to stop Zhao Haiping.

At this time, Zhao Haiping had already entered the state of unity of man and horse. He knew that the key at this time was speed. The longer he hesitated, the higher the chance of failure.

Because the deputy will cover the main general, the main general Gao Yi also has more reaction time.

"Protect the General!"

Some lieutenants were already trying to surround him, but Zhao Haiping completely ignored him. He just used his long spear to block the weapon from a distance, and then continued to sprint forward.

At this moment, he only had Gao Yi in his eyes.

A lot of weapons came towards Zhao Haiping, he slammed himself on the horse to avoid it, but the long spear in his hand was not affected at all.

At this moment, everything around seemed to have stagnated, and even the shouts of killing had become farther and farther away, leaving only the whistling wind.


Zhao Haiping knows that he only has one chance, but he has tried many times for this chance.

There was a strong reaction force from above the long lance, and Zhao Haiping could feel the tip of the lance piercing Gao Yi's armor, and stab him under the horse again!

Since the two horses are not facing each other this time, if Zhao Haiping changes his posture to maintain balance and clamps the horse's belly with his legs, he can avoid falling from the horse.

But he just relaxed his legs at the moment when the two horses crossed each other, and jumped off the red horse.

The reason is very simple. According to the previous historical records, the goal of this dungeon does not end with the assassination of Gao Yi.

What follows is also critical.

"Ride the horse straight to stab him among the ten thousand troops, behead his head and return it, and the generals will be unable to take over, and the siege will be broken."

There are two key links, one is beheading and returning the head, and the other is that the generals cannot be the ones.

If these two links cannot be completed, the trial illusion will not be counted as passing.

Zhao Haiping jumped off the horse by the reaction force of this thorn, and the whole process was smooth and natural.

Gao Yi was stabbed and fell off the horse, but he was not completely dead at this time, but only temporarily lost his ability to move.

Zhao Haiping directly pulled out the Huan Shou Dao from his waist, and chopped off his head with a single swing of his hand.

With a "poof", blood splattered everywhere!

The scene was a bit bloody, but for Zhao Haiping, he had seen all the big scenes in the military pawn dungeon after all, so he didn't care too much about such a trivial matter, the most urgent thing was to get away as soon as possible.

He quickly tied Gao Yi's head around his waist, and the famous horse Chiji had already come to his side.

Ma Tong human nature, not to mention a famous horse like Chiji who can be famous in history.

Zhao Haiping got on his horse again and rushed in the direction of our army.

"Stop him!!"

The eyeballs of Gao Yi's lieutenants were all red.

The main general was killed in front of the eyes of the two armies. Of course, the first reaction of these deputy generals was shock, but after the shock, it was not panic and timidity, but anger.

All the generals in ancient times were killed in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, but you scare others with your arrogance?How is that possible.

In the real world view, there is no such thing as domineering and domineering.

Therefore, for these deputy generals, the most important thing right now is of course to get back the head of the chief general immediately, and at the same time stop Qin Kaiyun.

As long as Qin Kaiyun can be killed, it is not too unfair to lose this battle.

Several enemy generals had already outflanked them from different directions. Zhao Haiping waved his spear and rushed straight in the direction of his elite cavalry.

"Support General Qin!"

Of course, our lieutenants and cavalry also saw this scene, and the morale of the army was greatly boosted. Everyone started a fierce battle around Zhao Haiping!
In the chaos, there was no need for Zhao Haiping to continue wrestling with these enemy generals. It was still the same as before. He had to ride his horse to avoid it, or to deflect the enemy's weapons during the confrontation. It is to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible.

The formation was completely chaotic, and countless people were rushing towards Zhao Haiping.

Zhao Haiping himself was a little dizzy, but he just instinctively defeated one enemy after another, and gradually approached his main formation.

Finally, as General Qin's army launched a general offensive, Gao Yi's troops finally retreated.

The encirclement is resolved!

Rushing back to the formation, Zhao Haiping took the reins lightly.

At this moment, everything around temporarily entered a static state.

Immediately afterwards, his field of vision gradually raised to a high altitude, overlooking the entire battlefield.

Zhao Haiping looked at the position of General Qin Kaiyun, and then at the chaotic Chinese army of the enemy, still a little unbelievable.

Did he really succeed in rushing into the enemy's formation, and then rush out again?

It's like a dream!

The moment Zhao Haiping rode his horse out of the enemy's formation, a line of small characters finally appeared in his vision.

[Trial of the Cavalry: Exploring the bag]

【Clearance! 】

[Clearance evaluation: I believe that after this simple trial, you will understand that "cavalry" is by no means just infantry on horseback. The reason why it can rule the entire era of cold weapons has more profound meaning behind it. 】

[The "Cavalry" subsidiary identity selection has been unlocked! 】

[Cavalry Subsidiary Status Exclusive Talent "Unity of Man and Horse": You will get an exclusive horse, which will share damage with you, share positive or negative status effects, and grow together.Use the horse bridle prop to summon the war horse in the sequencer expedition gameplay. 】

[Remarks: The exclusive talent of the subsidiary status will take effect permanently by default. With the improvement of the subsidiary status, you can still get enhanced effects or special changes in the future. Please match it with optional talents as appropriate to maximize the effect. 】

Zhao Haiping couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It worked!
really not easy.

This time it took eight days to pass the cavalry trial illusion. It was the most difficult trial of illusion that Zhao Haiping had ever played. In terms of difficulty, it even surpassed some of the previous official dungeons.

Its content is not complicated, and there are not many puzzle-solving elements, but the requirements for riding and other aspects are too high, and it can only be hard-built muscle memory over and over again.

Seeing the evaluation of customs clearance, Zhao Haiping was a bit like complaining, but he was a little used to it.

"Simple trial"?
It is really hard to imagine what a difficult trial is in the eyes of the designers of the game "Dark Sand".

However, judging from the evaluation of customs clearance, Zhao Haiping really benefited a lot from this trial illusion.

Although he did not learn the tactics of cavalry command, he had a very deep understanding of cavalry combat methods.

Cavalry is by no means just infantry on horseback.

When cavalry can truly achieve the state of unity of man and horse, it will produce a qualitative change.

What's more, Zhao Haiping rides a horse without stirrups, so his experience of this point is even more profound.

The greatest advantage of cavalry lies in mobility, and the word "mobility" means that there are too many tactics to choose from.

First of all, the cavalry can fight and run whenever they want, while the infantry can only form formations at any time and wait for the impact of the cavalry.

The infantry cannot relax, because once the cavalry is relaxed, the cavalry will attack, but when the infantry is in formation, the cavalry can watch from a distance, eat and drink on the horse, and attack until the infantry is exhausted.

Secondly, the cavalry can turn around, look for breakthroughs in the infantry formation, and pierce directly like a steel cone, causing the entire formation to collapse quickly.

For infantry, it would be very difficult to change formation, or it would collapse, but cavalry did not need the so-called formation, just choose a direction and charge.

In addition, the cavalry's war horse itself is a big killer. The war horse eats much better than the big-headed soldiers. Once it runs at full strength, the huge impact generated and the weapons in the cavalry's hands are like harvesters. It can crush the battle mercilessly. Unwilling infantry.

Therefore, even in the era without stirrups, the cavalry was the most elite combat force.

In the era of stirrups, cavalry has become the ceiling of cold weapon combat power, but all later famous generals are basically tactical masters who use cavalry.

Conversely, a general who can't play cavalry will definitely not become a famous general.

"From the perspective of exclusive talents, cavalry can summon war horses anytime and anywhere? This is interesting.

"It definitely won't work in the single-player trial illusion. After all, the single-player trial illusion strictly reproduces history. It's so strange to conjure a war horse out of thin air for no reason...

"But in the Expedition of the Sequencer, players can summon war horses anytime and anywhere, and there are many tricks that can be played.

"You can ride a horse to quickly break through the enemy's line of defense, and then put away your horse and become an infantry to ascend the city; conversely, you can also sneak out of the city in the form of an infantry, and then suddenly become a cavalry force to attack the weak position of the demon formation... …

"However, the war horse shares the status with the player. The advantage is that the damage can be shared, but the disadvantage is that physical fitness, injuries, negative status, etc. will also be shared.

"But in general, this is a great enhancement of one's own strength!
"I can't wait to see the cavalry array formed by the players charge."

Zhao Haiping originally wanted to go to the fortress of the sequencer to call out the horses and run around for a while, but after thinking about it, the official copy of "reckless heroism" is more important.

Riding a horse is already a bit of a vomit. For seven days, I have been riding a horse in the exclusive trial of the cavalry every day, and I am indeed a little tired.

Moreover, the official dungeon of "Reckless Heroism" this time is a team mode, and Zhao Haiping is also worried that his fishing will affect the progress of the other three people.

Therefore, after quitting the cavalry trial dungeon of "Getting Things out of Bags", I entered the official dungeon of "Heroic Bravery" immediately, and continued to play the role of commander.


Spears are like forests, banners are hunting.

Zhao Haiping is riding a war horse, looking into the distance.

The army of the Great Sheng Dynasty marched forward, forming a long array.

And this is not all of this expedition to the outside of the Great Wall. In fact, several armies came from other directions to meet and assemble.

Most people know that it is normal for Yujia's personal conquest to meet either of the two conditions.

The first is, as a last resort.

The second is that if you sign, you will win.

This is also the valuable experience summed up in the past dynasties.

In ancient society, the emperor held great power. It can be said that anything that happens to the emperor will affect the entire country to the greatest extent.Even the normal handover of the emperor may cause the special dangerous state of "lord and country suspicion", let alone the emperor's accident during the imperial conquest?
Therefore, the imperial conquest is either a last resort, and the country is already on the verge of danger, and the emperor's personal conquest must be used to boost morale, so that all soldiers know that they must fight to the death; .

However, Sheng Taizu's imperial conquest obviously did not meet any of these two points.

At that time, the Dasheng Dynasty was still in the early stages of the dynasty, and there were no serious internal and external troubles for the time being. It was actually not a bad idea to find a famous general to conquer the Northern Man, not a last resort.

As for the victory of the levy, it is even more out of the question.

Because the goal of this operation is to go deep beyond the Great Wall, find the main force of the Northern Man and fight it decisively.

This means that the front line of the war is very far away, requiring a long supply line, and the battle site is outside the Great Wall, where the terrain is very unfamiliar, and no one is sure of victory.

This is the case with military affairs, which change rapidly, and the difference between a thought is the difference between heaven and hell.

Sheng Taizu's imperial conquest is the third situation.

Immediately, the emperor will personally conquest!

The emperor is the emperor on horseback, and the whole world was brought down by himself on horseback.

In other words, he was basically invincible all over the world. Although he had many generals, the emperor was the most professional in war.

But when it comes to particularly important battles, the most professional and capable emperor is of course worried about handing over this matter to other generals, and he must do it himself.

For Sheng Taizu, this is the case of the imperial conquest, because it is too important to be handed over to other generals.

If this battle is fought well, the northern barbarians can be broken up directly, ensuring at least decades of peace in the northern border of the Dasheng Dynasty; if this battle is lost, the Dasheng Dynasty is likely to be suspended for decades However, if you work hard, there may be various serious chain reactions.

Zhao Haiping has already seen the situation of sending generals to fight.

Duke Qi, who looked perfect in terms of military exploits, made him miserable.

Of course, this does not mean that Qi Guogong Qiu Yuan must be an incompetent person.His military achievements are all real, and it is true that he grew up with Taizu Sheng from the bottom of the ranks.

It seems that he made a very serious military mistake and underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, but Zhao Haiping also checked the relevant information and found that this matter was not as simple as he thought at first.

Because the situation on the battlefield changes too quickly, everyone will give different judgments.

From the perspective of Zhuge Liang after the fact, Qiu Yuan really underestimated the enemy and rushed in, and the entire army was wiped out when he was ambushed.

But from the perspective of the players in the game, it is impossible to predict the future.

Qiu Yuan pursued the enemy very aggressively with his soldiers and horses. If the enemy set up an ambush, the entire army would indeed be wiped out, but what if the enemy hadn't had time to prepare yet?That could be a big win.

Qiu Yuan has been in charge of the army for many years, so it is certainly impossible for him to play similar operations for the first time on a whim. There must be many similar experiences.

Perhaps in each of his previous experiences, he had driven tired soldiers in hot pursuit and achieved great results, so he thought it would be the same this time.

So in the final analysis, soldiers, major affairs of the country, and places of death and life must be observed.

Every general understands this truth and thinks he is right, but the results are very different.

This is the difference between generals, famous generals, and divine generals.

It looks similar, but the actual result is a slight difference and a thousand miles away.

That's why Sheng Taizu couldn't pin his hopes on ordinary generals.

Zhao Haiping didn't think too much at this time, he only cared about two things now, namely the stirrup horse under his crotch, and the Shenji Battalion in the army.

After getting used to riding a horse without stirrups, he suddenly changed to a horse with stirrups. Zhao Haiping felt like crying.

So happy!

Stepping on the stirrups with both feet and matching the high bridge saddle means that people can form forces in four directions, front, back, left, and right on the horse, and can easily maintain balance in any dynamic state.

Like horseback riding.

During the fast running of the horse, the cavalry only needs to step on the stirrups with both feet, clamp the belly of the horse with the thighs, and at the same time lift the buttocks slightly off the saddle, and lean forward to maintain stability. The gimbal is just as stable.

At this time, the bow is drawn and the arrow is set. Although the poundage of the bow is not as good as that of the flat ground, the stability and accuracy will be very good.

This is hard to imagine in the age without stirrups.

Likewise, it is easier to maintain balance when using a weapon on a horse when there are stirrups.

Zhao Haiping, who was used to riding horses without stirrups, put on a horse with stirrups, just like a person who has become a sharpshooter with an ordinary rifle and suddenly got a high-precision sniper rifle.

Even want to soar two laps.

Just considering that I am now the emperor, I still have to be more cautious.

At this moment, a fast horse galloped from the front.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report ahead! Last night, the northern barbarians broke through the important town of Xuanningwei in front. If the army continues to move forward, it is very likely that they will bump into the elite cavalry of the northern barbarians. Please show your majesty how to make a decision!"

Hearing this military report, Zhao Haiping couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and a question mark floated slowly above his head.

what's the situation?
Before he could react, an elderly eunuch beside him had already said: "The northern barbarian army? Isn't that the opponent His Majesty's personal conquest is looking for? Order the whole army to move forward and wipe out these northern barbarians!"

A veteran with white beard and hair next to him couldn't help but his face changed drastically, and his goatee twitched: "Eunuch Liu, absolutely not!
"Our army is not well prepared for this trip. Food and grass are already in short supply. What's more, the transport vehicles have not arrived, and the other armies have not joined. The soldiers who have marched for many days have not had a rest. If they encounter the Northern Man cavalry at this time, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The goatee veteran looked at the soldiers who came to convey the military information: "Why did the northern barbarians suddenly attack on a large scale? There are more than [-] defenders in Xuanning Guards. How could they be breached in an instant?"

The soldiers faltered: "I don't know, it is rumored that there are traitors in the city..."

Eunuch Liu said coldly, "Why are you so afraid of the enemy? Your Majesty will personally conquer these northern barbarians.

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Haiping raised his hand: "Wait, who are you?"

Eunuch Liu was stunned for a moment: "Your Majesty, this servant is..."

He was just halfway through his words, and before he had time to say his name, he saw His Majesty in front of him raise the whip in his hand high, and slapped him directly on the face.


With a crisp sound, the eunuch was almost whipped by a horsewhip and turned around several times before falling to the ground with a dazed expression, spitting out two bloody teeth.

Zhao Haiping was speechless: "I don't care who you are, military and state affairs, it's your turn to speak here as an eunuch?!

"Drag it, cut it!"

 The number of words in the book is also more, and after that, a chapter of five or six thousand words will be published

(End of this chapter)

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