My players are all actors

Chapter 185 That's it?

Chapter 185 That's it?

Zhao Haiping's horsewhip stunned the eunuch, and also stunned the goatee veteran.

Even the guards around him were a little confused.

The two guards looked at each other, a little unsure whether they wanted to take the eunuch away.

Zhao Haiping couldn't help frowning: "Why, I can't speak well?"

The guard looked distressed: "Your Majesty, but Eunuch Liu..."

Zhao Haiping glanced at him: "Drag it, behead it! Say one more word, and you will die together."

The two guards couldn't help but turn pale with shock, but then they showed some joyful expressions on their faces, and stepped forward to turn Eunuch Liu off.

Zhao Haiping frowned slightly, lost in thought.

It seems that something is wrong with the imperial driver's personal conquest this time.

Zhao Haiping had vaguely felt this way when the military report was delivered, and there were many details later that allowed him to further confirm his guess.

The urgent report said that the Beiman had already broken through the important town of Xuanningwei. If the army continued to move forward, it was very likely that they would run into the elite cavalry of the Beiman.

But the problem is that this was the reign of Taizu Sheng.

How could the Beiman be so arrogant?

Before Sheng Taizu decided to go on a personal expedition, he had sent several famous generals to drive Beiman out of the Great Wall through years of campaigns.And the purpose of this personal conquest was not to resist the invasion of the Northern Man, but to chase out of Mobei, severely injure and maim the Northern Man, and thus strive for decades of peace in the northern border of the Dasheng Dynasty.

In other words, Dasheng's side is the one that takes the initiative.

At that time, the northern barbarian army had only two choices when they encountered the army of the Dasheng Dynasty: one was to flee far away in Mobei, retreat continuously, and trade space for fighter opportunities, and then launch an ambush to win after the Sheng army went deep into the grassland and was exhausted. The second is to leave the cattle, sheep and luggage and run directly, running so far that Sheng Jun can't find it.

The Duke of Qi was sent to crusade against the Beiman before, and the Beiman also adopted the first method.

So now, the Beiman has eaten the bear's heart and leopard courage, so why take the initiative to invade the border of the Dasheng Dynasty?
And not only invaded, but also took down Xuanningwei, an important town in the north, at an extremely fast speed?
It's on, right?

This military situation is already outrageous, and what happened next is even more outrageous.

Why does this eunuch dare to intervene when the emperor and the general are discussing military affairs?And the emperor hadn't even spoken yet, he had already started blah blah.

It's as if it's not the emperor who has the final say here, but him.

This is really unimaginable.

The occurrence of this kind of situation can only show that the emperor's power has been left behind for a long time. This Eunuch Liu has been tested time and time again, knowing that the emperor will support him, and knowing that no matter how much he flaunts the emperor, he will not be angry, so he dared to do this.

And what the veteran said also revealed some wrong information.

The veteran said that the Sheng army was not well prepared for this trip, food and grass were in short supply, and many transport vehicles had not yet arrived, the other armies had not been able to join, and the soldiers who had been marching for many days did not have enough rest...

If this statement is true, it can only show that the initial preparations for this expedition were not done well.

Why is there a shortage of food and grass?Why was the march in chaos?
Is this the problem that Taizu Sheng will encounter when he is in charge of the imperial conquest?

Sheng Taizu's military ability is no problem among the top three emperors in all dynasties. In this era, it can be said that he is invincible all over the world. How could he make such a low-level mistake.

Therefore, the only possibility is that the imperial conquest played by Zhao Haiping did not follow the real script in history at all.

It has been distorted and tampered with!

Such a scene reminded Zhao Haiping of the Royal Conquest later in the Dasheng Dynasty, which was far away from the world's largest spectrum.

I thought that there would be no difficult challenges before leaving the northern border of Dasheng Dynasty and going deep into Mobei, but now it seems that the real trial has already begun.

Thinking of this, Zhao Haiping looked ahead.

Xuan Ningwei is not very far from here, but it is impossible to see the northern barbarian cavalry with the naked eye at this time.

When you can see it with the naked eye, it will be too late.

Zhao Haiping looked towards a small river ahead, and asked the veteran with a goatee: "Is there any suitable place for camping nearby?"

The veteran hurriedly replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, there are two places here that are suitable for camping, one is Huaishi Ridge and the other is Sangyuan River.

"The terrain of Huaishi Ridge is relatively steep, which can play a certain role in blocking the northern barbarian cavalry. Once the camp is set up, the possibility of defending it is also very high. However, the danger here lies in the water source. Although there is spring water, it may not be able to supply 200,000 people. people drink.

"However, it is also possible to dig a well for water.

"The other place is the Sangyuan River. It is easy to get water near the river, but because the terrain is flat and unobstructed, even if fortifications are built in a hurry, it may not be able to stop the Northern Man army."

Zhao Haiping thought for a moment: "Send the order, set up camp at Sangyuan River, and wait for the other armies to join up!"

Zhao Haiping can figure out this very basic question by himself.

There are three ways in front of Sheng Jun: first, go straight up and fight the northern barbarian army; second, camp in place and wait for the other army to join; third, withdraw, retreat to the nearest stronghold to guard.

The first method is obviously nonsense, and the enemy's situation is unknown, so reckless going up is probably sending them off.

The third method seems safe, but in fact there will be many problems in the operation process.

Now that the northern barbarian cavalry had broken through the important military town ahead, it meant that the cavalry troops could basically be regarded as unimpeded and could attack at any time.

It is even possible that the sentinels sent by the Beiman have already locked the position of this Sheng army.

Retreating at this time is even more difficult than Gao Yi's change in the cavalry trial.

Changing formations was extremely risky in ancient times, and if you were not careful, it might cause the collapse of the entire army.

Once the order to retreat is issued, the soldiers at the bottom do not know the specific thoughts of the generals above, and they will have a lot of room for imagination.They might think that the front line was defeated, or that there was a major problem in the army, and they might even think that the emperor died...

And these speculations will greatly damage the morale of the soldiers. The more they retreat, the harder the morale will be hit.

If the northern barbarian cavalry caught up before withdrawing to the stronghold, it would be a one-sided massacre, and it was almost impossible for the Sheng army to have any resistance.

Therefore, the only choice at this time is to set up camp and stand firm to withstand the attack of the northern barbarian cavalry.

When the other reinforcements arrive and encircle them inside and outside, the problem will naturally be solved.

Of course, this was a decision made by Zhao Haiping with absolute reason. For some emperors who had no military knowledge and were not rational enough, they probably would not make such a decision, but would choose to run away.

After all, for the emperor, he was not sure whether these soldiers could block the northern barbarian cavalry, and if they stayed where they were cut off?

As long as he fled back, the emperor would continue to be emperor, so what if he lost his army?If you can't escape, then you will lose everything.

Fortunately, Zhao Haiping can maintain absolute reason, and he is not ignorant of military affairs.

As for the choice of camping location, Zhao Haiping didn't think too long.

Although Huaishi Ridge has a relatively high terrain and can occupy some terrain advantages in the process of fighting the Northern Barbarian cavalry, it is still passive defense in the final analysis.

What's more, if the problem of water source is not solved, it is tantamount to giving it for nothing.

Even if you can dig the ground and drill a well, what if there is no water?The terrain here is relatively high, and there is a great possibility that there will be no water.

Camping here is tantamount to entrusting the fate of this army to God's will.

If such a decision is really made, there are only two possibilities: one is to believe that he is the Son of Destiny and is superstitious to the extreme; the other is to be too afraid of the northern barbarian cavalry and not believe that he can fight the northern barbarian cavalry on flat ground.

Therefore, Zhao Haiping chose Sang Yuanhe after a little consideration.

Stationed here, at least the water source is absolutely no problem.

As for how to deal with the northern barbarian cavalry in open terrain?

Of course, Zhao Haiping didn't intend to just passively defend in this way. He suffered so much in the cavalry trials, but he didn't come here to be his grandson.

Hearing Zhao Haiping's arrangement, the goatee veteran also breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately sent an order to set up camp.

Zhao Haiping, on the other hand, rode a war horse and came to inspect the army formation.

Some generals were a little panicked and hurried to follow.

The emperor's war horse was of course the best horse that could be found at that time. Although Zhao Haiping's riding feeling seemed a little worse than that of Chi Ji, it was not much different.Especially with Takahashi saddles and stirrups, it is easy to achieve the state of unity of man and horse.

What surprised Zhao Haiping was that he was controlling Sheng Taizu's body in his prime, about 50 years old.

And the state of this body is still full of strength, not losing to any first-class generals at all.

It can be seen that Sheng Taizu was indeed very talented. He survived the great famine when he was a child, and later worked as a model worker until he died at the age of more than 70. This body is indeed made of iron.

Zhao Haiping came to a high place, and while watching the Sheng army camping beside the Sangyuan River, he asked, "How many cavalry are there in the army at this time? What is the distribution of the enemy's strength?"

A general quickly replied: "Your Majesty, according to the analysis of the latest military report, the northern barbarian army is divided into three groups. There are at least [-] soldiers, of which about [-] are well-armored armored cavalry, and they also carry a large number of troops. Cattle and sheep;

"And our army has 140,000 soldiers and [-] auxiliary soldiers. Among them, there are [-] elite cavalry, led by Li Kezhong and Dingyuanhou Zhang Yong respectively. In addition, there are two armies coming."

Zhao Haiping feels more at ease.

This obviously means that our side is in a superior position in military strength, right?
Although the barbarian army has a strength of about [-], only [-] are well-armored cavalry.In the Dasheng Dynasty, there were [-] elite cavalry, not counting auxiliary soldiers, and about [-] infantry.

Among the elite cavalry of the Great Sheng Dynasty, only the [-] iron cavalry in the northern barbarians can hedge against it. The other ordinary cavalry should not be able to win.

From this point of view, it was not as bad as Zhao Haiping imagined.

"Then where are these cavalry?" Zhao Haiping asked.

The general was silent for a moment, then replied: "According to Eunuch Liu's order, they have just set off to meet the northern barbarian cavalry, one is to find out the enemy's reality, and two, if we can form an anxious situation with the enemy, the main force of our army will You can take the opportunity to cover up..."

Zhao Haiping had an extremely shocked expression on his face, almost thinking that he had heard it wrong.

What the hell?
Let [-] elite cavalry go to find out the truth?

This kind of operation can be done without a cerebral hemorrhage in ten years?
Although the Dasheng Dynasty's military strength was superior in this battle, the key to victory was the [-] elite cavalry.As for the infantry, although they also have a certain combat effectiveness, under the impact of the cavalry, once they are defeated, no matter how many people are defeated, they will be killed.

In this case, the elite cavalry was even asked to explore the opponent's reality.

What if you encounter ambush?What if they are surrounded?
Purely sending!
The corners of Zhao Haiping's mouth twitched, furious: "Send someone immediately, quickly catch up, and call these two cavalry back to me!"

The general was stunned for a moment: "But Your Majesty, Eunuch Liu..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw two guards coming on horseback and presenting the head of Eunuch Liu.

The general couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then showed a shocked expression.

Eunuch Liu...has been beheaded by His Majesty? ?
On the contrary, Zhao Haiping frowned, regretting.

It's too early to kill.

If he had known that he shouldn't be beheaded so cheaply, he should have been cut into pieces for the whole army to watch!

He had no choice but to get off his horse and kick Eunuch Liu's head like a ball to relieve his hatred.

The generals next to him were startled, and hurriedly got off their horses and knelt together.

Now Zhao Haiping finally figured out what was going on.

Obviously, this trial illusion was indeed distorted, but it was not a certain historical figure that was distorted, but many events were distorted and blended together!
The other three players have also encountered this situation, that is, many historical events are mixed together, which greatly increases the confusion.

For example, Lu Heng, who played the role of a beggar, did not completely follow the trajectory of Sheng Taizu when he was young, but was forced to experience the lives of many poor people.

Another example is Chu Ge. The cases he was involved in were not only those of Sheng Taizu in his later years, but also some cases in his prime.

The situation that Zhao Haiping encountered at this time was obviously a combination of Sheng Taizu's personal expedition and the later "Jiming Mountain fiasco" forcibly combined, or it could also be seen as allowing the mature Sheng Taizu to directly cross over to the emperor at that time .

That's why the eunuch surnamed Liu dared to keep expressing his opinions on the military situation.

If it was the real Sheng Taizu's personal conquest, let alone let the eunuchs express their opinions, most of the eunuchs would not bring them along.

After kicking Eunuch Liu's head away like a ball, Zhao Haiping got on his horse again and inspected the surrounding terrain.

"Hang Eunuch Liu's head over the Chinese army, and prepare the army for war!"


Time passes quickly.

On the hillside in the distance, the shadows of northern barbarian cavalry appeared.

Soon, the number of northern barbarian cavalry began to increase, spreading all over the mountains and plains.

Zhao Haiping is still riding a horse, inspecting the Sheng army.

He had reacted in time before and sent someone to chase the two elite cavalry of 50,000 people back.Otherwise, the two cavalry would likely collide head-on with the northern barbarian army, be divided and surrounded, and be completely lost.

And once the [-] elite cavalry are gone, there will be no need to fight the next battle.

Now, [-] elite cavalry are still there, and Zhao Haiping carefully selected [-] cavalry from them.

These most elite cavalry all have the best horses, weapons and armor, and are led by him himself.As for the other cavalry, they continued to be led by the two cavalry generals and waited for the two sides to outflank them.

The infantry army formed camps and various fortifications, relying on muskets and artillery to guard the front.

There was a sound of horseshoes, and smoke and dust began to rise from the distant hillside.

The northern barbarian cavalry moved!

Seeing that the cavalry finally launched an attack, Zhao Haiping breathed a sigh of relief.

Instead, he was worried that these cavalry would not take the initiative to attack.

According to the smartest way, the northern barbarian cavalry should continue to wait and see until the Sheng army has a fatal flaw before launching an attack.

But on the one hand, the northern barbarian cavalry did not have a lot of cattle and sheep, and the Sheng army relied on the river to have no shortage of water. If this continued, the northern barbarian cavalry might be surrounded by the Sheng army from other places, so time stood On the one hand, Sheng Jun; on the other hand, the overwhelming momentum of the previous attack made Beiman's side obviously look down on Sheng Jun.

Seeing the Northern Man's cavalry charge, many Sheng Jun also showed a little panic on their faces.

The charge of these cavalry did not advance at full speed at the beginning, but gradually accelerated.

From fast to jogging, and then to the final gallop, the psychological pressure of Sheng Jun's infantry is also constantly accumulating, and finally reaches its peak in the shock of galloping horses!

Although Sheng Jun was also working hard to dig trenches and arrange roadblocks such as repelling horses during this period, the terrain here is relatively open after all, and the hastily built fortifications will not have much effect.

But after the northern barbarian cavalry came into range, the guns fired!
Countless erected cannons made loud noises, and one by one the cannons were ejected from their chambers, hitting the Northern barbarian cavalry.

Although the northern barbarian cavalry in front were wearing heavy armor, it was impossible for them to block the artillery. They were instantly beaten to pieces by their men and horses. The shells directly penetrated several cavalrymen and even bounced on the ground.

After a charge, the northern barbarian cavalry did not have much advantage.

But soon, these northern barbarian cavalry gradually dispersed, presenting a situation of encirclement, wanting to attack from other directions.

On the hillside, the leader of the Northern Man looked at Sheng Jun's formation from a distance, with contempt in his eyes.

After the recent series of battles, he has confirmed that although Sheng Jun has a great reputation, it is actually difficult to match.First, Xuanningwei was easily conquered, and then the army of the Dasheng Dynasty was blocked in the Sangyuan River.

As long as you can break through this mighty army, you can go straight in and reappear the glory of your ancestors!
But soon, he found that his thinking was too simple.

With the help of firearms, the Sheng army's defense was very resolute. The northern barbarian cavalry had no way to quickly penetrate the Sheng army's defense line. While the two sides were fighting, two elite cavalry had already outflanked the two sides!
These two cavalrymen, who should have been sent away before, finally played their due role at the critical moment, and launched a fierce attack on the hillside where the leader of the northern barbarians was.

The northern barbarian cavalry immediately launched a countercharge, condescending, and confronted the Sheng army like a torrent of steel.

Although Sheng Jun's elite cavalry was better equipped, they were at a disadvantage in terms of terrain after all, and their numbers were smaller, so the two sides quickly fell into anxiety.

Li Kezhong, a cavalry leader of the Dasheng Dynasty, died in a fierce battle, and several princes from the northern barbarians also died in battle.

In the army formation, the veteran with a goatee always wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling a little more at ease.

Although the outcome is not decided, but in the current situation, it is finally not a big defeat.

If His Majesty hadn't made up his mind to set up camp at Sangyuan River, but had advanced rashly or retreated hastily, Sheng's army might have been defeated at this time, and the consequences would be disastrous.

The two elite cavalry that were saved also played a role at this time, greatly reducing the pressure on the front.Otherwise, even if the northern barbarian cavalry could not break through the Sheng army's infantry line of defense, they only needed to be trapped around, which would make the battle protracted.

Speaking of about His Majesty?
The veteran with the goatee looked around and saw something that shocked him.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty must not!"

However, before he finished speaking, he saw His Majesty rushing out of the army formation like a whirlwind with five thousand cavalry.


"Kill me!"

Zhao Haiping rode a horse and took the lead!
"Escort! Quickly escort!"

Amidst the panicked shouts of the crowd, five thousand elite cavalry followed closely behind Zhao Haiping.

It's nothing more than the emperor's personal conquest, most of them are showing off in the rear.In fact, as long as the emperor is in command of the army and the soldiers can know that the emperor is with them, the purpose of the imperial conquest to improve morale will be achieved.

But the emperor actually led people to charge?
The boost to morale has indeed been off the charts, but swords have no eyes on the battlefield. What if the emperor has something wrong and something goes wrong?
The five thousand cavalry obviously didn't expect the emperor to charge faster than them, so they could only keep up with their horses.

Seeing this, the rest of the pawns naturally couldn't shrink back, and hurriedly rushed behind!

On the hillside, the leader of the Beiman was also stunned.

Because the head of these five thousand elite cavalry was wearing yellow robes and gold armor, he was clearly the emperor of the Dasheng Dynasty.Other generals can't wear this kind of clothes at all.

"That's the emperor of the Dasheng Dynasty! Kill him!"

A shout erupted from the northern barbarians, and the northern barbarian army, which was almost exhausted in the frontal battle, once again broke out with strong fighting power.

At this time, there have been several rounds of confrontation on the battlefield. First, the northern barbarian army stormed the main formation of the Sheng army and was repelled by firearms, causing heavy losses. The army had to divide its troops to resist.

Now, the battlefield has fallen into a heated situation, and the last five thousand elite cavalry will determine the outcome of the war.

The northern barbarians were indeed exhausted, but when they saw the opportunity to kill the emperor of the Dasheng Dynasty, they naturally burst out with all their strength.

Many heavy cavalry rushed down the mountain to confront this elite cavalry!


"Bang! Bang!"

There was a lot of gunfire!

Sheng Jun's elite cavalry took out their guns or strong bows one after another, and shot at the charging northern barbarian cavalry.

These Sheng troops are the elite of the elite. Although they are attacking high places, they do not have an advantage in speed and impact, but they can use their firearms to kill the barbarians first.

But at this moment, the faces of many cavalrymen changed.

"Be careful, Your Majesty!"

The cavalry of the two sides confronted each other, and several heavy cavalry from the northern barbarians had already swung their sabers at Zhao Haiping.

His armor is indeed very conspicuous on the battlefield.

But when the enemy's saber was still far away, Zhao Haiping's big spear stabbed the cavalry first.

The northern barbarian heavy cavalry was wrapped like an iron can, but under the huge impact of the big gun, it was also picked up and fell off the horse on the spot. One foot was wrapped in the stirrup and was dragged a long way.

On the other hand, Zhao Haiping stepped on the stirrup lightly to counteract the recoil force from the big gun.

Riding a horse with stirrups after riding without stirrups is really indescribable.

The Sheng Army cavalry beside him watched His Majesty the Emperor rushing back and forth among the countless cavalry, as if entering a land of no one.

The elite cavalry of 5000 people pressed the entire army at the most critical moment, causing chaos in the formation of the Northern Barbarian army.The other two cavalry finally succeeded in breaking through.

Finally, amidst the shouts and gunshots, the northern barbarian cavalry retreated across the board!

Zhao Haiping reined in the horse's reins on the hillside, watching the morale-boosting Sheng army pursue the northern barbarian leader who had fled in a hurry.

"That's it?
"I thought it was a difficult battle, but it's fine if you have hands..."

(End of this chapter)

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