My players are all actors

Chapter 190 Trial clearance!

Chapter 190 Trial clearance!

A goshawk flits across the blue sky and flies to the khaki-yellow earth filled with wind and sand.

The wind in Mobei was blowing, blowing the withered grass under the horse's hooves to the ground. After the wind passed, it stood up tenaciously again.

The war horse snorted and moved its hooves a little restlessly.

Tens of thousands of northern barbarian cavalry waited quietly.


On the other side, the Sheng army led by Zhao Haiping continued to advance.

On the way to Wulan Tula Mountain, the vanguard's Sheng army began to encounter the northern barbarian cavalry one after another.The number of these cavalry is not large, and they have no fighting spirit, and they fled after a little fighting.

All the signs are exactly the same as what Duke Qi encountered before.

But since Zhao Haiping has made up his mind, of course he won't just admit it.

He knew that there must be an ambush by the northern barbarians on Wulan Tula Mountain, but he also knew that only under such circumstances would the two sides have a chance of a decisive battle.

If the Sheng army is sure to win, the leader of the northern barbarians would rather leave a large amount of luggage and flee to preserve the vitality of the elite cavalry.Although it will be regarded as a victory at that time, the strategic goal of this expedition to Mobei will be difficult to achieve.

Knowing that it is bait, but still biting it, in the final analysis, there is only one reason.

See if the fish is dead or the net is broken!

The mountains in the distance are getting closer.

Woodlands Tula Mountain is not a very high mountain range. Compared with those majestic mountains, it is just a continuous small slope.

But this kind of terrain is also enough for tens of thousands of cavalry to hide.

Finally, at a very subtle distance, Zhao Haiping saw a shadowy figure appearing on the top of a distant mountain.

Soon, more cavalry appeared.

All the hills were occupied by the heavy cavalry of the northern barbarians.

These armored heavy cavalry, men and horses are all dressed in armor. In the era of cold weapons, they are well-deserved kings of war.

Not only that, each of these northern barbarian cavalry has three or four horses, and the total number of horses is estimated to be hundreds of thousands, which is better than Sheng Jun in terms of horsepower.

Zhao Haiping's gaze swept across the hills one after another: "At least [-] heavy cavalry..."

This is the absolute main force of the northern barbarian army, and such a heavy cavalry was a force that could sweep the world in most historical periods in ancient times.


With Zhao Haiping's order, Sheng Jun, who was exhausted from the long journey, immediately cheered up and formed a phalanx.

The northern barbarian cavalry had also occupied many highlands in Wulan Tula Mountain, overlooking the Sheng army from a condescending posture, and at the same time, they were constantly mobilizing.

The war is about to start.

It's just that in the process of mobilizing the two sides, the vast grassland is full of silence and oppressive atmosphere, and it even looks a little chilly.

Even Chu Ge and the other three players didn't speak at this time, just watching quietly.

It's like a magnificent movie, after many times of ups and downs, it finally reaches its climax.

They each played different identities, but now, if they want to win this war, they can only watch Zhao Haiping's own performance.

Zhao Haiping continued to order: "Shenji Battalion, form an array in front!"

At this time, the northern barbarian army clearly had the upper hand, and the initiative was in their hands.

Wulan Tula Mountain was originally the ambush site carefully selected by the northern barbarian army. The leader Mahari hid all the elite cavalry behind the hillside in order to build a perfect enough encirclement when the Sheng army arrived.

At this time, for the northern barbarian army, no matter what the Sheng army chose, they could maintain enough tactical initiative.

If the Sheng army chooses to fight, then the northern barbarian army will be condescending on the mountain, and the charge of the armed cavalry can use the terrain to achieve a powerful effect.The cavalry of the Dasheng Dynasty must be at a great disadvantage if they want to hedge.

If the Sheng army chooses to retreat, then the morale will be greatly damaged, and all the soldiers of the Sheng army will think that the odds of victory are extremely low.And taking advantage of the withdrawal process of the Sheng army, as long as the northern barbarian cavalry launched a pursuit, even if Taizu Sheng was there, the entire army would not be wiped out, and it would probably suffer heavy losses.

In the era of cold weapons, the outcome of many wars often does not depend entirely on the number of people, but on morale.

Therefore, the Sheng army at this time must not be able to retreat, and can only bet everything on a big gamble.

The battles on both sides have already started, and Zhao Haiping will not act rashly, because he knows that the northern barbarian army will definitely attack first.

In the eyes of the northern barbarian leader Mahari at this time, Sheng's army had already penetrated deep into Mobei, and was exhausted after days of marching. At this time, he recklessly broke into his carefully designed ambush site, which was already a piece of fat to his mouth.

If you haven't taken the initiative to attack in this situation, what are you waiting for?Are you waiting for Sheng Jun to collapse by himself?
There is no opportunity to lose.

For Sheng Taizu, all the preparatory work in the past was to severely injure Beiman, so he must not retreat at this time, but for Beiman, why not?
Sure enough, smoke and dust rose from the opposite mountain.

Northern barbarian heavy cavalry, move!
These heavy cavalry with horses and horses charged towards the center of the Sheng army, and they came in a condescending manner, like a landslide.

Countless horseshoes stepped on the ground, causing rumbling tremors, unstoppable!

Mahari is obviously very convinced that in this world, no infantry or cavalry can block the charge of the condescending heavy cavalry.

Dashengchao used any troops to meet the enemy, and there would only be one result, that is, to be run over by the ruthless iron cavalry, and to be washed away directly!
It's just that they didn't expect that what greeted them was not any infantry or cavalry, but the first arms created by the Dasheng Dynasty.

God machine camp!
Gun guns, artillery, and countless black muzzles or muzzles were aimed at the unstoppable heavy cavalry of the northern barbarians rushing from a high place.



The guns fired and the earth shook!
The commander of the Shenji Battalion did not attack immediately, but waited until the heavy cavalry was about to enter the range of the gun guns, and ordered the guns to fire.

The loud sound completely overwhelmed the hooves of the northern barbarians, and the bullets and artillery shells were shot into the battle formation of the heavy cavalry along with the diffuse smoke. A piece of paper, whether it is a soldier or a war horse, is full of flesh and blood!
The giant steel beast weighing almost half a ton crashed down, blood staining the withered grass in Mobei.

The surviving cavalry wanted to pull their legs from the fallen horse, but was quickly stepped on by the cavalry behind them who couldn't dodge.

Then the cavalry who rushed up were harvested by a new round of guns.

The soldiers of the Shengjun Shenji Battalion lined up in three rows. The soldiers at the front were only responsible for shooting, the soldiers at the rear were responsible for loading, and the soldiers in the middle were responsible for passing the guns.In addition, there are various other auxiliary arms that cooperate with each other.


After throwing down thousands of corpses, these mighty northern barbarian heavy cavalry finally realized that something was wrong and retreated hastily.

They want to get back to the top of the mountain and adjust the array.

And Zhao Haiping also knows that the fighter is coming!

Although Sheng Jun's firearms were powerful, he couldn't always count on the northern barbarian cavalry to charge forward foolishly.

After the Beiman cavalry suffered a loss this time, they will definitely be more cautious next time, and it is hard to say whether the Shenji Battalion can achieve such results.

If you want to hit the enemy hard, you still need cavalry in the final analysis.

Because in this era, only the cavalry has high mobility, and only the cavalry has the ability to break up the enemy's formation and determine the world in one battle.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered.

The Shengjun cavalry on both wings began to attack the Wulan Tula Mountain in front!
For the Sheng army, this was the only opportunity. After all, the elite cavalry of the northern barbarians who charged from the center had just retreated and their formation was disordered. When they returned to the top of the hill, it would inevitably cause some confusion.

Take advantage of this opportunity to attack the enemy's two wings. As long as you can make a breakthrough and grab some of the hills as the commanding heights, the battlefield situation on both sides may reverse.

But obviously, the northern barbarian cavalry is not incompetent.

Arrows rained from the tops of the two wings, and heavy armor-piercing arrows covered the sky and the sun. With the blessing of the high ground, it was difficult for the Sheng army who was attacking upwards.

Soon, the northern barbarian cavalry on both sides also galloped down to confront the Sheng army!

Although the Sheng army's forward suffered heavy casualties, it was naturally impossible for Sheng Taizu to be defeated at the first touch, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

The heavy cavalry on both sides collided violently, and many soldiers were knocked off their horses, but as long as they could get up after dismounting, they immediately drew their waist knives or scimitars and hacked together with the enemy.

The battle on the two wings soon became intense.

"Stay in formation, press forward!"

Zhao Haiping gave an order, and the army array in the center also began to move forward.

Under the deterrence of the Shenji Battalion, the heavy cavalry of the Northern Barbarians did not dare to rush to the center again. The horses galloped anxiously on the hillside and scratched the ground, but they still maintained a very strict formation.

At the highest point, Mahari, the leader of the northern barbarians, and many of his princes and princes, overlooked the army of the Dasheng Dynasty.

It's a pity that the distance between the two sides is still very far, and the range of the Shenji Battalion's guns is greatly limited.

As the battle on the two wings became anxious, the heavy cavalry in the center of the northern barbarians also began to support the two sides.

Obviously, the position in the center was at a stalemate at this time. Sheng Jun's Shenji Battalion had already set up its formation, its guns were set up, and the Beiman heavy cavalry charged once and suffered heavy losses.

But Sheng Jun didn't dare to rush forward rashly, because once he used the heavy cavalry to charge, it meant that the firearms of the Shenji Battalion could no longer provide cover. After the two sides fought together, the guns and artillery would accidentally injure their own people.

Once it becomes a cavalry hedge, the northern barbarian cavalry occupying a high place will have a greater advantage.

Therefore, the key at this time lies in the battle on the two wings.

If the Sheng army wins, it means that cavalry can be used to pull out one of the hills, and use this as a fulcrum to launch an attack on the Northern Man's main formation.

On the contrary, if the Beiman wins, they can take advantage of the situation and directly eat all the cavalry of the Sheng army on the flanks, and besiege the rear of the Sheng army in a detour.

Zhao Haiping's hand tightly held the rein of the horse. Every minute and every second at this time was very difficult, but he knew that the situation was unclear now, so he must not act rashly.

The battle with cold weapons is like cutting flesh with blunt knives. When soldiers collide one after another, the two armies may fight for several hours. It is not like the era of hot weapons. The whole army was lit.

But it is precisely because of this that more concentration is needed.

As the sun also gradually set, the flank battle finally began to show a clear trend.

It's just that this trend is not good news for Sheng Jun.

The northern barbarian cavalry has gained an advantage!

After a long march, the physical strength of the Sheng army was not at its peak, let alone fighting high with low numbers. Although there were more people and all of them fought bravely, gradually, with the increasing number of northern barbarian cavalry, they fell to the bottom. downwind.

Some generals in the cavalry have died heroically, or were forced to retreat after being shot with arrows.

Zhao Haiping's eyes swept across the two wings, and quickly retracted.

The battle damage is very high...

In the era of cold weapons, the battle damage that the army can withstand is very low. If there is 5%, it is very likely that the system will collapse, and the entire battle will develop in the direction of defeat.If it can withstand 10% or even 15% of the battle damage, it is already a great elite division in the era of cold weapons.

But now, the battle damage on the two wings of the Sheng army was already on the verge of collapse.

Once one side collapses, the consequences will be disastrous.

There are already generals who are ready to move, wanting to lead troops to support the Sheng army on the two wings, because the northern barbarian cavalry has divided up to support the two wings several times.

But Zhao Haiping didn't speak, so naturally no one dared to act rashly.

Zhao Haiping looked at the high hill ahead, and seemed to have locked on to the target he was looking for across a long distance.

He slowly closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about what kind of mentality Sheng Taizu should have faced with this situation.

Is it passionate?Or... no regrets in this life?
Finally, Zhao Haiping opened his eyes, raised his hand, and quickly gave a few instructions.

The general beside him was stunned.

"Your Majesty! This..."

It's just that before they had time to say anything, Zhao Haiping had already raised his gun and rode his horse, and rushed towards the hillside ahead!

Behind Zhao Haiping, a roar erupted instantly, and five thousand of the most elite cavalry followed closely behind him, rushing straight at the northern barbarian cavalry on the hillside!

Once he leaves the formation, it means that the supreme commander has also become a member of the soldiers. Even if he wants to issue new orders, it will be difficult.

Therefore, Zhao Haiping waved his big gun, and at the same time charged, issued his last command in this battle.

"Meet on a narrow road! Be brave! Win!
"Long live Dasheng!!"

Five thousand elite cavalry followed closely behind Zhao Haiping like a whirlwind, attacking the main formation of the northern barbarian cavalry.

At the same time, the Shenji Battalion received the order to disperse to the two sides, rushing towards the scorching front on both wings, and fiercely shot the northern barbarian cavalry on the left and right with guns!

Gunpowder smoke rose, and the sound of guns and guns was endless.

The northern barbarian cavalry who were still continuing to reinforce the left and right flanks were shot by guns and immediately fell into chaos.

And the two wings, which were a bit unsupportable at first, were finally greatly relieved by the joining of Shenjiying.

But in the end, it was in the middle that decided the outcome.

Seeing that Sheng Jun actually started charging with heavy cavalry, the northern barbarian cavalry showed astonished expressions on their faces.

But after the astonishment passed, a smile flashed again.

The reason is very simple. At this time, the northern barbarian cavalry still occupies a high place, and the formation is neat. Even if they are hit, they will not necessarily collapse.Moreover, they have strong bows and crossbows and armor-piercing arrows in their hands, and they have a great range advantage when shooting arrows down the mountain.

The following scenario is likely to be the same as the battle on the two wings. First shoot the armor-piercing arrows, and then the cavalry hedges. No matter how you look at it, the northern barbarian cavalry will have a greater advantage.

Mahari waved his hand: "Fire the arrow!"



With a sharp sound of the wind, the armor-piercing arrow crossed a perfect arc and shot towards Sheng Jun below.

It was not easy to shoot the fast-moving cavalry, but these northern barbarians were good at cavalry and archery after all, and with so many arrows shooting at the formation of the Sheng army at the same time, they could always hit some of them.

What surprised the northern barbarian cavalry was that these armor-piercing heavy arrows shot at the Sheng army cavalry, but it didn't have much effect.

These cavalry are still charging forward!
As the distance between the two sides drew closer, the northern barbarian cavalry noticed that the armor on this elite cavalry seemed to be different from the armor of other Sheng troops.

All heavy armor!
Not only that, the horses of these elite cavalrymen of the Sheng army are also carefully selected, and they are physically strong, not losing to the strongest horses in the Northern Barbarian army at all, so they have a strong load-bearing capacity and can carry this kind of heavy armored cavalry.

The cavalry was extremely fast, and before Mahari could react, they had already quickly closed the distance.

And the cavalry of the Sheng army in the gallop have already drawn their bows and arrows, shooting arrows to fight back!
Heavy cavalry archers also have strong lethality at long range.

Although the range of the riding bow is lower than that of the step bow, and shooting from the bottom up at this time will affect the range, the difference in range is quickly made up by the foot strength of the horse.

When he rushed in front of the northern barbarian cavalry with the first round of arrow rain, the arrow rain from Sheng Jun's counterattack also counterattacked.


Finally, Mahari couldn't wait any longer, because the cavalry needed a certain distance to increase their speed and not fall into a disadvantage when they collided.

The northern barbarian cavalry who couldn't hold back immediately launched a countercharge against the five thousand soldiers rushing down the mountain!

Just before the two sides actually fought, a hint of ominous premonition flashed in Mahari's heart.

Because there seems to be a lack of troops.

He sent too many troops to support the two wings before!
It's just that Mahari still firmly believes that the northern barbarians will win. After all, the cavalry at this time is their entire family, the absolute elite, and many heroic princes are among them.

But soon, he realized he was wrong.

Because the cavalry of the Sheng army, who were rushing to the forefront, extended their black muzzles towards them.

Moreover, there are still three muzzles!
At this time, the three-eyed blunderbuss has become the standard equipment of elite cavalry. Although this kind of blunderbuss gun is much more primitive than the matchlock gun of General Deng Yuanjing's period, it is the most suitable weapon for immediate combat after all.

In the cavalry's impact and fighting, the situation is changing rapidly, and it is basically impossible to reload steadily.

The three-eyed blunderbuss can fire three shots in a row, and it doesn't need to be reloaded after being fired. It can be swung directly as an armor-piercing weapon. It has been favored by Sheng Jun for hundreds of years since then.


As the gunpowder guns of the Shengjun cavalry in the front row emitted gunpowder smoke, the heavy cavalry of the northern barbarians who were on the hedge had already been shot and fell off their horses before they actually fought their opponents.

Immediately afterwards, the torrent formed by the two iron cavalry crashed into each other!
Meeting on a narrow road, no amount of strategy is meaningless. At this time, under the encouragement of His Majesty personally leading the charge, the morale of the elite cavalry of this Sheng army has reached the peak, and they have been waiting for the opportunity at the foot of the mountain. At this time, they finally made a move. Just like a sword that has just been forged, it is invincible to those who block it!
There is not much difference in the military strength of the two sides.

But victory or defeat often depends on certain details.

For example, the heavy armor and three-eyed guns of these elite cavalry of the Sheng Army, and the invincible confidence infected by Sheng Taizu.

During the chaotic battle, Sheng Jun's heavy cavalry began to break through layer by layer.

Kill from the foot of the mountain to the halfway up the mountain, and then from the halfway up to the top of the mountain.

Batch after batch of northern barbarian cavalry were swallowed, divided, and torn apart. The Sheng army in front of them was like a huge guillotine. No matter how many cavalry were filled in, it would not be able to feed its appetite.

a mess.

In the neighing of war horses and the smoke and dust in the sky, Mahari saw a bright yellow.

The founding king of the Dasheng Dynasty, wearing golden armor, rushed past all the northern barbarian cavalry in front of him like a god descending from the earth, and pointed the tip of his spear directly at Ma Harry's position.

Behind this Sheng Taizu, countless elite cavalrymen of the Sheng Army were also desperately trying to catch up with him, but at this moment that seemed to freeze, Mahari seemed to see his own soldiers everywhere in his vision, but he felt that his own These soldiers could not save themselves.

Because the ray of bright yellow continued to expand until the tip of Sen Ran's spear pierced into his chest in the next instant.


An extremely powerful impact came from the tip of the gun.

Mahari even had the illusion that this gun didn't just have the impact of a war horse.

It seems that there is also...the distance from the long journey from inside the pass to the outside of the Great Wall, the accumulated anger from the two-month long march, or, the humiliation of Shenzhou Luchen and Huaxia being trampled under the feet of foreigners for hundreds of years.

Yan Yun, the northern barrier, has been lost for more than four hundred years.

But Sheng Taizu took it back only a year before.

Now, Sheng Jun has crossed Yanyun and returned to this land that has bred countless enemies, but they have never been familiar with the land.

At this time, six or seven hundred years have passed since the last Central Plains army expedition to Mobei and beat the enemy here.

This shot seems to be a surging trend condensed from the laments of hundreds of years and countless Central Plains people who "tear the survivors into the dust".

But this time, the blade that Bei Man was so proud of finally fell under the sharper blade of Sheng Jun!
Mahari's body volleyed in the air, and then crashed down.

The horse's impact remained undiminished, and the spear dragged Mahari's body across the withered grass on the ground, before finally stopping after a few meters.

Zhao Haiping's hands suddenly exerted strength, and with the help of the horse's impact, he firmly nailed Ma Harry's body to the ground.

Then, he watched Sheng Jun's elite cavalry gallop past him, continuing to chase and kill the remaining northern barbarian cavalry like a storm.

The sun has set to the west, and the setting sun is like blood.

In the extremely chaotic battlefield, Zhao Haiping looked at the setting sun in the distance, and a strange feeling emerged in his heart.

Although the time has spanned hundreds of years, the culture and inheritance of a nation and a civilization have brought together distant souls.

For a moment, it was a little unclear who he was.

Until a line of system prompts appeared in his vision.

【Trial of Illusion: Brash Heroism】

【Clearance! 】

(End of this chapter)

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