My players are all actors

Chapter 191 The Special Commander

Chapter 191 The Special Commander

Immediately afterwards, several new lines of system prompts appeared in Zhao Haiping's field of vision.

[Customs clearance evaluation: Those who achieve great things will always have three treasures.The first is perseverance, the second is richness and honor, and the third is not changing one's original intention.There is one, which can cultivate one's morality and regulate one's family; two, one can stabilize the country; and three, one can leave a name in history.Sheng Taizu is one person, and he has both, so he can recreate the sun and the moon, recreate the rivers and mountains, and become an emperor through the ages! 】

Chu Ge, Lu Heng, and Huo Yunying also saw the clearance evaluation.

"Awesome, the evaluation of each identity is different."

"This evaluation seems to be a general evaluation."

"It seems that the official also thinks that the identity of 'commander' is the most difficult link? Is it the identity that best represents Sheng Taizu? Or does this mean that no matter which identity is the final clearance, this general evaluation will be made?"

"Hurry up, Chu Ge, it's time for you to perform as the representative of the Chinese class!"

Under the urging of everyone, Chu Ge had no choice but to stand up in front of others to show his holiness and interpret it.

He pondered for a moment and explained:
"There is no doubt that this is a general comment on Sheng Taizu.

"This Trial Illusion splits Sheng Taizu's identities into four types: 'beggar', 'rebel', 'commander' and 'emperor', allowing players to form a team to pass the level, which can be said to be quite humane.

"Looking back now, if you want to clear the customs alone, I am afraid that the clearance time will definitely not only be extended by four times.

"It can only be said that Sheng Taizu's achievements alone have exceeded the limits of the players, and the officials have to separate the challenges.

"As for this evaluation, I think it is appropriate to put it on Sheng Taizu.

"Those who achieve great things always have three treasures, this seems to be a sentence from the Tao Te Ching, but the content has completely changed.

"Persistence in spite of all odds, this refers to Sheng Taizu's entire process of conquering the world from beggar to rebel army.

"He was born at the bottom of society in troubled times and has seen too much hardship, but he never blamed others or gave up on himself, but persevered bit by bit.

"For ordinary people, it is not easy to rise up a level after working hard. But he was able to go from the bottom to the top, and even did what no emperor could do hundreds of years ago The thing, it has to be said, is a miracle indeed.

"The second is rich and noble but not promiscuous, which of course refers to the period of his life from the middle and late stages of the rebel army until he became emperor.

"There are too many peasant uprisings that expanded like fire in the early days, but soon fell into chaos. Either they were internally divided, or they were indulged in pleasure, or they didn't think about making progress, and they all went to destruction in the end.

"Even those former emperors who had a lot of resources in their hands often had a situation of being peaceful and not thinking about making progress.

"But Taizu Sheng was never like this. Although he was born in a rebel army, he knew exactly what he was going to do every step of the way. So wealth could not change his mind, and temporary success did not stop him.

"He was like a warrior, and he continued to expand the territory for the Dasheng Dynasty until his life reached the limit.

"As for the third point, not forgetting the original intention is different from being rich and not being promiscuous.

"When he has achieved the ultimate achievement, he has not forgotten his former identity as a farmer. He does not call himself 'Zhen' all the time, and often calls himself 'We' like a farmer, and he will not be proud of his origin. And to cover up. The behavior is simpler than other emperors, and even specially formulated laws so that oppressed peasants can go to Beijing to sue...

"Although many attempts he made were not successful, and he eventually lost to the hearts of the people and the laws of the cycle of history, but just not forgetting his original intention, he is already worthy of being a true warrior!

"So, as long as one of these three points can be achieved, one can cultivate one's self-cultivation, regulate one's family, and be an upright person; and one can accomplish two points, one can stabilize the country and make a career; one can achieve all three points, and it is true Rare in the ages!"

After saying these words, Chu Ge couldn't help but look in the direction of Sheng Taizu.

At this time, Zhao Haiping had already left the possessed Sheng Taizu, and the players had all entered the perspective of God, suspended in mid-air.

At this time, the entire scene has been frozen.

Sheng Taizu stabbed Mahari to death on the hillside, while the fighting spirit Sheng army was chasing the fleeing northern cavalry.

And under the setting sun, Sheng Taizu's back view is very fascinating.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone.

The setting sun on the horizon was originally brilliant golden yellow with afterglow, but at this moment, it seemed to be shrouded in black mist and turned into a round of black sun.

The boundless black mist diffused from a distance, covering the entire land in shadow.

And in the distant void, there seems to be a huge space-time turbulence.

Those northern barbarian cavalry in a frozen state were all like dust in a slice of history, crushed, collapsed, and blown away by the wind.

As for the soldiers of the Sheng Army, their bodies began to glow with a pale golden glow, which gradually disappeared.

The surroundings of Sheng Taizu seemed to be illuminated by the golden spotlights on the stage, and an incomparably powerful golden aura of righteousness shot up into the sky, straight into the sky.

This awe-inspiring righteousness even broke through the dark clouds in the sky, and merged with a huge historical slice in the distant void!
Like a key inserted into a lock cylinder and turned gently, a mysterious connection was instantly established!

Zhao Haiping was a little confused.

"what's going on?"

"It's not the same as the process of clearing the trial illusion before, isn't it?"

"It was stated in the official update announcement of "Dark Sand" that the new dungeon does not have the link of the ultimate trial. As long as the trial illusion is cleared, it will directly be the 'Expedition of the Order'. Could it be that..."

"Do you want to start the national war directly??"

The four of them had this kind of speculation, but they couldn't imagine how to start the national war at all, and they were not mentally prepared.

When the last copy passed the ultimate trial, the Fortress of the Orderer came directly through the air, and naturally integrated with the entire historical slice.

But this time, there was no trace of the Fortress of the Orderers at all.

Instead, it seemed to be surrounded by powerful demons in this historical slice.

Although they knew that this was just a game and they would probably be able to pass the level in the end, they still couldn't help but feel uneasy.


They didn't know that a system prompt had already appeared in the vision of other players at this time.

[An existing player team has successfully cleared the level! 】

[The Sequencer Expedition gameplay has started, do you want to accept the call immediately and enter the historical slice to fight side by side with other Sequencers to fight against demons together? 】

Li Hongyun stomped his feet angrily when he saw this prompt.

In the state of soul watching the battle, it seemed even more ridiculous to make this action.

"Damn! It took less than three days to clear the level! It's a hang up, right?

"Damn it, it's still a bit worse after all..."

Li Hongyun's annoyance certainly has a reason.

After forming a team, he volunteered to act as the most unpopular "beggar" among players, but he didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise, and the process of clearing the level was unbelievably simple.

In fact, he did nothing. He was a tenant farmer who grazed cattle for the landlord, and then joined the rebel army inexplicably in the middle, and his status as a "beggar" was cleared.

After that, Li Hongyun was overjoyed and confident, and immediately went to see his other teammates.

It's just not so smooth for his teammates.

Under Li Hongyun's command, the progress of other people's customs clearance was somewhat disturbed.

After all, Ouhuang can play by himself, but once he directs others, something is wrong.

The European Emperor's method of customs clearance is generally not applicable to other people at all.

Therefore, in this kind of team play, he still lost to Chu Ge.

But after all, it's a game, and teammates can't blame each other. Now that the first pass has come out, let's go and see the situation of the Sequencer Expedition.

Soon, other players agreed one after another, their bodies turned into streamers, and were teleported to this unknown battlefield.


In the chaotic turbulence of time and space, Meng Yuan and Canshang watched streams of light flash past in front of them, falling towards the huge historical slice that was selected as the target.

After the quotas for the last internal test continued to be distributed, the number of players who can participate in the Sequencer Expedition gameplay has also increased greatly, reaching nearly 60,000 people!
And now, he threw all of these 60,000 people into that historical slice.

It's just that the sequencer's fortress can't get in.

There was a slightly worried expression on the merchant's face: "This time, the style of play is still a bit risky.

"Although the conventional cracking method takes a long time, it is relatively safer. The current method is faster, but the risk of failure is also greatly increased."

Meng Yuan smiled slightly: "It's the same as before, I trust the players.

"You know, among the 60,000 people, nearly 10,000 people have passed the cavalry trial so far.

"So I think the time has come for a decisive battle with this big monster who slices history.

"If it continues to be delayed, it may take another week or two, or even longer, and the speed of the military is very important.

"After all... the simulated trial can split identities, but to really crack this slice of history, one person has to play the role of Sheng Taizu to solve all the problems, and it is 100% painful and cannot fail...

"It's too difficult.

"Since this is the case, it is better to bypass this rule directly and use another method."

The merchant nodded and said nothing more.

She also has to admit that although Meng Yuan's style of play is risky, the benefits after success are indeed very high.

This historical slice locks the history of the entire Dasheng Dynasty in all stages.

Breaking through this historical slice means that the sequencer can directly advance the progress of the entire historical slice, stepping over the stage of Shenzhou Luchen, and directly coming to the longer Qi Dynasty; it also means that in the history of the Dasheng Dynasty , all the big monsters in the historical slices are eliminated, and those ordinary monsters entrenched in other historical slices will be easily solved.

In other words, the slice where Sheng Taizu is located is like a military center or critical checkpoint in a certain area.

After defeating it, whether it is to continue to march forward, or to clean up the mess around it, it will be easy.The initiative can be in your own hands.

According to the original route, it was supposed to use simulation trials to select players first, then allow players to enter this historical slice to play and correct, and finally proceed to the Sequencer Expedition.

But this historical slice is different from other historical slices.

Because of the existence of Sheng Taizu.

Sheng Taizu is different from ordinary heroes, and he can also be regarded as an anchor.

Some positive figures with a long history, such as General Deng Yuanjing, have their own righteousness, so it is difficult for monsters to tamper with it.

What Sheng Taizu brought with him was not ordinary awe-inspiring righteousness, but a limited and enhanced version of it, similar to Wang Qi or Dynasty Qi Luck.

It is more difficult to tamper with than ordinary historical figures.

Therefore, the demon can only tamper with the environment around Sheng Taizu and create some confusing items.

In addition, this kingly air has a special effect, that is, the luck of the entire dynasty will naturally gather around him.

Taking advantage of this, Meng Yuan can use Sheng Taizu's Wang Qi as the anchor point, and directly put the players who have been assigned the power of the orderer into it without prying open the defense of the entire history slice!

Of course, the Fortress of the Sequencer will not work.

Because the Fortress of the Orderer is currently on a separate historical slice, and because the barriers of this historical slice have not been completely breached, the two historical slices cannot be connected.

Only rely on the combat power of the players themselves to eliminate the monsters in this historical slice.

This in itself has certain risks. If it fails, although it will not be a waste of all previous efforts, and there is still a chance to start again, the waste and consumption of the orderer's power is unbearable.

But if successful...

It can make the sequencer's progress in the river of history advance a lot!


Rays of light fell to the ground.

The players looked at each other, and they were all very unfamiliar with the scene in front of them.

Because the vast majority of teams have not played here yet.

Players playing other identities have never been to Mobei at all, and even players playing the role of "commander" have not yet reached here due to the difficulty of the act of imperial conquest.

Some were still stuck in the big battle before leaving the customs, and some were eating sand on the road, and they hadn't found Mahari's hiding place at all.

But now, they are standing on Wulan Tula Mountain, on the land where Taizu Sheng defeated the northern barbarian Mahali.

"Is this the beginning of the Sequencer Expedition? It's too soon, and I'm not ready yet!"

"Yeah, although I knew that the ultimate trial had been cancelled, it was too soon..."

"Hurry up! Don't engage in petty fights, just fight with demons!"

"Wait, where is the fortress of the sequencer? It doesn't seem to be here?"

"There is no danger here? No walls?"

"Look over there... how many Northern barbarian cavalry are here..."

The players who had just been summoned were quite relaxed at first, thinking that this was just a simple formality like the previous Sequencer Expedition, but after carefully looking at the surrounding situation, they realized that their thinking was too simple up.

The situation this time is completely different from the previous Sequencer expedition!
During the last Sequencer expedition, the players had already experienced the horror of the northern barbarian cavalry.

At that time, if it wasn't for the dangerous terrain of the Fortress of the Ordered, and the players were really placed on the Great Plains to confront the Northern Barbarian cavalry, it is estimated that they would have been killed after a few encounters and fled in all directions.

But now, players don't even have a section of the city wall, not to mention the dangerous terrain of the Fortress of the Orderers!

There is only wind and sand and yellow grass.

This is the home of the North Man!
Chu Ge and Zhao Haiping, who had been serving as commanders, looked at each other and were a little panicked.

Because under the dark sky in the distance, northern barbarian cavalry had already appeared.

The mountains and plains are endless.

Previously, the elite armored cavalry led by Mahari had 30,000 people, with a total force of around [-]. It had already caused great trouble to the players and Taizu Sheng, and the victory or defeat was only a hair's breadth away.

Now, although the number of northern barbarian cavalry controlled by the monsters is smaller, their combat effectiveness is not necessarily weak!
Because the cavalry controlled by the demon itself has a strong fighting spirit and anti-strike ability. Compared with the real northern barbarian cavalry in history, its individual combat ability is not known to be stronger.

As for our own strength, there are only nearly [-] players instead of the [-] elite army that Sheng Taizu brought out at that time.

Even counting the resurrection chance that everyone has, the strength of both sides is just a balance of power.

The players had already experienced the horror of the Northern Man heavy cavalry before, so they were naturally full of apprehension about how to fight this battle.

Chu Ge hurriedly shouted: "How many players have passed the cavalry trial? Get on the horse!"

With an order, many players took out the whip props they got and got on their horses.

Among the nearly 10,000 players, there are about [-] people in their early years.

The horses under their crotch appear out of thin air, as long as there are no other players or objects in the way.

The coat colors of these war horses vary, depending on the player's preferences, they can change their appearance by themselves.

Both men and horses are dressed in battle armor, and the necessary equipment such as Takahashi saddles and stirrups are also available.

The other players looked at these people with envy in their eyes.

They have horses!
Many players also leaned over to touch the horse carefully, feeling the tough muscles and fine fluff on the horse's neck, and found it very amusing.

Some people feel that the cavalry trial is really interesting. After clearing the dungeon, not only the horse is given, but also a full set of equipment for the horse.I am more determined to pass the cavalry trial in the future.

Seeing this ratio, Chu Ge felt a little more at ease.

Higher than he imagined!

It is indeed good news that about one-sixth of the players have cleared the cavalry trial in eight or nine days.

Zhao Haiping was the first to clear the customs, and it took more than seven days.But in the previous seven days, the other players were not idle, and they were all smashing the trial dungeon, so after the customs clearance video came out, these people also made breakthroughs very quickly.

Against the northern barbarian cavalry in the wilderness, if you can't even get together [-] heavy cavalry, then you might really have to send them.

But now, with [-] heavy cavalry, there are still some fighting.

Of course, it is still very difficult.

Both Chu Ge and Zhao Haiping felt a lot of pressure.

But at this moment, a voice sounded in the crowd.

"Where is this place? Who are you?...Where did my army go?"

The players turned their heads one after another, and found that Taizu Sheng, who had been in a frozen state before and seemed to be a statue with a high-gloss effect in the historical slice, actually moved.

He was still riding a war horse, wearing golden armor and holding a spear, and his eyes swept across the players with a puzzled expression in his eyes.

Sheng Taizu's body still had the "highlighting" effect brought by Wang Qi, which was gradually spreading and diluting, and finally spread to every player naturally.

Obviously, Sheng Taizu was in a daze at this time.

He appeared in Mobei inexplicably, and the soldiers around him disappeared. Instead, there were many people chattering and behaving strangely. What's more, the northern barbarian cavalry in the distance were gathering like black clouds over the city.

As for the players, they were also a little confused.

"...Is there an NPC to help this time?"

"I remember turning on the Heroic Spirit Summoning function before?"

"But General Deng Yuanjing was unlocked at the end of the fight before? Can we release General Deng Yuanjing now to help?"

Chu Ge and Zhao Haiping looked at each other, and made a guess at the same time.

"Could it be that... this expedition of the Sequencers doesn't need us to command?

"Isn't that...


(End of this chapter)

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