My players are all actors

Chapter 193 Cavalry Hedging

Chapter 193 Cavalry Hedging
The northern barbarian cavalry controlled by the monsters continued to gather, and then they continued to surround the player's position.

It was like a pitch-black ocean wave, beating towards the only remaining island.

It's just that there is still a certain amount of time before the real war breaks out.

The cavalry charge does not increase to full speed at the beginning, but will choose an appropriate distance to start increasing the speed, and achieve the strongest impact when engaging in battle.

Cherishing horsepower is a compulsory course for every cavalryman.

Of course, both the Sequencer and the monster can ignore the physical laws of the real world to a certain extent. For example, all players and the brute soldiers controlled by the monster will not feel hungry, do not need to eat, drink or excrete...

But when it comes to combat, it's not without limits.

Although the physical fitness of the players is very strong, they will still feel tired after a long battle. To eliminate this fatigue requires the power of the sorter.

Similarly, the combat power of the monsters and the physical strength of the northern barbarian cavalry horses will also cause similar consumption.

Therefore, these northern barbarian cavalry moved forward calmly and slowly.

But this can instead create a greater sense of oppression.

At this moment, Zhao Haiping was holding the reins, and beside Sheng Taizu, waiting for the start of the battle.

There are more and more northern barbarian cavalry in sight, even more than Mahari's main force that he saw when he played the role of "commander" of Sheng Taizu before.

It can also be said that even with the addition of the life that players can resurrect, they are still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.What's more, the northern barbarians are almost all cavalry troops, while the players only have [-] cavalry.

Zhao Haiping looked at Sheng Taizu who was standing in front of him. At this time, Sheng Taizu didn't have any expression on his face. Obviously, he had seen this kind of scene too much, and there was no disturbance in his heart.

"Later, is the dynasty you are in a ruled world or a chaotic one?" Sheng Taizu suddenly asked such a sentence.

Zhao Haiping was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and replied: "If you look at all the dynasties in the long river of Chinese civilization, of course they are remarkable governance.

"Even if someone in a certain place starves because they can't eat meat, it can be regarded as a fairly rare phenomenon, and it can even be publicized as news.

"In most places, it is impossible to talk about absolutely not picking up lost items on the road and not closing the house at night, but things like banditry and murder, compared to previous dynasties, can be said to be rare.

"However... Even so, there are still many areas that need to be improved."

Finally, a bewildered look appeared on Sheng Taizu's face, as if he was trying to mobilize all his imagination to imagine what kind of dynasty and what kind of scene it should be.

But obviously, he failed after all.

Because it is difficult for people to imagine what they have never seen.

What's more, he had never seen even a slightly similar scene.

"We sleep long and sleep at night, think hard, and rack our brains, so that the people under the rule of the Dasheng Dynasty can have a full meal. We don't ask for meat and vegetables, but we are satisfied with a few bowls of brown rice and a few steamed buns. I have no regrets in this life.

"But I didn't expect that hundreds of years later, it would really come true.

"It's just... that's already the case, why is there still room for improvement?"

Zhao Haiping didn't know how to explain it, so he could only say: " can only be said that society is progressing. People today are always better than people in ancient times, and people in the future will always be better than people today. Everyone... is embracing Strive with this expectation.

"What's more, countless people throughout the ages want to eliminate the selfishness of people, so that there will be no bandits, bandits, corrupt officials, dirty officials, local tyrants, evil gentry... no more poor people who are oppressed... but in the end...

"The road is difficult and long."

Speaking of this, Sheng Taizu obviously felt the same way.

He snorted coldly, nodded and said, "Exactly. In our opinion, to deal with these people, we should raise the butcher's knife and kill them all!"

Zhao Haiping was silent for a moment: "I'm afraid I can't kill them all."

Sheng Taizu chuckled: "I haven't tried it before, so how do I know it can't be killed?

"What's more, even if you can't kill them all, you can kill a batch more."

Zhao Haiping nodded silently: "Yes. This is why after hundreds of years later, countless people still admire His Majesty."

While speaking, the northern barbarian cavalry was approaching.

Sheng Taizu pulled the rein: "Okay youngsters, if we have time after this battle is over, we would like to have a good chat with you about future generations.

"Now, let's have a bloody battle with these barbarians!
"But then again..."

Sheng Taizu looked at Zhao Haiping: "Since you are the people who have ruled the world for thousands of years, you are sure you can withstand the army formation?"

Sheng Taizu's worries were obviously not unreasonable.

If you are an ordinary Taiping citizen, it is the first time you see such a terrible war machine as heavy cavalry, let alone a collision, as long as you see a large number of cavalry charging together and feel the rumbling tremors from the ground, you will be scared to death .

What's more, it's a group of younger generations who probably haven't seen blood hundreds of years later.

Zhao Haiping smiled: "You don't need to worry about this. We are not ordinary people, but orderers.

"To be more precise, it's the player. And the potential of the player is unimaginable to His Majesty."

Sheng Taizu showed doubts, obviously he had never heard of the concept of "player", he just thought it was some kind of related business such as juggling in theatrical troupe.

But since you are full of confidence, you might as well wait and see.


At the same time, Chu Ge was in the army formation, together with General Deng, watching the incoming Northern Man army.

"You said, how many times have you fought against the northern barbarian army? What was the result?" General Deng asked.

Chu Ge smiled slightly: "There are winners and losers, but in general, it is a small victory."

General Deng nodded: "That's very good."

Chu Ge felt a little regretful, the other party didn't seem to hear the modesty in his words.

But after thinking about it, it's better not to pretend to be outdated when the big battle is coming, what if you lose.

General Deng looked in the direction of Sheng Taizu: "That is the current Taizu...

"Sure enough, you have an extraordinary bearing. And... uh, forget it."

Obviously, seeing Sheng Taizu's appearance, he couldn't help thinking of his own emperor.

Although these words are not easy to say, it is obvious that he is also a little puzzled, why the gap between people of the same blood can be so large.

Chu Ge cleverly changed the topic: "General Deng, is it really feasible to ride with steps?"

General Deng nodded: "It is feasible, of course it is feasible, but there are many conditions.

"Soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent. We all know that cavalry has too many advantages over infantry, but war is not just about brute force. What determines the outcome of the battlefield is often something other than the battlefield.

"Daily training, logistics, morale...that sort of thing.

"The ones who are naked and carry only a bamboo pole are called infantrymen, those who wear heavy armor and hold a strong bow are also called infantrymen; those who are wrapped in sheepskin robes and ride thin horses are called cavalrymen, and those who are fully covered with iron armor are also called cavalrymen. cavalry.

“Conditions are different, so of course we cannot generalize.

"The same elite infantry, in the hands of some mediocre generals in the Qi Dynasty, can only be thrown on the ground like a lump of iron and beaten, but in the hands of the famous generals of the Taizu, they can turn around chasing the cavalry... Naturally, it cannot be generalized .”

Chu Ge asked again: "Then General Deng thinks, who can win between us sequencers and demons?
"The monster is also brave and fearless, and never backs down. It is far more difficult than ordinary northern barbarian cavalry."

General Deng was silent for a moment: "If the demons are really as stupid as you say, this battle will be easy. If we take the cavalry to force the infantry formation, if we really do such a thing, we certainly wish for it."

As soon as the words fell, the hooves of the northern barbarian cavalry came rushing from far to near.

The entire ground began to rumble and tremble, making people's hearts tremble.

The northern barbarian cavalry has an advantage in strength, so they came directly from three sides, like a big net, enclosing the entire array of players in it.

Perhaps these barbarians originally wanted to go around the rear of the entire formation, looking for weak points to attack, but at this time the players formed a boxy array, like a square hedgehog, with holes in the corners. Special reinforcement has been carried out, so there is no special breakthrough for a while.

So I had no choice but to take advantage of the situation and change my strategy, and directly surrounded and continued to attack and test.

But before the northern barbarian cavalry encircled him, Sheng Taizu had already led a kind of cavalry player, galloping with horses and whips.

"This direction, go!"

Sheng Taizu pointed at the big spear in his hand, pointing to the weak position of the northern barbarian cavalry.

Although there are a large number of these northern barbarian cavalry, they are not all well-equipped armored cavalry.A large part of them are ordinary light cavalry.

Moreover, these light cavalry may not run very fast. Although they carry light loads, the horses themselves are relatively weak.

And the [-] cavalry of the players are truly at the top level.

Although Meng Yuan was very picky when setting up the cavalry trial and set the threshold a little higher by [-] million points, the rewards after clearing the level are naturally very generous.

Zhao Haiping and Fan Cun, two top martial arts players, followed immediately.

Other cavalry players naturally followed suit.

When playing the role of Sheng Taizu, Zhao Haiping thought he was already reckless enough, but now he could feel the mood of the elite cavalry around him more clearly.

Your Majesty is too reckless to hold back!

Only by flattering the horse desperately can we barely keep up and not be left behind.

Your Majesty is charging forward, who dares to lag behind?

These players have all passed the cavalry trial, and they can ride without stirrups, let alone with stirrups.At this time, the ten thousand cavalry moved like thunder, and charged against the encircling northern barbarian cavalry!
The distance between the two sides is getting closer, and the players have raised their spears one after another.

There was black air in the eyes of these northern barbarian cavalrymen. At this time, they did not have much will of their own, but were controlled by the will of a higher demon.

The demons control these barbarians, just like the sorter controls the aborigines in a certain slice. They can give them simple instructions to make them rush up to be cannon fodder without hesitation, but it is difficult to give particularly accurate instructions , such as how a certain barbarian fights.

Brutal soldiers under the control of demons do not know what fear is, which should be a great advantage.

But under certain conditions, it can also become a kind of great disadvantage.

Two cavalry collided with each other!
Compared with the cavalry in the mountains and plains of the northern barbarians, the player's [-] cavalry don't seem particularly conspicuous.What's more, during the charge, the northern barbarian cavalry is like a pocket, trying to surround the players, and the cavalry of the players is more like a steel cone.

The two collided, and the horses staggered.

The northern barbarian cavalry who rushed to the front had just raised their sabers when they were stabbed by spears in a daze and fell off their horses.

Some northern barbarian cavalry even turned their black-smelling heads and saw a scene that they couldn't understand.

Under the cavalry confrontation, it should have been a very chaotic state, and the collision of war horses should have been a high probability event.

But these players turned the horse's head slightly, and while stabbing the northern barbarian cavalry with the advantage of the length of the spear, the horse also forced it to slip through the gap!
It is impossible for cavalry to maintain a particularly dense formation like infantry when they charge.

There should be a relatively large distance between the two horses, otherwise, once they run, they are likely to collide with their own people.

This was not a big deal at first, but at this time, it was strangely used by these players, and they turned the cavalry hedge into a cracking game!

To achieve this level, it is obvious that two points need to be met: one is to have excellent control over the horse, that is, to be able to achieve the point where the horse and man are united; the other is to have quick eyesight and quick hands, and be able to find the gaps in the enemy's formation in the ever-changing battlefield .

And very coincidentally, these players are satisfied with both points.

Of course, there will always be some accidents if you do too many things like drilling seams. Many players will inevitably collide with the cavalry or horses of the Northern Man in the end.

However, since the players are all heavy cavalry and have a heavy load, they will also have a great advantage in collisions.

Just like that, the cavalry unit of the players broke out from the encirclement of the northern barbarian cavalry, leaving only a mess of corpses!

Many northern barbarian soldiers and horses fell to the ground, and many unowned horses lost their riders and targets on the battlefield, wandering in confusion.

Reining in his horse and returning, Taizu Sheng swept over these people, and found that after this collision, it one was left behind.

Some people are wounded, but they can still fight, because the cavalry's natural skill is that people and horses share the damage, and they die together.

Sheng Taizu couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Although it is true that the heavy cavalry rushing against the light cavalry should have a devastating effect, this kind of battle loss ratio is indeed too low.

For some reason, at this moment, he felt as outrageous as if he was leading thousands of General Gu Yuan to charge together...

On the other side, the northern barbarian cavalry collided with the infantry phalanx lined up!

To be precise, it collided with the chariots that formed obstacles on the outermost perimeter.

Of course, there are also large gaps between the chariots, and it is impossible to completely fit the seams, but in these gaps, there are either sharp spears, or dark muzzles and muzzles.

Before these northern barbarian cavalry collided, when they entered the range, General Deng had already ordered the firing of guns and arrows, causing the first wave of damage to these charging cavalry.

But under the action of the monsters, they still rushed forward one after another without fear of death.

Numerous long spears extended from the back of the chariot, bearing the violent impact.

Many players waited confidently behind the chariot, but in the next moment, he felt a powerful force coming from the spear in his hand, even though the end of the spear had been inserted on the ground in advance, forming the most easily resisted impact The structure of the body didn't help at all, and the whole person was shaken and flew upside down.

The tiger's mouth shattered, and the spear snapped instantly.

Even the chariot, which looked quite solid, was bumped to the point of collapse, as if it would collapse at any time, turning into a huge breach.

It is definitely a prodigal behavior to use cavalry to attack the infantry phalanx formed in an array.

Because cavalry is much more expensive than infantry.

But throughout the ages, this kind of behavior is not uncommon.

Because as long as the cavalry broke through the infantry formation, the next step would be a one-sided massacre, even if they paid some price, it would be very cost-effective.

But at this time, this cavalry unit encountered unimaginably fierce resistance!
(End of this chapter)

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