My players are all actors

Chapter 194 Evolution

Chapter 194 Evolution
The first round of charging was over, and in front of the battle formation formed by the players, corpses of northern barbarian cavalry were piled up in all four directions.

However, under the configuration of the car formation, firecrackers, artillery and long guns, the casualties of the players were very slight. Players in the platoon can also block up immediately very firmly, keeping the formation roughly neat.

The dead players quickly enter the resurrection state, and the resurrection position is the center of the entire formation.

In other words, if estimated in the most optimistic way, the monsters have been manipulating the northern barbarian cavalry to rush down like this, and I am afraid that all the cavalry will be sent here, and the player's battle damage will not exceed one-third.

With the end of the first round of attack, many players in the army were relieved a lot, and even felt a little elated.

"The frightening heavy cavalry charge in the legend? That's it?"

"It was a bit disappointing indeed."

"The dense formation of pikemen is really useful. What's more, with the addition of artillery and long guns, it's a joy to play tower defense games."

"It can only be said that the demon is too weak, and it is purely for nothing."

"Compared to when we first met the heavy cavalry, we have also improved! We have a lot of tacit cooperation!"

"Hurry up and start the next round, I can't wait!"

Many players even find it boring.

Because General Deng left a lot of depth when arranging the player phalanx.

Even if the northern barbarian cavalry controlled by the monster broke through the chariot formation, and stepped on the player holding the spear in front, the formation was long enough to maintain the formation, and the cavalry was stuck in the quagmire, unable to continue to rely on the impact to move forward.

What's more, they haven't broken through the first line of defense of the car formation yet.

Therefore, after the first round of charging, the players who were deeper in the rear were somewhat uninvolved.

Seeing the opponent's cavalry galloping towards him, they stopped cooking before they could reach him. It was a bit regrettable that no horse ran into them with their spears held up for a long time.

Li Weiyi blew the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle of the blunderbuss, and asked Deng Yuanjing with some disappointment: "General Deng, this formation really looks invincible.

"Then the cavalry can only run when they encounter this situation? There is no other choice?"

When the opponent's cavalry rushed over, Li Weiyi naturally did not miss the opportunity and hit two cavalry.

Of course, I feel very good about myself, but I just feel that this battle has lost its suspense early, which is a bit boring.

General Deng Yuanjing didn't have much expression on his face, he was not dazzled by the momentary excitement, but continued to analyze the situation on the battlefield at this time, maintaining a rational analysis.

"If the cavalry wants to break this formation, there is naturally a way.

"It's still the same sentence, soldiers are impermanent, water is impermanent, all tactics are mutually restrained, there is no so-called victory.

"However, the other party is a demon after all, and cannot be judged by common sense.

"Maybe they were entrenched in ancient times, so their thinking is backward, and they don't know this kind of warfare; but after all, they are monsters, and maybe they will continue to learn and improve..."

Chu Ge also said: "General Deng is right, don't take it lightly, continue to maintain the formation against the enemy!
"Until the power of the demon is completely wiped out, we must not relax!
"In the battlefield, being weak and weak does not necessarily mean that there is no chance of winning, but arrogance and expansion often lead to failure!"

General Deng Yuanjing tasted Chuge's last sentence and nodded in agreement: "Well said."

Although not all players agree with this statement, they still continue to be prepared.

The dark clouds in the sky were rolling, and it was not known whether it was the demon expressing anger or doubt.

But soon, the tumbling dark clouds returned to normal, and the sky turned into a dark ocean again.

On the battlefield, the northern barbarian cavalry began to undergo some changes.

Their formation has changed!

Originally, the monster gathered all the armored heavy cavalry together, as if it wanted to break through the player's solid line of defense with no fancy force.

After this attempt was severely thwarted, the goblins began to mix armored heavy cavalry with light cavalry archers.

Before many players understood what this meant, the northern barbarian cavalry, who had quickly completed the transformation under the control of the monster, had already begun to launch a second round of charge.

Soon, some subtle changes took place in the expressions of the players.

I don't know whether to say that General Deng Yuanjing predicted the enemy like a god, or should I say that he has a crow's mouth...

The northern barbarian cavalry still charges as usual, but during the charge, players can clearly see that their style of play has changed significantly from before!

The previous formation was a dense horizontal formation, surrounded and attacked from all directions. It seemed that there was no trick at all, and it seemed more like unreasonable and reckless.

But now, the northern barbarian cavalry was divided into four directions, forming four long teams.There are only five or six cavalry in the front row of each team, but the entire formation stretches into the distance.

Some players who had no idea about this couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What does this mean? It's fine if you swarm up, but now you're queuing up to die?"

Undoubtedly, if the monsters forcefully charge into the player's formation with the current formation, they will really be queued up to die. Not to mention the player's damage, the dead horses in the front row are enough to block all the roads and make the cavalry's chances The power is completely lost, and it becomes a living target for bows and muskets.

But General Deng's serious expression clearly proved that this matter was not that simple.

It's just that the speed of the cavalry is extremely fast, and it's too late to make adjustments now, so we can only withstand this wave first, and then consider the change of formation.

If there is a hasty change of formation, it is likely to cause flaws in the formation and make it easier for the northern barbarian cavalry to break through.

So General Deng could only shout: "Be careful of the four corners of the formation! Pay attention to maintaining the formation!"

Before many players understood the meaning of General Deng's words, the northern barbarian cavalry had already come forward.

The long-range weapon confrontation in the early stage is similar to the previous situation.

The cavalry archers of the northern barbarians shot arrows into the army formation, and the players either held up their rattan shields to defend, or counterattacked with artillery, firecrackers, and bows and arrows, causing mutual casualties.

In comparison, the players must have the advantage.

It's just that this time the northern barbarian cavalry charged with a long line, unlike the stupid encirclement before, so the effect of the long-range weapons of the players is naturally reduced, and they will no longer be able to hit the enemy with a random shot like before .

But this is obviously not the main purpose of the monsters to make the northern barbarian cavalry change.

Many front-facing players saw the northern barbarian cavalry rushing in front of them, and they all clenched their spears, ready to enjoy the moment when the horse hit the tip of the spear.

Although the result is likely to fly out with a man and a gun under the impact of the cavalry, the spear can also cause fatal damage to the cavalry.

For players, it doesn't matter if they die, they are just waiting for resurrection, but the wonderful feeling of the moment when the spear pierces the horse is still very wonderful and very addictive.

It can only be said that throughout the ages, there will never be any army that can do what players do. Not only do they not feel any fear, but they also enjoy it.

Only in the next moment, the expectations of the players fell through.

Because the northern barbarian cavalry never ran into them to die!

The northern barbarian cavalry at the front suddenly turned their horses' heads, and the entire array was divided into two from the central position, directly avoiding the spear points of the player's array from the left and right sides, and the running trajectory drew a circular arc, and the Return the horse.

But this is clearly not a casual sightseeing tour or a horse show.

While the northern barbarian cavalry turned their horses and brushed past the player's spear, they began to attack in various ways.

The heavy cavalry tried to slash or assassinate the players who were too prominent, and what was even more deadly was that those horse archers stood up lightly with their feet on the stirrups, with bows in their left hands and arrows in their right hands, and they shot at the four players in the player's formation one after another. Horns shoot arrows.

There are even some elite cavalry archers who hold their bows horizontally and catch four or five arrows at a time, and scatter them at the players!
The queue of cavalry rushed past, and in the eyes of the players, apart from the galloping horses, there were endless bows and arrows.

Especially the players on the four corners, each of them was attacked by four or five or more Northern barbarian cavalry almost at the same time, and they were already shot into a sieve when they met each other.

Before the spear he held touched the northern barbarian cavalry's clothes, he returned to the resurrection point inexplicably and waited for the countdown.

Players in the four corners suffered a large number of casualties in an instant. Fortunately, General Deng had warned in advance, and the surrounding players were also smart enough, so after the casualties appeared, other players immediately made up for it according to the situation, but there was no such event. The huge gap that was immediately driven by the heavy cavalry.

It's just another round of charging, and the battle damage of both sides has been narrowed to a level that is not optimistic for the players.

The northern barbarian cavalry suffered extremely high battle damage before, because they were mindlessly attacking the car formations and gun formations in front of the players.

But now, the northern barbarian cavalry no longer rush forward, but focus on attacking the four corners of the battle formation by means of cross-firing, forming a local situation of less fighting and more fighting. While reducing their own losses, they also give players in specific areas pose a huge threat.

General Deng's expression was stern, and he saw the gap between the Northern Barbarian cavalry's charge, and immediately issued a new order: "Retreat the chariots at the four corners of the battle formation a little bit, and the rattan soldiers stepped forward to increase the formation density and cover the pikemen!

"The artillery is concentrated in the center of the four sides of the army formation!"

After the two not-so-complicated commands were issued, the players began to change formations according to the requirements.

It got a little messy since it wasn't practiced beforehand.

But fortunately, General Deng had a good grasp of the timing, leaving players with relatively plenty of time, and the change was barely completed before the next round of impact came.

The players also put away their previous contempt, and continued to fight with full spirit.

The current tactics used by the northern barbarian cavalry are obviously several grades better than the previous tactics.

This tactic is the standard tactic against the phalanx, also known as "corner cutting" or "peeling".

The specific method of use is not to rush into the infantry's array of long spears, but to turn the horse's head when it is about to rush, so that the entire queue draws an arc to the left or right front, creating a side-to-side infantry phalanx Opportunity.

And in this state, it is a very comfortable shooting state for the rider.

These northern barbarian cavalry who are proficient in cavalry and archery can calmly focus their fire on the enemy on the corner or on a certain side.

Repeat this several times, and the infantry at the corners will be killed in large numbers, which will deal a heavy blow to morale.

Infantry can quickly collapse if they cannot hold their formation.

At that time, it will be the familiar charge and massacre.

General Deng was obviously prepared for this, and the four corners of the formation were slightly shrunk and compacted, so that he could better deal with this style of play of the Northern Barbarian cavalry.But even so, the battle loss ratio of the two sides is still in a very anxious state.

When the tactics of both sides are relatively good, the competition becomes determination, perseverance, morale...or simply to see which side dies first.


On the other side, after Sheng Taizu's elite cavalry rushed out of the encirclement of the northern barbarian cavalry, they have been cruising around and observing.

No more active attacks on the northern barbarian cavalry.

Witnessing the changes on the main battlefield, Zhao Haiping couldn't help being surprised: "Can it still be like this?
"It's a bit tricky for this be able to change his mind so quickly."

All the monsters left the player with the impression of a brainless reckless man, who can do things like hitting the city wall with cavalry troops and hitting the gun array, so it is more or less contemptuous.

Many players are very confident in their own technical and tactical level, and feel that crushing monsters is no problem.

But this time, the situation is obviously different.

 Take the time to code a bit first, and then update it according to the situation, it should be restored soon

(End of this chapter)

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