My players are all actors

Chapter 199 Movies and Matching Chapters

Chapter 199 Movies and Dialogues (9000 chapters ask for a monthly ticket)
At this time, the players also woke up from reality.

On the official forum of "Dark Sand", the screen was flooded with discussions by players again.

"Ah! It stopped abruptly, and the meaning is still unfinished!"

"Yeah, why did it disappear like this?"

"This time, it's a head-to-head fight with the northern barbarian cavalry without relying on the advantage of the location, especially the large-scale cavalry battle. It's so interesting!"

"Fighting side by side with His Majesty is so nostalgic, I haven't fought enough!"

"Yeah, every time it's completely unremarkable, it's over, bad review!"

"What did the designer of this game think? After the game is over, he can have a good chat with Sheng Taizu? Why did it stop abruptly! Damn it!"

"Bad review! Complain!"

The players lashed out at the game official again.

Not because the game is badly done, but because it's done so well!
Everyone fought together with General Deng and Sheng Taizu, and they didn't feel the passage of time at all. They just wanted to spend more time with them.As a result, the official said to cut it off, and the players were of course very uncomfortable.

But it’s all about spraying, everyone also went to the game "Dark Sand", and it seems that there is no such thing as customer service at all, so after complaining for a while, they dispersed.

As before, the footage of the Sequencer Expedition has also been updated synchronously.

It is also a perfect documentary, the entire recording time is as long as three hours, and all the wonderful performances of the players are edited into it.

Among them, all are the most exciting large-scale war scenes.

Especially the cavalry players, under the leadership of Sheng Taizu, the cavalry team of [-] people rushing back and forth in the siege of tens of thousands of northern barbarians, and the invincible scene is really amazing.

Of course, the influence of this video is not limited to the player group, and it also gained a very high popularity in the first place on the Internet.

Many war lovers of cold weapons are hooked.

"This battle scene is really cool!"

"The details are too exquisite! Whether it is the formation of an army to resist the enemy or the specific tactics of the cavalry, they all highly restore the real scenes in ancient times. The war scenes in the crudely made historical dramas of ancient costumes are simply blown out of ten streets!"

"Yeah, I stared at it for so long, but I couldn't see any flaws."

"I enjoyed the part of the cavalry battle the most. Other film and television dramas are nothing more than the cavalry on both sides. The battle? Unexpectedly, the game "Dark Sand" crushed all these big-budget film and television dramas!"

"Sheng Taizu and General Deng...the appearance of this kind of characters is really exciting. Just watching the video, I feel like crying. If I can really fight side by side with them as a soldier, what would it be like?" How does it feel?"

"It doesn't matter, this time I will definitely get the quota for the closed beta of "Dark Sand"!"

"After all, this is made through the real historical memory of human beings, and it must be highly restored to history!"

"The only pity I have to say is that due to the setting of the monster, the enemy's fighting will is too tenacious, and there will be no collapse. It is somewhat unreal. Look forward to the content of this movie by Sheng Taizu!"

"I'm also looking forward to it! I heard that the last challenge in it is the very famous Battle of Wulan Tula Mountain. Sheng Taizu confronted the elite heavy cavalry of the Northern Man and fought against the elite heavy cavalry of the Northern Man on a long journey. If this scene can See, that would be so cool!"

"There should be, I can't wait to go to the cinema!"

Players are constantly discussing the details of the dungeon "Brave Heroism", as well as the video of the latest Sequencer expedition.

The content of this update has too many things that moved them.

Of course, there are also many players who are already looking forward to the content of the new version.

At the same time that the popularity of the forum reached a new peak, the update announcement of "Dark Sand" finally came out.

Players can't wait to click to check it out.


"The new version update announcement of "Dark Sand":

"With the assistance of Taizu Sheng and General Deng, the players successfully defeated the demon of the historical slice, and successfully conquered the historical slice that locked the entire Dasheng Dynasty. The scope of the fortress of the sequencer was further expanded, and the various abilities of the sequencer were also obtained. corresponding upgrades.

""Dark Sand" will enter a seven-day state of preparation for a new version:
"[-]. The video clips of the customs clearance of "Heroes of the Heart" will be released in major theaters and online video platforms in the form of movies, and the income will still be returned to the players.

"This movie will use 'dialogue' as the main frame, and add the most suitable player clearance video as supplementary material, so stay tuned!
"Second, in the game of land feudal borders, the scope of the sequencer's fortress and the player's fiefdom will be further expanded.

"At the same time, some new craftsmen and shops will appear in the fortress and fiefdom of the Sequencer, and more resource points will be unlocked.

"Cavalry players can purchase special props such as new horse gear, vests, and horse weapons in the Fortress of the Ordered. Other players can also purchase weapons, armor, and other equipment from the entire period of the Great Sheng Dynasty.

"Third, the Heroic Spirit Summoning function has been upgraded.

"General Deng Yuanjing's appearance time and combat power will be improved.

"Fourth, the issuance of internal test qualifications.

"At this stage, an additional [-] internal test qualifications will be issued, bringing the total number of internal test players to [-].

"The new internal test quota will be selected according to the original mechanism.

"Special attention: According to different historical slices, the number of players that can be carried by the sequencer's expedition is also different. In some special cases, entering the sequencer's expedition may have to be screened. Strive to be the first.

"Seven days later, the game will launch a new version of 'How many things rise and fall through the ages', the specific update content is as follows.

"[-]. A batch of new talent skills have been unlocked in the sequencer's talent skill library, and the 'Gen' level skill level has been unlocked.

"Second, part of the talent skills will be unlocked as permanent talent skills, and the permanent talent skills will not occupy the original talent skill slots.

"Third, the degree of freedom of the game will be greatly improved. In some historical slices, players can clear the dungeon without seeking to reproduce the original appearance of history.

"Fourth, unlock a new copy of 'I'm still talking'.

"This dungeon has a high degree of freedom, and players can explore specific changes by themselves during the game."


Players immediately began to interpret the new version update announcement.

It has become their routine.

The version of the game "Dark Sand" is updated very frequently. Basically, a large copy is updated in about two weeks, and small copies like the cavalry trial will be forced in every now and then.

Only the top players can keep up with the progress. There are many players who are slow to challenge. They have not yet understood the previous dungeons, so they open a new dungeon.

And the seven days after each customs clearance dungeon is the time for most players to make up lessons.

As for the new version update announcement, it often contains a lot of information.

For those top players who want to win at the starting line and quickly find out the right path as soon as the new instance is opened, researching and interpreting the update announcement is obviously a must.

It's just that after reading this update announcement, some players feel somewhat disappointed.

"Why doesn't this update feel very powerful?"

"Yeah, it seems that they are all relatively routine updates, and there are no particularly powerful new features."

"Anyway, I have opened up the copy of the entire Dasheng Dynasty. Can't there be something more powerful?"

"There are no new heroic spirits unlocked in the Heroic Spirit Summoning function. Can't you unlock Sheng Taizu? If there is no Sheng Taizu, General Gu Yuan can do it too."

"There is no new sub-identity unlocked. It is estimated that in the short term, there will only be an optional sub-identity of cavalry."

"It's okay, anyway, the version update is relatively fast, maybe there will be new functions in two weeks."

"In fact, there are quite a lot of basic content updates this time. The Sequencer's skill library has been expanded, and the skill level has been raised by one level. The number of players has directly increased by [-] to [-]. The craftsmen and merchants in the Sequencer City Fortress And so on, the product list has been updated, so we can boost our combat power."

"What's the content of the new dungeon 'I want to talk about it'? And the name of this version, 'How many things have risen and fallen through the ages', these are famous poems from the Qi Dynasty, but it is difficult to make up the specific content of the dungeon..."

"Of course I'll know in a week!"

"Go to the movies first! Your Majesty, here I come!"


At this time, Zhao Haiping had just sat comfortably on his sofa, opened a can of Feizhai Happy Water, and looked at the TV screen.

Today is the weekend, so he doesn't have to go to work.

The online version of the copy of "A Brash Hero" is about to be unlocked, and it will be available to watch soon.

According to the update announcement of the new version, this time the movie will add the form of "dialogue", and the players' customs clearance performance may be edited into it.

Although the teams of Chu Ge and Zhao Haiping were the first to clear the level, but when it comes to the four different identities, perhaps players from other teams performed better.

Therefore, this film material is selected from the best, and it is quite worth looking forward to.

As for Zhao Haiping, he certainly has confidence in his performance. The identity of the "commander" and the battle at Wulan Tula Mountain will most likely be shot by him.

With a relaxed, comfortable and expectant mood, Zhao Haiping looked at the opening scene on the TV screen.


In the wilderness beyond the Great Wall, the sky is full of wind and sand.

As far as the eye can see, there is a dull yellow everywhere, the sun has slanted to the west, and the withered grass on the ground is also slanting, as if it is growing tenaciously.

With a "click", the horse's front hooves stepped on the withered grass, trampling it into the soil.

But after the war horse walked away with gentle steps, the withered grass stood up tenaciously. Although it was crooked and not as before, it still made people feel a kind of vigorous vitality.

The setting sun is like blood, alone, riding alone, looking farther into the empire's territory.

Immediately afterwards, another war horse appeared behind this person.

The camera follows the perspective of the second war horse, and locks on the back of the predecessor.

As soon as the camera turned, the figure of the second war horse appeared.

"The junior Meng Yuan, who came from more than 600 years later, is here to visit His Majesty.

"I would like to work together with Your Majesty, to show the body through the mirror, to know the past and the present, so that future generations can also see His Majesty's demeanor!"

Meng Yuan rode a war horse, standing behind Sheng Taizu, clasped his fists and clasped his hands in the posture of a junior, his tone neither humble nor overbearing.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the war horse turned slightly, Sheng Taizu looked over slowly.

His eyes were burning like torches, not angry and majestic, but with a bit of appreciation and care for the younger generation.

"Since you are from a later life, you naturally know many things about the future."

Meng Yuan nodded: "Senior, it's okay to ask, but this junior knows everything."

Sheng Taizu smiled openly: "The secrets of heaven cannot be seen, the more you know about the future, the more painful it will be.

"We have already learned from other young people that the Dasheng Dynasty has enjoyed Guozuo for nearly 300 years, so we don't have too many worries.

"There is no eternal dynasty in the world. Since the great prosperity is no longer but China will last forever, then we don't have too many regrets.

"So, today we don't want to ask what happened after Dasheng Dynasty, but I want to ask first...

"If you were to evaluate our life, what achievement would you most recognize?"


At this time, countless viewers were watching this new movie with Zhao Haiping.

This opening also gave them a strong shock.

"Seeing Sheng Taizu's face, I'm so touched, finally there is a drama that can show this undistorted face!"

"That's right, 'Taizu's face, with beautiful eyebrows, bright eyes, straight nose and long lips, face like a full moon, beard not full of a foot, is quite different from the folk legendary image', this is the correct image!"

""Dark Sand" is a real historical memory, so many things can be concluded, right? At least don't use the appearance to blacken Taizu!"

Most of the viewers did not qualify for the closed beta of "Dark Sand". This was the first time they saw the real image of Sheng Taizu in "Dark Sand", so it sparked a small-scale discussion.

As one of the outstanding players, Zhao Haiping was naturally familiar with Sheng Taizu's face.

What he didn't expect was that the movie would start in such a way.

In the wilderness beyond the Great Wall, the setting sun is like blood.

Zhao Haiping is naturally very familiar with the scenery here.

This is Wulan Tula Mountain, where he fought the last battle with the Northern Man when he played the role of "commander" Sheng Taizu, and it is also the battlefield where the players fight the monsters in the historical slice.

This place is of great significance to Sheng Taizu.

If that dilapidated and desolate mountain village was the starting point of his life, then Wulan Tula Mountain was the end of his life.

Although Taizu Sheng spent a long time in the palace after this personal conquest of Beiman, and finally died in the process of reviewing memorials, but in fact after the first battle at Wulan Tula Mountain, Taizu Sheng's mission was to It's almost done.

He has already achieved the limit of what an emperor can do. As for the follow-up, it is just some finishing work to extend the country.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to review Sheng Taizu's glorious life in this place.

A beggar, a rebel army, a commander, an emperor...he may have many identities, but his favorite identity must be a soldier.

Fighting the northern barbarians, fighting the ministers, fighting all the injustices he thinks.

Perhaps in his heart, dying on the battlefield is a better destination for a soldier, but it is a pity that God did not give him such an honor, so he had no choice but to continue to bow down among the ministers' memorials until the last moment of his life.

And this time, Meng Yuan spoke with Sheng Taizu on behalf of the players.

Zhao Haiping originally thought that this role would be Chu Ge, but considering that the two roles played by Meng Yuan before were very exciting, it is appropriate for the official to make this arrangement.

Since it is a dialogue, it is nothing more than a question and an answer.

Moreover, it was mainly Sheng Taizu who was asking.After all, after going through this trial illusion, the players already know enough about Sheng Taizu.

Sheng Taizu's first question is very interesting.

For Guo Zuo of the Dasheng Dynasty, Sheng Taizu didn't show too much concern. After knowing that the Dasheng Dynasty was considered to have a long life in the past dynasties, he turned the page very openly.

But this doesn't mean that Taizu Sheng didn't have other things to care about.

From this question, it can be seen that Sheng Taizu is actually more concerned about what future generations think of him.

In particular, I want to know which of the achievements he has made with all his life's painstaking efforts have been recognized by future generations.

Sure enough, no matter how open-minded a hero is, such things as "names before and after life" are hard to give up.

Zhao Haiping straightened his body slightly, looking forward to Meng Yuan's next answer.


Meng Yuan cheered up and said the answer he had prepared in his heart: "In this case, this junior will boldly answer.

"The first point is naturally the greatest achievement of the predecessors: expelling the barbarians and rebuilding China!"

But Sheng Taizu's reaction was mediocre.

He chuckled and looked into the distance: "But some people say that the times make heroes.

"There are also people who say that there are many heroes in China, and maybe another person can do better.

"For what everyone should do, what is the merit?

"What do you say?"

Of course, Meng Yuan was not stopped by the question, he just slowed down his speech and spoke eloquently.

"After the Qi Dynasty, the northern barbarians entered the Central Plains, and Shenzhou fell.

"After the Great Prosperity Dynasty, Huaxia was once again ravaged by the iron hooves of foreign races, and there were many mourners.

"If there were no more than two hundred years of the Great Prosperity Dynasty, my Chinese civilization would have been broken for more than six hundred years!
"Since the death of Yanyun, the entire north has been under the iron hooves of alien races. The Central Plains Dynasty has been defeated repeatedly. If there is no Dasheng Dynasty and more than [-] years of alien rule, will our Chinese civilization still exist?
"The Great Prosperity Dynasty created by His Majesty unified China from south to north, and reshaped the spirit of China, which has been declining and declining since the collapse of the Liang Empire, so that future generations of poets no longer have to lament that "Wang Shibei set the Central Plains Day and Family Sacrifice Never forget to tell Nai Weng', which made me Huaxia stand up again!
"Of course this is an unworldly feat in expelling the barbarians and rebuilding China!

"If a Greek farmer without any background, more than 90 years after the fall of Constantinople, the volunteer soldiers recovered Greece, Asia Minor, North Africa, and the Apennine Peninsula that had been occupied for a hundred years, and recovered the Iberian Peninsula that had been occupied for a thousand years. Gaul and Britain have reshaped the Roman Empire, allowing the people who have fallen for thousands of years to recognize themselves as Romans again. What kind of evaluation will he get?
"Unfortunately, there were no such heroes in ancient Rome.

"Fortunately, I have such a hero in China!

"If times make heroes, and there is always 'another person' who will come out to turn the tide when China sinks, then the 'other person' of the Roman Empire...

"Where is it?
"The juniors think that China is too lucky. Whenever the mountains and rivers collapse, the land of Shenzhou sinks, and the crisis of genocide is faced, there will always be a group of people who will emerge to save the people from the fire.

"But it is precisely because of this that many people regard it as the norm, but they don't know that God has never particularly favored Huaxia.

"The people are the creators of history, but those heroes were also born under the support of the people, and their achievements should naturally be remembered by China!"


Meng Yuan's speech was full of emotions, and he had a kind of scholarly spirit of pointing out the country and berating Fang Qiu.

But this kind of emotion does not make people feel disgusted. On the contrary, he keeps carrying it, as if he has really traveled through hundreds of years of history, and has a panoramic view of the hardships and unyielding struggles that the entire China has encountered before and after the Dasheng Dynasty.

And the question "Where is the 'other person' of the Roman Empire?" has aroused the resonance of countless netizens.

If you turn on the barrage function of the video website at this time, you will see countless players' compliments.

"Yeah, that's great!"

"Expelling the barbarians and rebuilding China, this sentence is easy to say, but it is so difficult to do it!"

"Unifying China from south to north is a great feat that no one has ever achieved before Sheng Taizu! Not to mention that he has personally conquered Mobei several times, and his martial arts are so abundant!"

"Some people always say that even if Taizu Sheng didn't establish the great dynasty and expel the northern barbarians, there would always be another person to complete it, but where is the 'other person' of the Roman Empire?"

"Indeed, it is precisely because Taizu Sheng expelled the northern barbarians and established the Dasheng Dynasty that everyone takes this matter for granted. But when you look at the Roman Empire again, isn't it that once the dynasty fell apart, it never stood up again? Yet?"

"Yes, if there is such a person in the Roman Empire, his name in the West will probably replace Caesar?"

"Thinking about it this way, if there is no Dasheng Dynasty to reshape China, the entire Central Plains has been ruled by foreign races for more than [-] years, what kind of scene it will be, I am afraid it is unimaginable!"

"During the Qi Dynasty, even the traditional areas of Han people such as Yanyun, Liaodong, and Hexi Corridor could not be maintained. Not to mention later, the southerners became the lowest class, and even the generation of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Guangdong and Guangxi were full of Hu merchants. Given time, maybe The Central Plains will be completely destroyed, if there is no Dasheng Dynasty, maybe there will be another terrifying chaos!"

"Look at it now and you will know that the fishing village that has been separated for more than 100 years is restless, and the island that has been separated for 70 years is full of smog. Sheng Taizu took over, but the north and south that have been separated for more than 200 years, and the Yanyun that has been separated for more than 400 years, is a separation. The Hexi Corridor, which has been lost for more than 500 years, is Yunnan, which has been lost for more than 800 years!"

"Yes, if there is no Dasheng Dynasty, I am afraid that the backbone of my Chinese people will be broken! I am afraid that the southerners and the northerners will become two different ethnic groups. Don't think it is impossible. There are many examples in the world. All."

"It is said that the times make heroes, but in those darkest moments in our Chinese history, how many heroes like Sheng Taizu ever appeared?"

"I don't like the saying that times make heroes. Of course, this sentence has its merits, just like Sheng Taizu, if he was born in a peaceful and prosperous age, he would only be a tenant farmer for a lifetime, and heroes are useless. However, too much emphasis on times makes heroes, But fell into a kind of nothingness, as long as 'the hero does not come out', it is understood as 'the time has not come', but in many cases, it is the hero who finds the opportunity, and the hero creates the situation!"

"That's why I, Huaxia, are very lucky. Whenever Huaxia declines and Shenzhou sinks, there will always be a hero who will turn the tide and help the building to collapse! However, it is also because of this kind of luck, Many people regard the emergence of these heroes as inevitable, and don't know how to cherish them at all!"

"It's not only that they don't know how to cherish, but they have to constantly look for various angles to criticize and discredit them. Those executioners who hold butcher knives and are stained with blood have become the targets of being overturned."

"It's great, it's great to be able to say this to Sheng Taizu..."

These short words made the audience seem to have traveled through hundreds of years and arrived at that era of magnificent waves and heroes.

The camera in the movie also changed accordingly.

Chuzhou City, Rebel Army.

The young Sheng Taizu started from here and embarked on the journey of his mission step by step.

From Sheng Taizu's first battle with the northern barbarian army to the time he left Chuzhou City with the "24 generals of the Lianghuai River", the plot of the identity of the "rebel army" was fully displayed in front of all audiences.

Especially in the end, when he resolutely took away 24 people and decided to make a breakthrough by himself, many viewers felt unexpected.

Although this is all recorded in official history, it is indeed not well known to most ordinary people.

What "Dark Sand" officially adopted was not the video of Huo Yunying, but the video of another martial arts player.

This may be because in the video of Huo Yunying, although the customs clearance was faster and smoother, it was not close enough to Sheng Taizu's image at that time.

The video of this player not only shows the complex emotions of Sheng Taizu's nervousness and embarrassment when he first entered the battle, but also well reflects the whole process of his continuous growth and rapid emergence in the battle.

And, there's more to the movie than that.

The role of the "rebel" ended when Sheng Taizu left Chuzhou City, but the film continued.

After Sheng Taizu left Chuzhou City, relying on these 24 people, he continued to recruit nearby rebels and bandits, either by tricks, by relying on his own personality charm, or by attacking head-on... Soon, he was pulled up. A team of 3000 people.

From the rebel army of 24 generals to 3000 people, and then to the separatist forces that ruled the roost, and finally unified the Central Plains and started the Northern Expedition...

The movie does not record the details in particular, but uses war scenes one by one to introduce the general process of Sheng Taizu's "expelling the Hulu and rebuilding China" in a jumpy manner.

Watching this rebel army continue to grow, the players also watched with excitement.

In particular, it also shows the difference between Sheng Taizu's rebel army and other rebels: strict military discipline, orderly rewards and punishments, perhaps this is the biggest difference between Sheng Taizu and other peasant uprising leaders.


After some ups and downs, the scene returns to the battlefield near Wulan Tula Mountain again.

A smile appeared on Sheng Taizu's face, as if recalling his glorious years once again.

He nodded slightly, and continued to ask: "But there is a second point?"

Meng Yuan said without thinking: "Of course there is.

"The second point, of course, is 'to set up guidelines and disciplines, to help the people'."

Compared with "expelling the barbarians and rebuilding China", this second point is obviously not so loud.

Sheng Taizu nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with Meng Yuan's words, but he still said: "Easy corvee and less money, rest and recuperate, this is what every founding king should do."

Meng Yuan nodded: "Although this is the case, if you say that you can truly understand the suffering of the people and understand the 'difficulty of the people's livelihood', the senior is second to none among the emperors!
"During the previous dynasty, tyranny was rampant, tenants were like pigs and dogs, and the rich dared to kill them exclusively. Landlords were less guilty of beating tenants to death, and could even be whipped and driven, treated as slaves, and even their children.

"If the tenant has a son, he will be enslaved; if he has a daughter, he will be a servant.

"In fact, before the Dasheng Dynasty, the status of tenant farmers was no different from that of serfs!

"We are accustomed to a feudal society without serfdom, but in fact we are the anomalies. Almost all feudal societies around the world have embarked on the road of serfdom, and the so-called civilized West is still carrying out reforms to abolish serfdom until modern times.

"Dasheng was first established, and it can be described as devastated. The north of the Huaihe River, the Yellow River Basin, Liaodong, and northwest are almost all white land. There is not much population in the entire north of the Yangtze River. Even the Luoyang Basin is still grazing military horses.

"The Yellow River is flooding and the people are struggling to live. In such a scene of 'more than one hundred people living', ordinary people can't even talk about survival, let alone the rise and fall of a dynasty?
"And 30 years after the founding of the Dasheng Dynasty, more than [-] ponds and weirs were opened, [-] rivers were dredged, and [-] embankments were repaired in prefectures and counties across the country!
"Dujiangyan, which was abandoned for hundreds of years, came back to life. The Yellow River was flooded for 200 years and stopped flooding. Hexi, which was slaughtered by the northern barbarian army, had a population of less than 800,000 and less than 30 hectares of farmland. , the [-] army in the northwest can support the army for three years, and the registered arable land and population exceed the peak of the Qi Dynasty!

"The tenant farmers in the Dasheng Dynasty were not serfs, but Qimin. They had certain legal rights and personal freedom, and could not be manipulated arbitrarily.

"During the early and mid-period of the Great Prosperity Dynasty, 'wealth and honor did not dare to buy more rent. At that time, scholar-bureaucrats were afraid of clear discussions, and returned officials had little pockets. There was no trend of annexation by tyrants and powers, and the people had limited land. Families were not very poor, and valleys were not very expensive.'

"The rights that Dasheng regained for tenant farmers lasted for 600 years!

"Even a statute was drawn up: virtuous and upright and heroic men are allowed to tie up evil subordinates in various places and old, treacherous and stubborn people in rural cities and send them to Beijing; if anyone dares to stop them halfway, they will show their heads to the public!

"If you look at it from the perspective of landlords, gentry, and powerful officials, His Majesty is of course unforgivably guilty. What kind of feeling should such an emperor appear?"


Meng Yuan's words once again aroused applause from the audience.

"That's great! It's a feeling of blood boiling!"

"Yes, it is said that Taizu Sheng is a tyrant, but no matter how cruel he is, he is still an opponent. To the powerful gentry, and to ordinary people, he is the real savior!"

"Speaking of cruelty, it's all empathy for the 'superior man'! When corrupt officials embezzle money for flood control, countless people in the lower reaches drown; When students from poor families who study hard cannot be loyal to the country...don't the common people and students who study hard from poor families be pitiful?"

"Yeah, think about what life Sheng Taizu lived in those days? His grandparents and grandchildren have been refugees and tenant farmers at the bottom of the society. There is no roof to cover their heads, and there is no place to stand on the ground. Even two catties of pork are asked to be named by scholars. Sorry! Some people still say that bureaucrats and landlords are pitiful?"

"Hey, it is precisely because Sheng Taizu started with a bowl that he understands the hardships of the people's livelihood better! He is indeed merciless in killing officials, but how many emperors can do better than him for the common people?"

"At first, I thought it was a matter of course after the founding of the country to lighten the tax and make a living with the people, but in the long history, how many dynasties can really do this?"

"That's right, Taizu Sheng is also a feudal emperor and cannot escape the laws of history, but among the emperors, he can be regarded as the best group of people."


As soon as the camera turned, the scene of Sheng Taizu in his old age crouching at his desk to review the memorial appeared.

This section uses Chu Ge's lens.

Mountains of memorials, seemingly endless work...

With such an old body, he persisted tenaciously. Perhaps this huge empire would not collapse if he did not review one memorial or deal with one thing, but he just kept persisting and refused to say anything. Relax.

And several important cases encountered when playing the role of "emperor" are also well presented, so that the audience can follow Chu Ge's perspective to understand why some people have to be killed.

The previous performance of the "emperor" status did not clearly explain the results of this hard work.

The players have been busy for a long time, but in the end they just saw the number of "Guo Zuo Extension" and obtained the qualification to clear the level.

But at this time, through Meng Yuan's introduction, the changes in cultivated land, population, water conservancy facilities and other data are intuitively displayed in front of all audiences.

Finally, a bird's-eye view.

The originally barren and dilapidated mountain villages have become densely populated again, and the displaced farmers are either busy with spring plowing, hardworking, or feeling the joy of a good harvest...

A scene of prosperity.


Sheng Taizu showed a little smile on his face, and seemed to be more satisfied with Meng Yuan's second point than the first point.

It's not that the second achievement is greater than the first, but that expelling the barbarians and rebuilding China is certainly the greatest achievement of Taizu Sheng, but this kind of achievement sometimes overshadows other achievements.

Therefore, many people ignore Sheng Taizu's outstanding ability in restoring the economy and governing the country.

Meng Yuan's second point is a high affirmation of Sheng Taizu's excellent ability in governing the country. The words "understand how difficult people's livelihood is" are obviously a very high praise.

As far as Sheng Taizu himself was concerned, he was obviously quite proud of his achievements in other areas, and Meng Yuan's words obviously touched his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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