My players are all actors

Chapter 200 Unchanged original intention, indomitable

Chapter 200 Unchanging the original intention, persevering
"Not bad, is there any more?"

Sheng Taizu looked into the distance, although there was some approval on his face, it seemed that he was still not very satisfied with Meng Yuan's answer.

This question stunned all the audience in front of the screen.

Are there any more?
It should be... no more, right?
Drive out the barbarians, rebuild China, establish guidelines and discipline, and save the people.This is already recognized as Sheng Taizu's greatest achievement. Could it be possible to make up a third point?

In fact, most people can see that Sheng Taizu is not the kind of person who is overly complacent about his own achievements.

Even on the contrary, he is not very interested in his well-known achievements. Instead, he hopes that other things he has done will be seen by others.

Meng Yuan was not stumped, he paused for a while, and continued: "The third thing that juniors admire seniors most is: never change their original intentions, and persevere!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience in front of the screen was a little confused.

Because the third point is really far from the first two points, it's not at the same level at all, and it can't even be called a merit.

What is there to say?

"I thought there would be some shocking words in the third point, and that's it?"

"Never change your original intention and persevere? What is this? Should this be considered a necessary condition for a successful person?"

"Yeah, compared to the first two points, this third point is a bit insufficient, and it is suspected of making up the number."

"I also think that there is no need to force three points!"

Sheng Taizu was a little surprised, and asked with an approving expression: "Why do you admire this the most?"

Meng Yuan looked up into the distance, and the thoughts of all the audience seemed to flow to the distance with the long river of time.

"Taizu was seventeen years old, drought locusts, severe famine. Parents and brothers died one after another, poor and unable to be buried.

"At the beginning, after joining the imperial army, I apologized a lot at the end of the year, and the emperor was suspected by Mrs. Peng again, so I had no food. Later, I stole the pancakes, and the meat was charred.

"I'm sick in bed. The ministers please pray and ask for a good doctor. Later, he said to the emperor: "Death is life, life is also, what is the benefit of praying and offering sacrifices! And how can a doctor live a person! If the medicine is not effective, you will not be guilty of concubines. Is it a doctor?' The emperor asked what he wanted to say. He said: "May your majesty seek the virtuous and accept advice, be as careful as the beginning, and the descendants will be virtuous, and the subjects will get what they want." It was the collapse of Yue Bingxu, year 51. The emperor wept bitterly, Then he did not restore his post.

"At the end of the leap month, the emperor's disease gradually increased. Yiyou died in the West Palace at the age of seventy one. The posthumous edict said: "I have been entrusted with the destiny for thirty years. I have been worrying about dangers, and I have worked hard every day to benefit the people. Since Nai It is cold and humble, and there is no great knowledge of the ancients. It is not far away to like good and evil. Now that I have learned the principles of nature in all things, I have ridiculed and mourned. ... Do not use gold and jade as funeral ritual objects. Because of this, the mountains and rivers of Xiaoling are not Changed to. The subjects of the world, weeping for three days, all release their clothes, you may as well marry.'”

When Meng Yuan said these four paragraphs, each paragraph paused a little.

After these words were finished, most of the audience in front of the screen were at a loss.

There are also many questions floating on the barrage of many video websites.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't understand, can you speak plain language?"

"It seems to be the original text in the history book?"

It's normal not to understand. After all, what Meng Yuan said is the original text in the history book, which is an ancient text. It's hard to guess the meaning if you haven't read it.

And even those who have read the original text did not realize it for a while, because these are records from four different periods.

However, after all, there were many talents in the audience, and soon someone found the original text of these four passages of history, and also guessed the intention of Meng Yuan's words.

"Understood, these four paragraphs seem to talk about four things, namely the tragedy of Taizu Sheng when he was young, the empress gave him cakes when Taizu was young, the empress died of illness, and the will of Taizu Sheng when he died!"

"Then what does this have to do with the 'never forget your original intention' mentioned earlier?"

Sheng Taizu did not respond, but his expression became more complicated.

Obviously, for Taizu Sheng, when he heard Meng Yuan's words, his heart also changed.

Because Meng Yuan's words are too informative!
It is impossible for Sheng Taizu to know the records of himself in the history books of later generations.

But Meng Yuan's words clearly came from history books!
There is a saying called "the conclusion of the coffin". What kind of record an emperor finally left in the history books is always the most concerned thing.

The words that the empress said to him before her death are still in my ears, although some wording has changed in the history books, but it still makes Taizu Sheng feel so real;

As for the will, Sheng Taizu had never considered the specific wording at this time, but after hearing Meng Yuan's words, Sheng Taizu was sure that this was indeed the will that he would issue.

This kind of complicated emotion made Sheng Taizu stunned, so that he temporarily lost his expression.

Meng Yuan calmed down his emotions, and continued: "She is a queen, but she was also an ordinary woman. Even in the extreme situation where her husband is locked in prison and may be killed at any time, she still does not leave her. Don't give up, don't hesitate to be scalded, but also send cakes to your husband.

"And after getting rich, she always maintained a simple style, neither arrogant nor extravagant, and tried her best to save everyone she knew or didn't know.

"Don't hire a doctor after you are seriously ill, because you know that a doctor can only cure the disease, not the life, and you don't want to implicate innocent people because of your own death.

"And at the last moment of her life, she just told her husband to accept advice from the virtuous and be cautious until the end, and then she passed away with a smile on her face.

"As for her husband, after experiencing countless sufferings, his heart has long been as hard as a stone, but at this moment, he can only cry unceasingly!
"Because looking back on his life, the Empress is the anchor in his heart, the scabbard that can put away this sharp sword, and since then, he no longer lives for anyone, but only for the common people in the world!

"Widowed, widowed, lonely, lonely, losing his father in his early years, his wife in his middle age, and his son in his later years, even as an emperor, his life is full of anger, sadness, and doubt.

"The childhood 'parents and brothers died one after another, poor and unable to be buried' is just a microcosm of his life's suffering. Fate has always given him only pain, not much warmth at all.

"When he was young, he used a broken bowl to take over China, which was riddled with holes and storms; and when he passed away, he expanded the land and left behind a powerful dynasty where the people lived in peace and the barbarians obeyed!

"However, in his will, he didn't talk about his achievements, but only his sincere heart remained.

"He said: I am working hard day and night, just to benefit the people;

"He said: I was born in a humble family, and my talents and knowledge are far inferior to those of the sages;
"He said: Death is the principle of all things. Don't disturb the people because of my death. Don't use gold and silver utensils for funeral rituals. The mountains and waters of Xiaoling Mausoleum keep their original appearance and don't change. All the subjects of the world, after three days of mourning, All take off their filial piety, so as not to affect the marriage.

"He and the queen met in a precarious and chaotic world, and they went through countless ups and downs hand in hand, and stayed together until the glorious and prosperous world created by themselves.

"And from the beginning to the end, he never forgot that he was the son of a farmer, and he never forgot his responsibilities as an emperor. He was as diligent as a model worker, and he wished to solve all problems once and for all in his lifetime.

"Maybe many of the things he did were in vain, and even made some mistakes, but no one can deny that he accomplished an almost impossible feat with only his own hands. Until the last moment of his life, he never forgot his original intention, Never a single slack!
"Therefore, when heaven will give a great responsibility to man, he must first suffer his mind and will, labor his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, empty his body, and disturb his actions.

"Every hundred heads of state, who inherit the fate of heaven and earth, are all concerned with the way. Success is achieved but virtue declines. Those who have a good beginning are multiplied, and those who can overcome the end are widows. Is it easy to obtain but difficult to keep? The blame is not the big one. , But people are the only ones to be feared; Carrying a boat and overturning a boat, one should be cautious. Running a car and rotten rope, can it be ignored?

"No matter what kind of setbacks you suffer, you will not be defeated. No matter how much wealth you have, you will always practice frugality. Even if you become an emperor, you will never forget the sufferings of the people!

"There are many people who can grit their teeth and endure suffering, but there are very few people who can remember suffering after becoming rich.

"So, the younger generation thinks, 'Expel the barbarians, restore China; set up principles and disciplines, and save the people' is certainly a feat that can be passed down for generations, but in the eyes of the younger generation, a person can truly 'unchanged from the original intention, persevering in spite of all setbacks'" , is also the most admirable thing!"

Different from the impassionedness of the first two points, when Meng Yuan said the last point, he deliberately lowered his tone and emotion, but the appeal was not diminished at all.

Because of this kind of sincerity, it resonated with the audience even more!

On the video website, many viewers quickly swiped the screen with barrage.

"That's great! I feel like crying!"

"Hey, Sheng Taizu's life was really not easy. If you only look at his achievements, most people will regard his life as a cool story, but if he is an ordinary person, the suffering has already crushed him, so why talk about rebuilding China? ?”

"It is true that there are many heroes in Chinese history, but it is indeed rare to see someone like His Majesty who can never forget his original intention from the beginning to the end!"

"Sheng Taizu's empress is undoubtedly ranked among the top three among the virtuous empresses of all ages. She is a 360-degree truth, kindness and beauty without any dead ends. Hey, the love between husband and wife is really a good story. It's a pity that she died too early, otherwise The history of the entire Dasheng Dynasty may be rewritten."

"Actually, Taizu Sheng's crazily killing of corrupt officials was also a manifestation of not forgetting his original intention. After all, he never forgot his childhood pain, so naturally he will never forget his hatred for corrupt officials!"

"Expel the barbarians and restore China; set up guidelines and disciplines, and save the people; never change your original intention, and persevere! This evaluation is indeed appropriate!"

When Meng Yuan said the third point was "never change your original intention and persevere", many viewers were puzzled, thinking that this was not a merit, and they were suspected of making up the numbers, but they didn't realize until now that this is not make up the number.

Sheng Taizu, who "expelled the barbarians and restored China", is more like a cold god statue, lofty but hard to touch;

Sheng Taizu, who "established the outline and Chen Ji, and rescued the people", has changed from a statue to a wise king. He is at the height of the temple, but he can still not forget the suffering of the people;

However, Sheng Taizu, who "unchanged his original intention and persevered in spite of setbacks", truly changed from a statue to a living person with flesh and blood!

If we only look at the achievements of Sheng Taizu, the evaluation of him can easily go to two extremes.

Sheng Taizu has indeed made great achievements that are almost impossible to complete, but it is not completely without any mistakes.

Of course it is wrong to deliberately exaggerate his mistakes and distort his intentions, but it is naturally biased to deliberately deify him.

After Meng Yuan evaluated Sheng Taizu's two major achievements, the third point fell on his human characteristics, and this characteristic covered both Sheng Taizu's achievements and some weaknesses in Sheng Taizu's character.

Some people say that some systems established by Sheng Taizu are out of date, so they are not successful; others say that Sheng Taizu is bloodthirsty and brutal, and the rules set by officials are too strict and unrealistic.

So much so that someone asked: "There are so many corrupt officials in the world, will they all be killed?"

And Sheng Taizu's answer was: How do you know that you can't kill them all?

He is like a fully drawn bowstring, once the bow is drawn, there is no turning back!

From the perspective of detaching from the times, some of Sheng Taizu's systems did fail because they failed to achieve his goals, but in this world, no one has ever truly surpassed all the history of the past and present.

Therefore, it is difficult to discuss right and wrong.

There is only one thing without a doubt, that is, Sheng Taizu is always the same Sheng Taizu, he has never changed!

He is a stubborn person, stubbornly guarding his own way, no matter what kind of resistance he encounters, he will overcome obstacles and move forward indomitably!

Whether it is right or wrong, whether it is easy or difficult, there is only death!

After Meng Yuan said the third point, the camera turned and connected to a new game screen again.

In the performance of "beggar status", Lu Heng was displaced and suffered a lot.

Especially in one scene, he said to other beggars in a ruined temple, if an emperor could formulate a law allowing righteous men to send corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry to the capital, anyone who dared to stop them would be barbarian, how much would it be? it is good.

At that time, the other beggars in the ruined temple laughed and just took it as a joke.

But when the camera turned, decades later, an old farmer surnamed Chen really had a letter of law on his head, and went to the palace to appeal to Sheng Taizu.

After Sheng Taizu found out the truth, he gave him the answer: the relevant officials will not be pardoned!
In addition, there are some screens that have not appeared in the game.

For example, the death of the queen and the prince made this hard-hearted old man cry bitterly and mourn endlessly.

The beggar, the emperor, and the two identities are constantly interlaced back and forth, making it clear to all audiences.

Even though decades later, Sheng Taizu is very old, but he is still the son of the tenant farmer who can't get enough to eat and grazes cattle for the landlord, and he has never changed!

Sheng Taizu had a gratified expression on his face.

Obviously, Meng Yuan's three points of evaluation made him very satisfied!
If Meng Yuan was just touting Sheng Taizu's achievements in rebuilding China, then Sheng Taizu would just think that he is no different from some mediocre officials who can only sing praises, and he will not be moved.

Even in the history books, the evaluation of Sheng Taizu is "the emperor granted wisdom and courage, unified Fangxia, and Weiwu scriptures, which are beyond the reach of the Ming emperors of all dynasties", mainly referring to his achievements.

But Meng Yuan didn't limit himself to this, his last words really touched Taizu Sheng's heart.

The queen is the anchor in his heart and the sheath of this sharp sword.

He overcame obstacles all his life, forged ahead, made achievements, and made mistakes, but all this was because he was Taizu Sheng, because he never changed his original intention and was indomitable!
After getting such an answer, Sheng Taizu was already satisfied.

He looked at Meng Yuan again: "I didn't expect that hundreds of years later, there will be many confidants like you, what a great fortune in life!

"We are contented. After a lifetime of hard work, it is finally not in vain.

"We still have one last wish, can you show us what China will look like hundreds of years from now?

"Some people say that according to the standards of previous dynasties, it was a great and prosperous age, and even not having enough to eat would become a new thing worth mentioning, is there such a thing?

"We know that secrets cannot be leaked, and we don't want extravagantly. Just a glimpse is enough."

Meng Yuan nodded and raised his hand: "Senior, please look!"


Everything around changes instantly.

The scene hundreds of years later appeared in front of Sheng Taizu.

On the magnificent river, a sea-crossing bridge stretches from north to south, and countless vehicles pass by it.

That is a bridge flying from north to south, and the natural moat becomes a thoroughfare.

A huge dam rose from the ground, and the river rushed like thunder.

That is Gaoxia out of Pinghu.

In the skyscrapers, ordinary alleys, and huge cities, many modern young people are either laughing or walking in a hurry, but everyone's face is filled with a special kind of self-confidence.

That was the expression that appeared on the faces of some special people only very rarely in the thousands of years of Chinese history.

Everyone is like a dragon.


The content of this section is not very long, nor is there any precious video data.

For the audience sitting in front of the screen at this time, this has long been a common scene for them.

If you see it in other videos, you may click to close it immediately.

But putting it in the movie at this time, in front of Sheng Taizu, gave these shots a lot of special meaning that is hard to describe.

Sheng Taizu stared blankly at the picture in front of him, as if fascinated.

Many viewers can't help guessing, if Taizu Sheng were to use his magnificent life to change the stable and happy life of ordinary people in modern society, would he change it?
Of course, only Sheng Taizu himself knew the answer.

The surrounding scene disappeared, and the angle of view of the camera returned to the hillside of Wulan Tula Mountain.

Sheng Taizu closed his eyes slightly, and after a long time, he said with emotion: "Thank you very much. We finally... have no regrets."

When he opened his eyes again, there was only the heroic spirit in his eyes.

In the distance, the northern barbarian army is ready to move.

And the expeditionary force of the Dasheng Dynasty is also moving towards Wulan Tula Mountain.

Sheng Taizu looked at Meng Yuan: "Young boy, we are going to fight these barbarians for the last battle."

Obviously, he has no regrets in his heart.

Riding his horse and whipping his whip, under the setting sun, Sheng Taizu rode alone and joined the expeditionary army of the Dasheng Dynasty.

Only his voice was left as a voice-over, ringing in the ears of all the audience.

"I, this Huaiyou commoner!

"However, the world's soldiers rose, and the hearts of the people rebelled, causing the people of China, the dead to be devastated, and the living to be separated from their flesh and blood!
"Respectfully accepting the destiny, but not daring to be safe, leading the heroes to chase the Hu captives to the north, save the living and the people from the misery, and restore the majesty of China!
"Those who belong to me will live forever in China, and those who betray me will flee outside the Great Wall!"

Speaking of this, Sheng Taizu's voice paused slightly: "This life...

"Without shame."

Sheng Taizu gradually went away.

He is like a lonely old man, leaving only an insignificant figure in the long river of history.

But behind him, there is a thriving dynasty!

Many viewers in front of the screen fell silent.

People like Chu Ge who have a good understanding of history know very well that after the death of his favorite empress, Taizu Sheng will spend more than ten years alone with almost no rest.

Within eight days, Sheng Taizu approved and reviewed a total of 660 memorials from internal and external departments, and handled 390 state affairs. On average, more than 200 memorials were reviewed and more than 400 state affairs were handled every day.

Extremely diligent, it can be seen.

And in the last few years of his life, the most beloved prince died of illness due to wind and cold, and fate will deal the final painful blow to this old man in his twilight years.

However, the old man is still as he said, stubborn and stubborn, resisting the cruel fate, and has never changed!


At the end of the movie, there is a scene where Sheng Taizu, played by Zhao Haiping, goes on a personal expedition against the northern barbarians and finally fights against Wulan Tula Mountain.

After a long journey to Mobei, Sheng Taizu obviously had the same hesitation as Zhao Haiping about whether to break into the Beiman's ambush circle in the end.

However, he stood behind him with different identities, which made him finally make up his mind.

A hearty battle is the final ending of the movie.

Sheng Jun's elite cavalry galloped past Sheng Taizu's side, continuing to chase and kill the remaining northern barbarian cavalry like a storm.

The sun has set to the west, and the setting sun is like blood.

In the extremely chaotic battlefield, Sheng Taizu looked at the setting sun in the distance.

All the audiences in front of the screen seem to have spanned hundreds of years, and through the culture and inheritance of a nation and a civilization, the distant souls are united together!
(End of this chapter)

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