Chapter 208

Two spears stopped in front of Li Hongyun.

Li Hongyun looked at General Chen Shilong who was following him, nodded to each other, and then dismounted each of the fifty warriors.

"Hand over your weapon."

The soldier who stopped everyone said again.

Li Hongyun couldn't help frowning, why is this different from what he thought before?

I haven't seen Ma Anbang yet, and I'm dismounting and engaging in weapons. Can I arrest people in a while?
What's more, this is a military camp of 50,000 people, which covers a large area. As the commander-in-chief, it is impossible for Ma Anbang to go outside the military camp to meet them.

Seeing Ma Anbang meant that they had to go deep into the entire barracks. If they didn't have weapons or horses, even if they could catch Ma Anbang, how could they escape?
It seems that neither Ma Anbang nor his soldiers are stupid.

According to the most ideal situation, it must be that Ma Anbang personally ran outside the barracks to meet them, then it would be simple, just kill Ma Anbang's soldiers, capture Ma Anbang and run away.

But that's clearly not the case now.

They had to go deep into the enemy camp to see Ma Anbang, and they had to find a way to keep their weapons.

Everyone looked at Li Hongyun, waiting for him to make up his mind.

As soon as Li Hongyun changed his mind, he acted as if he hadn't heard, and continued to lead the horse and tried to squeeze through the soldiers.

Of course the two soldiers were not happy, they clenched their spears tightly: "Didn't you hear me? Hand over your weapons!"

As a result, as soon as the two finished speaking, Yu Jiaxuan, played by Li Hongyun, had already kicked both of them to the ground.



There were still many soldiers under Ma Anbang's subordinates around. Seeing this scene, they immediately surrounded him, drawing their swords out of their sheaths.

The sound of sharp metal friction can be heard endlessly!
The atmosphere on the field was instantly tense, and a fight was about to start if there was a disagreement.

The other people who followed Li Hongyun were also a little nervous at this time, each drew their swords out of their sheaths, and at the same time looked at Yu Jiaxuan in front of them inexplicably.

What is this for?Didn't you say you have to outsmart?
Now if there is a real fight, they can fight out from here with their bravery, but the plan to catch Ma Anbang will be completely ruined.

The battle was about to break out, and everyone was waiting for Li Hongyun's reaction.

What many people didn't expect was that Li Hongyun didn't draw his sword to fight the opponent, nor did he persuade him. Instead, he yelled at the two soldiers directly.

"You two bastards, who gave you the courage to talk to us General Chen like that!

"We, General Chen, are distinguished guests from Ma Zhizhou. If you offend General Chen, how many of your heads are enough to cut off!"

Li Hongyun scolded outright and confidently, which stunned Ma Anbang's subordinates.

It vividly explained that as long as I am confident enough, it is actually my fault that the other party cannot react for a while.

At this time, Li Hongyun possessed the actor, and scolded all the soldiers under Ma Anbang on the opposite side in confusion.

What are these people... exactly?
When the report was made before, it was about "the old friend of Ma Zhizhou", and Ma Zhizhou said that he would like to meet, at least it shows that the two know each other.

In consideration of safety, these people must surrender their weapons before entering, but if they are really friends of Ma Zhizhou and a conflict arises, then...

Most likely, when Ma Anbang got angry, he killed all these little soldiers to vent his anger on his friends. This is a high probability event.

So these little soldiers also hesitated. They are just guarding the gate. It seems that this kind of responsibility cannot be shouldered by them.

While these little soldiers were hesitating, Yu Jiaxuan, played by Li Hongyun, had already forced his way past. General Chen Shilong and the others naturally followed immediately, leading horses and weapons, and entered the interior of the barracks.

A man who looked like a leader felt that something was wrong, but he didn't dare to stop him.

However, just when Li Hongyun thought the plan was successful, he did not expect that the commotion here had attracted the attention of the two lieutenants.

"what happened?"

The two lieutenants looked gloomy, and stopped Li Hongyun and others again.

"Report to the general..." Xiao Bing hurriedly reported the matter.

When the two lieutenants heard that they were Ma Anbang's guests, they also found it a bit tricky.

One of the lieutenants with a slightly friendly face considered his words and said, "Everyone, there is a rule in the army that you enter with weapons. I'm afraid this is against the rules..."

Although the tone has softened, the attitude is still firm.

Li Hongyun was silent for a moment: "General, if this is the case, then let's go first and come to visit Ma Zhizhou another day."

The kind-hearted lieutenant general couldn't help being surprised, and drove away the distinguished guests from Ma Zhizhou. This crime cannot be borne!

He hastened to say: "Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient! Otherwise, after I have consulted Master Zhizhou, then..."

Li Hong turned his head and made a gesture to leave.

He knew very well that at this time, he must not be coerced. Once he was counseled and handed over his weapon, it would be Ma Anbang who still had a hammer tied to him.Even if you can succeed with your bare hands, how can you get out of the camp afterwards?

So, now it's a matter of who is tougher, and it seems that the general's attitude has softened a bit. As long as he continues to force him to make a choice, he will probably give in in the end like a soldier guarding the gate.

What Li Hongyun didn't expect was that another lieutenant who had been silent all this time spoke up.

"Since you are the honored guests of Master Zhizhou, why are you so resistant to handing over the weapon? Could it be that you have some evil intentions?"

The lieutenant narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Li Hongyun and the others like sharp knives.

Obviously, Li Hongyun's toughness is very effective against some cowardly people, but it is very likely to show his flaws when facing such hardliners.

This lieutenant general looked like Ma Anbang's real power faction, and he would never be able to suppress it.

Moreover, what he said made others vigilant.

Yes, it is said that he is an old friend of Master Zhizhou, but he would rather turn around and leave after entering the barracks than hand in the sword. How can this be explained?
Li Hongyun reacted quickly, and he smiled: "Unruly intentions? Master Zhizhou has 50 warriors under his command. The soldiers are strong and strong. What kind of trouble can our mere [-] people cause? It's just in case.

"An old friend came to vote, is it true that Master Zhizhou doesn't even have this kind of sincerity?"

At this time, Li Hongyun possessed the actor, and while saying these words, he also secretly added some information through some subtle expressions.

The two lieutenants looked at each other, their puzzled expressions quickly became relieved.

Although the four words "an old friend came to vote" were relatively cryptic, they also pointed out the intention of Chen Shilong and his group.

The two lieutenants were not stupid either, so they immediately made up a big show.

Ma Anbang colluded with the Jinren to kill Marshal Geng, causing hundreds of thousands of rebels to fall apart.And this General Chen Shilong probably had some friendship with Ma Anbang when he was in the rebel army, and they knew each other.

With the collapse of the rebel army, it is quite reasonable for General Chen to seek refuge with Ma Anbang and seek wealth from the Jin people.

After all, in the north at this time, who can you turn to if you don't turn to the Jinren?
As for why General Chen insisted on bringing weapons in, it was very simple, because General Chen still didn't trust Ma Anbang.They were worried, what if half of Ma Anbang was discussed against them?
If you have weapons and horses, you will not be in a desperate situation.

Therefore, this behavior is more like self-preservation.

The two lieutenants couldn't help thinking that if they acted too aggressively at this time and acted too tough in confiscating weapons, they might send a dangerous signal to General Chen. At that time, General Chen might really turn around and leave. The matter of recruiting an entire rebel army will naturally come to naught...

The two lieutenants cannot afford this responsibility.

What's more, there are only 50 people in the district. Even if you have weapons, what can you do in a military camp of 50,000 people?
It's nothing more than asking for comfort.

Even if they fall out at that time, the worst case scenario is that a small part of these people get out of the encirclement by luck, and they will not pose any threat to Ma Anbang.

If the opponent brought hundreds of people or 1000 people, then the two lieutenants would definitely be vigilant, and might even fight immediately.

But the number of 50 people is very delicate. It is neither completely powerless to resist, nor is it likely to pose too much threat to Ma Anbang.

Thinking of this, the two lieutenants changed their expressions: "In this case, we have neglected the distinguished guests. Please."

The little soldier who was leading the way naturally didn't dare to mention the weapon anymore, and just led everyone to continue walking in.

Li Hongyun couldn't help but feel secretly happy, it was a success!

Sure enough, the key to the success of this strategy lies in the "Fifty Riders".

If you bring too many people, it will appear completely insincere, and the other party will not think that they are here to seek refuge, which will easily lead to vigilance and conflicts; if you bring too few people, or hand over your weapons, you will not be able to complete the task at all.

What's more, if the rebels came to take refuge, if they really did not bring men or weapons, and showed a look of being captured without a fight, it would seem unreasonable.

In the current situation, just taking advantage of the mentality of "the other party doesn't believe that these 50 people dare to make troubles", he successfully entered the military camp by playing tricks under the lights.

Not long after walking, I ran into Ma Anbang who was drunk and was walking out under the escort of his own soldiers.

"General Chen, it's really you! I thought you had already returned to the Qi Dynasty, why did you suddenly figure it out, come...

"Wait, who told them to bring weapons in!"

Ma Anbang was still drunk, but when he saw Yu Jiaxuan with a murderous look on his face, he immediately sobered up.

However, it was too late.

Li Hongyun had already drawn out the Tangxi sword, and directly stabbed to death a soldier standing in front of Ma Anbang!
The scene immediately became chaotic. Ma Anbang fell to the ground in a panic because of drunkenness. He wanted to escape, but Li Hongyun stepped forward and locked him firmly, with the sword in his right hand resting on his neck.

"Who dares to move!

"Tie him up and get on the horse!"

Several cavalrymen around General Chen Shilong immediately took out the ropes and quickly tied Ma Anbang up and threw him onto the horse.The soldiers around Ma Anbang were stunned at this moment. Although they drew their swords one after another, they did not dare to attack violently under the threat of rats.

Li Hongyun got on his horse: "Rush out!"

Others got on their horses one after another and rushed out of the barracks.

Li Hongyun's sword was on Ma Anbang's neck before, and these soldiers naturally did not dare to act rashly, but now that Ma Anbang was about to be kidnapped, the soldiers in the battalion naturally couldn't watch anymore, and surrounded him instantly come up!
Li Hongyun galloped wildly on his horse, but when he looked up, he saw many soldiers holding long spears in front of them, surrounding them.

"Sure enough, it's easy to come in, but difficult to get out!"

Li Hongyun had been mentally prepared before, but the situation at this time was still very critical.

It is indeed possible to sneak into the barracks by tricks, but that can only solve the matter before arresting Ma Anbang.

Once Ma Anbang is arrested, the two sides will tear each other apart in an instant, and they can only "meet on a narrow road and the brave wins".

Fortunately, Li Hongyun also made a plan for this. The previous analysis of the composition of the personnel in Ma Anbang's camp came in handy at this time.

Seeing the soldiers in front of them obstructing them, Li Hongyun rode his horse and charged, and shouted loudly: "The hundred thousand heavenly soldiers of the Qi Dynasty are about to arrive! Put down your weapons and return to the Qi Dynasty, forget the past, and kill those who dare to resist stubbornly!"

The 50 people behind him also shouted with him.

The soldiers who had been organized hastily were immediately dispersed.

Li Hongyun could clearly see the hesitant and withdrawn expressions on the faces of these soldiers, obviously this sentence worked.

They didn't know if there were really 100,000 people from the Qi Dynasty coming here, but after all, many of them were from the original Qi Dynasty and were not so loyal to Ma Anbang.

He took a spear and made a symbolic gesture. It was enough if he understood the meaning. Anyway, he was just a soldier with little combat effectiveness, and no one should punish him afterwards.

However, a few of Ma Anbang's cronies and soldiers did not react at all at this time, unable to organize effective resistance.

Li Hongyun rode a horse with Ma Anbang on his back, and led fifty cavalrymen to rush out of the barracks.

"It's done!"

Li Hongyun was very excited, his heart was beating wildly.

This plan was unexpectedly smooth. It can be said that every step was carried out according to his original script. Even if there were some minor accidents, they were resolved by his quick wit.

Fifty riders galloped out, looking ahead to the exit of the barracks.

Once you leave the barracks, the bird will be out of the cage and the fish will be in the sea. The whole plan can be said to be more than half successful!

Next, as long as you change horses at the pre-arranged place and run all the way south, you should be able to pass this level smoothly.

However, just as Li Hongyun was about to leave the barracks, he suddenly felt a sharp stop from the galloping horse, and then he was thrown out abruptly!
Trip Masso!
Li Hongyun flew out in the air, and was thrown into a mess.The war horse also fell to the ground and did not get up for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of soldiers rushed out suddenly and surrounded the crowd.


Those who rushed out were obviously Ma Anbang's cronies and elite soldiers. General Chen Shilong also knew that it would be useless to talk now, so he could only fight with these people.

However, not long after, there was also a shout of killing behind him.

I saw many elite gold soldiers riding on horses, chasing after them aggressively.

Under the attack from both sides, Li Hongyun's fifty cavalry were quickly wiped out.


"Damn it, it's a failure!"

Back to the original starting point, Li Hongyun was very angry.

The wind and waves ahead passed smoothly, but I didn't expect to capsize in the gutter in the end!

Of course, when you think about it, it doesn't seem appropriate to say that this is a gutter.

It was he himself who underestimated the difficulty of escaping from the barracks.

After arresting Ma Anbang, it means completely tearing his face apart. Even if some soldiers in the barracks who are close to the Qi Dynasty can not stop them by shouting "Qi Dynasty's army will arrive soon", Ma Anbang's cronies in the camp still have those golden men , but will save Ma Anbang at all costs.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Li Hongyun decided that some supplements had to be made for this plan to be successful.

The most important thing is to plan the route well and find the weakest position in the barracks to break through.At the same time, you have to be vigilant at all times, and under the interception of various roadblocks such as tripping ropes and refusal horses, and other soldiers, you must rely on bravery to break out of the encirclement.

At this time, there is no strategy at all, and it is necessary to rely on solid hard power.

"Come again!"

Li Hongyun chose the talent skill again and started the trial.


At the same time, Fan Cun had already started his third attempt to attack the enemy camp.

After failing to charge the enemy camp for the first time, Fan Cun quit the game and went to the forum to see if there was any strategy.

As a result, there is no strategy that is guaranteed to pass the level.

Obviously, most players are still in the land reclamation stage, and the strategy will not come out so early.

However, some players posted the original historical materials of Yu Jiaxuan's fifty riders robbing Ma Anbang from the camp.

Although Fan Cun didn't know the specific solution yet, he knew that the upper limit of this dungeon should be to kidnap Ma Anbang with fifty riders.

So, he decided to continue to follow his own method and try to get past it.

Of course, it will definitely not work to be as reckless as before, you have to change the angle and method to be reckless.

He did change the direction, found the weak point of the barracks' defense, and chose the time in the middle of the night.

With his intelligence, he could only come up with this strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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