Chapter 209
Fan Cun's next two attempts to attack the camp still ended in failure.

Obviously, this matter is not as simple as he thought.

Therefore, after trying again and again, Fan Cun also had to constantly brush up the lessons of previous failures and re-formulate his own plan while waiting for the dark.

For him, this action can be regarded as an upgraded version of the cavalry trial.

The cavalry trial is to find the opponent's flaw in the process of changing formation, and then rush into the formation to kill the enemy general;

But this time, it was to find the flaw in the opponent's static camp, and then rush in to capture Ma Anbang alive.

Although the situations of these two times are very different, and there seems to be no similarity on the surface, but when you think about it carefully, there are still commonalities in the combat strategy.

Although Fan Cun didn't know how to use tricks at all, he still had some experience in leading the charge.

If we use the ancient famous generals as a metaphor, Zhao Haiping is a more versatile general. A reckless general.

But fierce generals must use their brains when rushing, and those who can't use their brains are basically dead.If Fan Cun really didn't know how to use his brain at all, then he wouldn't be able to clear so many trial dungeons.

This is the first time for Fan Cun, and also the first time for almost all players, to try the operation of "hijacking camps" in the game "Dark Sand".

Although there were some game content that involved camps before, such as playing the role of "commander" with "reckless heroism", but at that time, the player played the role of Sheng Taizu, and the matter of setting up camps only needed to be given suggestions, not practical operations, let alone Lead troops to attack the camp.

But now, the game presents the player with a problem of "hijacking the camp", which cannot be avoided.

Fan Cun didn't know that a player like Li Hongyun had already figured out a way to outsmart him. Since he couldn't share the strategy immediately, he could only continue to follow his own stupid way and seriously think about how to achieve the goal by pure force. .

It is rare in history to successfully rob a camp with a small number of people, but it is not impossible.

After all, this is the era of cold weapons, and the charm of the era of cold weapons is that as long as the tactics are used properly, you can often achieve very exaggerated results when you win more with less.

Fan Cun looked up at the moon in the sky.

In the second half of the night, dark clouds will temporarily block the moon, and there will be a very dark time.At that time, it is the best time to raid and rob the camp.

But before that, some preparatory work has to be done.

Fan Cun ordered all the people behind him to wrap their horseshoes with thick cloth, and everyone bit the branches.

This is the so-called "person's title, horse's hoof".

Fan Cun didn't realize this before, and as a result, when he approached, he was spotted by the secret sentries outside the camp very early, and entered the battle prematurely.

But now, the fifty cavalry approached secretly in the dark, without making too much noise, if they could choose a weak position in the camp to enter, the success rate of camp robbery would be greatly improved.

As for how to choose a weak position in the camp?
This is a technical job.

Fan Cun only realized that the camp of 50,000 people was bigger and more complicated than he had imagined after rushing twice.

50,000 people, eating and drinking, just arranging these people to live safely in a certain area is already a big problem.

Ma Anbang's 50,000 people could not all be crowded together, but were divided into three large camps to form a "pin" shape, with a certain distance between each other, so as to help each other defend.

At first glance, this is good news. After all, Fan Cun would not face an army of 50,000 people in the first place, but after he actually entered the camp, Fan Cun found that the camp with only more than [-] people was much larger than his own. imagine.

Outside the camp, there are deep trenches, and there are a large number of sharpened stakes in the trenches.There is a horse-rejection formation outside the trench, and there are traps in front of it.

There is a wooden fence behind the trench, which is more than ten feet high.

The whole camp can be regarded as an approximate circle, behind the wooden fence is the main body of the barracks.

The outermost circle is the camp of ordinary soldiers.Since the tents in ancient times were all handmade, the tents used by soldiers are relatively small, basically barely able to sleep, ten people per bunk.

The tents further inside are slightly larger. This is the residence of the generals at all levels, or the area for various other auxiliary functions in the camp for eating, drinking and lazing.

And in the center is the big tent of the Chinese army, the tent here is very spacious, not only the living conditions are the best, but also it is convenient to call the generals to discuss matters.

Around the big tent of the Chinese army, there are also a car formation composed of various carts, which further increases the difficulty of breaking through.

Basically, the camp rests after sunset, and you can't walk around or make noise. Of course, things like banquets for generals are not included in this list.

However, this does not mean that the robbery of the camp will be smooth, because there will be secret sentries outside the camp, people will patrol the watch towers of the camp, and there will be braziers for lighting at intervals in the camp.

When he rushed for the first time, Fan Cun just rushed through the front door in a daze, but of course he was sent, and he couldn't kill Ma Anbang at all.

In the next two times, he was smarter, knowing how to approach in a low-key manner, looking for gaps in ditches and fences to sneak in and attack Ma Anbang's Chinese military tent, but he also failed for various reasons.

Again, this is a heavily guarded barracks with 50,000 people after all, once discovered, the role that the Fifty Riders can play in it is really limited.

Therefore, such things as robbing camps at night are said to be miraculous in many novels or romances, and they can almost defeat the enemy army as soon as they are used, but in fact it is an extremely difficult military operation.

From having this idea to implementing it, there is still a long way to go.

Fan Cun silently recalled the previous failures, and planned the route in his heart, just like he did when he passed the cavalry trial.

Finally, the sky was completely suppressed, and the moon was covered by dark clouds, leaving only the faint light of fire in the camps in the distance.


After Fan Cun gave an order, he bit the branch.

Fifty cavalry followed him and approached the camp slowly.

Although the horse's hooves are wrapped in thick cloth, they still make noise when they run at full speed.What's more, it's useless to run fast now. After they approached the camp, they had to avoid traps, pass through the horse-repelling array, and find the weak position of the wooden fence.

And all this is done in a stealthy way.

Fortunately, Ma Anbang is not a famous general, he is just a despicable villain who backstabs his teammates, and his ability to command troops is not necessarily very high.

Therefore, the security of the camp here is not so strict, and there are many loopholes in the surrounding trenches and wooden fences, so Fan Cun managed to sneak into the camp with people.


Fifty cavalrymen managed to cross the wooden fence and entered the camp, only to be discovered by patrolling soldiers in the camp.

With a sound of "whoosh", an arrow feather hit the soldier's chest and shot him down.

"Get in!

"Knock down all the braziers and light the tents!
"Also, shout with me, Qi Jun is coming!"

Now that it has been discovered, there is no way to infiltrate at this time. Fan Cun gave an order to lead these people to the Chinese army tent where Ma Anbang was!

Along the way, the sound of shouting and killing was loud, and the sound of 50 people shouting in unison actually spread far away in the quiet night, and it was even impossible to determine how many people there were.

The braziers used for lighting were overturned one by one, and the charcoal fire was hit on the camp tent, and a raging fire was quickly ignited.

"Qi Jun is coming!"

"One hundred thousand Qi troops are coming!"

Like a fire cooking oil, the originally quiet camp exploded in an instant!

The soldiers who were sleeping were all awakened, and their expressions became terrified.

Since the outermost circle is the soldiers' tents, if you want to get to the position of the central army, you must either bypass these tents, take the main road in the camp, or cross directly.

Of course Fan Cun chose to traverse.

Because it's the closest, and it creates the most chaos!
A few soldiers who had just woken up from their sleep hadn't realized what was going on, and they had already been trampled by the iron hooves of the war horses.

Fan Cun swung his long sword and stabbed to death several soldiers who stood up to touch their weapons.

This time, in order to maximize his combat effectiveness, he took the talent of swordsmanship proficiency, so using this sword is even more handy, like an arm and a finger.

"Qi Army!"

"Where did the Qi army come from!"


The soldiers who woke up from the dream also began to shout loudly in extreme fear, making the scene even more chaotic.

Fan Cun recklessly rushed towards the big tent of the Chinese army, but what he didn't expect was that after such a rush, some changes happened in Ma Anbang's camp that he didn't expect at all.

In the camp, complete chaos!

Fan Cun saw with his own eyes that a soldier picked up a knife, but he didn't cut it at him, but at another soldier beside him.

These soldiers under Ma Anbang actually started killing each other!
In fact, Fan Cun didn't know at all whether it was the first friendly soldier who picked up the knife and began to slash him, but this panic and confusion was spreading at an incredible speed.

As Fan Cun and others broke through the tents of ordinary soldiers and rushed towards the Chinese army where Ma Anbang was, the fire that they overturned the brazier ignited followed along.What followed was Ma Anbang's soldiers howling crazily and hacking at each other.

In this hysterical atmosphere, everyone began to look for everything they could touch and attack all living creatures around them. It seemed that they all lost their minds and turned into pure beasts!
Even those soldiers who couldn't get their weapons were fighting and biting each other, and the scene was chaotic.

Even Fan Cun was dumbfounded.

What's happening here?
He estimated that his surprise attack would throw the opponent's barracks into chaos, but he didn't expect it to be so chaotic.

Moreover, this phenomenon is too bizarre and unimaginable!

Why didn't these soldiers come to kill him, but turned on their own soldiers?
But Fan Cun definitely doesn't have time to think about these things now. Since his camp robbery has caused even better chaos than expected, the most important thing at this time is to rush to the Chinese army and capture Ma Anbang!
Fortunately, it is not difficult to find the big account of the Chinese army, and General Chen Shilong also knows Ma Anbang.

The flames were soaring into the sky, the sound of shouts and screams came from almost all directions, which stunned Ma Anbang, who was startled from his sleep and whose alcoholism had not completely subsided.

He hurriedly put on his clothes and picked up his weapon, but before he could get in touch with his own soldiers, Fan Cun had already forced his way in with his men.

The two soldiers wanted to stop them, but they were quickly stabbed to death by Fan Cun, who was proficient in swordsmanship.

Then, Fan Cun kicked Ma Anbang to the ground, and the others rushed up and tied him up.


Fan Cun knew that he couldn't stay here for long, because the generals of the Jin soldiers who were having a banquet were nearby.

Although there was chaos in the camp at this time, these golden soldiers still maintained their strong combat effectiveness.If he is overtaken by these generals of the Golden Army, it is very likely that there will be unexpected problems.

Throwing Ma Anbang onto the horse, everyone got on their horses one after another, and rushed out of the camp again.

But this time, the chaotic scene in the entire camp came into Fan Cun's vision more clearly.

It even made him wonder: Who are these people beating?
The fifty cavalry in the raid had rushed to the central army and tied up Ma Anbang, but these soldiers were still killing each other, waving butcher knives frantically at their own people.

"The camp was bombed..." General Chen Shilong also said incredulously.

The rest of the accompanying rebels also looked excited. Obviously, they did not expect that a night attack would have such a good effect.

But soon, grassroots officers to maintain order appeared.

This group of people brought many soldiers who had not yet fallen into madness, and began to yell to maintain order, while hacking those soldiers who had fallen into madness to death, trying hard to prevent the scope of this camp from expanding further.

"Take advantage of this opportunity and rush out!"

Fan Cun took the lead and charged outside the barracks.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of horseshoes came from behind them, and a heavily armored troop of dozens of golden soldiers had already caught up!

These golden soldiers turned out to be heavy cavalry, they looked full of viciousness and majesty, and they were fundamentally different from Ma Anbang's soldiers who were about to collapse at the touch of a finger.

"Damn, the speed of this group of people wearing armor is too fast! It's hanging up, right?

"Rush! Get rid of them!"

Fan Cun knew very well that although these heavy cavalry were powerful in combat, they were inferior to light cavalry in terms of speed and endurance.As long as they can rush out of the camp and find a way to get rid of these golden soldiers, this operation will be considered a success.

However, after a while of fighting, Fan Cun, who was carrying Ma Anbang on his back, was still overtaken by Jin Bing, and finally failed to escape.

However, after being picked off by the spear, Fan Cun was not too depressed.

Because he finally discovered that the hijacking of the camp seems to be feasible under certain conditions!

Next, as long as he carefully reviewed the success of this time, fixed the whole process, and then planned a suitable escape route, he might be able to achieve Yu Jiaxuan's feat of robbing Ma Anbang with fifty riders back then!
(End of this chapter)

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