My players are all actors

Chapter 231 Another Possibility

Chapter 231 Another Possibility

After the players woke up from reality, they immediately started discussing the dungeon of "Let's talk about it".

"After entering the copy of Qi Dynasty, I feel that the game has changed a bit."

"Yeah, basically there is no way to copy the answers like the copy of the Dasheng Dynasty, either you have to study it yourself like solving historical puzzles such as Yu Jiaxuan's Fifty Riders Robbery Camp and Wang Wenchuan's Reform, or you can do it in a completely stitched and confused environment Break the game."

"A character as awesome as Zhao Binfu didn't show up right away. I'm so speechless."

"Yeah, according to the game's settings, it should be because the power of demons is getting stronger and stronger, so these historical slices are distorted more and more seriously, right?"

"However, I think this is very good. The playability and interest have increased. If players can only copy the operations of the ancients in the historical framework, it will be quite boring."

"But it's a bit weak in showing the real history, right?"

"No, after all, the history will be corrected every time you clear the customs, and then you will be able to see the real historical trend."

"I think the historical slicing experience this time belongs to the first suppression and then the promotion? First, Yu Jiaxuan and Wang Wenchuan were substituted, and found that the dilemma of the reform could not be solved no matter what. Later, through group wear, not only completed Wang Wenchuan's ambition of the reform, He even got out the flintlock gun by the way."

"I can't wait to watch the video."

"I don't know who the next two dungeons will be? I'm the last one, should it be General Han Fuyue?"

"No, according to the setting of the game "Dark Sands", the one who can become the core of a dynasty must be the emperor. Although General Han is fierce, at most it will occupy a super-large historical slice."

For the players, although the game content at this stage is not particularly perfect, it is already very interesting.

The reason why it is not perfect is that the players suffered a lot in the process of playing Wang Wenchuan in the early stage, and the officials below have been obsessed with yin and yang and cannot find a breaking point.

But after that, a hundred players entered the ultimate trial and worked together to solve the dilemma of this historical slice, and the whole challenge ran all the way in the direction of a strange painting style.

It’s just that when Xing Tian was on the stage at the end, he had hoped to kill him, but because of the arrival of another monster in the cutscene CG, he was rescued, which also made the players a little upset.

It's a bit of a routine in online novels that forcibly saves the villain's life and reuses it in subsequent plots.

But anyway, this dungeon is a perfect clearance.

Players can't wait to see the update announcement of the new version of "Dark Sand" and the new film and television works brought by the copy of "Let's Talk".


"The new version update announcement of "Dark Sand":

"After the players worked together to complete Wang Wenchuan's reform, and completely defeated Xingtian's avatar on the Niuzhuji battlefield, the historical slice of 'I want to say it' has been successfully conquered. The scope of the sequencer fortress has been further expanded, and the available options The urban construction plan, the list of weapons purchased by players have been updated, and the various abilities of the sorter have also been upgraded accordingly.

""Dark Sand" will enter a seven-day state of preparation for a new version:
"10. The customs clearance edited video of "Let's Talk" will be released on major TV stations and online video platforms in the form of [-] short episodes, and the income will still be returned to the players.

"This episode will focus on 'exploring the unknown possibilities of history', and add the most suitable player clearance videos as supplementary materials, so stay tuned!
"Second, in the way of sealing the frontiers of the land, the range of the Fortress of the Sequencer and the fiefdom of the players will be further expanded, and the range of waters around the Citadel of the Sequencer will be further increased.

"In the fortress and fiefdom of the Orderer, some new craftsmen and shops will appear, and more resource points will be unlocked.

"Players can use construction points to purchase large ordnance such as loach boats, trebuchets, and artillery in the Fortress of the Orderer. They can also purchase all equipment including flintlock guns, divine arm bows, infantry armor, bed crossbows, etc. ordnance.

"Third, the Heroic Spirit Summoning function has been upgraded.

"Heroic spirits that can be summoned at present: General Deng Yuanjing, Zaizhi Wang Wenchuan (can be summoned in non-war state of the Fortress of the Order).

"Fourth, the issuance of internal test qualifications.

"At this stage, an additional 150,000 internal test qualifications will be issued, and the total number of internal test players will reach [-].

"The new internal test quota will be selected according to the original mechanism.

"Special attention: According to different historical slices, the number of players that can be carried by the Sequencer's Expedition is also different. In some special cases, entering the Sequencer's Expedition may have to be screened. to be the first.

"Seven days later, the game will launch a brand new version 'Cleaning up the old mountains and rivers', the specific update content is as follows.

"[-]. A batch of new talent skills have been unlocked in the sequencer talent skill library.

"Second, unlock the new copy 'Baqianli Luyunheyue'.

"Because with the help of the demon Fei Lian, the clone of the great demon Xingtian escaped, and the two historical slices were merged, so the difficulty of the current dungeon will be fully increased.

"After clearing the current history slice, the history slice of the entire Qi Dynasty will be opened directly.

"In order to balance the difficulty of the game, the 'Heroic Spirit Summoning' function will also be opened to players during the dungeon raiding process. The rules are as follows.

"Players can arbitrarily summon heroes who have already cooperated from the past historical slices, but each attempt can only summon one heroic spirit.

"The heroic spirit cannot appear in the dungeon in physical form, it can only appear in the player's conscious world.

"The player can choose to seek advice from the heroic spirit, or choose to entrust a certain historical figure directly to the heroic spirit.

"The specific gameplay, players can explore by themselves."


There are still a lot of content in this new version update announcement, and players started to interpret it immediately.

"Huh? It's not a movie this time, but a short drama?"

"Wouldn't that mean that the time has increased? It's still one yuan on demand, and there is no price increase for increasing the volume."

"A whole ten episodes, what content will be shown this time? Players grouped into historical slices to make troubles and research flintlocks. Should there be? The battle of Niuzhuji should be there? I just don't know what other attempts by Wang Wenchuan's reform can show. How many."

"The area of ​​the waters around the fortress of the Orderer has expanded? And you can also buy loach boats? Doesn't that mean that players can now also form a navy of their own?"

"Sailing to sea is a man's romance!"

"This time the historical slicing has made a lot of money. Look at the new equipment unlocked, the flintlock gun, the magic arm bow, the infantry armor, the bed crossbow...exciting!"

"This time, the heroic spirit of 'Zaizhi Wang Wenchuan' has been updated? But compared with General Deng, Wang Xiang should not be able to play a big role in the battlefield, right?"

"Wang Xiang must have helped in the process of city construction! Players are worried that there will be no NPC to help manage the Fortress of the Ordered. With Wang Xiang's martial arts ability, is it easy to manage a city?"

"There are more and more test players, reaching 150,000."

"Yeah, I have to keep working hard, otherwise I may not even be able to participate in the Sequencer Expedition gameplay in the future."

"What's the matter with the new dungeon? Why are the two historical slices fused together? And there is a game of summoning heroic spirits in the simulated trial?"

The content of this update is more exciting than the previous content.

Because there are many updates that are beyond the norm!

The guesses of the players were right. Anything that the players created in the historical slices could appear in the list of weapons in the Fortress of the Sequencer.

The selling price of these ordnance depends on the cost required by the players to fiddle with them in the historical slice.

Loach boats, god arm bows, infantry armor, flintlock guns... These big killer weapons can be used in the Fortress of the Ordered, obviously allowing players to play more tricks.

What's more, there are many large-scale equipment that have been updated accordingly.

Players can re-plan the city defenses of the Fortress of the Ordered, and fill the walls with various artillery.

And what the players discussed the most was this new copy.

According to the official explanation, since the two big demons Xing Tian and Fei Lian have stitched together the two largest and most core historical slices in the future, players must conquer them.

Of course, considering the increase in difficulty, players can also call heroic spirits to help in the process of conquering.Moreover, the reward after conquering is equivalent to the reward for conquering two historical slices, which can directly open up the main line of the entire Qi Dynasty.

It can be seen from the name of the version and copy that one of the main characters in this historical slice must be General Han Fuyue, and there is another important character who should be a certain emperor of the Qi Dynasty.

Of course, the players thought that this was a new trick created by the "Dark Sand" game official, a new way of playing for them.But in fact, during the whole process, Meng Yuan was completely passive...

He just updates the game content in real time according to the changes of the monsters.

Soon, the episode of "Let's Talk" was launched. After discussing the content of the new version, the players couldn't wait to open the episode to check it out.

In addition to being screened on major TV stations this time, the series is also on-demand on the Internet for 1 yuan, and there is no price increase for the real increase.


In a rented house outside Tiandu University.

Chu Ge and Li Hongyun each lay down comfortably on the single sofa, opened a can of Feizhai Happy Water, and waited for this episode to start broadcasting on the big TV.

Ever since the game "Dark Sand" brought them considerable income, their economic level has long been no longer that of ordinary students.

Therefore, there was a little expansion to some extent, which improved my material conditions.

So the two rented a spacious house near the school and built a big TV.

That's much bigger than the laptop screen in your dorm room.

"This episode, it is said that it will be based on the theme of 'exploring the unknown possibility of history'. I don't know how it will be presented?"

"It should not show the entire details of Wang Wenchuan's reform like a documentary, and there may be other ways of expression."

"Will it unfold in the form of dialogue like Sheng Taizu's movie?"

"Also a possibility."

Both of them have guessed about the content of this episode, but no one can be sure.

At the same time, they also hope that their performance can be more on camera, and there are more scenes in the series.

With a relaxed and expectant mood, the two looked at the opening scene on the TV screen.


The top of a mountain.

The mountain breeze is coming slowly, and the white clouds are lingering. From the top of the mountain, you can overlook the beautiful rivers and mountains.

Stratus clouds are born with a chest swing, and the canthus enters the home bird.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, there was an old man and a young man.

The old man pointed to the beautiful mountains and rivers below: "This place has been my hometown of China since ancient times.

"The golden man devoured our lands and slaughtered our people, Jiaxuan, you must firmly remember that. When you grow up, you must find ways to raise righteous soldiers, return to the Qi Dynasty in the south, and then raise troops to the north to restore our lands and rivers in China!"

The young man looked at the splendid rivers and mountains below, and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the camera turned.

Still the top of the mountain.

A slovenly middle-aged scholar, looking at such a grand scene, chanted in a low voice: "Don't be afraid of the clouds to cover your eyes, just because you are on the top floor.

"For the sake of the common people in the world, it's time for me to enter the capital..."

In the words, there is quite a kind of momentum of "who can give me up".

Immediately afterwards, several shots appeared alternately.

The commander-in-chief Yu Jiaxuan was in charge of was stolen, and he chased it wildly for days and nights, beheaded Yunfeng monk, and regained the commander-in-chief.

When Wang Wenchuan came to the capital, he ran into Zhang Renxia during his lectures, and went to Shu Emperor, and began to plan his own reform plan.

Yu Jiaxuan returned to the camp and found that the commander had been killed, so he summoned fifty riders to rob the camp and captured the traitor Ma Anbang.

Wang Wenchuan used the Ayun case to debate with the old party minister Wen Junshi and others in court, and made a generous statement.

Scenes and scenes are spliced ​​together by means of montage, which together constitute the content of the first and second episodes.

The story lines of the two people proceed alternately, but their life trajectories are strikingly similar.

The two of them in the first episode were both high-spirited and scolded Fang Qiu.

Yu Jiaxuan robbed the camp with fifty riders, and led tens of thousands of people to join the Qi Dynasty, making "the holy emperor sigh three times a day", and tens of thousands of volumes to flatten the military policy. It seems that he will rectify military affairs with the support of the emperor soon, and go north Fa Jin, regain lost ground.

Wang Wenchuan, on the other hand, was worshiped as the prime minister. With the full support of the young emperor, he began to reform with the slogan of "three deficiencies".

But in the second episode, the plot began to take a sharp turn, driving high and low.

Throughout his life, Yu Jiaxuan has been working as a firefighter, running around to suppress bandits, even though he has become a Flying Tiger Army, he has not been able to personally command a single day, let alone complete his goal of going north to conquer gold and recover lost land.

Finally, he woke up in his sleep, shouted "kill the thief", and passed away with regret.

With the advent of a severe drought, Wang Wenchuan was dismissed as prime minister, and although he came back again, neither he nor the emperor had the original pride, and finally died with the death of the emperor.

All the achievements of the reform were completely abolished by Wen Jun, and Wang Wenchuan also murmured on the sickbed, "That's all."

At this time, all the audience understood what it meant to "talk and stop".

Blood pressure went up right then.

Although thanks to the compulsory education, most people know the two characters Yu Jiaxuan and Wang Wenchuan, but seeing their lives presented in such a detailed way at this time, it is inevitable to feel depressed.

It was only at the end of the second episode that the plot of the whole episode took another turn.

The figure of a young man appeared in front of Wang Wenchuan's sick bed.

"Jing Gong, the reform has not been accomplished, but are you unwilling?"

Wang Wenchuan looked at the young man in front of him with doubts on his face.

"Who are you?"

The young man gave a deep salute: "Meng Yuan, the junior, came from 1000 years later, and came to visit Duke Jing."

Wang Wenchuan was on the sickbed, and there seemed to be a gleam of surprise in his eyes, but soon, this light dimmed again.

"After 1000 years...

"Thinking about it, I've already lost my reputation for thousands of years.

"The new law harms the country and the people. From the peasants to the court officials, they all denounce me as a traitor who harms the country and the people. I don't know if anyone will know me in a thousand years?"

Meng Yuan said seriously: "Mr. Jing, would you like to know how the world will evaluate you after 1000 years?
"Would you like to see other possibilities for reform?"

Wang Wenchuan looked at the young man in front of him, and finally nodded after thinking for a while: "I think!"

Meng Yuan nodded: "Then please come with me, senior."

In fact, before Wang Wenchuan died, he had clearly realized that he would inevitably bear a bad name in future generations.

When he was dismissed, he lived in the countryside. During his travels, he saw countless people hating and reviling the new law, and he inevitably had deep doubts about the cause he had fought for all his life.

Originally, there were merits such as filling the national treasury and opening the Xihe River to give him psychological support, but after Wen Junshi came to power, the new law was abolished, and the four military villages on Xihe Road were also returned to the enemy country. Already devastated, even disheartened.

But deep in his heart, of course, there is still a strong obsession, hoping that he can be recognized.

At this time, this young man who has been 1000 years old suddenly appeared and wanted to take him to see other possibilities of the reform.

Naturally, Wang Wenchuan didn't think too much, and immediately followed Meng Yuan's pace, stepping into the long river of history, to see another possibility.


At this time, the audience is also discussing the plot of the series in real time.

"So, the first two episodes are telling the original real historical line?"

"It should be. It can be seen from some details that this is the real Yu Jiaxuan and Wang Wenchuan in history."

"But the more real it is, the easier it is for people to have high blood pressure..."

"It's really aggrieved, especially after I personally went through to experience the situation of these two people, I feel even more aggrieved."

"But what about the next eight episodes?"

"Meng Yuan came out again! It looks like it should show some different content like the last conversation with Sheng Taizu!"

"Would it be possible for Wang Wenchuan to see the coquettish operations of the players after the group transmission?"

Players can't help but look forward to guessing the possible progress of this episode.


"Look, Mr. Jing, this is the first of the other three possibilities that this junior showed you."

As Meng Yuan cleared away the fog of history for Wang Wenchuan, a brand new world appeared in front of him.

This is still the Qi Dynasty, and it is still the political affairs hall when Wang Wenchuan reformed, but the person sitting in the political affairs hall at this time is not the historical Wang Wenchuan, but the Chu Ge who dresses up very much like Wang Wenchuan.

This is Chu Ge's customs clearance video at that time!

Wang Wenchuan was a little puzzled: "This is..."

Meng Yuan explained: "Duke Jing, in fact, in later generations, many people have discussed your new law.

"And there are a couple of different kinds of games that these people are playing out in the process of arguing about 'what's going to make the new law work.

"What you are seeing now is a deduction by one of the descendants playing your identity.

"Please see."

Suddenly, Wang Wenchuan watched carefully with Meng Yuan.

At this time, the camera in the episode also turned to Chu Ge's direction, introducing the whole reform from the perspective of Wang Wenchuan, who he played.

After taking over the identity of Wang Wenchuan, the first thing Chu Ge did was to go to the palace to meet the emperor, and hand over the newly drafted official system law, so as to win the emperor's greater support at the cost of transferring the prime minister's power.

Then, borrow Wen Junshi's phrase "share the world with the scholar-bureaucrats", and send out a heart-breaking theory to all the old parties.

Immediately afterwards, there was cruel party struggle and suppression of dissidents...

Chu Ge's solution has actually been spread among players.

Because until now, this is the best solution to Wang Wenchuan's line.

Following the original route of Wang Wenchuan's reform is not enough to clear the dungeon "If you want to talk about it", you have to make a series of efforts on Yu Jiaxuan's side.

But if you use Chu Ge's line of power, you can use enough military funds to win the battle of Niuzhuji without deliberately spending a lot of time on the line of attacking Yu Jiaxuan.

Take the initiative to strengthen the emperor's centralization by phase, and in the process of the emperor's centralization, use his strength to point the finger at the officials of the old party, and use this to constantly cut off dissidents, stabilize his position, and implement new laws...

Chu Ge's solution also lasted for two episodes.

The events in these two episodes lasted for five years. The first five years were mainly to seize power, while the next five years were to stabilize the position, suppress the old party’s counterattack, block the emperor’s eyes and ears, and finally use a strong Wrist, to implement the new law.

Although players already know this route, for many viewers who saw this solution for the first time, they are still amazed.

Especially in the drama series, the game "Dark Sand" automatically shows various details of the reform process, from different perspectives such as the old party officials, Wu Desi, the emperor, and the common people. more convincing.

At the end of the episode, Meng Yuan looked at Wang Wenchuan: "Mr. Jing, what do you think of this possibility?"

Wang Wenchuan's expression froze slightly. Obviously, Chu Ge's solution also surprised him a little.

However, this solution, after all, was carried out under the historical conditions at that time, so it is not difficult for Wang Wenchuan, who can achieve the position of prime minister, to understand.

After a while, he gave his thoughts.

"This human technique is indeed rare.

"Using the interests of the emperor, cutting off the ministers with the emperor's order, and finally carrying out reforms with the plan of treachery, you can indeed manipulate the world in the palm of your hand, and you can get what you want. It is not a problem to force new laws.

"There is no worry of dismissal, no worry of being constrained, and the right to the same way, it can be said to be once and for all.

"It's just... once you walk on this path, you can never turn back. The one who started it has no heirs?

"I'm afraid this move will not only leave a thousand years of infamy behind us, but it may also cause instability in the country, turmoil between parties, and uncontrollable hearts of the emperor."

Although the "behind the scenes" of this method is not intuitively shown in the episode, whether it is Wang Wenchuan or those smart players, they can basically guess it roughly.

The road of power and prime minister is tantamount to opening Pandora's box.

In the short term, new laws can indeed be forced, but what happens after the emperor dies?

Chu Ge's approach is a veritable power minister, pursuing the empty emperor and becoming an uncrowned king as a civil servant.

Only by exercising imperial power as a prime minister can the reform be successful.

In this process, it is absolutely impossible to use aboveboard means, and it is necessary to use everything to the extreme.

Using Wu Desi to dig up black material, party disputes, deceiving the king and flattering the emperor, etc., all of which are indispensable.

After finally becoming a power minister, if he uses his power for personal gain and makes money through corruption, he will be notorious through the ages, and will be listed with Yan Maoqing, Wang Chong and other treacherous officials through the ages;
And if the reform is carried out, and the life of the dynasty is really continued, and the well-being of the Li people is really sought, then perhaps the reputation in history will be slightly better, but it will not be too good.

After all, those literati and bureaucrats who have been suppressed will spare no effort to discredit the historical materials.

In the long run, although Chu Ge's solution can implement the new law more smoothly in the short term, it will cause more problems in the long run.

The dictatorship of imperial power is almost irreversible. If the imperial power is actively strengthened in order to implement reforms, once the imperial power raises the butcher knife against itself, it will be difficult to resist.

So, in the end, there are only three endings.

Now when the emperor is alive, he realizes that something is wrong, and uses cruel means to liquidate the power and minister.

Now after the death of the emperor, the successor new emperor found that something was wrong, and liquidated the power and ministers with cruel means.

The old emperor died, and the new emperor succeeded, but he failed to take any action for the time being. After the prime minister died, he would use more brutal means to liquidate the descendants of the prime minister and all his party members.

From a more long-term point of view, using such means to ascend to the top position will have a very bad impact on the morale of the court.

Other officials must have followed suit, and began to suppress dissidents in cruel ways and strive for superior positions by using flattery, party struggle, and digging black material as the main means.

The emperor, on the other hand, is even more suspicious of officials, and may constantly weigh and restrict to ensure the stability and concentration of imperial power.

Even with such extreme measures, the new law can be promoted as much as possible during Wang Wenchuan's reign, but the result of the new law will probably not be very good.

The national treasury will definitely be filled, and the external war will also improve, but the lives of the people may not necessarily get better.

Most of them still have to be infamous among the people for thousands of years.

And in this process, if there is a power minister or emperor who is really talented, then he can continue the life of the dynasty; if not, the entire dynasty will collapse at a faster speed.

Because of the foolish king's tossing around, naturally no one can restrain him.

Although Wang Wenchuan did not consider the line of power and prime minister at the beginning, he frequently clashed with old party officials during the reform process, and he definitely has a lot of experience in political struggles.

However, Wang Wenchuan still worked hard to maintain the bottom line of party struggle. Although he expelled all the old parties from the court on the surface, at least there was room for them.

For the emperor, he did not let him go and blindly flatter him, but always insisted on his own point of view, which even caused the emperor's dissatisfaction.

Judging from the results, the new law he implemented was not successful, but at least he achieved a good death. The fierce party struggle between the old and new parties only began after his death.

While he stubbornly insisted on the bottom line, he gave his own attempt as much as possible, although this attempt ultimately ended in failure.

Therefore, even though Wang Wenchuan saw Chu Ge's line at this time and knew in his heart that this line of power and ministers could push the reforms deeper, he only praised him with emotion and did not show much enlightened emotion.

This is a solution, but obviously it doesn't fit Wang Wenchuan's character.

Meng Yuan also seemed to have expected this for a long time. With a wave of his hands, the fog shrouded his eyes, and he changed to another time and space.

"Look again, Mr. Jing, this is the second of the three other possibilities that this junior showed you."

Coming to the fifth episode, Meng Yuan presented another possibility for Wang Wenchuan.

Wang Wenchuan cheered up again, apparently he also wanted to know what kind of other solution this was.

As for the audience in front of the screen, they were expecting, but also had some doubts.

Are there three other possibilities?

Judging from the previous customs clearance situation of the players, Chu Ge's method is already recognized as the best solution in the single-player mode, and regardless of the result of the power and phase route, at least the process is more pleasant.

Originally thought that Meng Yuan would show the solution of the power-phase route at the end, but he didn't expect to show it first.

Even if the last possibility is group wear by players, what is the second possibility?

Everyone continued to watch the content of the fifth episode seriously.


After the fog cleared, Wang Wenchuan was stunned, and the audience in front of the screen were also stunned.

Because... there was a completely unfamiliar scene in front of me.

Between the skyscrapers, old-fashioned cars come and go in an endless stream.The dense crowd was dressed in modern western clothes, and they were in a hurry. Everyone's face was full of happiness and confidence.

Wang Wenchuan was a little surprised: "This is..."

Meng Yuan explained: "Duke Jing, this is a foreign country more than nine hundred years later."

Wang Wenchuan looked a little dazed: "After more than nine hundred years... has it become so prosperous?"

In the picture in front of him, there are too many elements that he does not know, whether it is a speeding car or a skyscraper building, it makes him feel incredible.

But no matter how the times change, people will not change much after all.

What surprised Wang Wenchuan even more was that although the passers-by in the metropolis in front of him were in a hurry, their blissful happiness and self-confidence made people feel sincerely that their mental outlook was the same as that of hundreds of years ago. The ancients are completely different.

This scene is even a bit close to the Yao and Shun period that Wang Wenchuan had imagined in his mind.

In ancient times, all literati must call them Yao and Shun, because Yao and Shun were already something similar to political correctness in the minds of ancient scholars.

In fact, from the perspective of modern people, no matter how much the Yao and Shun period is touted, it is nothing more than a primitive society. In the case of extremely low productivity, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to enjoy a peaceful and prosperous age.

Therefore, modern people never envy the ancients.

However, when Wang Wenchuan reformed, he had to use the excuse of imitating Yao and Shun to carry it out. It has to be said that this can be regarded as a rather sad thing.

For the audience in front of the screen, this scene is quite familiar.

"Hey, isn't this the scene at the beginning of the [-]th century?"

"Why did you show Wang Wenchuan this?"

Many players are a little puzzled.

Although Meng Yuan had shown Sheng Taizu the current living conditions of modern people before, it was after all Sheng Taizu himself.

But now, Meng Yuan is clearly showing Wang Wenchuan another possibility of reform. Why did he turn the camera to a foreign country in the early [-]th century?
Wang Wenchuan wondered, "What does this have to do with the new law?"

In his opinion, this foreign life has far surpassed the Qi Dynasty back then, and even surpassed the imagined Yao and Shun period.That being the case, what does it have to do with the reforms he advocated back then?

After all, he reformed the law at that time because he saw that the three redundant problems of the Qi Dynasty were serious, poor and weak, internal and external troubles, and he had reached the point where he would die slowly if he did not change the law.

And what is the relationship between this happy scene in front of you and the reform?
Meng Yuan didn't answer directly, but waved his hand to speed up the time flow in the huge city in front of him: "Jing Gong, look again."

The sky is full of wind and clouds, and the underground vehicles are constantly shuttling. This huge city is constantly alternating between night and day. It is full of heat during the day and brightly lit at night.

But on one of these days, this scene of prosperity suddenly disappeared forever.

People's faces are no longer filled with confidence and smiles, but full of gloom, and their eyes seem to have completely lost their luster.

Immediately afterwards, this emotion quickly spread throughout the city as if it was contagious.

The construction site, which was originally in full swing, has come to a standstill. People who used to pass through various buildings with smiles on their faces are walking on the street blankly. There was a long queue in front of the relief station.

The camera gradually zooms in, following a shabby-dressed, spiritless person walking forward.

On his back was a plaque with several lines written in a foreign script.

Wang Wenchuan couldn't help asking: "What does this mean?"

Meng Yuan translated: "It says: I know three crafts, can speak three languages, have struggled for three years, have three children, have been unemployed for three months, and I only need one job."

Wang Wenchuan had an expression of inexplicable surprise on his face: "How could this be?"

Obviously, he couldn't understand what was going on at all.

According to the ancients, if a person has three crafts and can speak three languages, why would he have nothing to do?

Even if you are a craftsman, shouldn't you be the sweet pastry that everyone grabs?
It is obviously impossible for Meng Yuan to explain the economic crisis to an ancient man hundreds of years ago in a few words, and it is also difficult to explain the concept of "relative overproduction", so he can only give a general answer.

"It can only be said that after a thousand years, people will always encounter new problems."

Wang Wenchuan was still puzzled: "But what does this have to do with the new law?"

Meng Yuan explained: "Because what I am showing Duke Jing now is a reform that took place in a foreign country more than [-] years later.

"It can be called: Roche Reform.

"And this reform is somewhat similar to Jing Gong's reform."

(End of this chapter)

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