My players are all actors

Chapter 232 Roche Reform

Chapter 232 Luo Shi Reform (8600 characters ask for a monthly ticket)

"Roche's reform..."

Wang Wenchuan looked at everything completely unfamiliar in front of him, but inexplicably developed some affection for the protagonist who was about to reform.

After all, they are all reformers. Although they have spanned 900 years, they will naturally develop a feeling of sympathy for each other.

As the camera shuttled back and forth on the streets of foreign countries, Meng Yuan also began to try to use very concise language, like Wang Wenchuan, to explain the reasons for the great crisis after 900 years.

"Jing Gong, the foreign country after 900 years is not a country of emperors and scholar-bureaucrats, but a country of merchants.

"And this crisis was triggered by businessmen."

Wang Wenchuan felt a little unbelievable: "How can a businessman control a country?
"Businessmen don't do production, they are the lowest class of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen. If they are allowed to control a country, wouldn't everyone value profits, and the world will be starved and killed, and the people will not be able to live?"

Meng Yuan explained: "In Duke Jing's time, it was true.

"But Mr. Jing, please think about it. If one day in the future, one person can use all kinds of equipment made by craftsmen, plant hundreds of acres of land, and the food produced is enough to feed thousands of people, what is the status of farmers? , will it be so important?
"Will land still be the most precious thing in this world?

"If a craftsman can make a machine that allows people to go to heaven and earth, and the machine can fly on the ground at a speed many times faster than a horse, and in the air, it can fly from Daming Mansion to the capital in just two or three hours, then the status of a craftsman How high will it be?

"Jinggong thinks again, if the farming of farmers and the production of machinery by craftsmen need to be completed under the unified management of merchants, then it is not surprising that merchants control a country."

Wang Wenchuan nodded suddenly, thoughtfully.

Although he was only an ancient man thousands of years ago, judging from his various reform measures, he was originally a person with advanced thinking and extremely intelligent.

At this time, seeing the various faces of the foreign country, and after Meng Yuan explained it in this way, he more or less understood it.

Meng Yuan continued: "However, as Duke Jing expected, merchants running the country will naturally have the problems that Duke Jing said.

"Everyone's emphasis on profit can indeed generate great motivation for the entire country in a special period, allowing the country to develop rapidly. But this will also cause various problems.

"What Duke Jing is worried about is that the world is full of starvation. He is worried that everyone is engaged in business and no one is engaged in production. However, after hundreds of years, as long as a few people use mechanical farming, thousands of people can be fed. So under normal circumstances However, the starvation that Duke Jing was worried about would not happen."

Wang Wenchuan was keenly aware of Meng Yuan's implication: "Under normal circumstances? What about abnormal circumstances?"

Meng Yuan nodded: "The abnormal situation is what Duke Jing saw at this time, and later generations call it the 'Great Crisis' and 'Great Depression'.

"The cause of this great crisis may be explained by an example:

"A child was in a dilapidated house, suffering from hunger and cold. He asked his mother: Mother, why can't we burn coal for heating and have no food? The mother said: Because your father lost his job. The child asked: Why did your father lose his job? The mother said: Because your father was a coal miner and they produced too much coal.

"The 'coal' here is the charcoal of the Qi Dynasty. I wonder if Duke Jing can understand?"

Wang Wenchuan frowned slightly, but after thinking for a while, he said: "There is no idle land in the world, and the farmers still starve to death. Those who are covered in silkworms are not silkworm farmers.

"Although the merchant's coal mine dug out a large amount of coal, the craftsmen and farmers at the bottom were extremely poor and unable to buy it, and the merchant's coal accumulation was unmarketable, so these craftsmen were no longer needed. As a result, the craftsmen lost their jobs and had no money to buy. It became an unsolvable situation.”

Meng Yuan nodded: "Exactly.

"If it's just a coal mine, there are naturally many solutions. Craftsmen can find other jobs, and coal mine merchants can also consider selling coal to other cities or neighboring countries.

"But what if it triggers a chain reaction and causes such problems in the entire country and in all areas controlled by businessmen?

"That's what Duke Jing saw at this time."

The camera continued to shuttle between the cities, and many homeless people became homeless, lying in a daze on the street or on the benches in the park, with their arms crossed, looking sad.

The former millionaire even wanted to sell fruit on the street.

The president at the time declared: "Fruit vendors are a natural occupation under the market economy. Selling fruits can free some smart people from their original jobs to earn more benefits."

Such a laissez-faire policy has further expanded the crisis.

Meng Yuan asked: "If Duke Jing is in power, what should we do?"

After thinking for a while, Wang Wenchuan said: "I have not lived in a foreign country hundreds of years later, but since it is a rebellion by businessmen, it is similar to the act of stabilizing food prices in a famine year.

"The state opens warehouses to release grain, provides relief, suppresses the huge profits of businessmen, and measures land production... No, it should clarify the farms and workshops controlled by these businessmen, and levy heavy taxes on those who benefit the most to enrich the national treasury.

"Even killing one to make an example to others will scare the businessmen."


Hearing Wang Wenchuan's answer, the audience in front of the screen couldn't help but nodded.

Obviously, as an ancient person 1000 years ago, Jinggong didn't know much about the laws of modern society, but he was the smartest and most forward-thinking genius of that era, so he knew everything.

It can only be said that the truth of everything in the world is always interlinked.

The ancient reforms and modern reforms, if summed up in a simple and crude way, their causes and treatment methods are similar.

The reason for this is nothing more than that the rentier class in the middle is too bloated, exploiting from the bottom, and trying every means to block the passage from the bottom to the top. As a result, people at the bottom are starving and dying everywhere, the treasury at the top is empty, and the middle class is too inflated.

The way to deal with it is nothing more than someone at the top using some means to let the bloated middle rentier class spit out some benefits, redistribute them to the hungry people at the bottom and the treasury at the top, so as to stabilize the country again.

Regardless of whether this middle class is a feudal landlord, a scholar-bureaucrat, or a capitalist, the truth is always the same.

Therefore, although Wang Wenchuan's method does not have much feasibility under this social condition, at least the idea is completely correct.


Meng Yuan nodded: "Mr. Jing really saw the problem thoroughly, and grasped the key point in an instant.

"However, although Duke Jing's thinking is correct, it may not be feasible to implement it in this way.

"Mr. Jing, don't forget that this is a country dominated by merchants. It is almost impossible to suppress merchants with the power of the state in the past. Otherwise, they will be overthrown and step down in an instant.

"It is still necessary to make the best use of the situation and act under certain rules.

"The success of the reform depends on two aspects in the final analysis: details and execution."

Wang Wenchuan agreed: "Exactly. I don't know if Luo's new method has succeeded in the end?"

Obviously, Wang Wenchuan encountered so much resistance in the process of implementing the New Deal, which has made him deeply aware of the importance of details and execution in the reform process.

His reform was doomed to failure precisely because of insufficient execution at the grassroots level.

At this time, they are naturally concerned and worried about whether the Roche New Deal will be successful.

In his heart, he certainly hoped that Roche's new law could be implemented, but he also felt that it would be very difficult.

Meng Yuan continued to wave his hand, causing the fog in front of him to gather and disperse.

A series of measures in the reform were displayed in front of Wang Wenchuan and all the audience.


"The first step of Roche's new law is to let everyone in the society believe in the country, and only when confidence is restored can all businesses flourish again.

"And to do that, it only takes one conversation to all the people in the country."

After all, Wang Wenchuan lived thousands of years ago, so it was difficult for him to understand what was happening before him. Therefore, Meng Yuan tried his best to explain in a way he could understand.

Every family sat in front of the radio, listening to Roche explain the operation mechanism of the banking industry in simple terms, and with his own charisma and authority, he re-established people's trust in the entire economic system.

In the early morning of the next day, a large number of people came to the bank and deposited back the money they had desperately withdrawn from the bank due to panic a while ago.

In just two weeks, bank deposits across the country have increased by [-]%, and three-quarters of banks have reopened.

Immediately afterwards, a series of new laws and measures were quickly introduced in a vigorous and decisive manner.

The "Emergency Relief Act" was promulgated, and a large amount of funds were allocated to relieve the people who were trapped in unemployment.

The "Agricultural Adjustment Law" was promulgated, and the state came forward to adjust and control the output of agricultural products and guide supply and demand to restore balance.

The "Industrial Recovery Act" was announced, requiring each industry to set maximum working hours and minimum wage standards, and giving workers the right to unite and bargain collectively with capitalists.

Businesses that comply with this act will receive a special logo, and the state encourages people to shop in the stores of such companies.

Promulgated the "Securities Exchange Law", established a committee to supervise the entire stock market, and cracked down on financial fraud, falsified statements, and insider trading.

Publish the National Housing Act, reduce mortgage interest, and extend the loan term from ten years to 30 years.

The "Social Insurance Law" was introduced, which brought pension insurance and unemployment insurance.

Introduce progressive tax rates based on income and assets, with a maximum inheritance tax of up to [-]%.

In the past eight years, the wheels of the big infrastructure construction have been rolling forward, employing more than 8 million people, laying water supply lines, repairing buildings, building roads, and constructing water conservancy projects... leaving traces of the new law in every corner of the country .


One law after another was displayed in front of Wang Wenchuan.

At this time, Wang Wenchuan was muttering in his mouth while receiving a large amount of information.

"Farmland Water Conservancy Law . . .

"Young seedling method...

"Market Exchange Law..."

Apparently, Wang Wenchuan saw many familiar shadows in the many bills of Luo's reform.

The Emergency Relief Act is a bit like a regular warehouse, which opens warehouses to release grain and relieve victims in times of famine;
The Securities Exchange Act is a bit like the Market Exchange Act, which regulates the market, reduces the control of large merchants on the market, and stabilizes prices and commodity exchanges;

Relief from work is very similar to the Farmland Water Conservancy Law, except that the former is directly funded by the state to build projects, while the latter uses the interest collected from young crop money to build water conservancy.

More importantly, Wang Wenchuan vaguely saw something that coincided with his thinking in these bills.

That is state regulation!
The content of Wang Wenchuan's new law is to use state means to regulate the market, use the Young Crops Law to alleviate farmers' suffering from usury, and use the Market Change Law to suppress the manipulation of the market by wealthy businessmen, and then use the money to build water conservancy projects and reclaim wasteland. Increase the country's food production.

The content of Roche's new law is also to regulate the market by means of the state, but according to the actual situation hundreds of years later, the focus of regulation has been shifted to the stock market, banking, industry and social security.


Meng Yuan asked: "Jing Gong thinks, what is the content of these new laws?"

Wang Wenchuan nodded in praise: "Naturally, it hit the nail on the head. It's just...

"How can such a bill with so many items and cumbersome content be implemented smoothly?"

Meng Yuan smiled: "Hundreds of years later, the executive power will naturally be different from the era in which Duke Jing lived.

"During the process of the New Deal, Roche could use the radio to talk directly to all the people across the country. And if there are bureaucrats who are acting obediently and violatingly during the implementation process, they can also be found out very quickly.

"And in this era of economic development, many means that were originally impossible have become possible."

Wang Wenchuan nodded suddenly. Obviously, Luo's "fireside chat" was absolutely unimaginable hundreds of years ago.

"Then... what do the people think of Luo Shi? Do they admire him so much? Or do they hate him to the bone?"

Meng Yuan didn't answer directly, but waved lightly, showing the picture directly in front of Wang Wenchuan.

The ecstatic people held a large-scale parade to celebrate. The team of more than 20 people walked for ten hours amidst laughter and laughter, and there were as many as 2 million onlookers.

A shocked expression appeared on Wang Wenchuan's face, and he suddenly said: "If there are people who want to do this, it will naturally be beneficial...

"It's just like you said before, this move is undoubtedly bleeding the blood of the merchants. Since the merchants rule the country here, how can they let it go?"

Meng Yuan nodded: "Of course they won't let it go.

"The capitalist backlash came quickly, calling Roche a 'revolutionary' or a 'communist', or that he had violated the credo of the sanctity of private property."

Wang Wenchuan asked: "Then how did Luo Shi deal with it?"

Meng Yuan smiled: "For this, Luo Shi only refuted it in a few words.

"He said: These people always complicate simple issues, but I only believe in pragmatic explanations and pragmatic policies. I aim at the real needs of the country and the people, and all the measures of the new law will eventually fall on the country. Come up with the interests of the people.

"He also said that wealthy businessmen, politicians and bureaucrats are all well-educated and knowledgeable, but they have never realized their responsibilities to their fellow citizens."

Wang Wenchuan couldn't help admiring: "Well said!

"Heavenly changes are not enough to be feared, people's words are not enough to be sympathetic, and ancestors are not enough to follow the law.

"If you don't have such courage, how can you promote the reform?"

Obviously, Wang Wenchuan admired Luo's words.

Because this is exactly the creed he has always upheld.

Especially the last sentence, isn't it what he wanted to say to those important ministers of the old party?

The old party officials headed by Wen Junshi have read poems and books and talked about their hearts. Whether it is poems or articles, they are all top-notch.

But such a group of literati and bureaucrats, facing the current situation of empty treasury and poor people's livelihood, faced with the current situation of "the rich have endless fields and the poor have no place to stand", they are indifferent.

Naturally, they can quote scriptures and find countless evidences for "following the law of the ancestors", but they never realize their responsibilities to their fellow citizens.

Let the country be prosperous and strong, resist foreign humiliation, let the people live in peace, the country does not add gifts, but the people use them.

This is a question that they have read poetry and books all their lives, but they have never thought about it.

And these officials of the old party, thousands of words can only be converged into one sentence: to share the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, not with the common people.

In other words, they don't think ordinary people are their compatriots.

The scene in front of me is changing rapidly, the relief queues of the unemployed are shortening, the lifeless city is revived again, large-scale infrastructure construction activities are carried out smoothly, the entire city, and even the entire country, are moving at a speed that changes with each passing day. There is a change.

Wang Wenchuan asked: "So, this Luo's new method has succeeded?"

Meng Yuan nodded: "Successful.

"This series of measures has achieved great success within five years. The gross national product has nearly tripled, the number of unemployed people has dropped from 1700 million to 800 million, and national income has increased by [-]%.

"And Roche even used a strong hand to get Congress and the Supreme Court to support his new law, bypass those stubborn bureaucrats, and go straight to his goal.

"In a speech he said:
"There is a mysterious cycle in the world.

"Certain generations will receive more blessings from heaven, certain generations will have high expectations, and our generation...

"Destined to fulfill the destiny!"

Wang Wenchuan's expression was a little dazed, as if he had also entered into this Luo's life, and felt a heartfelt admiration for his magnificent life.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Wenchuan saw an incredible scene.

After seemingly calm and standing up with a cane to give a speech, Roche sat in a wheelchair in private, or spent a lot of time practicing walking with difficulty.

Wang Wenchuan was even more surprised: "This Luo, is physically disabled? He is a hero like Sun Boling..."

Sun Boling was a strategist with disabled legs in ancient times.

Meng Yuan nodded: "Yes, his legs are disabled and he can't walk. In order to run for office, he must stand in front of everyone, because no one will vote for a patient who can only sit in a wheelchair."

Wang Wenchuan said with deep emotion: "Great Roche, I'm not as good as..."

This sentence is obviously the conclusion drawn by Wang Wenchuan after reading all the content of Luo's new law and comparing his own reform process with it.

In terms of process, Wang Wenchuan failed to win the support of poor farmers during the reform process, and in the end he left a lot of infamy among the people at the bottom.

When Wang Wenchuan enacted the Green Crop Law, his motives were good, but because of implementation problems, the low-level households were exploited by subordinate officials, and they were in a very miserable situation.

Although this was not Wang Wenchuan's original intention, but a problem in the implementation process, Wang Wenchuan himself knew that, as a reformer, he naturally had to anticipate these problems from the very beginning.

He failed to predict, resulting in such a result, saying that he was wronged, but in the final analysis, he was not wronged.

On the other hand, when Roche’s new law was first introduced, people across the country wholeheartedly welcomed it through fireside chats. Afterwards, with the implementation of the new law, the support rate has been rising all the way, and most of the laws have been implemented without compromise. The effect is completely in line with the original intention.

In Wang Wenchuan's view, Luo's is naturally far better than himself in this aspect.

In terms of process, the Roche Reform is also commendable.

When Wang Wenchuan reformed, he promoted the reform with the power of the prime minister. Although he had the support of the emperor, he could not completely trust the emperor, and he still failed to win over people from the old party. He could only be forced to carry out the reform with these people from the new party As time goes by, the whole reform will naturally go bad as the villains sneak into the new party.

As for the Luo family reform, although it was similar to the monarchy, there were also a lot of forces hindering it in foreign countries at that time.From wealthy businessmen, capitalists to other parties, there are also Roche's opponents.

But Luo Shi was able to mobilize the people with thunderous wrists, suppress all these voices, and complete the actual monopoly of power. Naturally, he was superior in the process.

Judging from the results, Wang Wenchuan's reform ultimately failed, while Luo's reform has become a very famous reform case in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign history.

Wang Wenchuan would naturally think that he is not as good as the other party.

Meng Yuan reassured: "Duke Jing doesn't need to be too harsh, times have changed, and the times you live in are different, and the results of reforms with similar ideas may also be very different.

"Luo's new policy is naturally due to the right time, place and people, and the success of the new law is not due to him alone, but he followed the trend.

"However, the root of its thinking is still to intervene in the economy and people's livelihood by means of the state, and regulate all levels of the country, so as to achieve the goal of enriching the country and strengthening the army.

"You, Mr. Jing, thought of this a thousand years ago and proposed a similar strategy. This vision is amazing.

"It's just that Duke Jing really didn't have such conditions at the time. In the economic system dominated by landlords and bureaucrats, and under the backward technological level at that time, this attempt was too advanced after all.

"When Luo's new law was introduced, there was a powerful state machine that could help him figure out the country's economic indicators. Whether it was regulation or lending, all the values ​​were clear at a glance; after all, Mr. Jing was a thousand years ago. He even determined the repayment ability of farmers and restricted officials. You can't do it without upgrading the Youth Loan.

"From this point of view, although Duke Jing is slightly inferior in means, his spirit of daring to be the first and the courage to be the first to me are not inferior to Luo Che."

Wang Wenchuan had a relieved expression on his face.

Obviously, Meng Yuan's words benefited him a lot.

Although when he was alive, almost no one could understand him, but at this time, a descendant after a thousand years gave him a fair evaluation.

And Luo's case also proved that Wang Wenchuan's idea was not wrong, but it was too advanced and exceeded the social reality at that time.

So what he is doing is actually an impossible task beyond the times.

His love is sympathetic and his courage is commendable.

Originally, Wang Wenchuan might be worried about some details in the reform, and thought it would be better to change his handling method?

But at this time, he had a clear mind and no longer entangled in these problems.

"Then... what is the evaluation of Luo Shi by later generations?" Wang Wenchuan asked.

Meng Yuan paused for a moment, and said with emotion: "In this world, Luo Shi has almost won the admiration and recognition of the whole world.

"In China, it can be said that Roche has almost won the support of the whole people. In a questionnaire survey, the public chose 'who is the greatest person in the world', and the gods they believe in can only be ranked second, and Roche is the first.

"In foreign countries, Roche has also won the unanimous approval of all the top leaders and politicians in the world, either vigilant, envious, or respected."

Wang Wenchuan's expression seemed a little fascinated: "It's amazing that there will be such a great man after hundreds of years...

"However, you say that's the case in this world?
"In the later generations, has the situation changed?"

Meng Yuan nodded: "In later generations, more and more people have pointed out that Roche's new law is actually overestimated. Because what really solved the big crisis was not his new law, but a super war that swept the world.

"Because in this world war, the country led by Luo Shi had both sides. Through the sale of arms and supplies, he gained the hegemony like Duke Huan of Qi did in the Spring and Autumn Period, and redistributed the interests of the world. This allowed the economy to take off in an all-round way. The effects of the Great Depression were eliminated.

"There are even people who argue that Roche's new law is an outright lie, arguing that it just happened to adopt some useless measures in a special period to take advantage of the economic recovery.

"These scholars believed that the economy was already recovering at that time, and this prosperity would have come even without Roche's new law. However, Roche's new law not only failed to speed up and promote this prosperity, but caused a lot of extravagance and waste, hindering economic development. This is an unsustainable behavior.

"Jing Gong thinks, what are these views?"

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Wenchuan shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid it's an unconventional and sensationalist speech."

Meng Yuan asked, "Why?"

Wang Wenchuan smiled and explained: "People of later generations often take pleasure in overturning common sense.

"Praise the traitor as a last resort, and then look for stains on the hero, and derogate his glorious image as 'not mediocre'.

"The foreign country I watched Luo's tricks was in a state where the people's wisdom had already been developed. Even an unemployed craftsman knew three languages, which shows that ordinary people in the market are better than the scholar-bureaucrats of the Qi Dynasty.

"If Roche's new law is really meaningless, why can it get the unanimous support of these people?
"According to what you said, Roche's new law only took a few years, and various changes were seen immediately, and the numbers are clearly visible. Even in later generations, many countries followed suit.

"If Roche's new law is really a huge deception, how can it deceive everyone in the world at that time, and even deceive the wise men of all countries in the future?

"From this analysis, Roche's new law may inevitably have some omissions and disadvantages, but this move has achieved great success, which is beyond doubt.

"It's nothing more than a perversion to say that someone else could have done it just as well."

Meng Yuan nodded: "Mr. Jing is very observant.

"Actually, according to the younger generation, Luo Shi is an extreme pragmatist. All the measures he takes are not based on personal or class interests, but focus on the overall situation, and try to find new ways to achieve success among the various forces as much as possible. balance.

"This is what a top politician does. And there are very few such top politicians in the world.

"Businessmen gain too much profit, which will limit the interests of businessmen. Whether it is fixed working hours, minimum wages or taxation of businessmen, it is actually a move that benefits the country and the people.

"Roche is certainly not a communist who is committed to the pursuit of overthrowing all capitalists, but he restricted the business class, benefited the bottom, and used state means to regulate the economy. This was already a remarkable move at the time.

"And the most important point is that his success did not rely on militarism and self-sufficiency. Although in hindsight, his country was the final winner of this world war, but in fact, at the beginning of the war, the whole country did not want to intervene this war.

"Before actually participating in this war, the economy has already improved according to various data. This is completely different from the extreme measures of eating more than enough food, betting all the country's fortune on military expansion, inciting populism, and frantically oppressing the people at the bottom. There is an essential difference between the two.

"What's more, the reason why this country can benefit from this world war is also thanks to Roche.

"He had a keen insight into this opportunity, tried every means to persuade all classes in the whole country to actively participate in the war, and decided the world in one battle and established his dominance.

"And even from the perspective of a thousand years later, that is, more than [-] years after Roche's New Deal, future generations are still enjoying the legacy of this New Deal.

"Require each industry to set maximum working hours and minimum wage standards; give workers the right to unite and bargain collectively with capitalists; reduce mortgage interest, extend loan terms, and allow home ownership; stipulate pension insurance and unemployment insurance; The progressive tax rate of the amount, the highest inheritance tax is as high as [-]%...

"All kinds of measures have effectively improved the lives of all the people at the bottom. Today, most countries still regard doing these things as the highest well-being; there are still some countries that have failed to do these things."

Speaking of this, Wang Wenchuan's approval of Luo's new law is obviously a little bit more.

"What was proposed at the time, decades later, is still the common standard in all countries, and even countries have not yet done it.  …

"This is enough to show Roche's foresight."


At this time, the audience in front of the screen also followed the discussion between Wang Wenchuan and Meng Yuan, as if they were in a foreign country decades ago and experienced the Luo Shi New Deal again.

Originally, there were many people who scoffed at Luo's new policy, thinking that it was mediocre, but after the conversation between Meng Yuan and Wang Wenchuan, these people changed their minds.

"That said, it seems to be true."

"At first, I also thought that Roche's New Deal was nothing more than that, but when I thought about the minimum wage standard proposed decades ago, the power to give workers the power to unite and bargain collectively with capitalists, and let homeowners own their homes... I feel that This man is amazing..."

"There are always unconventional remarks, but if you look at the laws and regulations of the Roche New Deal, you will know that this is definitely a great change."

"Successful reform is a very difficult thing. If the success of Roche's New Deal can only be attributed to good luck, then why are other reformers so unlucky?"

"For a reform to succeed, it may be necessary to do dozens or hundreds of major things right; and for a reform to fail, it may only need to do one thing wrong. Therefore, behind any successful reform must be unimaginable hardships."

"Originally, I thought I could do it myself, but after experiencing the hellish difficulty of Wang Wenchuan's reform, I felt that I couldn't do it. It is difficult for me to copy a failed reform, let alone a successful reform..."

"It reminds me of Sheng Taizu. People often have a tendency to turn the result into the cause. When a character succeeds, they say that this is the general trend. He just rides the east wind. This is the case with Sheng Taizu, and so is Luo Shi. But, change another People really may not be able to do it, but their success makes future generations ignore the difficulties and dangers in this process, and think it seems to be an easy thing."


The white mist filled the eyes, and the picture of Luo Shi's New Deal gradually moved away from Wang Wenchuan's field of vision.

But at this moment, he was still a little unsatisfied, and he was shocked by the foreign country's reform.

"Little friend, what is the third possibility?" Wang Wenchuan asked.

Obviously, he has already developed a very strong interest at this time.

Meng Yuan smiled slightly, and pushed the fog away with his hands. The video of players wearing the new law on hundreds of officials unfolded in front of Wang Wenchuan.

"Duke Jing, please take a look, this is an imitation of Duke Jing's new law in an ideal state!"

(End of this chapter)

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