My players are all actors

Chapter 237 Building Blocks

Chapter 237 Building Blocks

After making some mental preparations, Li Hongyun finally calmed down and accepted his fate.

"Thinking about it, it's no different from building blocks, it's just that there are a little more blocks, and it requires a little more patience..."

Li Hongyun didn't immediately put himself into the exciting work, but decided to observe first.

After all, such a large workload cannot be completed in two or three nights.

Even though the game "Dark Sands" has tried every means to reduce unnecessary workload for players and skip those boring, tedious and repetitive plots, after all, this is a project that mobilized hundreds of thousands of civilians and troops, from preparation It is a huge project with a time span of more than ten years until the official construction, so no matter how simplified it is, it is still an unimaginably difficult challenge for players.

Since it is so difficult, it does not matter to race against time.

Just like long-distance running, the important thing is not how fast you run at the beginning, but how you can persist better.

Li Hongyun did not immediately set his sights on the imperial city, but first moved his vision to the origin of various materials, and looked at it with great interest.

For him, it is also very interesting to observe these ancient craftsmen cutting down trees and burning paper and gold bricks from the perspective of God.

He had already glimpsed in the air before and saw the origin of several main materials.

For example, in the deep mountains and dense forests in the southwest, a large number of peasants are cutting down the thick golden nanmu, and trying to transport these precious woods to the capital by water;

In the southeast, craftsmen fired gold bricks with extremely complicated procedures;

In the mountains near the capital, craftsmen are mining boulders and transporting these boulders into the capital through the ice road in the twelfth lunar month of winter;
There are also many craftsmen who are constantly excavating earth around the imperial city, and pile up all kinds of waste and excess earth when excavating the moat, and finally pile up into a hill.

This mountain is Long Live Mountain, and later it was also called Jingshan Mountain.Below it is the Yanchun Pavilion, the residence of the former emperor. According to legend, this was to suppress the luck of the previous dynasty.

Li Hongyun first set his sights on the southeast, the brick kiln for firing gold bricks.

The so-called golden bricks were originally called Jingzhuan, meaning square bricks made of fine materials for the imperial palace.It's just that Jing and Jin have similar pronunciations, and this kind of brick is extremely valuable. There is even a saying that "one tael of gold is one brick", so it was also called gold brick later.

Gold bricks have fine particles and dense texture. When knocked, there is a sound of gold and stone, and when they are cut off, there are no pores in the cross-section, so they are an excellent building material in themselves.

Li Hongyun watched the whole process of craftsmen making gold bricks with great interest.

These craftsmen must first select the soil, which must be sticky but not loose, powdery but not sandy.After selection, the soil should be placed in the open air for a whole year to remove its earthiness.Then soak in water to soak the clay, and let many cows trample repeatedly to remove the air bubbles in the mud ball.

Finally, after repeated beatings, it was put into a mold, covered with a flat plate, and two people stepped on it, and finally dried in the shade for more than seven months before it could be fired in a kiln.

When it is fired in the kiln, it must be smoked with chaff for a month to remove the moisture, and then it will be fired with chopped firewood, whole firewood and pine branches for a month before it can leave the kiln.

If there are six of the batch of gold bricks out of the kiln that cannot be knocked soundly and broken without holes, then this batch of gold bricks is considered waste and must be re-fired.

In this way, it took up to two years to go from mud to gold bricks.

Li Hongyun watched these craftsmen busy from selecting soil, and then firing batch after batch of gold bricks into the kiln, and then shipped those qualified products to the capital continuously through the Grand Canal.

And in the southwest, there are countless craftsmen who are cutting suitable golden nanmu in the mountains.

In ancient times, golden nanmu was specially used for the royal family. It has stable performance, durable, mild wood and pleasant aroma, so it has been the most beloved wood for royal buildings since ancient times.

If it is an ordinary minister, even if the power is in the hands of the government and the public, using golden nanmu as a building, there is a danger of exceeding the rules.

The growth cycle of golden nanmu is very long, 50 years before it enters the vigorous growth period, and it may stop growing suddenly due to various unexpected situations.If I planted it myself, after planting it for 50 years, I suddenly found that it didn't grow anymore, and I collapsed after thinking about it.

The growth climate of golden nanmu is also very harsh, and it must grow vigorously at an altitude of about 500 meters to 2000 meters.Once the climate and altitude are not right, even if it grows out, it will mostly be poorly developed and inferior wood.

These craftsmen and peasants went deep into the mountains to cut down the golden nanmu, which was full of dangers.

In the dense forest, you may stumble and fall, you may encounter ferocious beasts, you may get lost, or you may be destroyed by sudden torrents, mudslides, etc...

Therefore, there has been a saying in ancient times that "one thousand people enter the mountain and five hundred people leave the mountain".

After these people felled the suitable golden nanmu, it was almost impossible to transport it out of the high mountains by manpower because it was too huge.

The craftsmen first built a platform with wooden planks on the big tree, let the axeman cut off the branches and leaves of the big tree, and then pulled it with a rope to prevent the big tree from hitting people when it fell.

After felling the big tree, the axeman drilled holes in the big tree, and a large number of peasants laid crossbars on the ground, dragged the big tree for a certain distance, rolled it down the ravine, and weaved it into a raft.

When flash floods broke out, these rafts were washed down the mountain and into the river, and then transported through the Yangtze River to the Grand Canal, and then continued to slide along the Grand Canal to the north to the capital.

The entire journey has reached more than 1800 kilometers, and there are officials on duty along the way to prevent the loss of these precious timbers.

These huge timbers, together with ships transporting gold bricks, grain, and various other building materials, passed through the Grand Canal and continued northward.

These ships amounted to more than 20,000, and hundreds of thousands of civilians and troops needed to transport [-] million liters of food.

Looking down from a height, you can see countless ships going up the river along the wide Grand Canal; and behind these ships, there are a large number of various logs, either bundled into rafts, or huge single logs connected by ropes , drifting slowly to the north.

That is what the ancients said: "Float the big wood to cover the water surface".

In the mountains where white marble is mined, there are also a large number of craftsmen busy.

There are more than 10,000 peasants and more than 6000 soldiers here, and there are tens of thousands of migrant workers and thousands of mules and other animals on the road to the capital.

The way of mining stones is also very primitive. In the absence of heavy machinery, we can only drill holes first, knock into the stones with wooden wedges, and then use fire and water to cause the stones to expand with heat and contract with cold. The wedges absorb water and expand, widening the cracks in the stone.

If the boulder is used as the first perspective, the whole process will be even more interesting.

One of the boulders was originally part of the mountain.It has spent an extremely long time here, and even before human civilization was established, it was buried quietly in the soil, looking at the world without sadness or joy.

But now, countless peasants climbed onto its body and began to carve small holes in it with insignificant hammers and chisels.

This might just tickle it, after all, it has seen countless landslides and ground cracks in these long years.But soon, the wooden wedge stretched in along the hole, and the boulder also felt a certain change in his body during the process of burning and splashing water.

Huge cracks appeared and quickly became unmanageable.

The civilian husband continued to use larger pieces of wood to prop up the crack until the boulder slid down the hillside with the exclamation of tens of thousands of people.

Then, this boulder, which has not moved for thousands of years, began its journey.

The more than 200-ton boulder is like a small mountain. In that era, no matter how many civilians were able to move it.

But soon, these clever craftsmen began to dig wells along the way, poured water into ice, and then dragged it with a lot of manpower and animal power.

The dragging men formed a mile-long line, and the boulder was moving as fast as it had ever been—less than five miles a day.

Along the way, it saw countless scenes that it had never seen before. Those little people like ants dragged it to the destination bit by bit.

Then, various craftsmen began to carve on it.

According to the color and text of the stone, the craftsmen display their talents according to local conditions.

There is a cyan stripe on the lower right side of this boulder, which happens to be carved with a blue dragon; while the left part is pure white, with a white dragon carved.The two dragons are churning endlessly in the flowing clouds, and the sea water at the bottom is galloping, and the flowing clouds are gorgeous and dazzling.

The five-clawed golden dragon soared into the clouds, and finally stretched all the way to the magnificent palace hall.

Around the imperial city, these civilian husbands and soldiers are also busy.

They demolished the buildings in the former imperial city and moved the people outside. Then they dug out the entire foundation of the former imperial palace, backfilled it with lime soil mixed with quicklime and clay and broken bricks, and sprinkled boiled glutinous rice and alum as clay on the foundation. The mixture eventually makes the foundation very hard.

Above, there are several layers of floor tiles.

The deepest part of the entire foundation even reached more than eight meters, completely avoiding the hidden danger of subsidence, making the Forbidden City palace on the foundation as stable as Mount Tai.

With the continuous delivery of various materials to the capital, Li Hongyun is about to officially start his work.

Historically, the construction of the Forbidden City can be said to be a well-planned systematic project.

It took a total of 14 years from preparation to completion.Among them, 11 years were spent on preparatory work, delivery of various materials and so on.In the last three years, the construction officially started.

In just three years, countless palaces have sprung up, and those commendable details have been revealed to the world one by one.

Three years is a very long time dimension, but if you consider the huge amount of engineering work in the entire Forbidden City, then three years is already considered very short.

Various processes can be said to be innumerable, and if you are not careful, you may drag each other down and delay the construction period.However, the ancient artisans were able to arrange various processes in an orderly manner through very proper arrangements. It has to be said that this ability is by no means possessed by ordinary players.

In short, this is a job that Li Hongyun feels that it is impossible to hold it no matter what, and now he can only choose to believe in the integrity of the production team of the game "Dark Sand".

Start with the floor tiles first.

Floor tiles of various specifications appeared in Li Hongyun's field of vision.He laid these floor tiles on the corresponding phantom through his mind, and then, according to his wishes, various craftsmen would carry the floor tiles to the designated position, place them stably, and then continue to compact them.

After more than a dozen complicated processes, the gold bricks are not only extremely hard, but also as smooth as jade.

During this process, Li Hongyun gradually discovered that this matter was not as difficult as he imagined.

Because what happened in front of his eyes can be fast-forwarded at will, and after the same work is completed, it can be completed in batches like "copy and paste".

This is a bit like in some city-building games, you only need to select the starting point and drag it to the end point to build a road; and as long as you delineate a certain area, you can directly fill it with floor tiles.

Therefore, the step of laying floor tiles is not difficult. Although there are various units such as railings, bridges, and white marble steps, it can be completed as long as you are patient.

A lot of repetitive work can be done by copying and pasting.And some specific components only need to be set up for the first time.

Special attention needs to be paid to some of the special units, such as the previous boulder weighing more than 200 tons with a five-clawed golden dragon carved on it, which needs to be properly placed in the center of the two rows of stone steps.

Li Hongyun felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment watching a large number of craftsmen and peasants return these materials one by one.

During this process, Li Hongyun also saw many construction methods of ancient craftsmen, which can be regarded as an eye-opener.

But then, a more difficult challenge came.

Because he is going to start to build a large palace.

There are as many as nearly [-] houses in the entire Forbidden City, including some small rooms where eunuchs and court ladies live, but there are also some super-large buildings.

For example, the largest Jinluan Palace, Fengtian Temple, has a construction area of ​​30 square meters and a height of more than 72 meters. It is supported by [-] huge pillars, six of which are golden dragon pillars.

In fact, the existing Jinluan Palace is only more than 2000 square meters. This is because the Fengtian Temple was too high after it was built, so it was often struck by lightning and destroyed by fire, so it has been rebuilt and repaired repeatedly.

In the process of rebuilding and repairing, on the one hand, it is because the national power is declining and it is difficult to support such a huge project. On the other hand, it may also be worried about being struck by lightning in the future. Therefore, when rebuilding, both the area and the height have shrunk compared to the original. .

At this time, what Li Hongyun saw was the scene when Fengtian Temple was first built, so it is still in its most magnificent state.

With the laying of layers of floor tiles, the entire hall has begun to take shape.

Li Hongyun selected a few pillars that seemed large in size, and erected them one by one on the phantom of the drawing.

However, after setting it up, Li Hongyun was a little surprised.

He watched these peasants try their best to erect the huge golden nanmu pillars on the ground, but after careful observation, he found that these pillars did not go deep into the ground, but stood on the ground!
This made Li Hongyun very puzzled, and even wondered if he had missed some steps.

According to modern architectural principles, shouldn’t these load-bearing columns go deep into the ground, the deeper the better?

Because the deeper the load-bearing column, the more stable it will be. Otherwise, if there is a slight earthquake or something, the load-bearing column placed directly on the ground will shake the whole building, wouldn't it be easy to collapse?
It's just that he took a closer look at the drawings and found that the pillar was standing on the ground, and it didn't go deep into the ground.

With doubts, Li Hongyun continued to assemble the upper part of the pillar.

Li Hongyun still has a basic understanding of mortise and tenon and bracket structures.

The so-called mortise and tenon is a connection method that combines concave and convex parts on two structural parts.The protruding part is called tenon, and the concave part is called mortise.Some clever mortise and tenon structures allow two pieces of wood to be held together tightly without the use of any nails or glue.

Moreover, this structure is not only stable, but also can maintain a certain degree of flexibility and is durable.

Metal is easy to rust or oxidize, and glue is easy to lose its viscosity, so many modern furniture will fall apart after decades.However, furniture made of mortise and tenon structure is still durable even after more than a hundred years.

If mortise and tenon joints are regarded as the basic units of protrusions and depressions in building blocks, then bucket arches are a special structure composed of several basic units.

To put it simply, various beams are stacked on top of the columns to expand the force-bearing area and finally support the roof.

Li Hongyun has seen the structure of the Dougong. After all, many modern buildings also use the shape of the red Dougong to show the cultural heritage, but it is one thing to see it. It is another thing to build the Dougong by yourself.

On the more than 70 huge golden nanmu pillars in Fengtian Temple, each pillar has a bucket arch structure, and between the bucket arches, various beams are connected to each other to support the entire roof.

Dozens of woods of different sizes and shapes are used for the basic structure of a single bucket arch, and these structures have their own names.

The game side of "Dark Sand" shows mercy and only allows players to put together relatively large structures. As for the relatively small parts, players can automatically complete them after they have assembled the general structure.

But even so, Li Hongyun still felt that his head was as big as a bucket, and his whole body collapsed.

"These parts...look exactly the same!"

Although there are phantoms, after all, the phantoms are in a state that has been assembled. All kinds of lines are densely packed and layered on top of each other. I want to accurately find the corresponding parts in reality through the appearance of scales and half claws that have been assembled. Definitely a pretty frustrating thing.

For example, among the components, there are many kinds of "dou", and there are also various names, such as Qixindou, interactive fighting, loose fighting and so on.

But from the appearance point of view, Li Hongyun can hardly see any difference between them.

If you look closely, you will find that they seem to be different in size.The interactive fight is the longest, followed by the concerted fight, and the scattered fight is the shortest.

However, this gap is very small. If you take them out and compare them individually, you may still be able to tell them apart, but once you throw them into a huge building complex, you will immediately be unable to tell who is who.

"Forget it, let's work hard to create a miracle!

"Anyway, the mortise and tenon are one radish and one hole, one mortise and one mortise, and it should be enough to put the roof up."

Li Hongyun decided to hand over his fate to his luck again, and began to assemble it.

Fortunately, after assembling the first bucket arch structure, this structure becomes a part that can be used directly, and can be applied to other columns as a whole.

Immediately afterwards, Li Hongyun began to build roofs, lay tiles and build outer walls on these bucket arch structures.

On the periphery of these huge buildings, craftsmen and peasants built tall wooden scaffolding and began to do various decorations. For example, there are a pair of dragon kisses at both ends of the main ridge of the roof of Fengtian Temple, which are more than three meters high and two meters wide. It weighs about four tons and is composed of 13 glazed components.

In addition, there are various complicated and exquisite murals and other decorations.

There are many details like this, they are either for pure beauty, or have special functions in addition to beauty.

With the rapid enrichment of various details, the prototype of a huge Fengtian Temple was initially displayed in front of Li Hongyun.

"It doesn't seem that difficult, does it?"

Li Hongyun witnessed such a huge building being gradually perfected in front of his own eyes, and a sense of pride of "this is it" arose spontaneously.

Fengtian Temple is the largest palace in the entire Forbidden City, as long as it can be built, then the thousands of palaces in the future will certainly be no problem, it is just a matter of time.

However, just when Li Hongyun wanted to enter the interior of Fengtian Temple to take a good look at his masterpiece of building blocks, an accident happened.

The craftsmen and soldiers who were still busy in the Forbidden City all disappeared out of thin air, and then the whole ground began to rumble and tremble!
Li Hongyun was taken aback: "What's the situation?"

He didn't have time to think too much, because the entire Fengtian Temple had already started to shake in the violent tremors, the tiles trembled and made a crisp collision sound, and all kinds of rubble and dust fell down.


Li Hongyun quickly realized that this should not be a real event in history. After all, he had never heard of an earthquake during the construction of the Forbidden City. It was probably a special test arranged in this trial illusion.

"I follow the drawings, it should be fine...


Before Li Hongyun could utter the word "Ba", he saw that somewhere on Fengtian Hall suddenly collapsed out of thin air. Then, as if triggering some kind of chain reaction, other brackets also collapsed one after another. The load-bearing column also fell to one side!
A large cloud of dust was raised.

When the dust dissipated and Li Hongyun looked at Fengtian Hall again, he realized that the hall, which he had put a lot of effort into, had turned into ruins.

The wood was crooked and rubble was everywhere, and the originally magnificent hall seemed to be slapped by a giant from top to bottom, turning it into a two-dimensional structure.

"Why is this..."

Li Hongyun was stunned, a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that he did it according to the drawings, so there shouldn't be any structural flaws, right?

Is it because the pillars are not deep into the foundation?

That's not right, that's how it was drawn on the drawings. If you decide to push the pillars deep into the foundation, it may cause more serious consequences.

"Could it be that those three kinds of fights are not used correctly?

"The mortise and tenon joints pay attention to the tight fit, and there are strict requirements on the size. The three kinds of buckets seem to have very slight differences in size. The large-sized bucket is placed in the small-sized position, which may not be obvious on the surface. But the gap left will definitely be larger than what was reserved in the design.

"The structures of the bucket arches are all copied and pasted. If a problem occurs with one bucket arch, it means that other bucket arches will also have problems...

"In this way, when the earthquake strikes, the original structure will have a weak point, and then a chain reaction will occur, which will naturally lead to the collapse of the entire structure.

"It seems that at this time, we still can't think about doing miracles with great efforts. Let's work together honestly according to the blueprint..."

Li Hongyun couldn't help admiring the ingenuity of the ancients.

In ancient times, it was quite incredible to build such a building with an area of ​​several thousand square meters and several floors high without any nails and glue.

Moreover, this building must also have good shock absorption ability, which is even more incredible.

Many modern reinforced concrete buildings can't withstand earthquakes, let alone ancient buildings?
Just because Li Hongyun didn't do a small detail well, it triggered a chain reaction and caused extremely serious consequences.

If this was placed in ancient times, the built palace collapsed and the emperor was buried in it, and the start would have to be Ling Chi Jiazhu Jiuzu, right?

And these ancient master architects not only built such a complex structure, but also made all kinds of components fit together tightly, with strong earthquake resistance, which is even more amazing.

Li Hongyun continued to build Fengtian Temple from scratch.

After having a previous "semi-successful" experience, the speed of this fight is much faster.

But Li Hongyun was somewhat puzzled: before, only a few arches were not installed, and the whole hall collapsed into ruins after a slight shock.So what if all these arches are fixed this time?
The pillars have not entered the foundation, should they collapse or will they collapse?
Finally, after a lot of hard work, the Fengtian Temple was completed again.

This time, Li Hongyun didn't make do with it any more, but steadily installed the various main components from a close-up perspective, according to the phantom.

Layer upon layer, quite reassuring.

Craftsmen and peasants completed the details of the main hall again.

Li Hongyun looked down from a high-altitude perspective, and the ant-sized peasants shuttled back and forth on the scaffolding. The sun rose and set in the sky. After a long time, the entire Fengtian Temple was rebuilt.

The ground also began to rumble and tremble again!
Li Hongyun watched nervously.

Although he still doubts whether this hall can withstand high-level earthquakes, he doesn't want to see his hard work return to zero again, let alone start all over again.

Soon, the entire Fengtian Hall trembled violently again, and the tiles on the eaves also made a crisp crashing sound.

It's just that the persistence time this time is obviously longer than the last time, which shows that Li Hongyun's meticulousness has had an effect.

But that's clearly not the end.

Li Hongyun clearly felt that the earthquake level was still rising!
The entire Fengtian Hall shook even more violently, and Li Hongyun could even clearly see that the pillars and bucket arch structures inside the hall were shaking together, and the entire huge palace was like a trembling giant.

Especially those load-bearing columns, because they didn't go deep into the foundation, they seemed to be dancing on the square stone slab below, constantly shaking and moving.

Although the range of movement was not large, this kind of thing still made Li Hongyun terrified.

Finally, even the brick walls around Fengtian Hall collapsed!
In ancient buildings, brick walls are actually not load-bearing, but are equivalent to the function of curtains to protect against wind and rain.But these bricks are also made of green bricks, which are strong and strong.

Even the brick wall has collapsed, enough to show the power of this earthquake.

But Li Hongyun watched helplessly as the entire Fengtian Temple seemed to be moving and shaking, and the different bucket arch structures were making continuous impact sounds, as if it would collapse in the next second. Unexpectedly, until the earthquake stopped, None of this happened either.

The main structure of Fengtian Temple survived such a super earthquake, but only a few brick walls fell down!

"how did you do that……"

Li Hongyun looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, feeling incomprehensible.

(End of this chapter)

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