My players are all actors

Chapter 238 Opening of a New Instance

Chapter 238 Opening of a New Instance

A week passed quickly.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Li Hongyun entered the game world of "Dark Sand" on time.

After entering the "ingenious workmanship" trial illusion, Li Hongyun looked at the Forbidden City, which he had completed most of, from the perspective of God, and a sense of pride arose spontaneously.

I am too strong!

During these seven days, Li Hongyun was obsessed with building blocks every day, unable to extricate himself.

In fact, after passing the first stage and unlocking a more advanced blacksmith shop in the fief, Li Hongyun can already start trying to rub the flintlock.

But at this time, his interest in clearing the trial illusion of ingenious workmanship has surpassed his favorite flintlock.

Because in this process, it is so interesting!

Li Hongyun was a little puzzled when he was building the Fengtian Temple before. Why did these pillars miraculously survive the strong earthquake without collapsing even though they were not deep into the foundation?
With this doubt, Li Hongyun looked up the information as soon as he went out.

Then I sighed, the wisdom of the ancients is really amazing!

The reason why the Forbidden City has been able to stand still for hundreds of years without being knocked down by any earthquake is precisely because its own structure has excellent earthquake resistance.

And all this is due to Dou Gong.

The significance of the bucket arch is not only that all the wooden components are combined without any glue or nails, which is enduring, but also a very important significance lies in its strong shock-absorbing performance.

In ancient times, the biggest threats to such large wooden buildings were fire and earthquakes.

As for the bucket arch structure, although it seems to be tightly assembled, in fact its structure is loose but not loose.

There are actually some tiny gaps in the structure of these mortise and tenon combinations. When an earthquake occurs, the strong horizontal and vertical vibrations will be decomposed into lighter forces, which will be evenly distributed on each component, and through the gaps Consumed by the collision and friction between them.

The pillars do not go deep into the foundation, which is the essence of the structure of the bucket arch.

If the post is deep into the foundation, it will normally be quite strong indeed.But once an earthquake strikes, the vibration from the ground will be transmitted directly to the pillars.The strength of wooden materials is obviously not comparable to that of modern reinforced concrete. As long as the pillars bear a large force, they will definitely crack and break.

Conversely, if the pillars are not directly penetrated into the foundation, then when the earthquake strikes, the pillars will not bear so much force, so the pillars will move horizontally, but the fate of breaking is avoided.

The bucket arch structure absorbs vibrations, and the pillars move slightly to avoid breaking. The whole building constitutes a system that overcomes rigidity with softness, which allows the entire structure to survive the earthquake.

As for normal times, the heavy roof above the entire bucket arch structure firmly presses the pillars, so there is no danger of them being collapsed by strong winds.

Moreover, the foundation of the entire Forbidden City is deep and covered with many layers of floor tiles, so the ground hardly bulges or sinks seriously.This is also a very important reason.

In short, after Li Hongyun had a deep understanding of these contents, he couldn't help admiring the wisdom of ancient craftsmen.

In fact, he had visited the Forbidden City before, but he didn't have much impression of what happened at that time.I just remember that there were a lot of tourists at that time, and the palace in front of me was quite big, but compared with those modern high-rise buildings that were hundreds of meters high, it seemed nothing special.

But after he built the entire Fengtian Temple and most of the Forbidden City with his own hands, he really saw many details of this marvelous building, and he sincerely admired the ancients for building such a spectacle.

So far, there are already top players on the Internet who can complete the entire Forbidden City in a day or two.

These are big players who have played similar building block or sandbox games before.

Li Hongyun reckoned that he should be able to clear the customs in three or four days.

But at this time, he still wanted to temporarily put this trial aside.

Because, a new trial illusion has been opened!

The name of this dungeon is "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons". Many players have speculated that this may be the exclusive dungeon of General Han Fuyue.

But there are also many players who disagree.Because according to the official announcement, this trial illusion is actually two in one. It is the historical slice of General Han Fuyue and the core historical slice of the Qi Dynasty that have been fused together.

In this way, the scale of this dungeon will definitely exceed all previous dungeons, and there will inevitably be multiple story lines.

In short, players have never encountered such a situation where two large dungeons are combined into one, and they are all full of expectations for the new gameplay that the design team has come up with this time.

Li Hongyun is no exception, and can't wait to enter this historical slice to find out.


In the Space of the Orderer, a new trial illusion portal has appeared.

On the platform where Qi Chao was, a brand new entrance to the illusion of trials suddenly appeared.

Compared with the previous entrance, this entrance is larger in size, radiant and brilliant.But if you look closely, you will find that there seems to be a lot of black air inside the portal, which means that the power of monsters in this historical slice will be far greater than before.

Li Hongyun didn't think too much, and walked in directly.

After passing through the entrance, Li Hongyun found himself in a quite bustling and lively town.

This small city has four gates in the city wall, divided into North and South Roads, East and West Divisions, and many temples.There is also a ferry next to the city, where business travelers gather and all kinds of goods are piled up like mountains.

In the city, all kinds of shops, shops, and handicraft workshops are everywhere. The inns and brothels are brightly lit, and guests come and go all night long.

However, although this small town looks densely populated and very prosperous, in terms of scale, it obviously cannot accommodate too many people, and it can be regarded as a transportation hub at best.

And Li Hongyun is on the top of this small city.

Looking into the distance, there is a Chidao extending through the small town to the southwest, gradually widening, and it was obviously one of the important official roads at that time; while in the north of the small town, the Chidao gradually divided into two, one to the northeast and one to the northwest.

From time to time, fast horses came from afar and entered the post station outside the city. There was no time to stop, and they put on fast horses and galloped away to the southwest again.

When Li Hongyun was still wondering where it was, several artistic characters written in Qi Dynasty fonts appeared in his vision.

"In the seventh year of Chonghe, Cenqiao Station."

These seven short words instantly conveyed a lot of information to Li Hongyun.

"Seven years of Chonghe?
"Doesn't that mean that Jingping will be ashamed soon?"

As a student of the history department, although Li Hongjuan was not a top student like Chu Ge, he still knew a lot of basic historical knowledge.

Chonghe was the reign title of Qi Huizong, the emperor of Qi Dynasty at that time.

He and his son Qi Yingzong can be said to be a pair of living treasures, they overcome all difficulties together and completed the shame of Jingping, the ugliest national humiliation event in China for 5000 years. Nothing happens at all.

The temple name "Hui" means that the country is incapable of governing the country, and the country is broken, while the posthumous title "Ying" is an explicit praise and implicit derogation, and it mostly refers to an emperor who has entrepreneurial heart but no entrepreneurial ability.

In the seventh year of Chonghe, Jin soldiers went south, and the soldiers pointed directly at the then capital Liang.

Qi Huizong's first reaction was to run away, but after all, he was in the capital at this time, and he ran away before the fight started, which was somewhat unreasonable.But Qi Huizong's belief in escaping was very firm. He thought very clearly: I can still run before the Jin soldiers arrive. If the Jin soldiers arrive and surround the city, can I still run if I want to?

But at this time, all the officials in the court were staring at him, so Qi Huizong thought of a way to let his son guard Daliang City in the name of the prince supervising the country, and escape by himself.

But many important ministers at the time expressed their opposition, meaning that you are fooling ghosts here?

Throw the crown prince in this prison and run away by yourself, who can't see what you want to do?The golden soldiers are so rampant, just giving a prince the title of supervising the country is not enough to inspire people to resist the golden soldiers.If you want to run, just pass the throne directly. After passing the throne, you will be the Supreme Emperor, and you can run wherever you want. When your son becomes the emperor, it will be justified to guard the capital.

At that time, Qi Huizong was eager to run, and felt that as long as he could run, everything else was fine, so he took the Zen position.

After Qi Yingzong ascended the throne, he changed the name of the country to Jingping, which originally meant Ankang and Ping An. As a result, the name of Jingping was only used for two years, but it became the biggest shame of the entire 5000 years in China.

As for where Li Hongyun was, it was Cenqiao Station.

Here is near the Yellow River, there is a ferry.A tributary of the Yellow River passed by. There used to be a small bridge, which was in disrepair for a long time. A rich family named Cen funded the construction, so this small bridge was also called Cen Bridge.

Later, a post station was set up here, that is, Cenqiao Station.

Cenqiaoyi itself was a strategically important place connecting the Great Liang of the capital at that time with the north, and it was here that the emperor Taizu of the Qi Dynasty launched a mutiny and succeeded in usurping the throne, so it can also be regarded as the place of Longxing in the Qi Dynasty.

Cenqiao Station is located forty miles northeast of the capital’s beam. Generally speaking, if the enemy has already arrived at Cenqiao Station, it means that the capital is already in critical condition.

Li Hongyun silently analyzed the information, and had some guesses about the content of this dungeon in his mind.

"At this time, at this place, can it be said that this dungeon will use the historical event of Jingping's shame as the main challenge content?

"Well, there is also this possibility, after all, this is the biggest humiliating event in the entire Qi Dynasty, and there are many famous historical figures who appeared in this event.

"At that time, General Han Fuyue was only 23 years old. His ancestors had been farmers for generations. Although he was called up to join the army three years ago, he was still just a small soldier at this time, and he basically had no influence on the frontline warfare. At most It was after seeing the brutality of the Jin soldiers going south that they established their ambition to go north to fight against the Jin and regain lost ground.

"So what is the player's winning goal?

"To prevent the shame of Jingping from happening? Or to connect all the heroes that could be summoned at that time, and break into the Golden Man's Yellow Dragon Mansion all the way?
"After all, the meaning of 'Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons' is to regain all the lost ground."

Li Hongyun roughly guessed, but this is a super-large historical slice after all. It is really difficult to guess the specific goal of clearing the level without relevant prompts in the game.

After smoothing out all the background of this trial illusion, Li Hongyun looked at the identity card in front of him.

What surprised him was that this time the identity cards corresponded one-to-one with the four basic identities of the player!
The first identity card is [Martial Pawns], but the military pawns here are obviously soldiers at the grassroots level of the Qi Army.It wasn't an elite wearing infantry armor and holding a god-armed bow, or just an ordinary spearman with neither good nor bad equipment.

The second identity card is [Assassin], it is dressed as a green forest man, it is not good looking, but it has a sharp blade, and there is a fierce light in its eyes.

The third identity card is [Ranger], who is also dressed as a green forest man, but wearing some light armor, holding a long knife in his hand, and has a look of worry and anger on his face.

The fourth identity card is [Scholar], wearing the official uniform of the Qi Dynasty, but it does not seem to be a particularly high-level official. Maybe he can participate in the court meeting and meet the emperor, but it can be decisive for the whole situation role?That should be overthinking.

"The initial status of this trial illusion is very low.

"I don't know if I can unlock more and higher identities after playing these identities for a period of time.

"If you can play the role of the emperor, it will be easy. I will directly and fully support Li Boxi, the commander of the main battle faction at that time, and Zhong Pingyuan, the commander of the Western Army at that time, and let them take full charge of the defense of the entire capital. He was directly promoted to let him grow rapidly, and with the national strength of the Qi Dynasty in Jingping, even if he couldn't win the Jin Kingdom at that time, it would be enough to rub the Jin Kingdom to the ground in two or three years.

"It's a pity it can't be replaced."

Li Hongyun sighed silently. In fact, as early as in many time-travel novels, these two cheating emperors dressed as Qi Dynasty were popular choices.

Everyone agreed that at that time, not to mention the top founding kings like Sheng Taizu and Liang Taizong, even if it was an ordinary conservative king, as long as there was no serious mental illness, the shame of Jingping would not happen.

However, at this crucial point, Qi Chao produced three stupid kings who were ranked first in history. How can there be any reason for this matter.

"Which identity should I choose?"

Li Hongyun scanned the four identity cards and found that he could choose at will.

That is to say, the identity of the player does not have to correspond to the identity in the dungeon. Assassin players can play the line of scribes, and players of scribes can also play the line of soldiers.

As long as you have the ability to get through.

Li Hongyun fell into a tangle.

Because his profession is an assassin, but in fact he does not master too many assassination skills.If you want to talk about fighting, you should be able to fight with a dungeon mixed with military pawns, or relying on your own historical knowledge, it seems to be okay to follow the line of scribes.

All three identities can play, but none of the three identities are specialized.

"Then use the method of elimination.

"The status of a scholar seems to be an official, but he is not a high-ranking official. Such an ordinary official must appear in the capital city, and it should be difficult to play a big role.

"After all, the current emperor is an idiot, if you give him advice, you will definitely be labeled as a main fighter.

"Helping Li Boxi, the prime minister of the war faction at the time, and coordinating some people to defend the city seems to be able to play a certain role, but it will inevitably be frequently hindered.

"As for the identity of the military pawn, he must be an ordinary soldier. Maybe he can get a chance to fight the Jin soldiers, but at this time the morale of the Jin soldiers is high, and the Qi army is in a state of being broken at the first touch.

"Even if he was reincarnated into the Western Army with the strongest combat effectiveness, it would probably end in defeat like a mountain.

"Even a fierce man like General Han Fuyue can't play a big role at this stage, let alone me.

"Of course, if you choose the status of a military soldier, you may meet General Han Fuyue by chance and hug his thigh in advance. But in general, the status of a scholar and a military soldier will be quite involuntary.

"After all, in that magical period, wanting to fight with Jinren without any worries is a luxury in itself.

"From this point of view, the prototype seems to be the identity of the assassin and ranger of the green forest people, and it seems that they will be subject to fewer constraints.

"In that case, let's go to Assassin Identity first."

Li Hongyun made up his mind and clicked lightly on the assassin's identity card.

Immediately afterwards, a talent skill card appeared in front of him.

[Xin Archery Mastery (White): Your archery skills have been improved accordingly. 】

[Sin. Aggressive (blue): You will exude an oppressive aura, making it easier for enemies to fear you. 】

[Gen. Be low-key (blue): Your low-key behavior will not easily attract the attention of others. 】

Li Hongyun glanced over the three talent cards, and shook his head helplessly.

There is no golden talent, and there is no talent skill that looks particularly easy to use.

If you want to improve your combat power, you may only be able to master archery.But considering that most assassins are going to assassinate, it seems to be useful to keep a low profile.

Li Hongyun thought about it, and finally decided to master archery.

Although it's just a white talent, if you add his dog luck, it might be able to play a good role.

Moreover, the archery here includes both bows and crossbows. If he can find a way to get a god-armed bow in the dungeon, maybe his assassination will be smoother.

After choosing a talent, Li Hongyun's eyes were filled with fog, and he was about to start the trial formally.

But what he didn't expect was that before the official start, a line of system prompts appeared in front of him.

[In the current trial illusion, other players with other identities may randomly appear. 】

"Oh? Other players may appear? And it still appears randomly?

"I didn't say exactly how many will appear, and I didn't say that there will definitely be. It's quite random..."

Of course, Li Hongyun has encountered this kind of situation of multiple people attacking the same dungeon before, but it is different from this time.

In the multiplayer dungeon of Ultimate Trial, the candidates are determined from the beginning, and the role each person will play after entering is assigned; while in Sheng Taizu's dungeon, four people play different historical stages, and there is only indirect influence on each other. , has no direct effect.

But this time, other players may be matched in the initial simulation trial stage, and the other party may be of any identity, and players need to confirm each other.

Of course, it’s okay not to look for other players and just play on their own, but if you can really find the player, the two will cooperate closely and perform their duties, and it will definitely become easier to pass the level.

Li Hongyun still doesn't know how the two sides exist in the same trial illusion at the same time. After all, one of the players fails and dies and has to start all over again, so do the other players have to start all over again?Or do you mean that everyone has different progress, but it will be interlaced and have an impact at certain specific times?Or is it that each time the player dies and restarts, they will be matched with a different player?
Li Hongyun couldn't imagine it for the time being.

So, he didn't think about it any more, and officially started the strategy of this trial illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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