My players are all actors

Chapter 277 Leaderboards

Chapter 277 Leaderboards

Seeing the final evaluation, Zhao Haiping felt satisfied.

"It's worth it!

"It's not in vain that I have been tossing around for so long to be a Taizu."

Looking back on his second stage of playing General Han Fuyue, Zhao Haiping put in a lot of effort and finally made up for one of his regrets.

In fact, when challenging the second stage, Zhao Haiping had already noticed a detail: when he first started training, he was actually not playing the role of General Han Fuyue, but an ordinary general; , and decided to refuse the edict and form the Zhaoyi Army, his identity was automatically changed to General Han Fuyue in the game.

This is actually because he, who trained troops and won the great victory in Yancheng, was copying the trajectory of his life according to General Han Fuyue's script at that time.

It is to follow behind General Han Fuyue, to imitate and learn, and strive to become this world famous general.

But after refusing to obey the edict, he embarked on a completely different path from General Han Fuyue, which was another possibility and extension of General Han Fuyue's life.

It is equivalent to inheriting the will of General Han Fuyue who died unjustly, and exploring another possibility.

That's why he became General Han Fuyue.

And the final evaluation of customs clearance also depicts what kind of life trajectory General Han Fuyue will embark on if he proclaims himself emperor on his own.

In short, perhaps this is the difference between the dungeon of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon" and the previous dungeons.

Because it is a two-in-one copy, the content is more complicated, and there are more parts in which players can freely play.

Looking back on his customs clearance process, Zhao Haiping still has some dissatisfaction with General Han Fuyue.

Some people say that General Han Fuyue was blown out.

To say that his record is actually not that exaggerated is just because people at that time had unrealistic fantasies about expelling aliens on him, so he deliberately exaggerated his record, and even upgraded him to some kind of spiritual symbol, which is exaggerated.

This kind of statement can only be said to make people laugh.

After he had truly assumed the identity of General Han Fuyue, Zhao Haiping knew even more that such absurd claims were simply not worth refuting.

Because Zhao Haiping knew how difficult it was for General Han Fuyue to train a strong army under the conditions at that time, and how precious it was to win the Jinren's elite soldiers head-on in the field.

General Han Fuyue is like a strategic killer, who has directly reversed the military strength of the two countries with his own power. If such a person can't be considered a famous general, then who is?

As for the fact that General Han Fuyue's achievements are exaggerated...

In fact, there is no need to look for historical records at all. You only need to think about logical issues from several aspects, and everything will be clear.

If General Han Fuyue was exaggerated, why did the Jin people deliberately propose in the peace talks that "Han Fuyue must be killed before peace can be made"?
If it was exaggerated, then why did the Jin people change their face when they talked about it, and even felt that beating General Han Fuyue was more difficult than "shaking the mountain"?
If it was exaggerated, then why did the Empress Dowager Wei in the Kingdom of Jin also hear the reputation of "General Big and Small Eyes", and she was still so angry after learning that she was "death in prison"?
If it is exaggerated, then from the end of the Liang Dynasty to the birth of Sheng Taizu, there were so many heroes and heroes, why not exaggerate others, but general Han Fuyue?

If it was exaggerated, why did the Jin people scold the emperor of Qi Dynasty in court because Qi Dynasty killed General Han Fuyue?
Obviously, there are two kinds of people who say that General Han Fuyue's achievements are exaggerated.

One is bad, deliberately slandering national heroes, but using another way of evaluating those so-called "heroes" of other races.Countless alien races massacred cities because of true temperament, but General Han Fuyue's "freezing to death without demolishing houses, starving to death without looting" must be a fiction of history books.

The second is stupidity, historical nihilism, in the face of things recognized by the mainstream view of history, they insist on being different and showing their differences.

And it was precisely because General Han Fuyue's record was so strong and his personality so perfect that his unjust killing would become the biggest shameful case in Chinese history, and it would not be enough for Qin Huizhi to kneel down for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Many people feel that the tragedy of General Han Fuyue is inevitable. On the one hand, General Han Fuyue can become the spiritual pillar of the people precisely because of his noble character. His army is not a private soldier, and still depends on the support of the Qi Dynasty. Without the support of the court, no matter whether he himself returns or not, the Northern Expedition is bound to be unable to continue.

As for this view, Zhao Haiping recognized it in a sense, because it was an objective conclusion drawn from the analysis under the historical conditions at that time.

But even so, he is still uneasy, and still wants to explore another possible historical line.

The Jin people can raise an army with [-] cavalry, swallow Liao and destroy Qi, and face two behemoths with millions of armors, and they are as powerful as a broken bamboo in just a few years. Why can't General Han Fuyue?
Even if General Han Fuyue only took his own soldiers and moved to the Northland, under the attack of the Jin Kingdom, Puppet Chu, and Qi Dynasty, relying on his military skills and the enthusiastic support of the people in the Northland, he might not be able to persevere.

Maybe he will be defeated and die, maybe he will leave a reputation of treason in the history books.

But it is also possible that there will be a possibility of taking the Qi Dynasty and replacing it.

At that time, what kind of spiritual tone will be laid for the future of China by a founding emperor who has both ability and political integrity, superior military strength, started in the grass, and won the hearts of the people?
Just like Liang Taizong implanted the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and heroism into the genes of China, and just like Sheng Taizu reshaped the spirit of the Chinese people with the spirit of expelling the barbarians and rebuilding China, if General Han Fuyue really became Chu Taizu , then why should his spirit be mourned by us in the form of tragedy like now?
Perhaps that is another legend of a famous emperor through the ages.


Zhao Haiping's eyes were full of white mist, which meant that the happiness of tonight was here.

Zhao Haiping spent six days playing the copy of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon".

Compared with the previous dungeon, the volume of this dungeon has indeed doubled.

It can also be seen from the main identities of the dungeon that this dungeon is obviously a fusion of two dungeons.

The first one is naturally the exclusive copy of General Han Fuyue, which is the role-playing content of the two identities of "civilian" and "general" in the second stage.

The second one is the core dungeon of the Qi Dynasty, and the content of this dungeon is based on the story line of "King Yun".

Of course, because Zhao Haiping has been struggling for so long and only got through the line of generals, he doesn't know much about the other two lines, and he has to watch other players' clearance videos to find out.

So after waking up, he immediately opened the official website of "Dark Sand" to check the list after clearing the level.

For this list, Zhao Haiping actually did not have much hope.

Because he knew that his customs clearance time must be behind.

In fact, the three identities in the second stage, whether civil servants, military generals or princes, all have easier customs clearance methods.

The official evaluation of Wenchen in the second stage is the least difficult, because it can directly copy Qin Huizhi's traitorous route to clear the customs.

Generals are the second most difficult, because they have already passed the level after going to the military training and Yancheng victory.

King Qin had the most difficulty because he didn't have General Han Fuyue's thigh to hug, and he had to find a way to win the war to destroy the country of Xixia, and win the Jinbing in the following Jingping Incident.There is no ready-made reference, so it is more difficult.

If other players just cleared the level at Yancheng Dajie, they might be twice as fast as Zhao Haiping.

In fact, when Zhao Haiping woke up before, he heard that some players had already achieved the first pass of the dungeon, but at that time he had already decided to try the possibility of continuing the Northern Expedition as General Han Fuyue, so he didn't pay attention .

Go to the official website and click on the leaderboard.

However, what surprised Zhao Haiping was that he found himself in the top three positions on the leaderboard!

[No.1: Song of Chu (Wenchen Route)]

[Basic Difficulty of the Story: B-[-]]

[Story completion: 200%]

[Heroic Spirit Utilization Rate: 0%]

[No.2: Zhao Haiping (Generals Route)]

[Story Basic Difficulty: Lower Armor]

[Story completion: 180%]

[Heroic Spirit Utilization Rate: 40%]

[No.3: Fan Cun (Prince Route)]

[Story Basic Difficulty: Upper Armor]

[Story completion: 150%]

[Heroic Spirit Utilization Rate: 90%]

This time, the ranking list not only includes player names, routes, time and other conditions, but also many other comprehensive factors.

And after combining these comprehensive factors, Zhao Haiping jumped to the second place!
Looking at the many information on the leaderboard, Zhao Haiping couldn't help but suddenly realized.

"I see, this time the leaderboard is not just about clearing the level. Players can change the story lines of different identities and embark on completely different trajectories. After the changes, the completion of the plot can break through 100%!
"Hiss... Chu Ge is so perverted!

"0% utilization rate of heroic spirits? 200% plot completion? What kind of operation is this against the sky!

"Fan Cun, a reckless man, can still achieve 150% plot completion in the prince line with upper-A difficulty? It's a mess, right?

"The utilization rate of Heroic Spirit is 90%? How can he keep using it all the time...

"I have to go and see their customs clearance video."

Zhao Haiping was very curious, and immediately opened the customs clearance video of these two people to check.

At the same time, countless players clicked on the customs clearance video of the three of them to view it.

The customs clearance video basically showed the whole process of these people's customs clearance in a relatively concise way, so it didn't take Zhao Haiping much time to watch the video of these two people.

And after reading it, he also thoroughly understood the evaluation criteria of this dungeon.

"So that's the case, no wonder the Wenchen route is the least difficult to clear.

"Just copy Qin Huizhi's operation and unjustly kill General Han Fuyue, and you can pass the level. Can it be so simple?

"However, this is more like an option to torture players: In order to pass the game faster and easier, will you violate your conscience and do something that you despise?

"And once the player refuses to be Qin Huizhi, the difficulty of this dungeon will increase instantly.

"Originally it was only the lowest level of difficulty on the second stage, but Li Hao, played by Chu Ge, took the route of a powerful minister, defied the emperor, seized power, secretly rescued General Han Fuyue, and directly blew up the ship after Emperor Xiaozong ascended the throne to prevent future troubles... …

"It's no wonder he can achieve 200% plot completion. Because he has changed the character of Li Hao so much!

"The original Li Hao was almost bound to follow the same life trajectory as Qin Huizhi, but Chu Ge forcefully turned him around.

"The most frightening thing is that Chu Ge didn't use the heroic spirit summoning function at all, which should also add a lot of points.

"As for the prince's route, did you expect to be able to drive Sheng Taizu's car the whole time?
"Well... this is because there are many different possibilities in the route of the prince. The two lines of civil servants and generals can be freely played in the second half, and the first half must be honestly followed by the script.

"As for the Prince line, from the very beginning, we have to find a way to seize power from Tong Daofu and control the Western Army, and then we have to change the entire Jingping Incident. It can be said that there is no script from the beginning to the end, and it all depends on individual performance. No wonder it is the most difficult .

"But from another point of view, it is precisely because the prince line has been changing history, so it can gain more energy, so in the limit state, it can always maintain the cheat of Sheng Taizu.

"However, if you rely too much on heroic spirits, the utilization rate of heroic spirits will be too high. For example, Fan Cun has directly reached 90%... That is to say, he relies on Sheng Taizu to fight for everything except leading troops to fight. This is for the final Scoring will definitely have some impact.

"As for the route I take as a general, it's a compromise.

"As long as you train your troops and win the Great Victory in Yancheng, you can pass the level, so it is more difficult than a civil servant, and easier than a prince. The first half does not have much content to change history, so it is difficult to maintain a cheat like Sheng Taizu for a long time. You can only call General Deng Yuanjing.

"However, this also makes me less dependent on the Heroic Spirits, especially in the second half of the content, which basically operates according to my ideas. General Deng just gave me some advice on the military.

"And the most important point is that the top three this time all changed history.

"Whether it's using the Heroic Spirit Summoning function, or relying on your own strength, in short, you must first have the idea and effort to change history, and then you can get a high score."

Zhao Haiping is satisfied.

He originally thought that it would be a thankless task for him to forcefully play General Han Fuyue in the dungeon and take another path, but now it seems that all his efforts and attempts have been seen by the system, giving him an objective and fair evaluation of.

It can be regarded as a pleasant surprise!

Looking at the discussions of other players on the forum, they were mostly praises.

Obviously, the dungeon of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon" is an exploration of a new game mode in "Dark Sands", and players are quite recognized.

Many players watched the clearance video of the top three and suddenly realized that this game can still be played like this?
When playing the role of general, many players faced the twelve gold medals, and also experienced the feeling of General Han Fuyue back then.

Angry, helpless, hopeless.

But maybe they didn't think of the possibility of rebellion, maybe the summoned heroic spirit denied this possibility, maybe they gave up after thinking about it...

In short, most of the players, like General Han Fuyue, went back to the court and ended the role-playing of this story line ahead of schedule.

But now they discovered that they could still be called emperors?
That would be so much fun!

When I go to the second brush tonight, I must try the line of proclaiming the emperor!
There are also many players who have discovered that no matter which identity they take, they seem to be unable to avoid killing the emperor.

It's normal to think about it carefully, because the reason why the Qi Dynasty is a tea table with so many cups, isn't it because three consecutive emperors are rubbish that can't be lifted?
Three consecutive emperors of a dynasty can be ranked on the list of well-known faint emperors, but Nandu insisted on continuing to live. Who the hell to reason with this?

What would the Qi Dynasty be like if it were replaced by a Mingjun?

Therefore, the days without the dog emperor are good days!

Of course, if there is another story line in this dungeon, so that players can directly play as Qi Gaozong without erasing the existence of General Han Fuyue, it will probably create a "Dingxia" difficulty.

You don't need to do anything, just hug General Han Fuyue's thigh to clear the level.

Even putting a dog on the throne is much better than Qi Gaozong.

However, it may be because this line is too simple that the official "Dark Sands" did not open it.

In addition to these discussions, another player analyzed the overall content of the dungeon "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon" based on the content of the first stage.

"After experiencing all the contents of this dungeon, I kind of understand the purpose of the first stage.

"At the beginning, everyone felt that the game content in the first stage was not interesting.

"The four identities of soldiers, assassins, scribes, and rangers seem to have a lot of things to do in the first stage, with a high degree of freedom, but in fact, after experiencing it, I found that under the torrent of the times, what can be done There are very few things.

"Soldier players only survived the defense battle of the Pingding Army; Assassin players couldn't kill Wan Yansheng, at most they killed a group of mid-level officers of the Jin people; Broken; the ranger players tried their best to arrange the green forest people under them, but they only saved a small village.

"Of course, some players found other players in the dungeon very cleverly, and cooperated with each other to complete the feat of assassinating the emperor. Based on the absolute mutual trust between the two players and their ability to predict the future.

"It cannot be replicated in reality.

"All in all, the first stage gave the player the lowest status, in fact, so that we can clearly feel that in such a terrifying historical torrent as the Jingping Incident, the power of one person is really too small.

"Especially those ordinary people who live at the bottom of society, even if they are talented people, it is difficult to resist this overwhelming trend.

"And in the second phase, our status was elevated.

"Became a general in charge of the army, a prime minister with power over the government, and the emperor's favorite prince.

"At this time, we really have the possibility to change the torrent of history.

"However, the most ironic point in history is also here: the people at the bottom have no intention of saving the country, but they have no conditions to save the country; the people at the top hold the resources to save the country, but use these resources to negotiate peace.

"For the players, it is precisely because of the repression of failure in the end that all efforts were made in the first stage that they have the refreshing feeling of changing their fate against the sky in the second stage.

"But for people who were really in that historical period, this ironic status quo is a great sadness.

"Using history as a mirror can tell the ups and downs, and future generations will mourn and fail to learn from it, so that future generations will mourn future generations again!
"Perhaps, this is the complex emotion that the dungeon of 'Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons' hopes we can experience!"

(End of this chapter)

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