My players are all actors

Chapter 278 Final Trial Selection Completed

Chapter 278 Final Trial Selection Completed
While the players were struggling in the dungeon of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons" and continued to rack up points to move up the leaderboard, Li Hongyun was fighting fiercely in another dungeon.

At this time, the huge and magnificent Forbidden City was finally presented in front of him in a perfect state.

Every hall has passed the test of high-intensity earthquakes; every detail has been meticulously crafted.

Li Hongyun couldn't help feeling emotional: "The difficulty of this exclusive trial is too high!

"Before opening the copy of General Han Fuyue, I thought I would be able to pass the level in three or four days.

"It turned out that three days later, three days later, three days later, three days later, it didn't work until now!
"It's outrageous!"

Long before the dungeon of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons" was opened, Li Hongyun and the players had already struggled for a week in the craftsman's exclusive trial dungeon "Ingenious Workmanship".

At that time, Li Hongyun vaguely felt that it seemed that he could clear the level in three or four days, so he went to clear the level of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon", while building blocks in "Ingenious Workmanship".

As a result, he gradually discovered, how can this be done in three or four days?

At the beginning, I thought there were no difficult details, but there were always various problems, so that many places had to be demolished and rebuilt, and so on.

Li Hongyun messed around, but he hadn't successfully cleared the level until now.

Although he was also challenging the dungeon "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon" at the same time in the next week, the two dungeons alternated and delayed some progress, but no matter what, the dungeon of "Ingenious Workmanship" still took him a full two weeks .

He is not the first to clear this craftsman dungeon. Among the players, there are also players who have been particularly good at building block games before, so building the Forbidden City is relatively less difficult for them.

But Li Hongyun felt that among the players who had cleared the two dungeons of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon" and "Ingenious Craftsmanship" at the same time, he should be considered relatively fast.

Looking at the majestic Forbidden City in front of him, Li Hongyun finally had a clearer understanding of the workload of this huge project.

At the same time, I also admire the ancient craftsmen more and more.

You must know that these players are all people in modern society, and their knowledge and knowledge are far superior to those of the ancients.But they still struggled repeatedly in this dungeon, and even after some details were revealed, they had to study carefully to discover the mystery inside.

For the ancients, planning and constructing such a huge project had to be completed in just a few years, what a terrifying thing!
At the moment when the system detected the completion of the construction of the entire Forbidden City, a line of small characters finally appeared in Li Hongyun's vision.

[Trial of Divine Mechanism: Ingenious Workmanship]

【Clearance! 】

[Clearance evaluation: I believe that after this simple trial, you will be more impressed by the superb wisdom of ancient craftsmen beyond the times. 】

【Unlocked "God Machine" Subsidiary Identity Selection! 】

[The exclusive talent of the subordinate status of the magic machine "ingenious workmanship": You will have master-level craftsman skills, and your ability from design to production will be comprehensively improved.At the same time, when you use artisan weapons or props, you will automatically get advanced usage skills and reduce the chance of failure.Obtain the exclusive props magic box, which can hold the craftsman's utensils needed for daily use, as well as a small amount of finished products. 】

[Remarks: The exclusive talent of the subsidiary status will take effect permanently by default. With the improvement of the subsidiary status, you can still get enhanced effects or special changes in the future. Please match it with optional talents as appropriate to maximize the effect. 】

Li Hongyun couldn't help feeling: "It finally succeeded! Although I was exhausted, it was worth it!"

Sure enough, the words "simple trial" arrived late.

But at this time, Li Hongyun understood why the game "Dark Sand" called it a "simple trial".

This "simpleness" is not compared with other games, but with the real situation in history.

Just like the cavalry trial is also difficult, but compared to General Qin Kaiyun's perfect performance once in the battle, players can repeat it hundreds of times, which is already a kind of simplicity.

The same is true for this trial of the Divine Machine. Building a Forbidden City is of course a very difficult task for players, but the game mechanism provides ready-made blueprints and repeatable automatic operations, which reduces a lot of time for players. workload.

Compared with the real situation in history, it is already too simple.

The "simple" here is not actually mocking the players, but to make the players realize that the challenges faced by real cavalry and craftsmen in history are the real and difficult challenges.

And after making such arduous efforts, Li Hongyun finally obtained the exclusive status of Shenji as he wished.

There are three special abilities of this exclusive identity.

The first is to strengthen craftsman skills, so that whether it is forging knives or making muskets in the future, it will be smoother and easier.

The second is that soldiers of the Shenji Battalion can obtain more powerful lethality when using various props such as flintlock guns, artillery, and trebuchets, and reduce the probability of these equipment malfunctioning.For example, when using muskets and artillery, the chance of bombing is reduced, which is obviously a very important gain state.

The third is to obtain an exclusive prop God receiver.This magic receiver is like the rein of the cavalry that can summon war horses out of thin air. Players of the magic machine can also use this magic receiver to directly obtain many necessary tools, and they can also put some finished products in it.

A box that can be carried on the back appeared in front of Li Hongyun, which looked square.If you look at the real size, it is at most a set of carpentry tools, and it is completely filled.

But after Li Hongyun opened it, he found that there was something strange inside.

This is like a different-dimensional space, whether it is a carpenter or a blacksmith, there are all kinds of tools needed, and even a small furnace can be installed in it.

As for the so-called "holding a small amount of finished products", it is even more exaggerated. Li Hongyun tried it and found that a cannon can even be stuffed in it!
In addition to the space occupied by this artillery, three or four muskets and other things can be stuffed, such as several shells and some gunpowder.

If you don't bring artillery, you can also bring other things. In short, this space is quite considerable.

Li Hongyun couldn't help being shocked.

"Boy, mobile arsenal, huh?"

Of course, this artillery is not particularly huge, it is larger than the tiger squatting cannon used by General Deng before, and it needs simple assembly and placement before it is used.

If you want to get a larger artillery, you have to take out the various tools in the magic receiver and make it on the spot.

But anyway, Li Hongyun is no longer envious of those cavalry players.

Although galloping on a horse is very handsome, it is also very handsome to take out a cannon from behind and fire it when there is a disagreement!
"OK, now that the Divine Machine Trial has been cleared, let's concentrate on earning points in General Han's dungeon.

"I don't know how many places will be available for this ultimate trial?"

Because Li Hongyun also had to take care of the divine machine trial, the dungeon of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons" hadn't had time to earnestly clear it, so naturally it didn't make it to the list at this time.

However, he felt that with the special skill bonus of the Divine Machine, maybe he could pass the level more smoothly?

The exciting ranking competition has begun.

Compared with the previous dungeon of "Let's talk about it", the number of people who cleared the level in this dungeon is less.

Because this time the dungeon is more difficult to clear, no matter whether it is civil servants, generals or princes, it is not easy to clear any line.

The easiest way to clear the customs here is the Wenchen line, but who wants to play Qin Huizhi in it?

On the general line, who wants to watch General Han Fuyue be killed unjustly?

Therefore, the basic clearance conditions are not high, but players are unwilling to choose the lowest clearance conditions.It must be the pursuit of 150% or even 200% level completion.

Fortunately, the three top players have already figured out the standard clearance route for everyone, and the players after that can just follow the cat's way and explore it.

They can choose a heroic spirit that is more suitable for them, or they can consider making some new changes in the basic route.

In short, as long as there is a standard answer, it will be much easier for players to copy it.

What surprised the players was that there were quite a lot of people in the ultimate trial this time.

Reached 45 people!
Although it is less than half of the 100 people in the dungeon of "Let's talk and rest", it is already a considerable number of people.

As for why it is 45, a number with zeros and whole numbers... that's not clear.

In fact, if possible, Meng Yuan prefers to skip the stage of the ultimate trial and throw all the players into the Sequencer Expedition like Sheng Taizu's dungeon.

But unfortunately this is not possible.

Because in Sheng Taizu's dungeon, Sheng Taizu's royal aura was used as an anchor, and players could be put into it directly; but in this dungeon, General Han Fuyue is not the emperor after all, and Qi Gaozong is a waste that cannot be supported.

In short, the players couldn't wait to start the intense and exciting ranking campaign.



A week passed in the blink of an eye.

The enthusiasm of the players in this trial is also very high. On the one hand, it is because there are quite a few places for 45 people, which stimulates the players' desire to challenge. On the other hand, it is because of General Han Fuyue's personal charm that many players I really want to enter this copy and fight side by side with him.

Although there is this opportunity in the illusion of ordinary trials...but it is different from the ultimate trial.

Players have already discovered that as the number of players who can enter the ultimate trial gradually increases, there are much more ways for players to cooperate with each other than in ordinary trials.

And many really fancy gameplays, as well as clips that can be used in movies, were all played in the ultimate trial.

What's more, after Wang Wenchuan's dungeon last time, the players also found that the 100% pain sensation is not that terrible. Anyway, if there are too many people in it, they can still be civil servants.

There are always those players who are not afraid of pain to be responsible for the war.

Soon, it's time for the ultimate trial.

Players have entered the special sorter space of the ultimate trial.

Meng Yuan mixed in the crowd, trying to keep a low profile.

This time he was 39th.

Among the 45 people, it is considered a perfect position, not easy to be noticed, and at the same time blending smoothly into the crowd.

As for why there is such a big improvement this time compared to last time...

Of course it's because Meng Yuan creatively started the "Heroic Spirit Summoning" gameplay in this dungeon!
Because of the summoning of heroic spirits, players can directly summon historical heroes to fight for themselves.

And as a sequencer, it's okay to give yourself a little more energy from a heroic spirit and let him last longer, right?
Therefore, with the help of more powerful cheats, Meng Yuan still successfully mixed into the team of the ultimate trial.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Ge began to assign roles to these players.

Just like Wang Wenchuan's dungeon last time, the players still performed their duties. Of course, players like Fan Cun and Zhao Haiping had to wear them on the bodies of the generals at that time, and go directly to the battlefield to fight against the golden men; while those who were more afraid of pain Players, just choose a civilian job and stabilize the rear.

After roughly arranging the roles, there are two roles that the player does not intend to play.

The first is General Han Fuyue.

This is similar to the situation of Deng Yuanjing and Yu Jiaxuan before. On the one hand, it is because such heroes are too outstanding and have a righteous spirit, so there is no need to play them;

The second character is interesting, it is Qi Gaozong.

In the copy where Wang Wenchuan was, the emperor was played by Meng Yuan.

At the time, it seemed necessary for Meng Yuan to play this role.Because if the emperor does not support it, it will be difficult to carry out the reform.

But this time, Meng Yuan refused.

The reason is simple, Meng Yuan doesn't want to continue to be in the limelight anymore, so he has to keep a low profile and leave more stage for the players.

Of course, this is his real thought, and he definitely cannot tell the players directly.

Meng Yuan gave the players a more convincing reason that they could not refuse.

In this way, Meng Yuan played a low-key official in the court, Chu Ge played Qin Huizhi, and a large number of players played various important officials in the court, Zhao Haiping, Fan Cun and others played Han Fuyue The lieutenant under the general.


The white mist in front of them dissipated, and the players have come to this fused history slice.

Looking down from the sky, one can see that the two big monsters, Xing Tian and Fei Lian, are constantly pouring demonic energy into this slice of history.

But the focus of the two is different.

Xing Tian is constantly strengthening the golden soldiers, especially the golden soldiers in the north.Obviously, he knows that these golden soldiers are the most powerful combat power after finally entering the head-to-head stage.

But Fei Lian hovered in the air, flew over the capital of the Qi Dynasty, and sprinkled the magic energy directly on the court hall of the Qi Dynasty.

It's just that Chu Ge and other players found that the situation at this time was somewhat different from what they expected.

"Hey, the time point at this time...isn't the Jingping change?"

"This seems to be after the great victory in Zhuxian Town!"

"When the twelve gold medals were recalled?"

The players were a little surprised.

Because in the dungeon of "Baqianli Luyunheyue", according to the earliest timeline, it should be King Yun who went to conquer Xixia. General Fuyue's Northern Expedition.

However, at this time, the time point of the final trial was greatly postponed, and it came to the time when General Han Fuyue was called back to the capital by twelve gold medals.

It can be clearly seen that at this time, all the armies of the Qi Dynasty are retreating southward, while dark clouds are billowing in the capital, and the demonic energy is churning.

This caught some players off guard.

Although this does not affect the roles played by the players, it always disrupts their plans.

However, the players quickly calmed down.

After all, they have seen many battles, and this unexpected situation will not make them feel flustered at all.


Earlier, Shenshang had been floating in the turbulence of time and space, guiding the power of the sorter to reverse the entire historical slice.

On the vast land of the Qi Dynasty, time is reversed. The army that traveled south to Pianan, and under the control of Qin Huizhi, whose military discipline was abolished, is returning to the peak state of their combat power. , continue to be imprisoned in the storm pavilion...

However, when it turned around here, it suddenly stopped.

The merchant was a little surprised: "Strange, there is a mysterious force blocking me!
"It's Feilian! It teamed up with Xingtian to distort this slice of history with powerful magic energy, making it impossible for me to completely reverse it to its original state!"

The power of the sorter can reverse the slice of history to the initial state of being invaded by monsters, but at this time, this power is blocked for the first time.

The combination of the two big demons has made it more difficult for players to conquer this slice of history!
But Meng Yuan didn't care.

"It's okay, it's the same from here on.

"Should I say Fei Lian is smart or stupid... Do you think that using the power of distorting history slices in this place can stop the players?
"My players have already conducted countless deduction in the illusion of trials. This small skill is nothing to worry about!"

Meng Yuan is very proud, after all he has enough confidence - powerful players.

History slices are back in action.

Meanwhile, Meng Yuan and the players possessed their respective target characters and started their respective impersonations.


This is an unusual early court for the Qi Dynasty.

Because Wuling Azanmo, the emissary of the golden man, had already arrived in the capital with the letter of credence, and he was standing in the main hall, looking at the emperor who was aloof and the chief executive who was at the forefront of all civil and military officials. , Qin Huizhi.

Qi Gaozong's eyes were erratic. As the Ninth Five-Year Master, when he looked at the envoy of the golden man, he was a little timid and didn't dare to look directly.

Not to mention the envoy's crime of disrespect.

It's just that Zanmo looked more at Qin Huizhi than the emperor.

There was a little doubt on his face.

Because he knew that Qin Huizhi would be his biggest help on this trip, and would help him at all costs to complete this peace negotiation.

However, after meeting eyes at first and confirming that it was our own person, suddenly a gust of wind blew up in the hall.

Then, Qin Huizhi actually looked at the other officials in the court, and stopped looking at him.

This made Zammo feel a little doubt and worry in his heart.

But at this time, after all, he was already in the court of the Qi Dynasty, and it was impossible for him to ask or whisper in public. Wouldn't that expose the truth that Qin Xianggong was a spy on the spot?
We can only wait patiently for the good show to begin.

Fortunately, the aloof emperor Qi Gaozong didn't seem to be affected in any way, and he was still the same as before... cowardly and bullying.

(End of this chapter)

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