Chapter 279
After glancing at the officials and the aloof Qi Gaozong, Zanmo said proudly: "Emperor Dajin's decree! If you want to negotiate a peace, the people of Qi must meet the following conditions!"

Qi Gaozong smiled kindly: "It doesn't matter what the envoy said. It's all for the people to live and work in peace and contentment, and for the two countries to have no more wars. I am a benevolent king. I will do my best to fulfill some mere conditions."

Zanmo looked coldly at the monarch and minister in the court, for him, the smoky atmosphere here made him feel uncomfortable.

Even for the Jin people, they looked down on Qi Gaozong and Qin Huizhi, the sycophants. Even if these people could bring them many benefits that they couldn't get on the battlefield, looking down on them was still looking down on them.

Otherwise, these gold envoys would not have scolded these core figures in the Qi court in front of civil and military officials in the court.

"You don't want to use the word Zhen in the future. Because the first rule is, Qi Xiangjin surrenders, and will always be my Jin Dynasty's southern barrier!"

Qi Gaozong's face froze for a moment, it was a bit embarrassing to confer as a minister after all.

But after all, he had already made psychological expectations before, so although the scene was a bit awkward at this time, he still smiled awkwardly: "I would like to serve the Emperor of the Great Jin as the Lord, and forever be the barrier of the Great Jin Dynasty, guarding the south of the Yangtze River, Safe borders!"

Zanmo had long expected that the emperor of the Qi Dynasty was a soft persimmon, but he did not expect to be able to say this shamelessly in the court hall, and he couldn't help but deepen his contempt for him.

"Okay, the second one is also simple. The Qi Dynasty pays me Dajin yearly coins, 25 taels of silver, and 25 bolts of silk."

For this, Qi Gaozong agreed much more readily.

"It's natural."

He didn't say much, but in fact, everyone present knew what he was thinking.

Isn't it old coins?

It's not that I didn't give it.

In the past, even Xixia gave New Year's coins, but now it's no big deal to give Jin Guo some.It's nothing more than "temporarily tiring our people for ten years", anyway, it's just exploiting the people.Maybe when the border trade is opened, the Qi Dynasty court will be able to get back part of the trade.

Although after careful study, the Qi Dynasty can neither give old coins nor use border trade to make money, but it doesn't matter. For Qi Gaozong, it is enough to have a spiritual victory method, and the real money victory is too risky. Sorry.

Zammo regretted it a little, and even felt that the money was less.

But it was too late to change his words at this time, so he had to continue talking.

"Article [-], cede land. Qi and Jin are bounded by the Huaihe River and Dasan Pass. South to south, north to north, all northerners who fled to the south must be sent back, and they are not allowed to take them in without authorization!"

Qi Yingzong's expression turned ugly again: "This...

"Golden envoy, I... oh no, I am also from the north, if the south returns to the south and the north returns to the north, will the minister return safely?
"What's more, the northerners fled south voluntarily. It would not only be unreasonable to search and deport one by one, but it would also consume a lot of manpower and material resources..."

Zan Mo snorted coldly: "It turns out that you Qi Dynasty has no sincerity in negotiating peace!
"Why don't you come back here, and let me go south to the army again, how about sending you to the Five Kingdoms City to reunite with your father and brother?"

Qi Yingzong's face changed instantly: "The envoy Jin's words are wrong! Isn't it just to repatriate the northerners who fled to the south, I will definitely do my best."

Zanmo couldn't help sneering, the emperor of the Qi Dynasty was indeed a terrific persimmon.

No matter what is said, it will be accepted in full.

For Zammo, his role as a gold envoy is very comfortable.

If you go to other places to be envoys, you often fail to reach an agreement after a long delay. What's more frightening is that some arrogant grassland tribes may chop or boil the envoys when they get angry. It is a high-risk occupation.

But coming to the Qi Dynasty to be an envoy is a big and fat job.

From the emperor to the officials of the Qi Dynasty, they could not wait to kneel down to greet them, and the specifications of all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation could directly match the emperor's.Moreover, Qi Chao didn't even dare to speak back when he was scolded by the Jin envoy in court, not to mention beheading.

There was no need to bargain for the various conditions proposed by the Jinshi, and the Qi Dynasty accepted them all as they were ordered.

Is there a better job in the world than this?
Seeing that the three peace proposals of land cessation, professing ministers, and paying tribute were all accepted by the Qi Dynasty, Zanmo made his final request.

"There is one more condition, which was personally negotiated by my Emperor Dajin and you Bo Jilie. If this condition cannot be met, then even if you agree to the previous three conditions, the peace negotiation will not be possible!"

Qi Gaozong felt that the peace negotiation was just a step away, so he hurriedly asked: "Please tell me, the envoy of Jin!"

Zanmo squeezed out a few words between his teeth: "Han Fuyue, you must die!"

The hall was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop.

Qi Gaozong laughed dryly: "Ahem, Jin Envoy, it's inconvenient to talk about this kind of thing in court...I still need to discuss this matter with Prime Minister Qin, and I can give Jin Envoy an answer soon."

In fact, before the Jin envoy came, Qi Gaozong and Qin Huizhi had already discussed this matter, and had already thrown General Han Fuyue into prison.

It's just that this kind of thing can't be said openly in the court, otherwise, where will the emperor Qi Gaozong lose his face?
That's why Qi Gaozong reluctantly said that he needed to discuss it again.

But in fact, Qin Huizhi knew that Han Fuyue would die sooner or later, and although Qi Gaozong was still vacillating, he had probably acquiesced.

It’s just that the Jin envoy Zanmo didn’t give Qi Gaozong any face: “This envoy has already said that this condition was personally negotiated by my Emperor Dajin and you Bo Jilie. If you don’t agree to this condition, other There is no need to discuss things!


After Zammo finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

He obviously understood Qi Gaozong's virtue very well, knowing that the tougher his attitude was, the weaker Qi Gaozong would be.And this is exactly his task as a Jin envoy: to make Qi Gaozong agree to a peace agreement that is beneficial to the Jin people as soon as possible through extreme pressure.

In fact, for the Jin people, they are also anxious to sign this agreement.

Because there is already chaos in the rear, Wan Yansheng is calming the chaos in the rear, and it is impossible for the Jin people to mobilize a large army to invade the south.On the contrary, it was the Qi Dynasty. If General Han Fuyue revived once he changed his mind, things would be a little tricky.

Therefore, the Jin people hope to eat these results as soon as possible, not only to get the legal principles of the land north of the Huaihe River, but also to determine the matter of the old coin and the title of minister.

It's just that compared to the weak Qi Gaozong and the traitorous Qin Huizhi, the Jin people obviously know the secrets of negotiation better.

Seeing that Zanmo was about to leave, Qi Gaozong really panicked.

"The envoy wait a minute!
"Qin Xiang, how is the matter with Han Fuyue? Tell me quickly. I wonder if there will be a result before next month to give the world an explanation?"

At this time, Chu Ge, who played Qin Huizhi, felt hehe.

The dog emperor, at this time, did not dare to come out in person, but asked Qin Huizhi to take the blame.

Ok, now that the topic is here...

Then it's time for the players to play.

Thinking of this, Chu Ge stood up: "Reporting to the officials, it doesn't take next month, the matter of General Han Fuyue has already been finalized."

Qi Gaozong frowned, obviously a little happy: "Oh? The case has been finalized? What is the charge?"

Chu Ge did not rush, and said calmly: "General Han Fuyue is utterly loyal, full of enthusiasm, he acts upright, and has outstanding military exploits. He was not charged with any crime, so he was acquitted."

As soon as this remark came out, Zanmo almost thought that there was something wrong with his ears.

what's the situation?Shouldn't Qin Huizhi be with him?
He looked at Qin Huizhi, then at Qi Gaozong, and asked sharply, "What do you mean?"

Qi Gaozong was also a little confused, and hurriedly said: "The envoy, please be safe and don't be impatient, wait for me to ask.

"Qin Xiang, what do you mean! Didn't you say that Han Fuyue conspired against him?"

Chu Ge smiled slightly: "I also misunderstood the villain's slander. Now after a thorough investigation, I found that General Han Fuyue is utterly loyal and has no objections. Therefore, it is not too late to make amends."

The corner of Qi Gaozong's mouth twitched slightly, obviously on the verge of losing his temper.

Qin Huizhi, what the hell are you playing me?
He said that General Han Fuyue conspired against him, and he swore that he was the one who killed Han Fuyue and negotiated peace with the Jin people.Although Qi Gaozong was the one who made the final decision, Qin Huizhi's instigation was indeed indispensable.

As a result, the instigator suddenly jumped out and picked himself clean?

Qi Gaozong originally wanted to find Qin Huizhi to take the blame and handle this matter in a down-to-earth manner, but he didn't expect that Qin Huizhi suddenly slipped and took the blame on himself again?


Although Qi Gaozong was weak, he was weak against the Jin people.As the emperor, he was still very tempered towards these officials of the Qi Dynasty, including Qin Huizhi who had not yet obtained the "cannot go to prime minister without guilt".

"Qin Huizhi, what exactly do you mean? You first said that you must kill Han Fuyue, but now you say you can't kill him...why can't you kill him!"

Facing the emperor's thunderous wrath, Qin Huizhi at this moment showed no fear, but rather wanted to laugh.

"Reporting to the official family, General Han cannot be killed because...someone disagrees."

Qi Gaozong's face became stern: "Who disagrees?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone among the ministers shouting loudly: "My minister, Li Ruopu, on my life's guarantee, General Han Fuyue is innocent!"

Immediately afterwards, more voices responded in unison.

"My minister, Li Guang, appeal for General Han Fuyue's grievance!"

"Minister He You, I implore the officials to reinstate General Han Fuyue and continue the Northern Expedition!"

Voices sounded in the hall.

After these officials finished speaking, they stepped forward one after another.

Soon, most of these important ministers in the DPRK moved forward!

The rest of the ministers were all stunned at this moment.

They looked at each other in horror, wondering what they had missed.

When did these ministers connect in secret?Something is wrong?
Obviously there are many sworn enemies here?Moreover, why did Qin Huizhi speak for Han Fuyue?

They instantly had the illusion that a month had been stolen out of thin air and that they couldn't make it in time.

And the most shocking one, of course, was Qi Gaozong.

Qi Gaozong, who originally thought he had complete control over the court, now found that most of the important officials in the court were all united against him and blatantly sang against him!

To him who is timid and suspicious, this is a scene even more frightening than a military general's rebellion.

"Reverse, reverse! You all reversed...

"Qin Huizhi! Who instigated these people? Check! Give me a thorough investigation!"

Chu Ge looked at the emperor with some pity: "Officials, have you forgotten who was the first to say that General Han Fuyue was innocent?"

Qi Gaozong's complexion changed several times, his eyes were about to burst into flames. He pointed at the officials in the court: " have long colluded to force the palace for me! You, what are you going to do! You want to usurp the throne! !

"Come here! Where is the Imperial Forest Army!"

Chu Ge smiled lowly: "Officials, we are not interested in seeking to usurp the throne.

"You really think everyone is greedy for your ridiculous throne?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a minister in the crowd stepping forward: "What are you talking about with him! Beat him up!"

He rushed directly to the dragon chair and dragged Qi Gaozong down.

The other ministers obviously couldn't bear it anymore, they rushed forward, surrounded Qi Gaozong, and started kicking in circles.

"Dog Emperor! Go eat shit!"

"What the hell are you, Emperor Qi Gaozong? What about you, Gao Nima!"

"I wanted to beat you up when I tried the illusion before, but I never had the chance!"

"Let Rang, let me kick two feet too!"

The entire Golden Luan Hall was in chaos in an instant.

The other ministers who were not possessed by the player all stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of them.

The emperor was actually pulled down from the throne, and then surrounded by punches and kicks, unable to stand up in the fight...

As for Zammo, he was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

In fact, strictly speaking, although he had never seen a similar scene with his own eyes, he had heard of it.

It is said that the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin was dragged off his throne by Bo Jilie led by Wan Yansheng because he took money from the treasury to buy wine and drink, and beat him with twenty army sticks.

But that is the Kingdom of Jin after all!

Jin and Qi, the systems of the two countries are different.In the Kingdom of Jin, a Bo Jilie like Wan Yansheng is not only a prince, but also an important minister who holds military and political power, and has a very high right to speak in front of the emperor.

But it's different in Qi Dynasty!

Military generals are inferior to dogs, and civil servants, although their status is much higher than generals, have they ever seen someone who dared to openly drag the emperor down and beat him?
He felt that the first half of his mission was quite normal, but when he arrived at the Golden Luan Hall, the style of painting suddenly went wrong...

Some ministers already sensed that something was wrong, and secretly wanted to run out to call the Imperial Forest Army over.

However, before taking two steps, he was stopped.

Zhao Haiping and Fan Cun each acted as a general and stopped at the entrance of the court hall.

Although it was with bare hands, with their skills, it was not too easy to deal with these civil servants.

"Everyone, where are you planning to go?" The two, one on the left and the other on the right, looked like two door gods, showing warm smiles.

These ministers wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads: "We... are not going anywhere, not going anywhere."

Fan Cun and Zhao Haiping looked at each other, and then said with a smile: "To tell the truth, the last general also has some medical skills. Everyone looks sick, otherwise why are you looking pale and sweating? Why don't you let the last general give you the medicine?" Shall I have a diagnosis and treatment?"

These ministers were a little puzzled: "Diagnosis and treatment?"

In the next second, they understood what "diagnosis and treatment" meant.

Fan Cun's heart-warming kick has already been kicked over!

Not to be outdone, Zhao Haiping swung his fist the size of a sandbag and beat him hard.

"Sweat all the gentlemen! Cure all diseases!"


outside the temple.

The soldiers of the Royal Forest Army rushed over.

They heard that there seemed to be a commotion in the hall, so they naturally did not dare to neglect it.

However, he had just arrived in front of the main hall, and before he had time to see clearly what was going on inside, he saw Yang Zhengfu, the military officer in charge of the front of the hall, walking over as if nothing had happened.

"There is nothing wrong with the court, let's go back."

The soldiers looked at each other. Although they still had some doubts, the person in front of them was their immediate superior and the most trusted person of the current emperor, so these soldiers naturally didn't need to ask any more questions, and retreated obediently.

After these soldiers were driven away, the player playing Yang Zhengfu hurried back to the court, wanting to take this opportunity to kick Gaozong again.


The court was already in chaos, a group of important officials suddenly went mad for some reason, and kicked the emperor and other officials in circles.

The other ministers are also trying to resist, but their resistance is doomed to be in vain.

There were only 45 players this time, and some of the characters possessed by the players were not qualified to participate in the court meeting, so the actual number of players present was even fewer than the 45 players.

But they firmly occupied the initiative in the court.

The reason is that when these players choose their identities, they deliberately choose those who are physically strong.

After all, when it comes to boxing in the court, what does it matter if the status is high or low?Whether he will be beaten or not depends entirely on his physical fitness.

Therefore, the ministers selected by the players are all young, strong and in good health, so it is easy to beat other ministers.

What's more, there are Zhao Haiping and Fan Cun. After possessing generals, they can beat at least ten of these powerless ministers.

Except for the scribes among the players, whether they are rangers, assassins or pawns, all of them have superb fighting skills, and they are even more comfortable fighting at this time.

In addition, the players are fully prepared and cooperate with each other...

The situation in the courtroom instantly became one-sided.

Except for the players who were still standing, Qi Gaozong and the other ministers were basically knocked down and kicked in circles.

Zammo froze completely.

He trembled and said: "You, you all go to court, you..."

He didn't know what to say.

Chu Ge, who played the role of Qin Huizhi, was kicking in anger at this moment, and suddenly found that the players had forgotten him.

"Don't let this guy go! Come on!"

With an order, the players dropped Qi Gaozong, whose dragon robe was kicked to pieces and his face was bruised, and surrounded Zanmo.

Although Zanmo is a golden man with good physical fitness, how can he withstand the siege of so many people?

He was kicked out on the spot and couldn't take care of himself.


Half an hour passed, and the players were panting heavily, and some of the possessed ministers were of mediocre physical fitness, and they were already supporting the pillars in the temple.

Qi Gaozong and those ministers all fell to the ground and groaned.

Some players gave a thumbs up to the minister played by Meng Yuan: "This idea is great! I have long wanted to beat Qi Gaozong!"

He paused, and then said: "But... what should we do next?"

Chu Ge chuckled: "Isn't this simple?

"Golden envoy Zanmo spoke disrespectfully to the officials in the hall, and even took the first step to fight with many ministers. Although Zanmo was beaten to death in court afterwards, the officials and the ministers were also injured, unable to handle political affairs , can only rest in the palace.

"For the important affairs of the DPRK and China, I will act as an agent for the time being.

"Come here! Put the officials into limbo and imprison them, we are going to do big things!"

(End of this chapter)

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