My players are all actors

Chapter 285 Who Is The Sequencer?

Chapter 285 Who Is The Sequencer?
In the air, Xing Tian stared at Zhao Haiping who was killing all directions below.

"Hurry up! This is the damn sequencer, right?!
"Apart from him, which aborigine can have such skill?"

For Xing Tian, ​​it was the first time he saw Zhao Haiping's shot so clearly.

When he fought against the players before, he was still in the instance of "Let's Talk".

But the dungeon players all acted as a group, whether it was shooting in line or cavalry troops, although they all showed good fighting qualities, but Xing Tian's vision was too high and his size was too big, not to mention that he had no brains, so he was unlikely to pay attention To a specific player in the vast crowd.

But as Zhao Haiping grew bigger, he appeared in Xing Tian's vision like a light in the dark night.

And Xing Tian naturally thinks that he is very likely to be the real sequencer.

After all, Zhao Haiping's fighting skills are really superb!
In the concept of monsters, except for a few heroic spirits that may appear, most of the aborigines are ordinary people in the historical slice.

And the one who is particularly capable of fighting may be the sorter itself.

Fortunately, Fei Lian still has more brains than Xing Tian.

"Do not!

"The sorter's own combat skills are most likely not strong. He is better at exploiting the potential of these aboriginal phantoms, allowing them to explode with power far beyond their limits!
"Don't shoot!"

Fei Lian has seen the performance of players after they become huge, so he is not particularly surprised by Zhao Haiping, a monster like this.

"Those who are not strong in fighting skills, but have great wisdom, are used to hiding in the dark, and have a strong righteousness, are more likely to be sequencers!"

Xing Tian suppressed his eagerness to move, and decided to listen to Fei Lian.

After all, it also has self-knowledge. It was too ugly to be hanged in the dungeon of "Let's Talk". If Fei Lian hadn't rescued it, it might have collapsed by now.

As for Fei Lian, although he was beaten violently in Dasheng Dynasty, at least he has relatively rich experience.

The situation on the battlefield has undergone another subtle change.

Zhao Haiping killed several powerful demon soldiers in a row, and the players also fought bravely, directly regaining the crumbling city wall, and even the players on the field side pushed it out again.

Fei Lian and Xing Tian were obviously puzzled.

Isn't it only individual people who are enhanced?
Why do other people's combat effectiveness seem to have increased?

In their eyes, these phantoms of the aborigines seem to have taken medicine in an instant, screaming and rushing upwards, and not just one or two people are like this, but everyone is like this!
However, the demon did not feel any change in the awe-inspiring righteousness. These aborigine phantoms were still as weak as before and had not been strengthened.

They are somehow... fighting spirited.

This sequencer has brought them too many mysteries since its appearance, but no matter how much they wondered, they couldn't figure out what was going on.

Finally, when Xing Tian was about to lose control of the monster, the situation on the battlefield changed again.

The first batch of strengthened players quickly became smaller and returned to their original state.

Zhao Haiping was on the verge of killing. Originally, after mowing the lawn, the surrounding [-] meters were already covered with corpses, but he killed all directions like a demon god...

Then he suddenly withered.

The huge body that was several meters high suddenly shrunk and returned to its original body.

"Damn! Forgot to check the time!"

The scene instantly became a little awkward.

In fact, the list in the field of vision has clearly shown the players when they were strengthened, and there is a progress bar that is constantly decaying behind each person's name.

Zhao Haiping should have killed back before the progress bar was about to completely disappear.

In the end, he killed so well that he forgot the time for a while, and finally appeared alone in the army of monsters.

Not only was he dumbfounded, but also the monsters around him who were massacred by him like chopping melons and vegetables.

The giant that had to be looked up to suddenly turned back to the original little one.

After a while, these demon soldiers came to their senses, raised their knives and guns and rushed towards Zhao Haiping over the corpses all over the ground!

Zhao Haiping waved the rein, mounted the horse instantly, and broke out in the direction of the Fortress of the Ordered Ones!

Fortunately, he was a cavalryman. If he wasn't, he would have been able to lie down and die at this time.

But the possibility of escaping at this time is still very small. Although he jumped off the city wall and killed a bloody path before, the army of demons is too large, and they have basically gathered again at this time.

Although the number of magic soldiers on the way back was not as dense as the front, it was enough to stop him.

Zhao Haiping also went all out, and he assumed that his life had been given and he was ready to go back to run the spring, and charged towards the demon completely relying on his instinct to kill the enemy general in the cavalry trial.

Riding alone, in the vast sea of ​​magic soldiers, looks quite heroic.

It's just that after Zhao Haiping fought fiercely, he suddenly found that the situation had changed.

Many monsters no longer stopped him, but instead stormed towards Linyuan City!
This kind of onslaught is somewhat unreasonable, because it is undoubtedly a very uneconomical behavior.

But these demon soldiers rushed over regardless, as if they had completely lost their minds.

Zhao Haiping scratched his head in confusion: "What's going on?"


a little while ago.

Chu Ge was on the city wall, exuding righteousness.

"Warrior is courageous, reining in the Central Plains. Fighting like a forest, long sword is indomitable!"

Following his chants, the warrior players felt as if a powerful force surged up in their hearts, and all hesitation and timidity disappeared, but were replaced by calmness and determination.

Moreover, the swords and spears in their hands seemed to have gained a buff effect, shining sharply, and under the blessing of Hao Ran's righteousness, it was easier to break through the armor of the monster.

It's just... a scribe player who suddenly swelled to a height of several meters still looks a little too abrupt on the city wall.

The moment Chu Ge grew bigger, Fei Lian, who had been observing in the dark, suddenly became excited.

"It's him! It's him!
"He is very likely to be the sequencer!"

Fei Lian was so excited precisely because Chu Ge perfectly fit his guess about the mysterious sequencer.

This sorter showed extremely high wisdom in the copy of the Great Shengchao, and almost quickly solved all the puzzles and misleading it arranged.

This sorter is probably not good at fighting, but is good at enhancing other aborigines, and most of this enhancement is achieved with awe-inspiring righteousness.

In short, the image of Chu Ge perfectly fits the image of the sequencer.

In particular, his calm and composed appearance of berating Fang Qiu on the top of the city wall is exactly the same as that of the previous sequencers.

Another point, Fei Lian vaguely felt that this person seemed to have some impressions, and he should have participated in many battles.

Fei Lian has already found out, and if he continues to fight like this, most of the losers in the continuous consumption will be monsters.

But as long as the sorter is found and killed, the situation may be reversed in an instant!

Of course, there is still a big doubt in this.

Why did the aborigines who were strengthened at the beginning wither, and a new batch of aborigines were strengthened?
Wouldn't it be good to keep hiding in the dark and strengthen that pawn who can fight well?
But after thinking about it for a while, Fei Lian felt that it might be because the Sequencer gave himself the power to maximize his combat power. After all, the Sequencer was the most skilled at using the awe-inspiring righteousness.

Strengthening others is just to create a confusing effect, but strengthening oneself at this time is to steal a chicken and cause more damage to the monsters.

The sequencer bets that the demon dare not rush, but the monster wants to bet that he is the sequencer!
Xing Tian couldn't bear it anymore, and it also felt aggrieved by the unilateral beating, so the moment Fei Lian proposed, Xing Tian had already agreed.

All the demon soldiers rushed towards Chu Ge on the top of the city as if they were going crazy!

Chu Ge himself was taken aback.

"What's the situation? Scribes have been strengthened with a mocking effect?"

When Zhao Haiping was strengthened before, the monsters were quite normal.Why is it my turn, these monsters are like taking medicine, even if they are separated by the city wall, they want to rush up to fuck me?

But after a short moment of astonishment, Chu Ge smiled instead: "Concentrate your firepower!
"White Feather flies first the cannon, and the golden armor wins the court!"

The sky seemed to be sprinkled with the brilliance of the rising sun, reflecting on the vast area of ​​the city wall, covering all the players.

With the blessing of more abundant righteousness, the arrows, artillery, and armor of the players have all been strengthened!

The warrior players at the top of the city basically chose bows and arrows as their weapons. In addition, there are many rangers and assassins who are also operating bed crossbows, magic arm bows and other equipment on the city wall, let alone magic machine players. of artillery.

The siege of these monsters was just right in their arms, arrows and shells fell like raindrops!

But immediately after, several gigantic demon soldiers appeared one after another. Although they were knocked down by the falling shells and arrows, they also bought time for other demon soldiers.

Under the crazy attack of monsters, the situation on the city wall has become precarious again!
"Hold on!"

Many players put down their bows and arrows and replaced them with long spears, and began to fight hand-to-hand with the demon soldiers who ascended the city.

At the same time that many demon soldiers rushed towards Chu Ge, a strong light suddenly burst out from above, and a golden aura of awe-inspiring power volleyed down!

And amidst the awe-inspiring atmosphere, a figure appeared.

He is tall and holds a long sword. Although his eyes are still a little confused when looking around, his powerful aura has been fully revealed.

Yu Jiaxuan!
Heroic Spirits Call!

I saw him slanting his long sword and reciting loudly: "The horse made by Lu Feikuai, the bow is like a thunderbolt!"

At this moment, all the cavalry players felt a powerful aura of righteousness suddenly emerge in their bodies, and the horses under their crotches were in full state instantly!
Speed, impact, defense, etc. have all been greatly enhanced!
And those players who use bows and arrows, including the god arm bow, have all been greatly enhanced.

The players realized in an instant that Yu Jiaxuan was not only a fierce man who could break into the enemy's camp alone, but also a literati with a long history!

This poem originally had a very appropriate meaning, and the use of Haoran Zhengqi has a strong effect on players.

But now that the original author recites it himself, the effect is even more multiplied!
On the field battlefield, the cavalry players are even more powerful, as if entering the land of no one.

On the top of the city, countless players put on all kinds of bows and arrows, and fired arrows at the monsters below.

The sound of "噗嗤" and "噗嗤" can be heard endlessly, these enhanced arrows, under the blessing of righteousness, easily pierced through the protective magic energy on the monster's body, and penetrated the armor.

And those huge demon soldiers were all shot into sieves.

Xing Tian couldn't hold back again.

Obviously, with the entry of Yu Jiaxuan, the difficulty of the magic soldiers attacking the city has further increased.

But Fei Lian was ecstatic.

"Guess right! Guess right!

"That's the real sequencer!
"Otherwise, why would he suddenly summon a heroic spirit to protect himself!"

All the signs on the battlefield are once again inferred to be in favor of Fei Lian.

Before it finished speaking, it saw a golden light falling from the sky again.

But this time, it landed at the center of the main battlefield.

"Ambition to eat Hulu meat, laugh at thirsty and drink Huns blood!"

The moment General Han Fuyue appeared, it was like a god coming down to earth, the big gun in his hand swept across, and instantly knocked a large number of monsters into the air.

And beside him, a large number of soldiers suddenly appeared.

Those are the personal soldiers brought by the heroic spirits, forming a powerful army formation!

If General Deng Yuanjing is a military strategist who is ahead of the times in terms of military theory, then General Han Fuyue's strongest point is his strict military discipline and his solidarity with soldiers.

General Han Fuyue was nailed to the center of the battlefield like a sea god needle, and relieved the pressure on Linyuan City and field players at the same time!

Fei Lian screamed: "Don't worry about those heroic spirits! Kill that sequencer at any cost!"

The appearance of General Han Fuyue further confirmed his conjecture.

From his point of view, the sequencer knew that the monster had found him, so he panicked, so he put down Yu Jiaxuan to ensure his own safety, and just to be on the safe side, he dropped another Han Fuyue in front to share the pressure and ensure his safety. safe...

More gigantic demon soldiers appeared. Even though General Han Fuyue and the cavalry players were madly slaughtering monsters in the rear, these demon soldiers would desperately attack the city wall and kill Chu Ge.

Zhao Haiping rushed left and right among the demon soldiers, and for no reason he actually rushed under the city wall.

Killing and killing along the way, he should have died a long time ago, but because most of the magic soldiers aimed at Chu Ge on the top of the city, he miraculously survived.

After two more buff blessings from Yu Jiaxuan and General Han Fuyue, he returned to full state inexplicably.

The city wall was crumbling again, and several gigantic demon soldiers were about to climb up the city wall.

But at this moment, the leaderboard in Zhao Haiping's vision changed again.

But not a change in ranking.

Zhao Haiping didn't provide points for the magic soldiers he killed when he was gigantic, and the points he got for killing enemies before he became gigantic have also been emptied.

But after getting smaller and fighting all the way back, I somehow accumulated a lot of points!
After all, he was fighting alone in the formation, and while the risks were high, the rewards were also great.

Of course, even so, he couldn't compare with the players who were about to become No.1 on the list at this time.

But this time the three players in front all got the chance to become huge!

As for Chu Ge, it's time for him to become huge, so he withered.

Zhao Haiping regained his energy immediately, he patted his horse to the edge of the city wall, leaped deep, grabbed a huge magic soldier who had climbed halfway, and pulled it down!

Afterwards, Zhao Haiping pulled down another gigantic magic soldier, and continued to kill all directions under the city.

Chu Ge wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and quickly stepped back.

Too scary!

The other players were having a blast, but he was in the center of the storm, but he could clearly feel this terrible sense of oppression.

These demon soldiers seemed to be crazy, focusing all their attention on him.The gigantic demon soldier moved forward recklessly, while some other demon soldiers were thrown up by the gigantic demon soldier, and some even had their legs broken and were still crawling towards him...

Fortunately it's finally over.

Chu Ge thought to himself: "Is it because the scribe players look particularly easy to bully after being enlarged? Or the scribe players pose a greater threat to the monsters after becoming huge? So they are targeting me like this?"

But either way, he should be safe now.

However, these demon soldiers rushed towards him even more frantically!

"Fuck, what's going on!"

Chu Ge stopped pretending and ran away, wanting to run back to Linyuan City.

Although he still had a chance to be resurrected, he didn't waste it meaninglessly when all the magic soldiers in the audience were targeting him.

However, seeing that Chu Ge was about to escape, the demon became anxious.

The magic energy instantly concentrated and turned into a bigger giant.

Concentrating the power first will put one's own side at a disadvantage, but obviously, the demons can't care so much.

A huge spear flew out of the magic soldier's hand and flew straight to Chu Ge.

A large amount of magic energy was attached to the spear, like a heavy bomb, blasting a huge deep pit directly on the city wall!

And Chu Ge, of course, died instantly.

However, the players also quickly counterattacked. The gigantic demon soldiers were too big, and under the concentrated fire of a large number of artillery, divine arm bows and gigantic players, they were soon devastated.

Before, it condensed a large amount of magic energy on the spear, which made it a little weak.

Players continue to fight.

It's just that they obviously noticed that these magic soldiers seemed to have fallen into a state of stagnation for a moment.

Even the gigantic magic soldier fell into a short stagnation state after throwing the spear, so the players took the opportunity to fight a wave.

The players were a little puzzled: "What happened to the monster?"

But they didn't think too much, and continued to fight.

In mid-air, both Xing Tian and Fei Lian fell silent.

They clearly saw that the huge spear carrying a huge amount of demonic energy directly razed Chu Ge's surroundings for several meters to the ground and turned them into deep pits.

Under this kind of offensive, even if the Sequencer survived for various reasons, he would definitely suffer heavy losses.

And this will inevitably be reflected in the battlefield.

But now, the entire battlefield has not changed in any way.

Fei Lian was embarrassed.

"According to common sense, the sequencers should all be amazingly talented, either unparalleled in martial arts, or unparalleled in resourcefulness...

"And such an outstanding person will always be unable to restrain himself and want to express himself.

"But why..."

It is simply puzzling.

(End of this chapter)

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