My players are all actors

Chapter 286 A New Dynasty

With the entry of gigantic players and heroic spirits, the situation on the battlefield began to change.

The monster's decision to storm Linyuan City at all costs has also begun to show huge negative effects.

While the players were fighting with the aim of competing for rankings and becoming bigger, the situation in the three battlefields was reversed.

Linyuan City was in jeopardy several times, but the pressure was greatly relieved due to the joining of heroic spirits, and it insisted on holding on.

The two acropolises were on the verge of collapse before, and the players were even ready to give up, but the monsters suddenly concentrated their forces to attack Linyuan City, so the pressure on the two acropolis dropped sharply, and the players took advantage of the situation to support from the bridge. Let the two acropolis turn the corner again.

It is even possible to fight out from the acropolis and cut off the retreat of the monsters.

As for General Han Fuyue, who was like a sea-fixing needle in the center of the battlefield, and the cavalry and magic machine player corps who were constantly guerrilla on the flanks of the monsters, the pressure was greatly reduced.

This army of cavalry and divine machines cruising around the battlefield is like entering the land of no one. When encountering a loose and weak formation of magic soldiers, they will directly charge and defeat them, and then move to other places; when encountering a large-scale attack by magic soldiers, Just put down the magic machine players, set up the tiger squatting guns and musket arrays, and cause a wide range of damage to them.

The situation of the monsters was not very optimistic, they gained the upper hand only by relying on their absolute superiority in numbers, and after the decision to storm Linyuan City, their disadvantages were further magnified.

In the sky, Xing Tian looked at the gigantic Zhao Haiping, and then at Fei Lian.

He looked at Zhao Haiping, then at Fei Lian.

Its eyes are full of unwillingness.

Obviously, it was quite dissatisfied with Fei Lian's previous command.

It is agreed that the scribe player must be the sequencer himself?

Not at all!
On the contrary, it was Zhao Haiping who looked more and more like a sequencer.

Xing Tian also thought that there must be something special about this sequencer, and Zhao Haiping's performance was indeed eye-catching.

He is the only one among all the aboriginal phantoms that has grown in size twice.

He had entered the formation of monsters before, and then rode back to the city bizarrely alone. He seemed to be exhausted several times, but he was restored to full state due to the buff effect of the heroic spirit.

His fighting skills are superb, even compared to the previous sorters, they are all top-notch.

Moreover, this person seems to have appeared many times, leaving a certain impression on the demon.


Thinking about it in another way, did the sequencer play with the black under the lamp?

First of all, make sure that most of the sequencers are amazing talents.Very smart, and must have specialties in some areas.

And to defeat the demon, such an excellent sequencer must maximize his combat power.

Because he is the best at fighting, it is naturally the most cost-effective decision to keep his strength for himself instead of distributing it to others.


Maybe the sequencer deliberately created an illusion to make the demon think that he is actually an image who is not good at fighting, but only good at solving puzzles, hides in the dark, and generally does not show his face?

In this way, the demon will search for him among the vast phantoms of the aborigines.

However, this sequencer himself behaved like a heroic phantom of the aborigines, fighting on the front line himself, the more he was like this, the safer he was...

Thinking of this, Xing Tian felt more like Zhao Haiping the more he looked at him.

Even this image is completely in line with the previous image of many geniuses who are in order!
For sorters, resourcefulness is important, but a strong force value is also essential.

After all, in historical slices, most situations require strong force to crack.

And this person seemed to be brave and resourceful, able to lead troops to fight, able to ride alone in battle, and seemed to have a good mind.

Such a genius has a high probability of being a sequencer!

Xing Tian couldn't help but look at Fei Lian with disdain.

I thought you had a brain and could be smarter than me.

Now it seems that you are clever but you are mistaken by cleverness!
The sorter deliberately disguised an image for himself, and you were fooled foolishly.

But in fact, didn't the sequencer kill the Quartet right under his nose?
Thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't hold back anymore.

At this time, there were two big demons, It and Fei Lian, on the battlefield, and the demonic energy was also a collection of the two. It stands to reason that Xing Tian should discuss with Fei Lian before making any decision.

But now, Xing Tian no longer trusts Fei Lian. It feels that Fei Lian's suggestion is useless and will only help.

Therefore, its body instantly fell from the billowing dark clouds in the sky like a meteorite!

The gigantic Zhao Haiping was fighting vigorously when he suddenly saw black clouds split apart in the distant sky.

A huge meteorite with a long tail trailing behind it cut through the boundless black cloud and smashed towards him!
Different from ordinary meteorites, although this meteorite also has a slight flame, it is still surrounded by magic energy as a whole, and the tail flame is also dark black, which is extremely dense magic energy.

"Hey? What's going on!"

Zhao Haiping looked around blankly.

In front of him, the heroic spirit General Han Fuyue's army was like a reef under the impact of waves. Although it seemed to be in danger, it remained motionless despite the wind and waves.

Farther away, the player's cavalry and the Divine Machine Corps are killing all directions in the hinterland of the demon.

Behind him, the players in Linyuan City were densely packed and fought bravely.

No matter how you look at it, this meteorite should hit these three places!

Zhao Haiping could vaguely feel that this huge meteorite should be some kind of powerful attack method of the monster, and it must be a method of mass destruction.

But such a terrifying attack method should be thrown towards the place with the most players, right?

Why did you come here for yourself?
In the blink of an eye, the meteorite was getting closer and closer.

Zhao Haiping couldn't believe it at first, but now he was [-]% sure that the meteorite was coming towards him!

He panicked instantly, turned the horse's head around quickly, raised the whip high, and ran like hell!

However, even a gigantic war horse could not be faster than the speed of the meteorite.


An earth-shattering loud noise exploded on the battlefield!

Then, the shock wave spread out from the crater as the center, shaking all the surrounding magic soldiers upside down, and fell to the surroundings like a wheat field blown by a strong wind.

Zhao Haiping went deep into the enemy's formation. Although the meteorite smashed him into a giant and vaporized him in an instant, it did not affect other players.

It's just that the demons around him were unlucky by the way.

And the other players naturally couldn't ignore such a terrifying scene.

The players on Linyuan City, Acropolis, the monster's flanks and the rear all watched helplessly as the meteorite was conceived by the devilish energy in the air, and then crashed down again.

The players in other places are okay, they immediately saw that the meteorite did not hit them.

The players in Linyuan City were in a panic.

Because when the meteorite just flew down, it really looked like it was flying towards Linyuan City.

Although Linyuan City has Beichen and the protection of awe-inspiring righteousness, how many casualties will it cause under the pressure of meteorites?
No one can tell.

Moreover, once the meteorite landed on the top of the city, taking advantage of the emptiness of the defense, the magic soldiers would go up to the city again...

The consequences could be disastrous.

However, the moment the meteorite landed, the players were silent.

Many players even made subconscious "ah?" voices.

It's like playing a moba game, eating hot pot and singing on the road, and suddenly five big men jumped out of the grass.

It's natural to be startled, but in the next second, the five big guys threw all the big moves of the five of them to the little soldiers beside them.

Everyone is going to be confused.

Not only the players were confused, but Meteor himself was also confused.

After hitting the ground, Xing Tian instantly showed a demon body.

Its stature reaches tens of meters, it has no head, but it has its breasts as its eyes and its belly button as its mouth. At this time, its eyes are wide open, full of violent aura.

It was only wearing a relatively simple armor, barefoot, and its thick arms held a large shield and a large ax respectively.

But compared to the furious image when I saw it for the first time, it seemed a little confused at this time.

The huge body stood in a daze in the crater he smashed, as if his brain was disconnected for a moment, and he couldn't find his target.

It looks like a player who throws his big move to minions.

It's easy to come, but it's hard to leave if you want to go.

The air around Xing Tian seemed to be fluctuating, and a large amount of righteousness suddenly appeared from the void, as if a huge cage had been built to envelop it!
Of course, this cage is a bit special, mainly to isolate it from the devilish energy in the sky.

This is to lock it on the battlefield on the ground, unable to return to the air and hide itself again.

The players were instantly excited: "The boss is out! Fuck him!"

Xing Tian ran away in the cutscene before, which already made them very upset.

Seeing Xing Tian reappear at this time, the players are of course fighting with high spirits and fighting bravely to be the first!

The players on Linyuan City who were manipulating large-scale equipment such as cannons, bed crossbows, and trebuchets all aimed their weapons at Xing Tian under the city.

Such a big goal is simply a living target!

The last time I met Xing Tian, ​​the players were on the shore of Niuzhuji, and even if the artillery fired from their backs, they could only give Xing Tian a pedicure.

But now, on Linyuan City, the players can take advantage of the terrain of the mountain and the city to attack from high to low. Not only has the range of the artillery improved, but it can also hit Xing Tian's upper body!


"Boom! Boom!"

The artillery fired together, and a large number of shells hit Xing Tian's body, scattering the devilish energy in his body.

Even such a mindless reckless man could not stand up under such artillery fire, so he could only raise his big shield.

But the power of the artillery was not comparable to that of ordinary arrows. Even if the large shield could block the shells, the devilish energy on Xing Tian's body was still shaking and weakened.

"Fei Lian!"

Only then did Xing Tian finally think of Fei Lian again.

It found itself bound by the awe-inspiring righteousness of the sequencer, unable to return to the air.

But Fei Lian is still in the air. If Fei Lian can emerge from the black clouds and directly attack the artillery on the city, Xing Tian's situation will be improved.

Black clouds rolled in the sky.

However, just when Xing Tian thought that Fei Lian was going to save him, he saw a cloud of devilish energy flying away from the battlefield.

"Idiot! I told you that's not a sequencer!
"No help, wait to die!"

Fei Lian said angrily, and then... slipped away!
As far as it is concerned, a dead fellow is not a poor one.

Successive tactical mistakes have put the monsters at a huge disadvantage, and Xing Tian's collision has made the situation on the battlefield even worse.

If Fei Lian also showed up at this time and directly attacked the head of Linyuan City, destroying a large number of player artillery and destroying the city defense, then this battle might really have a chance of winning.


Once it fails, the consequences are unbearable.

This place is the core historical slice of the entire Qi Dynasty, and it can also be regarded as the core area of ​​the entire dynasty.

Although the bodies of these big monsters are all in the ancient slices, and they use avatars to guard the core historical slices of these dynasties, but the avatars, on the contrary, condense most of their power.

The avatars occupy more than [-]% of all their monster power!
The reason is simple, they must distribute most of their strength to the clones to ensure that these historical slices are not breached.

Otherwise, if only [-]% to [-]% of the power is given, isn't that for nothing?It can't achieve the purpose of keeping the historical slice.

If Fei Lian really joins the battle at this time, then his clone will also be unable to escape.

Either defeat the sequencer, or send the avatar here completely.

And as much as [-]% to [-]% of the power of the body is buried, not only does it mean that you are instantly disabled, but it will also allow the sequencer to further transform into more awe-inspiring righteousness and a surge in strength...

It cannot bear the consequences of failure.

Although judging from the current situation, as long as it appears to attack the artillery on the city wall, the situation of the battle can be reversed, but who knows if this is another trap of the Sequencer?

Perhaps that cunning sorter had made some special arrangements on the walls?

In short, Fei Lian, who was completely hanged and beaten, no longer has any luck.

It was originally a monster that was good at escaping and preserving itself, and it was the best of humanity to save Xing Tian once. It was absolutely impossible for it to take such a big risk for Xing Tian at this time.

slip away!

Xing Tian, ​​who was bombarded crazily, roared angrily: "Fei Lian! You shameless little monster!
"If you escape, go to the Demon Lord and see how you explain it!"

Fei Lian, who fled in the air, thought for a while, and sighed softly: "Forget it, then I will leave you with some devilish energy, so you can do it yourself."

It originally contained a lot of black energy, but at this time, it still dispersed a lot of black energy.

He separated some of his own power and left it in this historical slice, allowing Xing Tian to control it.

Then, it turned and slipped away without hesitation.

Xing Tian's threat did indeed have some effect.

Even if Xing Tian died in battle at this time, all he lost was a clone that accounted for [-]% to [-]% of his strength.

Xing Tian's body is still there.

Since Chi You, the Devil Emperor, will eventually know what happened here, Fei Lian had to think of an excuse to blame himself.

If he escaped with a lot of demon energy and took away most of his strength, then after Xing Tian failed, he would definitely blame Fei Lian for his failure.

At that time, it will be difficult to deal with the devil emperor Chi You.

So Fei Lian had to leave a large part of his strength and escape with only a small part of his demon energy.In this way, at least speaking, it escaped when it saw that the situation was out of control.

It is always good to lose less.

As for why I still decided to go...

Apparently it was because it wanted to preserve its own power as much as possible when the Devil Emperor Chi You didn't pursue it.

Among the monsters, although the so-called big monsters have a high status, in the final analysis it is because they have a lot of magic energy.Once the magic energy is consumed, their status will naturally drop.

Therefore, Fei Lian would rather take the risk of being dealt with by the Demon Lord than waste his precious avatar here.

After some calculations, he found a choice that seemed to him to be the best of both worlds.


"Fei Lian!!"

Xing Tian roared angrily, but Fei Lian had already slipped away without looking back.

Fortunately, before Fei Lian left, he still left behind some demon power, which caused Xing Tian's body to swell again.

Under the suppression of Hao Ran's righteousness, and under the attack of the players' artillery fire, Xing Tian, ​​who had grown bigger again, was able to hold a large shield and stride towards the head of Linyuan City!

It's just that the monster that was originally aggressive has become a little...feeling at the end of the road.

Why did Flying Dragon Riding Face give away all of them?
Meng Yuan, who was overlooking from a high altitude, sighed softly.

"Unfortunately, Fei Lian ran away.

"If Fei Lian makes a move, he can also keep it. After all, the Sequencer won't fall twice in the same place."

Having learned the lesson of Fei Lian's escape with Xing Tian last time, Meng Yuan specially made many arrangements this time in the main battlefield of the historical slice where the Fortress of the Sequencer is located, to completely trap the two big monsters.

Losing the avatars that accounted for [-]% to [-]% of his power, these two big monsters are basically crippled even if they don't die.

It's a pity that Fei Lian really deserved to be a runner, and when he saw that the situation was not good, he didn't end up at all, so he just ran away.

Fortunately, before it left, it still left some devilish energy behind, which was barely acceptable to Meng Yuan.

In the process of moving forward, Xing Tian's body is still expanding.

The devilish energy of the surrounding monsters was completely drained and poured into its body continuously!

Now that the big demon has appeared, it is meaningless to disperse the demonic energy.

If Xing Tian didn't concentrate the demon energy, then after the sequencer killed it, the remaining demon soldiers would not be able to cause any disturbance at all.

But... the result after concentrating the magic energy is the same.

In Linyuan City, Beichen had already walked out of the City Lord's Mansion.

And the moment he appeared, the players felt that the awe-inspiring aura in their bodies was being pulled away and concentrated, and along with the awe-inspiring righteousness in the mountains, rivers, and vegetation of the entire historical slice, it rose up!

Beichen Lingxu Yufeng, stepping on the ladder built by awe-inspiring righteousness, walked into the air, and with his appearance, the entire history slice also began to rumble. The invisible stars in the sky and the mountains and rivers on the ground seemed to gather awe-inspiring righteousness , surrounding him.

"Those who mess with China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

After yelling angrily, Beichen held a long sword made of awe-inspiring righteousness in his hand, and it was instantly radiant, and he slashed at Xing Tian!

This sword fell directly from the top of Linyuan City, and it was seen on the shield that Xing Tian held up high.


The magic energy attached to the shield dissipated instantly, like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun.


Roaring angrily, Xing Tian suddenly threw away the shield that was blocking Hao Ran's righteousness, allowing the long sword to pierce through his body.Then, he raised his right hand and threw the huge ax in his hand violently!


Amid the howling sound of piercing through the air, the giant ax hovered in the air, absorbed the magic energy, and then directly hit Beichen in the air!

With a sound of "shua", Beichen instantly disintegrated into countless awe-inspiring righteousness, which offset each other with the giant ax and the devilish energy.

But the long sword formed by the gathering of arrogance and righteousness actually split Xing Tian into two halves.

The two halves of this big monster fell to the ground, but when he fell to the ground, he was still unwilling to say: "It really is a fake body..."

Xing Tian knew very well that even if the ax hit the real body, it would be impossible to kill the Sequencer.

After all, at this time, the balance of strength between the two sides has been reversed due to the ebb and flow.

The arrogance of the orderer had already overwhelmed the power of the demon, and Xing Tian's last desperate blow could not turn the world around.

But no matter what, if you weaken this Sequencer before you die, this avatar with [-]% of its strength is not lost in vain.

But as expected, at the final finishing stage, what came out was still not the real body...

In comparison, the avatar can stimulate less awe-inspiring righteousness.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, and also to make a final decision, the Sequencer should really cut out this sword with his body.

And yet...he just doesn't show up.

The two halves of Xing Tian's huge body gradually dissipated amid unwilling resentment.

And at the same time as it dissipated, a powerful aura of grandeur erupted from the entire historical slice, directly killing all the few remaining demon soldiers!

Players who have already entered the spirit state witnessed the whole process again.

This was the first time they had actually seen a big demon killed.

Although this is just a clone, the clone that occupies [-]% to [-]% of the power is not much different from the main body.

"Sure enough, no matter how many times I watch it again, this cutscene is still pretty cool."

"Handsome is handsome, but I just don't understand why the monster threw two big moves in a row?"

"We didn't make any special tactical arrangements, did we?"

"Don't think about it. The Sorcerer's Expedition is basically a must-win. After all, it's just a game. Could it be that the monster really killed the player? That's outrageous."

"That's right, the Sequencer Expedition is just a fun way to play, so there's no need to think too much about it."

"In this way, can it be upgraded again?"

"See you at the forum!"

"Goodbye everyone, see you later!"


With the victory of the Sequencer expedition, the mist once again filled the player's career.

Soon, the players disappeared, and in the entire historical slice, only Meng Yuan and Canshang were left.

The merchant was still floating in the air, and began to absorb the remaining power in this historical slice.

The demon power injected by the demon when distorting the slice of history, and the large amount of demon energy dissipated after Xing Tian's avatar was beheaded, were all absorbed by the merchants and turned into the power of the orderer.

At this time, she was already a young girl about 20 years old in her prime, with long hair fluttering in the air, and her whole body seemed to be bred with powerful strength.

"This wonderful."

The merchant looked at his hands with a complicated expression.

She hadn't experienced such a powerful feeling for a long time.

Meng Yuan was silent for a moment, then asked: "So, at what age should you be at your most powerful peak?"

The merchant thought about it: "Theoretically, in the heyday, the appearance should be 25 or [-] years old.

"The current state has reached [-]% of the peak state, which is much faster than I imagined.

"After all, killing Xing Tian's clone directly this time forced Fei Lian to leave behind a lot of demonic energy. You are one of the few who can achieve such an achievement in the historical slice of the Qi Dynasty."

The implication is that even though the other sequencers have opened up the historical slices of the Qi Dynasty, they have not been able to raise her strength to this level.

This is easy to understand.

Just like killing monsters and dropping treasure, monsters will run away when they see the situation is not good, and how much magic energy the sequencer can eat depends on his own ability.

Although Meng Yuan is not strong in all aspects, with the cooperation of the players, he can achieve almost perfect results in every battle.

"It's a pity, I still think your previous image is more fun." Meng Yuan said with emotion.

The merchant froze for a moment: "What?"

Meng Yuan shook his head: "It's okay, let's see the next dynasty."

Shenshang nodded, and together with Meng Yuan, he came to the endless void in an instant.

The chaotic time and space turbulence in the distance is still flowing. The dynasties in the long history are like galaxies, and a large number of historical slices in the dynasties are like stars or planets in the galaxies, closely surrounding them.

Magnificent and magnificent, it is heart-shattering.

The area of ​​the Qi Dynasty is somewhat incomplete, because it was a dynasty that failed to complete the great unification.

Going forward, it is still a chaotic space.It's just that it is not a purely dark abyss controlled by demons like Shenzhou Luchen, but more like an archipelago.

Messy, dilapidated, but not totally sunk.

Meng Yuan had already guessed that this should be the era of great division caused by the separatism of feudal towns in the last years of the Liang Dynasty. Although the foreign races also caused certain turmoil and crises during this process, they did not cause a catastrophe like Shenzhou Luchen.

And going forward, is the brilliant and splendid Liang Dynasty, the most prosperous and prosperous era.

"I suddenly had an idea." Meng Yuan said.

The merchant looked at him: "Huh? What do you think?"

Meng Yuan pointed to the Liang Dynasty, which seemed to be undergoing changes: "Can we directly conquer its core?
"Liang Taizong, like Sheng Taizu, is a hero with a talent from heaven.

"Using him as the anchor point, it should be possible to directly project the power of the sequencer into it."

The merchant frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, he said, "It is possible, but are you sure you want to bear the price of doing so?
"Liang Taizong is indeed a strong enough anchor, but to break through the barriers of demons, the power of the sequencer is unimaginable.

"With more power, we can increase our odds of winning; conversely, taking too much risk will greatly reduce our chances of winning.

"Hurry is not enough."

Meng Yuan shook his head slightly: "I understand what you mean, but many times you have to take risks.

"If we go step by step, the monster will definitely be on guard. It is a risk to catch the monster by surprise, but it is also very likely to catch the monster by surprise."

Shenshang instantly understood what Meng Yuan meant.

When they conquered the two dynasties of Sheng and Qi before, they basically did it step by step, and it went very smoothly.

One of the important reasons for this is that the demons despise them.

Especially Xing Tian, ​​this headless monster who only knows how to be reckless, so it made it easier for them to conquer the Qi Dynasty.

But now that Xing Tian has been abolished, and the two dynasties have been retaken by the Sequencers one after another, no matter how arrogant and stupid the other big monsters are, they should have reacted by now.

Then the Liang Dynasty must face a tough battle.

If it is still conquered step by step, then at least three historical slices of the Liang Dynasty need to be broken.In this process, there are too many variables.

After Fei Lian fled back, the other big monsters must also be vigilant, so the Liang Dynasty may be tampered with by a large amount of demonic energy, which will further increase the difficulty of conquering.

On the contrary, if it can reach the core of Liang Dynasty at this time, and achieve the effect of a blitzkrieg...

Perhaps it is a more clever strategy.

Soldiers are deceitful too, taking surprise and attacking unpreparedness is indeed the way to win.

"Understood, then let's try."

After all, Shangshang is just a tool person, and she completely listens to the idea of ​​Meng Yuan, the official sequencer.

Therefore, after Meng Yuan made up his mind, Shangshang has already mobilized all his strength, preparing to directly open up the location of Liang Chao!

In the huge area of ​​the Liang Dynasty, the most central historical slice is like a dazzling sun, emitting a blazing brilliance.

This is also a slice of history belonging to Emperor Taizong of Liang. One person supported an era.

And such a hero can be directly used as an anchor, projecting the power of the sorter to it.

Of course, the farther the projection distance, the higher the difficulty and the greater the loss.

But once it succeeds, it will be like dredging from the bottom of the pot. At that time, other historical slices of the entire Liang Dynasty will be able to go down in one go!

The awe-inspiring righteousness formed a beam of light, pointing directly at the Liang Dynasty area, and accurately hit the largest historical slice where Liang Taizong was!

However, before it was completely opened up, the magic energy surrounding it also changed.

The dark demonic energy gushes out, and it can be felt that the big monster guarding the Liang Dynasty seems to be a little caught off guard at this time. It seems that it has never thought that the sequencer is so bold, and directly attacked the Liang Dynasty from the Qi Dynasty.

But it still reacted quickly, and even absorbed a rather dark historical slice at the outermost edge of the Liang Dynasty in an instant, which was full of billowing magic energy. Gradually integrate with Liang Taizong's historical slices!
It's just that this fusion is not complete, it's more like a forced graft.

The relatively dark slice of history was only in the front, used as a barrier, and could not be integrated with Liang Taizong's slice of history.

This is normal, after all, the fusion of the previous two historical slices was completed by Fei Lian and Xing Tian after a lot of twists and turns.

There is only one big demon here in Liang Chao. Although he is stronger, he cannot complete such high-end operations in a hurry.

But this slice of history still blocked the power of participation.

"It's blocked, what should I do!" The merchant was trying his best to stimulate the power at this time, and his voice was a little anxious.

If this continues, she can only connect to this strange slice of history.

Meng Yuan said decisively: "Go through!"

He wants to penetrate directly through this slice of history and still reach the anchor point where Emperor Liang Taizong is.

If you don't penetrate, although you can preserve your strength, it also means that these two historical slices need to be conquered separately.That would be a lot of delay.

The merchant gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

The power of her whole body continued to gushe out, and the beam of light suddenly brightened a little.

Then, it really forcibly penetrated the blocked historical slice and reached the anchor point where Emperor Liang Taizong was!

In this way, the entire passage is like wearing candied haws, passing through two historical slices at the same time.

Although there are still two, at least the players can crack together.

Canshang lowered his hands, and his long hair fell down again.

It's just that at this time, she has temporarily changed back to the original fourteen-year-old loli state.

"Too much power consumption..."

The merchants were a little annoyed.

Obviously, the impromptu decision to penetrate this slice of history severely depleted her strength.In her opinion, this is of course something unacceptable.

Because the power is weakened, it means that the possibility of getting through this historical slice becomes lower.

Meng Yuan didn't care: "It doesn't matter, it's enough for the players."

After receiving all the information about the upgrade of the merchants, Meng Yuan didn't panic at all.

Because the various skill levels of the Sequencer have been greatly improved, as long as the players perform normally, it is still very hopeful to conquer the Liang Dynasty Slice.

Although participating in business consumes a lot, it is only obvious in appearance, and the foundation is not damaged, and it can be restored slowly.

Meng Yuan began to prepare for the update announcement of the new version.

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