My players are all actors

Chapter 287 New Subsidiary Identity: Pepper

After waking up from reality, players also began to discuss the game experience in the dungeon of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon".

"Two-in-one copy of Qi Dynasty, I feel pretty good!"

"It's not only good, it's much better than the previous copy of 'I'm going to talk', isn't it?"

"I was still thinking, this new dungeon should not be the two emperors, Taizu and Taizong of the Qi Dynasty? These two emperors are too different from the founding kings of other dynasties, and it is not interesting to experience it. The result is in the end. Jingping became the core."

"The power of the demon is getting stronger and stronger, so the content of the dungeon has also become richer."

"This dungeon has indeed fulfilled a lot of dreams. The three lines of scribes, generals, and princes can all kill the emperor, kill traitors, and finally recover Yanyun. Although the routes are generally similar, it is only after playing that the details are very different. "

"It's really cool to be able to help General Han Fuyue take another path."

"However, I feel that the early stage of the Raiders dungeon is a bit too long, but the ultimate trial and the sequencer's expedition later are a bit too simple."

"After all, the big demon Xingtian this time is a no-brainer. The main reason is hard power. The main difficulty is in the initial stage of conquering the dungeon, but once you find a way, it will be much easier to fight this kind of no-brainer monster. gone."

"This should be considered part of the game's settings."

"It's just that I don't know if there will be particularly smart monsters in the future."

"Don't be too smart. I think the difficulty of solving puzzles is just right. If it is more difficult, Chu Ge will have to be strengthened to the epic level."

For the players, this dungeon can be said to sweep away the haze of the entire Qi Dynasty.

In fact, the players were a little bit aggrieved when they played the dungeon of "Let's talk about it".

Whether it is Yu Jiaxuan or Wang Wenchuan, they failed to realize their ideals and ambitions.Especially Wang Wenchuan, although his idea of ​​reform is very good, but the goal of reform can only be finally achieved when the players collectively travel through.

Under those conditions, it was an impossible task after all.

But for General Han Fuyue, the goal he wanted to achieve was easy to achieve, but he failed because of the obstruction of the faint emperor and treacherous ministers, which made people sigh even more.

It is quite gratifying that the players can help General Han Fuyue change his fate.

Especially this time he successfully beheaded Xing Tian, ​​who guarded the Qi Dynasty, so he should have gained a lot of experience in leveling up.

What kind of skill level will be released this time?

Players can't wait to see the new version update announcement of "Dark Sand" and the new film and television works brought by the dungeon "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon".


"The new version update announcement of "Dark Sand":

"After the players worked together to help General Han Fuyue rectify the government, avenge the change of Jingping, overcome Yanyun, and create a glorious and prosperous age, the historical slice of 'Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons' has been successfully conquered.

"The scope of the Fortress of the Sequencer will be further expanded, the available urban construction plans, the list of weapons purchased by players will be updated, and the various abilities of the Sequencer will also be upgraded accordingly.

""Dark Sand" will enter a seven-day state of preparation for a new version:
"[-]. The customs clearance edited video of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon" will be launched on major online video platforms in the form of interactive videos, and the income will still be returned to the players.

"This episode will allow players to independently explore the various possibilities of that era, and add the most suitable player clearance videos as supplementary materials, so stay tuned!
"Second, in the way of sealing the frontiers of land, the scope of the sequencer's fortress and the player's land will be further expanded. After connecting with the new historical slice, the surrounding terrain will undergo more changes.

"There will be more new craftsmen and shops in the fortress and fiefdom of the Sequencer, and more resource points will be unlocked. Influenced by the developed commercial economy of the Qi Dynasty, the business in the city will be more developed and prosperous.

"Players can use construction points in the Fortress of the Sequencer to purchase a variety of new ordnance such as big axes, Maza knives, hook sickle guns, heavy shields, and heavy cavalry armor.

"Third, the Heroic Spirit Summoning function has been upgraded.

"Heroic spirits that can be summoned at the moment: General Deng Yuanjing, Sheng Taizu, Zaizhi Wang Wenchuan (not at war), Yu Jiaxuan, General Han Fuyue.

"Fourth, the issuance of internal test qualifications.

"At this stage, an additional 200,000 internal test qualifications will be issued, and the total number of internal test players will reach [-].

"The new internal test quota will be selected according to the original mechanism.

"Special attention: According to different historical slices, the number of players carried by the Sequencer's Expedition is also different. In some special cases, entering the Sequencer's Expedition may have to be screened. to be the first.

"Five, Subsidiary Identity Unlock: 'Private'.

"On top of the four basic identities of soldier, assassin, scribe, and ranger, unlock the subsidiary identity 'Pifu' that is parallel to the subsidiary identities of 'Cavalry' and 'Shenji', and open the copy of the exclusive trial of Puff: Rise and Fall of the World.

"After clearing the copy of Pifu's exclusive trial, you can get the subordinate status of Pifu and get the exclusive talent skills.

"Remarks: You can only choose one of the three subordinate identities: 'cavalry', 'magic machine', and 'everyman'.

"Seven days later, the game will launch a new version of 'Worshiping the Crown of All Kingdoms', the specific update content is as follows.

"[-]. A batch of new talent skills have been unlocked in the sequencer's talent skill library, and the skill levels of 'D', 'E', and 'Ji' have been unlocked.

"Second, part of the talent skills will be unlocked as permanent talent skills, and the permanent talent skills will not occupy the original talent skill slots.

"[-]. Unlock a new copy of 'Jinlai Universeping'.

"The monsters related to the historical slices of the Qi Dynasty and the Sheng Dynasty have been completely eliminated, and the orderers can directly cross the barriers and use Liang Taizong as the anchor point until the heyday of the Liang Dynasty.

"However, because the monsters entrenched in the Liang Dynasty obstructed at a critical moment and used another history slice to block the power of the sequencers, the sequencers need to break through two history slices in a row, and the overall difficulty of the current dungeon will increase.

"After clearing the current historical slice, we will directly use Emperor Taizong of Liang as the anchor point to open up the entire history of the Liang Dynasty.

"The specific gameplay, players can explore by themselves."


As soon as the update announcement came out, players immediately started a heated discussion.

"The episode will be updated in the form of an interactive video? An interactive video?"

"Is it the kind of interactive video similar to text adventure games? You can choose options yourself, and then watch different story trends?"

"I see! This dungeon is really suitable for interactive videos, because there are many identities, complex plots, and each story line is relatively independent, without a particularly strict main line."

"It's quite interesting. No wonder you can only watch it on the website. After all, you need to use a keyboard, mouse or remote control to operate it."

"With the technical level of "Dark Sands", this interactive video must be much more exquisite than ordinary interactive videos, right? They are all big-scene interactive videos performed by top players... Thinking about it, I feel very looking forward to it!"

"Some equipment has been updated, such as Maza knife, big axe, hook and sickle gun, and new armor and vest... Okay, we will start moving bricks and changing equipment again."

"The business in the Fortress of the Ordered is more prosperous? Is there more delicious food?"

"I want to ask, since the Goulan culture of the Qi Dynasty is so prevalent, can you come to some brothels in the Fortress of the Sequencer for me to listen to the music."

"Do you want to listen to the music? I don't even want to expose you!"

"The skills this time are so outrageous, I opened up three skill levels in one go! I reached the 'D' level in an instant!"

"It seems that killing Xing Tian this time is indeed a big victory. Such a big monster is too rich, far from comparable to those little monsters before."

"Yeah, Fei Lian slipped away during the Dasheng Dynasty, and although Fei Lian slipped away this time, he was forced to leave behind a lot of demon energy. It can be said that this time at least the power of 1.5 big monsters was eaten, That’s three to four times the previous estimate.”

"Another batch of new beta players are going to suffer in the basic trials."

"I'm a little worried, can they really keep up with the progress? After coming in, go to the four copies of the basic trial to suffer, and then there are three copies of the Dasheng Dynasty, two copies of the Qi Dynasty, and two copies of the subsidiary identity test Lian...the content of this game is enough for them to play for several months."

"There is nothing to worry about. There are so many monsters. Have you forgotten that Li Hongyun played the first pass not long after entering the game? It can only be said that you can't imagine a real boss."

"Yes, this game is a game for most people, only the truly top-notch masters can dominate the world."

"The copy of the Liang Dynasty should be the copy of Emperor Taizong, right? Thinking about the records in history, it's really hard to imagine how players would copy it..."

"Speaking of which, shouldn't we pay more attention to this new subsidiary identity? This is something we can play immediately, without waiting for the new version in seven days. And, what kind of identity is 'Pivot'..."

This new subsidiary status still surprised the players.

Because although the previous two subsidiary identities were special, they basically had traces to follow.

For example, "cavalry", which is a vital unit in the cold weapon era, always find a way to arrange horses for players, without horses, many battles cannot be fought at all.

As for the "magic machine", it can create weapons and firearms, and at the same time increase the accuracy and safety of guns, cannons, trebuchets and other equipment. This is also a quite reasonable identity.

But "every man"...

What is it?
The concept of a man has existed since ancient times, and its meaning is nothing more than these few.

The first meaning, which is also its original meaning, refers to the common people.

For example, "The three armies can win commanders, but ordinary men cannot lose ambitions", or "Punishment does not avoid doctors, and rewards do not spare ordinary men".

The "every man" here refers to ordinary people.

The second meaning refers to a person who is brave and foolish, which contains a certain contemptuous meaning.

For example, "the courage of a man, the benevolence of a woman", or "the anger of a man, grabbing the land with his head", all have a meaning of "incompetent rage".

The third meaning refers to mediocre people, or it is simply a cheap name used for insults.For example, "market man", or "old man" and the like.

No matter how you look at it, the word "Piff" is actually not an obvious compliment.

It is often used in a derogatory sense, and even if it is used in a neutral sense, it is nothing more than an ordinary person.

Of course, if it is forced to be extended, it can also be used in some commendatory ways.

For example: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world."

But here comes the question, man... how to test it?

Just looking at the name, many people guessed that this might be a sub-class that doesn't require much skill, but considering the difficulty of sub-identities, players are still full of curiosity about this new sub-identity.


Zhao Haiping's home.

After exercising in his own small gym, he took a hot bath, then Meimei ordered a takeaway, and was going to watch the interactive video of the new copy of "Dark Sand" while eating.

Yes, he is no longer at work.

Because... the income of "Dark Sand" is too high, who still works?
Although this game is only played at night, it does not delay work time, but as time goes by, as more and more money is made, such things as going to work are completely unnecessary.

Now Zhao Haiping can still exercise during the day, and then look at historical materials and understand some historical details to prepare for the future dungeon.

Isn't this more interesting than going to work?
Moreover, relying on the dividends these few times, Zhao Haiping has also changed to a new house, and has a large number of fans on the Internet.

In short, the trajectory of life has also undergone considerable changes.

Turn on the [-]-inch large-screen TV, find the online video app, and click on the new video of "Dark Sand".

The video this time is an interactive video, so it was not broadcast on traditional TV channels and movie theaters, but online.

Players can view it through the web page, software on the computer side or APP on the TV side.

Zhao Haiping was lying on the sofa, eating French fries happily, while looking at the picture on the TV screen.


What first appeared in the camera was a rather bustling and lively town.

There are four gates on the city wall, divided into North and South Roads, East and West Divisions, and many temples.

There is also a ferry next to the city, where merchants gather and all kinds of goods are piled up like mountains.

Of course Zhao Haiping recognized this place at a glance: Cenqiaoyi.

This is a very famous place throughout the history of the Qi Dynasty: Emperor Taizu bullied orphans and widowed mothers here... Oh no, it was the place of Longxing, and then during the Jingping Incident, the Jin people also swept away here.

In the last trial dungeon, the players were basically defeated near here.

The words "Seventh Year of Chonghe, Cenqiao Station" reappeared in front of all the audience.

Then, the camera gradually zoomed in, hovering around Cenqiao Station, showing the players the customs and customs of the entire Qi Dynasty, while focusing on the different identities that players can choose.

For example, when passing through the Cenqiao post, you can see the green forest man who is an assassin, and when the camera comes to the capital, you can see Li Hao as the censor Zhongcheng.The camera turns to the west, and there are green forest people who are rangers and Zhending soldiers who are soldiers.

And every time a character is passed, a new option will appear on the edge of the video, and the player can use the remote control or archery to choose.

You can choose characters, and you can also choose actions in certain situations.

For example, if you choose an assassin player, you can choose to stay in Cenqiao Station, or you can choose to go to the capital or other places; in Cenqiao Station, you can choose to fight on the city wall, or hide in the houses to assassinate Jinren officers, etc. .

In short, this interactive video is a simple summary and summary of the main choices of more than [-] players in the real trial illusion.

Each player makes a different choice when faced with this situation, with more than [-] different routes.

Most of these routes are similar.

The official of "Dark Sand" is to unify the route of "staying in Cenqiao Station", and choose the actual screen of one of the players to show.

Of course, the selected players must also have good operation, excellent acting skills, and an image that fits the role.

In this way, although this interactive video will inevitably lose a certain degree of freedom, so that the audience can only choose from a few specific options, it has a different kind of fun.

Such a choice, on the one hand, allows the audience to reduce some useless efforts and avoid repeated meaningless attempts; on the other hand, it ensures interactivity and makes the audience willing to try more different options.

It's a bit like the gameplay of an interactive movie game.

Different from the interactive movie game, because it is based on "Dark Sand", players have played a variety of operations, so the options are several times higher than the general interactive movie game;
Moreover, it does not require any configuration. After selecting any option, the video data can be directly transmitted from the server without being limited by the terminal. Whether it is a computer webpage or a TV terminal, you can experience it freely;
More importantly, "Dark Sand" made a lot of unique designs when making this interactive video. For example, when players think about different options, the two videos will be connected in some clever ways to make the whole process smooth and natural.

Even this game is adapted to the remote control. Just hold the remote control and click up, down, left, and right to quickly select different options. After you get used to it, you won’t feel the fragmentation of the interactive video at all.

Moreover, after the first stage is cleared, the video will be perfectly connected to the second stage.

After the second stage, players have more options, and they can completely reproduce the special routes of Chu Ge, Fan Cun, and Zhao Haiping at that time.

Of course, considering that some players may not want to use their brains and just want to watch the most perfect customs clearance video, this interactive video also prepares a "essential version" video at the very beginning.

For example, the quintessential version of the video of the character "Li Hao" is that during the Jingping Incident, he first went up and down in the capital to help Li Boxi fight against the gold, and then was taken away. Kill Qi Gaozong and so on.

After choosing this elite version of the video, players no longer need to consider these complicated options, just like watching a movie, watching the whole process of a complete route.


"Is there no dialogue this time?"

Zhao Haiping still felt a little regretful.

Because the previous two dungeons, Sheng Taizu and Wang Wenchuan, both had dialogue sessions.And traveling through history to have a dialogue with the ancients is indeed an eye-catching feeling.

But after thinking about it, this dungeon is really not suitable.

General Han Fuyue is a relatively pure person, not as complicated as Sheng Taizu and Wang Wenchuan, and the fact, there is nothing wrong with it.

Players can fight side by side with General Han Fuyue, and help him change his fate against the sky and fulfill his unfinished ambitions in the illusion of trials. In fact, it is already a dream come true.

All in all, this interactive video is innovative in form, so that players who have not experienced this dungeon can also experience the impact of different actions taken by characters with different identities in the historical period of the Jingping Change to the greatest extent. Impact.

However, there are no more innovations in the content, and the operations performed by the players in the game are still subject to.

This is not bad, it can be regarded as a fairly stable choice.

Let those players who have not been able to enter the experience of "Dark Sand" can also try their own plot cracking power in this way, and better feel the charm of "Dark Sand" and its historical content.


10 pm.

Another batch of new players entered the game world of "Dark Sand" with excitement.

This time, "Dark Sands" opened up 50,000 people for the closed beta game. Of course, the number of players actually included was far more than [-].

These players have to go through selection before they can get the official game quota.

However, the players selected at this time must be different from the first batch of players.

They have long been yearning for the game "Dark Sand". They have watched a lot of customs clearance videos, and they have memorized all kinds of strategies by heart. They are waiting to clear the four trial dungeons after obtaining the qualification.

Therefore, the acquisition of qualifications for this trial is getting more and more complicated.

This is quite normal. After all, games are like this. The first batch of players are often abused to the point where they can’t find their way. Newcomers progress faster.

It's just that in this increasingly introverted situation, if some players want to qualify for the internal test, they have to consider finding another way.

Luo Ying looked at her hands in disbelief in the sequencer space.

He turned and jumped, just like a normal person.

"This... this game is really amazing..."

Tears almost welled up in Luo Ying's eyes.

In reality, he is a patient with ALS, and the problem has become quite serious by now.

ALS is a neurodegenerative disease that causes the gradual death of certain nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. These motor neurons, which control muscles and allow the body to make various movements, are damaged, causing Muscles are weak and stiff, as if frozen.

For Luo Ying, this was obviously a nightmare-like experience.

In the first two years, he could still play some not-too-complicated games with both hands, but gradually he couldn't even hold chopsticks anymore.

After learning about the game "Dark Sand", Luo Ying has been looking forward to entering the game experience.

But knowing today, he finally got his wish.

At this time, in front of him, there are trial copies of the four basic identities of soldier, scribe, assassin, and ranger, as well as trial copies of the three subsidiary identities of knight, magic machine, and man.

New players can freely choose any copy they like to challenge, and the final selection result is calculated based on various factors.

Generally speaking, players are more inclined to choose the four basic trial copies, because they are generally less difficult than the subsidiary status trials, and the strategies are more abundant.

But from another perspective, they will also be more curly.

After all, everyone has read the guide, so it's hard to say who can stand out.

For Luo Ying, he obviously has no advantage over ordinary players.

After all, he almost forgot even the feeling of body movement, and the control of strength needs to be re-exercised.What's more, he hasn't read so many strategies, and he hasn't done any special research.

So, after a brief consideration, he stepped into the exclusive trial copy of "Everyman".

Perhaps in such a newly opened trial illusion that no one has experienced before, can it stand out from the novice players?

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