My players are all actors

Chapter 291 Shence Army

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Unsurprisingly, so far no one has been able to pass the Trial of the Man.

This is also normal, after all, players are used to the fact that the difficulty of the subsidiary trial is higher than that of the official trial illusion, and it is already in the state of "the dark sand abused me thousands of times, and I treat the dark sand like first love".

And after the players challenged the ordinary trials and prepared their troops, a new illusion of trials finally opened.

Zhao Haiping came to the new trial illusion portal.

Compared with the previous portal, the portal looks much smaller this time, but it looks deeper.

There are still countless black air around it, which is even more serious than the previous copy of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon".

This is obviously related to the setting of the copy.

This new version is called "Wan Guo Clothes and Crowns Worship the Crown", and this poem is used to describe the Liang Dynasty in its heyday.

Words such as "Heavenly Khan" and "All nations come to court" are by no means whitewashing, but iron-clad facts.

The dungeon is called "Jinlai Universeping", and of course the players have already found the source.

This is exactly a poem written by Liang Taizong.

"Grassing the long sword generously, how can I invite the world to be famous.

"The stars and flags are lifted up, and the sun and feathers are flying in the sky.

"Ten thousand riders are stationed all over the country, and they are stationed in the Fifth Battalion in Linyuan.

"Mountain Climbing and Martial Arts Festival, carrying the divine soldiers on their backs.

"In the past, the battle was in motion, but now the universe is at peace."

This poem was written by Liang Taizong when he pacified Guandong and returned to Guanzhong. He was only 23 years old this year, and he had already laid the foundation for unifying the world.

This kind of heroic heroism has been fully revealed in the verses.

Although Liang Taizong's poems are not particularly outstanding in rhetoric, combined with his magnificent life, there is a kind of momentum that surpasses the world, which is difficult for ordinary poets to achieve.

However, the announcement of "Dark Sand" has also stated that this time the dungeon is different from the previous dungeon.

The previous dungeon "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons" was the result of the big demon fusing two historical slices, but this time it was forcibly opened up to the Liang Dynasty historical slice.

In terms of scale, it may not be as huge as "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons", and it will not have two stages and multiple identities, but the degree of danger will not decrease at all.

After all, it is necessary to go deep into the siege, and no one knows what is going on inside.

And before going to the historical slice of Liang Taizong, one has to go through a historical slice that was temporarily pulled over by the demon.

However, for Zhao Haiping, after passing through General Han Fuyue's copy, he is quite confident in his ability.


After entering the Trial Illusion, instead of entering the identity selection or talent skill card selection interface for the first time, a cutscene was played first.

Zhao Haiping's vision came to the land of China from the perspective of God.

There is a majestic city in the distance, and a magnificent palace can be seen faintly, which is obviously the capital of the Liang Dynasty at this time.

It's just that compared with the prosperous and prosperous capital, the surrounding Gyeonggi area looks a bit bad.

Migratory locusts cover the sky and cover the earth, thousands of miles away.

A large number of locusts are like a storm, sweeping away the surrounding crops.

Not only that, judging from the dryness of the ground and the drying up of the river, it seems that this place has just experienced a severe drought.

If this is the case in Gyeonggi, I am afraid that other places will be even more pessimistic.

Before playing the game "Dark Sand", Zhao Haiping came across some historical records by chance, and often had such questions: Why did natural disasters and man-made disasters often occur together in the last years of the dynasty?
It even makes people think that it is very reasonable for the ancients to believe in the induction between heaven and man.

Because it's a coincidence!
But after playing the game "Dark Sands" and getting more and more familiar with the historical content, I know that this is actually a kind of survivor bias.

In fact, when Mingjun was in power, the sea was not always clear and the rivers were in trouble, and various natural disasters often occurred.

It's just that when Mingjun is in power, the monarch and his ministers are in harmony, whether it is relief or disaster relief, various means can be used to minimize the impact of natural disasters.Therefore, in history books, it often does not take a lot of space to record.

But in the last years of the dynasty, a weak ruler often means that the officials are corrupt and the top and bottom are corrupt, and the destructive power of natural disasters will be multiplied.

The camera quickly moved towards the imperial city, and soon came to the main hall.

The emperor sat on the throne, although he tried his best to maintain the majesty of the emperor, but his eyes turned, obviously he didn't care about the situation at this time, and only wanted to retreat to have fun.

He was 19 years old at this time, and he was no longer the little emperor when he first came to the throne, but as he grew older, he only had various skills for eating, drinking and having fun.

"His Majesty!
"Locust plagues are everywhere in Gyeonggi, Your Majesty is requested to quickly allocate funds for relief!
"I still want to impeach Tian Lingzi, stealing money and accumulating money, and lawlessness! He actually took away all the business travel treasures in the east and west of the capital, causing public resentment! Not punishing is not enough to reassure the people!"

The emperor looked at the big eunuch in brocade clothes beside him: "Father, is there such a thing?"

The eunuch Tian Lingzi narrowed his slender eyes slightly, and said in a strange voice, "Jing Zhaoyin, is there such a thing?"

Among the courtiers, Jing Zhaoyin came out and knelt on the ground: "Report to Your Majesty, there is indeed such a thing!"

Tian Lingzi frowned, with a look of hesitation on his face.

Clearly, this wasn't the answer he wanted to hear.

Among the courtiers, there were also strange expressions.

He actually admitted it?

Jing Zhaoyin Yang Zhizhi can be regarded as the chief executive of the entire capital.He is directly responsible for the severe locust plague in the Gyeonggi area.

Not only that, but Yang Zhizhi was also the confidant of the great eunuch Tian Lingzi. Tian Lingzi dared to openly abduct all the business travel treasures in the east and west cities, and it was through Yang Zhizhi, Jing Zhaoyin, that he did it.

But at this time, the two of them were impeached together, and Jing Zhaoyin and Yang Zhizhi actually admitted it?

Amidst the doubts of the crowd, Yang Zhizhi, who had room to kneel down, continued, "Your Majesty, there is indeed a locust plague.

"However, His Majesty now governs with great grace, and although locusts fly into the capital, they feel your kindness, and they all refuse to eat the crops, and die by hugging thorns.

"Your Majesty is about to play, and you should announce it to the world to show His Majesty's sageness!"

All the officials in the court froze.

Zhao Haiping from God's perspective also froze.

Obviously, no one imagined that the dignified Jing Zhaoyin could talk such nonsense.

However, at this moment, Tian Lingzi suddenly said loudly: "Your Majesty is so holy, why don't you congratulate him?"

After a brief pause, some officials immediately knelt down: "Your Majesty is blessed all over the world, and the emperor's grace is mighty. Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Soon, all the officials knelt down one after another.

Finally, the two prime ministers in front also knelt silently: "Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The emperor sitting high on the throne beamed with joy: "Okay, okay, it's so good! Father, this is all your work, and everyone can receive a reward. Let's disperse!"

The ministers shouted: "My emperor is holy!"

The emperor turned and left, as if he didn't want to stay in this oppressive court for a second.

The great eunuch Tian Lingzi winked at Jing Zhaoyin and Yang Zhizhi.

Yang Zhizhi immediately understood, and sent someone to drag down the minister who dared to impeach the two men, and beat him to death with sticks.

The muscles on the faces of the two prime ministers in the hall twitched, but neither spoke.

Then, the camera switches.

The mighty rebel army has already marched westward, approaching Tongguan.Once Tongguan is breached, Chang'an, the capital of the Liang Dynasty, will be in jeopardy.

In the center of the army is a sedan chair decorated with gold, and around the sedan chair, a group of warriors with loose hair, tied with red scarves, and embroidered costumes are guarding on both sides.

Farther away, there are troops all over the mountains and plains, including cavalry, infantry, and various vehicles.

Known as an army of 600,000, it is like entering the land of no one.

The army rested for a while, and the people in the golden sedan chair stepped out and looked at Tongguan in the distance.

And everyone knew that what he was looking at was actually Chang'an, the capital of the Liang Dynasty.

Then, he chant softly.

"The scent of soaring fragrance penetrates Chang'an...

"The whole city is full of golden armour!"


Seeing this, Zhao Haiping basically has a good grasp of the background of this historical slice.

It was Liang Xizong who was in power at this time, and it can be seen from this temple name that this emperor has a big problem.

His superior position was originally selected by many eunuchs. The eunuchs took a fancy to him because he was young and easy to control, so they helped him to the superior position.

And Liang Xizong did not live up to the expectations of the eunuchs. Since he ascended the throne 12 years old, he spent most of his time on horseback riding, archery, sword dancing, Cuju, cockfighting, mathematics, music and gambling.

Until 19 years old, the fallen private salt dealer named Huang Xianzhi led an army into Chang'an, making him flee in panic like a bereaved dog.

At this time, the court was basically controlled by eunuchs. Tian Lingzi was deeply loved by the emperor, and he was called "Father", basically doing whatever he wanted.

Many people thought that the eunuchs in the Dasheng Dynasty were very powerful, but compared with the eunuchs in the middle and late Liang Dynasty, they were like younger brothers.

No matter how powerful the eunuch in the Sheng Dynasty was, it was just a dog raised by the emperor, and he could kill it if he wanted to.And the eunuchs of the Liang Dynasty were really likely to abolish the emperor.

With the support of the emperor, Tian Lingzi basically ran amok and lost the hearts of the people.He actually asked Jing Zhaoyin to rob all the goods in Dongxi Market and put them into the treasury. Some of them were used for the emperor's entertainment, while the other part was kept for himself.

As for the ministers of the DPRK and China, there is basically nothing to do at this time.

Although some ministers are still worried about the country, all the ministers who were impeached by Shangshu were basically killed by Tian Lingzi and Jing Zhaoyin. The situation is hopeless.

As for Huang Xianzhi, at this time he has experienced countless battles. Although the Liang Dynasty had many chances to pacify, they were all ruined.

At this time, Huang Xianzhi finally led an army of 600,000 people to Chang'an, which he was thinking of.


Zooming in, Zhao Haiping found himself possessed by a general.

He was wearing armor and looked heroic, but in the atmosphere at this time, there was still a sense of sadness after all.

"General Zhang Chengfan.

"The rebel army invaded Tongguan, and General Qi had already retreated to Tongguan. At this time, the army was short of funds, hungry and cold, and urgently asked the imperial court to send reinforcements.

"His Majesty appointed you as the vanguard and general of the Zuo Shence Army, and ordered you to lead the Shence Army to Tongguan for support!"

The person who came to appoint Zhang Chengfan, whom Zhao Haiping had met, was one of the prime ministers in the previous court.

Zhang Chengfan took the order: "Yes!"

At this time, Zhao Haiping really gained control over Zhang Chengfan's body.

"...Is it such a serious situation?"

The only doubt in Zhao Haiping's mind now is what is the goal of success.

Beat Huang Xianzhi?
Dream it.

Huang Xianzhi is now leading an army of 600,000, and then looking at Liang Chaochaotang's urine, it will be a ghost if he can win.

If Tongguan can hold for three hours, it will be considered a victory.

The gap between the two sides is really too big, and the key is that there are no generals in hand, even if General Han Fuyue and General Deng Yuanjing are reborn, they can't do anything at this time.

Perhaps the goal of success is to keep Tongguan's time?
Zhao Haiping originally thought that in the previous dungeon, the many situations he faced were considered hopeless, but now it seems that it is nothing at all.

This is the real desperate situation.

However, he still has the Shence Army at this time.

The Shence Army was just an ordinary frontier guard at the beginning, but later it became the Emperor's Forbidden Army because of its bravery in combat and meritorious escort.

Later, due to the separatism of the feudal towns, the Liang Dynasty realized that it was necessary to directly control a powerful military force, so it expanded the Shence Army. The Shence Army entered its heyday and officially became the Emperor's Forbidden Army.

In most people's first impressions, the Shence Army is considered to be a powerful army that is second to none.

Of course, Zhao Haiping didn't have too much hope. After all, Huang Xianzhi successfully captured Chang'an in history, and Tongguan didn't last long at all.If the Shence Army was really capable of fighting, it wouldn't be the case that a decent resistance didn't happen.

But then, when Zhao Haiping inspected the Shence Army, he saw a scene he had never imagined.

There are less than 3000 people in total, and they don't seem to be elite teachers, they are all ruffians, hooligans, rogues, and bankrupt farmers.


This is something that is obvious at a glance.

Zhao Haiping was stunned for a moment, he grabbed a soldier with his hands.

"You are Shence Army?! How could you be Shence Army!"

As we all know, the Shence Army is almost the highest-paid army in the entire Liang Dynasty.

How can these local ruffians and bankrupt farmers join the Shence Army?

The soldier who was captured panicked, and he hurriedly said: "General, please spare me! I, I am employed by someone..."

The corner of Zhao Haiping's mouth twitched, and he instantly understood what was going on.

It's not that the Shence Army has no money, on the contrary, they are too rich.

These rich children from the capital had never been to the battlefield, but because the Shence Army had high wages and good treatment, and they could run amok with the support of eunuchs, so they bribed the eunuchs one after another to join the Shence Army.

But when Huang Xianzhi's army came, these rich children all cried bitterly, and paid a lot of money to hire some poor people to go to the front instead of themselves.

Zhao Haiping's face turned dark.

What a mercenary!

Looking at these 3000 people, and there is no reliable logistics at all, isn't this a proper delivery?

But the matter has come to this point, he can only take this mere 3000 people and rush to Tongguan.

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