My players are all actors

Chapter 292 Atrocity

Zhao Haiping also thought about it, can the real Shence Army and those rich children be forcibly captured and let them go to the battlefield?

After thinking about it, the conclusion is that it can't, and it doesn't make sense.

First of all, these children from rich families are all powerful and powerful children in the capital. Since they can bribe eunuchs and join the Shence Army, it means that their families must have a lot of background and influence.

Such a person is hiding, even if he knows the place, can he be arrested?

Secondly, the military situation is urgent, and the court has been urging them all the time. Just relying on these people under Zhao Haiping at this time, there is simply no time to arrest all these rich children.

In the end, even if they were all captured, so what?
These pampered and wealthy children usually don't train at all, and they cry when they hear that the rebels arrive on the spot. Their combat effectiveness may not be higher than these local hooligans and jobless vagrants.

Thinking of this, Zhao Haiping could only sigh silently, and rushed to the battlefield with these 3000 people.

Before leaving, the imperial court vowed: "You take the first step, and the reinforcements will arrive soon!"

Zhao Haiping sighed in his heart, basically he didn't have much hope for this.


Even his vanguard team is so pissed, and they are still counting on reinforcements?

If reinforcements were really available, they would have been dispatched to him at this time to resist the rebels.

The army pulls out.

For Zhao Haiping, who has experienced many wars and commanded tens of thousands of troops, with 3000 people at this time, it can basically be said that there is no pressure.

There is often a saying in the art of war of famous ancient generals, which is called "governing the few is like governing the multitude", or it can also be called "the more troops the better".

That is to say, for a famous general who has truly mastered the art of war, the command of 3000 people and the command of 30,000 people, or the command of 300,000 people, are the same.

Because the most important points in the art of war are the uploading and issuing of orders, marching rules, marching formations, etc., the real famous generals are already familiar with these, and they have their own system, so no matter how many soldiers increase under their command, they will not causing confusion in command.

But some mediocre generals are different. The more people there are, the more chaotic they become. Even when commanding an army of hundreds of thousands, it is not bad to be able to maintain the formation without collapse.

Although Zhao Haiping has not yet reached the state of "governing the widow like governing the masses", after being taught and taught by two famous generals, Deng Yuanjing and Han Fuyue, he has basically reached a level of seventy or eighty, able to command tens of thousands of troops fight.

Leading 3000 people at this time is naturally a no-brainer.

It's just that these 3000 people are not a well-trained army. There are many local ruffians, hooligans, and vagrants who were temporarily pulled over by the children of rich families.

Moreover, these people basically don't know anything about the military, how to line up, how to identify flags, how to identify military orders, etc., most of them have no idea.

Time is running out, and it is impossible for Zhao Haiping to train slowly like he did in the dungeon of "Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon".

He can only take these 3000 people to the battlefield while constantly observing and screening candidates suitable for grassroots commanders on the road, gradually establishing the organizational structure of the entire army, and trying to teach this group of rabble all kinds of military knowledge. detail.

Two days later, they successfully arrived in Huazhou.

But at this time, the soldiers and civilians in Huazhou had fled to the mountains to avoid the rebels, and Huazhou was just an empty city.

Zhao Haiping had no choice but to order a search in the city.

Because before this army embarked on the journey, the imperial court did not give them any provisions at all.Not to mention sufficient weapons and equipment, even the military rations have been eaten.

There are still at least three days to go to Tongguan. If you can't find food in Huazhou, you can only go to Tongguan hungry.

In that case, I am afraid that before arriving at Tongguan, Zhao Haiping, the commander in chief, would have been killed by mutinous soldiers.

Fortunately, after a search, more than 1000 dendrobium millets were found in a warehouse in Huazhou.

These things are basically enough for 3000 people to barely eat for three days.

Other than that, there is nothing else edible in the entire state of Washington.

Obviously, there was plenty of time for the soldiers and civilians in the city to retreat, basically taking away all the food that could be taken away.

After getting the barely edible old rice, Zhao Haiping took people to Tongguan again.

Three days later, 3000 people arrived in Tongguan.

And the millet that was scavenged from Huazhou before happened to be all eaten.

Zhao Haiping met Qi Kerang, the guard of Tongguan, but after seeing this guard, Zhao Haiping felt completely chilled again.

I saw Zeke's face looked pale, and the soldiers were all depressed.

Zhao Haiping tentatively asked: "General Qi...Tongguan, do you still have military rations?"

Qi Kerang was silent for a moment: "General Zhang, you brought the Shence Army to support from the capital, didn't you... didn't bring the army rations?"

Zhao Haiping realized that the situation was not good: "No."

Qi Kerang was silent again, and then said: "That's a coincidence, of course there is no one in Tongguan. General Zhang, we can only scrape bark together and catch mice to satisfy our hunger..."

The two were speechless.

Obviously, the situation on Zeke's side is indeed very hopeless.

At this time, there were only more than 10,000 defenders in Tongguan. Before that, Zikerang realized that the rebels were too powerful and there was basically no possibility of winning the field battle, so he retreated to Tongguan.At this time, the [-] people under him had already fought many times in a row, lacked military resources, and Tongguan was surrounded by ruins and deserted. The state of these soldiers can be described in four words: hunger and cold.

It can be said that it was not easy for Qi Kerang to restrain these soldiers and keep them in Tongguan without fleeing in all directions.

Qi Kerang was looking forward to the reinforcements from the imperial court, and when he first heard that General Zhang Chengfan had arrived with reinforcements, he was also a little happy.

I thought that the imperial court sent at least tens of thousands of troops, as well as a large number of arrows, armor, food and grass, etc.

As a result, seeing these people led by Zhang Chengfan, Qi Kerang was also a little dumbfounded.

What about the Shence Army?
And General Zhang Chengfan's question made Qi Kerang completely dizzy.

With just these 3000 people, there is still no food?
Staring wide-eyed, the two realized that the Tongguan defenders had no choice but to continue gnawing on the bark.

"General Zhang, you should have experienced many battles, do you think it is possible for us to hold Tongguan?" Qi Kerang asked.

Zhao Haiping was silent.

He didn't know whether Zhang Chengfan was experienced in hundreds of battles, but he himself could indeed be called experienced in hundreds of battles.

He had experienced such a bitter battle more than once before.

For example, the military pawn trial is to lead the gray-haired veterans to defend the city until the reinforcements arrive.

But Tongguan at this time is much more difficult than the original military pawn copy.

Because food and armaments are not enough.

The soldiers are hungry, and they don't even have many arrows, so why fight 600,000 rebels?

Of course, Tongguan's natural dangers are easy to defend and difficult to attack, but throughout history, it is often not the terrain that can hold the key points, but the people.

During the Anshi Rebellion in the Liang Dynasty, Ge Shuhan led an army of 200,000 to defend Tongguan, but was forced to leave the pass to meet the enemy because of a stupid order from the emperor.

Although this was caused by the emperor's blind command, it is enough to see that Tongguan is not a golden city that is absolutely impossible to break.

But that's all there is to it, just try.

Zhang Chengfan, played by Zhao Haiping at this time, can be regarded as the supreme commander of Tongguan, with a higher status than Qi Kerang.Therefore, he asked Qi Kerang to call all the generals and officers in the army at this time, and assign tasks to them in Guancheng.

Let a small army go to nearby villages to search for villagers to help carry stones and water, and if there is food, it will be urgently requisitioned.

Redistribute the defenders in various areas of Tongguan.

Convince Qi Kerang and all relatively high-level officers to take out all their personal belongings and distribute them to the soldiers.

Finally, after a simple mobilization speech, Zhao Haiping sent someone to write to the court, requesting reinforcements and material support again.

After doing all this, Zhao Haiping inspected Tongguan, rectified the city defense, and directed the soldiers to place some supplies and moved stones to specific positions on the city.

In this way, the entire Tongguan defenders got busy, preparing to face Huang Xianzhi's army.


The sky is gradually breaking dawn.

Zhao Haiping, who had just finished the layout of Tongguan, was wearing armor and wanted to lie down and take a rest, when he heard the earth-shattering shouts of killing.

With the help of Xiwei's morning light, Zhao Haiping saw the army coming from a distance.

All over the mountains and plains, as far as the eye can see!
Huang Xianzhi claimed to have an army of 600,000, and such an order of magnitude could not be judged by the naked eye in ancient times.

You can only see people everywhere outside Tongguan.

The so-called "ant-attached siege" means that people climbed onto the city wall like densely packed ants and attached to the entire city.

At this time, Zhao Haiping was about to see such a scene.

He has also experienced a lot of city defense battles, so he naturally knows the huge advantages that the city defenders can gain when relying on favorable terrain.

But this is the first time he has seen such a disparity in strength.

Originally, in the Expedition of the Sequencer, the players faced monsters several times larger than themselves in Linyuan City, but at that time, the players had all kinds of equipment for defending the city, such as cannons, bed crossbows, golden juice, etc. The blessing of the orderer's power.

But now, Zhao Haiping has nothing.

He could only draw a bow and set an arrow, and shot to death the rebel soldiers who were at the forefront trying to climb the ladder to the city.


It had been mobilized before the war, and all private belongings were distributed to the soldiers. Although the army was in a desperate situation at this time, at least it had some morale.

In the desperate situation, Zhao Haiping took the lead and kept shooting at the rebels below with bows and arrows, while other soldiers were also fighting bloody battles.


In Zhao Haiping's vision, time passed quickly.

It felt like we had only been fighting for about an hour, and the sky was getting dark.

This battle lasted for a whole day, from the dawn of the sky until the evening.

The rebels were finally beaten back.

At this time, the city wall was already full of corpses, including the corpses of the rebels and the corpses of their own people.

Many soldiers were lying exhausted among the corpses, drinking the millet porridge that had just been cooked in a pot.

After Zhao Haiping's soldiers were all full, he asked them to spend some time pushing some corpses in critical positions down the city, and then let them lie down with their clothes on and take the time to rest.

However, this break did not last long.

In the early hours of the morning, Huang Xianzhi's army launched another fierce attack.

This time, from early morning until afternoon.

For Zhao Haiping, a more serious situation emerged: all the bows and arrows defending the city were exhausted, and the soldiers could only lift rocks and smash them at the rebels.

In the afternoon, after a short rest, Huang Xianzhi's army launched an attack that night and held out for a whole night again.

But this time, even the stones that were moved to the city before were all thrown away.


For Zhao Haiping, the fighting process was lackluster, and there was nothing particularly worth mentioning.

After all, most of Huang Xianzhi's army were farmers who had lost their land and had nowhere to go, or all kinds of bandits and bandits. On the other hand, apart from their large numbers, they have nothing to do with a powerful army.

Therefore, in the process of attacking the city, they were nothing more than repeatedly carrying the ladder to the bottom of the city, climbing, and then being smashed down by stones, and climbing again...

So looping.

And the so-called Shence Army commanded by Zhao Haiping is basically a group of mobs. Fortunately, they are condescending and occupying a geographical advantage. Can solve most problems.

It sounds a bit like chickens pecking each other, but in fact... it is indeed chickens pecking each other.

Otherwise, relying on these people alone, Zhao Haiping would not be able to successfully guard the entire Tongguan for three days and three nights.

But at this time, Zhao Haiping finally came to the end of the road.

Because Huang Xianzhi has 600,000 troops after all, although Tongguan is steep and easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is impossible for Huang Xianzhi to deploy 600,000 troops, but at least these rebels can take turns to attack the city without rest.

And the defenders were almost overwhelmed by exhaustion and hunger, not to mention they had already finished throwing stones.

The fall of Tongguan is a foregone conclusion.

For Zhao Haiping, the battle did not last long. For some less important plots, "Dark Sand" will speed up the flow of time without the player's awareness, so after the series of battles, although Zhao Haiping feels tired and sleepy from the bottom of his body, his mind is still clear .

But compared to physical fatigue, he cared more about mental discomfort.

He doubted the meaning of his fight at this time.

Why should I work for that dog emperor and psychopathic eunuch who only know how to eat, drink and have fun?
Obviously, the real Zhang Chengfan in history must have had similar thoughts in the process of guarding Tongguan.

In the past, the emperors, eunuchs, hundreds of officials, and children of rich families in Chang'an City were all sensual and reckless, eating the fat and fat of the people who were exploited, and their brains were full of fat.

And those poor people, such as farmers who have lost their land, may not be much better than ants in their eyes.

But now, when Huang Xianzhi's army came, the emperor, eunuchs, officials, and children from rich families drove these poor people to the battlefield, and even gave them three days' rations, but hoped that they would work hard for themselves and stop Huang Xianzhi's attack army.

Let them escape calmly and continue to enjoy the glory and wealth.

If the original Zhang Chengfan was an ancient man who still had some ideological marks of loyalty and patriotism in his heart, and had a natural hatred for Huang Xianzhi's rebels, then for Zhao Haiping, he was more inclined to Huang Xianzhi's side in his heart.

What is this 600,000 army?
It was 600,000 oppressed and cornered.

Just like the previous peasant uprisings, Huang Xianzhi was defeated by the government army countless times, but he was able to make a comeback every time.

Walking around casually, an army of tens of thousands of people can be raised again immediately.

The little people's hair is like leeks, and they will come back to life after cutting. Their heads are like chickens, and they will sing again after cutting.

The people are not afraid of death, how can they be afraid of death?
As a person with modern education, Zhao Haiping has natural sympathy and compassion for these peasant rebels.Comparing the two, it is obvious that the fugitive Liang Xizong and the great eunuch Tian Lingzi should be eradicated.

Thinking of this, Zhao Haiping called over several cronies who were brave and bloody in battle.

"Tongguan can no longer be defended.

"Put on the clothes of the common people and kill them!"


At the same time, Chu Ge is also struggling in the illusion of trial.

But unlike Zhao Haiping, he has sent it at the speed of light.

His military command ability is not as good as Zhao Haiping's is certainly one reason, but his death so quickly is the result of his deliberate attempts.

And the conclusion after trying it is...

Sure enough, Zhang Chengfan's identity is not a must.

Although Chu Ge is a literati player, he also has experience in commanding battles. Although he is not as good as Zhao Haiping after being instructed by Deng Yuanjing and Han Fuyue, he will not be able to lead this army to defend Tongguan for two or three days. question.

He can use the mighty righteousness to motivate these soldiers.

But after analyzing it, Chu Ge felt that this might not be a step that had to be broken.

Because when playing the role of Zhang Chengfan, there was no talent skill card selection interface in his field of vision.

Moreover, Zhang Chengfan's identity and mission are not applicable to all players.

So Chu Ge hung up quickly. He deliberately didn't go to the warehouse to pick up the rations when he led the Shence Army through Huazhou, but urged these people to go to Tongguan when they were hungry.

As a result, he was naturally killed by mutinous soldiers.

But this also happened to verify Chu Ge's guess.

After Zhang Chengfan's death, Huang Xianzhi's army broke through Tongguan at a faster speed.

Then, 600,000 troops came to Chang'an mightily.

And Chu Ge looked at what happened next from the perspective of God again.


The army marched into Chang'an mighty and mighty.

This majestic city is more than undefended, it is simply a welcome.

Liang Xizong and Tian Lingzi had already fled in haste with their personal guards, just like Qi Yingzong tried to escape from the capital back then.

It's just that at this time, there is no minister in the court who can stop the emperor and coordinate the defense of the capital like Li Boxi.

As expected, Liang Xizong slipped away quietly like Qi Yingzong, without notifying any ministers or royal family members.

So, while many people were still at a loss, Huang Xianzhi's army had already arrived outside Chang'an City.

The common people scrambled to line up the road to watch, like welcoming the king's teacher.

Chu Ge sighed silently.

Obviously, Liang Xizong and Tian Lingzi's absurd behavior in the capital has already caused outrage.Within a few years, the hearts of the people have been lost.

For these people, it may be time to change the dynasty.

Many of them have an illusion: No matter how bad Huang Xianzhi is, he will always be a generation of outstanding people who started from the reckless, and he is much better than the stupid king who came to the throne at a young age but only knows how to eat, drink and have fun?

As expected, Huang Xianzhi did not disappoint the expectations of the people.

While the army was entering the city, generals continued to inform the people.

"The purpose of the King Huang's army is to protect the environment and the people, and the people to live in peace! They will never behave like the emperors of the Liang Dynasty and harm the people! You just live and work in peace and contentment, and King Huang's army will definitely not commit any crimes. Don't be afraid!"

The faces of the onlookers showed delighted expressions.

Although they were still skeptical, such a declaration still gave them a lot of peace of mind.

It is said that Huang Xianzhi's army is a bandit, but if it can really protect the environment and the people, and the people live in peace, isn't it much better than the official army?

So, these people returned home and rushed to tell each other.

In Chu Ge's field of vision, time changes rapidly.

In the first few days, Huang Xianzhi's army did what he promised, and Qiu committed no crimes.

Everyone in Chang'an City lives and works in peace and contentment, the east and west cities are extremely prosperous, and everything seems to be in order.

Even Huang Xianzhi's soldiers often generously donated their property to the poor.

This made the people even more surprised, and at the same time they became more certain that the imperial court said that Huang Xianzhi's army was a bandit. This was all a demonization and smearing of the rebel army, and it was not credible at all!
It's just that they all seem to be ignoring one problem.

The property used by Huang Xianzhi's soldiers... Where did it come from?
If they were as philanthropic and innocent as they are now wherever they go, and the army itself is not involved in production, then let alone property, I am afraid that even the problem of military rations will not be solved at all.

If it is to kill the rich and help the poor...

Then, will the vast majority of people in Chang'an City be classified as "rich" or "poor" by them?
What's more, when the tyranny and killing in people's hearts are released, can the soldiers really use their reason to distinguish who should be killed and who should not be killed?

Sure enough, on a certain day, the Dongxi City suddenly caught fire.

The merchants in the East and West Markets suffered another catastrophe.

It's just that Tang Xizong and Tian Lingzi just asked Jing Zhaoyin to snatch all their treasures to enrich the treasury, but this time, Huang Xianzhi's soldiers also took away their lives.

After the first big fire ignited, Huang Xianzhi's army seemed to be infected quickly. They all tore off the masks of gentleness, respect, thrift, and generosity, and took up weapons and torches one after another, impatiently walking on the street.

Start from the nearest, grab from the side.

This chaos was not arranged in advance, but it was more tacit than it was arranged in advance.

They endured it for several days, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The prosperous and prosperous Chang'an is really too tempting, no one can resist it.

And after one of the troops took the lead, this desire soared into the sky like wildfire, and it could no longer be suppressed.

Almost in an instant, the prosperous and prosperous Liang Dynasty capital became a city of death.

Huang Xianzhi's soldiers rushed into every house and every street, killed the men who resisted, raped the beautiful women, searched for all gold, silver and jewels, and even fought violently because of the scramble.

Almost every corner is filled with despair and terror.

The people in Chang'an looked at all this dumbfounded, they were puzzled, why the soldiers who had lived peacefully a few days ago suddenly seemed to be a different person, changed beyond recognition, like a demon possessed.

In desperation, many people turned their eyes to the palace.

That was the direction where Huang Xianzhi was.

They are still holding unrealistic expectations.

Didn't Huang Wang say that when he entered the city?Huang Wang raised his troops for the sake of the people, and he would not do anything wrong or harm the people...

All these atrocities were caused by Huang Wang's soldiers who did not obey Huang Wang's orders. Huang Wang should stop them, right?
However, they didn't know that Huang Xianzhi could only stare dumbfounded at everything in front of him.

He ordered to stop it frequently, trying to make his soldiers stop this kind of atrocity, but he repeatedly prohibited it.

Until he summoned several of the highest-ranking generals to the palace.

Huang Xianzhi, who finally got his wish and sat on the throne, looked very ugly.

He suppressed his anger and asked, "Why don't you help Gu to be the emperor?"

Huang Xianzhi didn't understand, but what he said to the people before entering Chang'an was not false.He hoped to be able to restrain these generals, so that they would not do anything wrong to the people, so that the prosperous and prosperous Chang'an City could be preserved, so that he could successfully win the hearts of the people, take over the Guozuo of the Liang Dynasty, become the founding king, and win the beauty of the ages. name.

However, several generals looked at each other, but they replied coldly: "The power of the emperor belongs to you, and the power of copying is mine, so there is no need to bother."

Huang Xianzhi's hand instantly clenched the armrest of the throne.

However, there was nothing he could do about the general's answer.

Because this is obviously the unanimous opinion of all the ministers.


Seeing this scene, Chu Ge couldn't help being silent.

What did Huang Xianzhi's generals mean by this sentence?
The throne of the emperor belongs to you, and we are willing to support you as emperor, but the matter of burning, killing and looting belongs to us, so stop talking nonsense about this matter.

From Huang Xianzhi's point of view, doesn't he know that Qiu Wucheng is more popular with the people?
Naturally knows.

But knowing and doing are two different things.

Who are the 600,000 troops under Huang Xianzhi?

Yes, they are farmers who lost their fields, homeless vagrants, and perhaps some local rogue speculators who took the opportunity to sneak in...

But the moment they took up their weapons, they had already become desperadoes.

They know that they may die at any time, and since they have already risked their lives, there is no law and order to restrain them.

They just want to rob, kill, and do whatever they want.

And such a prosperous and prosperous capital is right in front of them, and it is obviously something that is within easy reach, how could they bear it?

But Huang Xianzhi... couldn't restrain them.

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