My players are all actors

Chapter 294 What's Missing

Chapter 294 What's Missing

When Chu Ge woke up again, he was already lying on the bed.

"Zheng Xianggong, you are awake!"

The maid beside the bed said in surprise, and brought warm water for Chu Ge.

After Chu Ge checked his status, he realized that the situation was worse than he expected.

Because he found that he seemed unable to speak!
Moreover, the movement of the body is also somewhat inconvenient, but I can barely stand up, walk around, and even write crookedly.But to do anything other than that, it's utterly powerless.

"Ah... ah ah..."

Chu Ge opened his mouth, but found that he could only make such meaningless sounds.

The maid turned pale in shock: "Mr. Zheng, what's wrong with you? Hurry up, go get the doctor!"

Not long after, the doctor arrived.

The result of the diagnosis is wind arthralgia caused by rushing to attack the heart.

"Zheng Xianggong, all the generals can understand your concern for the country and the people. But... the general trend of the world, sometimes you can't defy it with human power..."

A soft voice rang in Chu Ge's ears. Although the tone of voice was sincere, the words he said made people even more angry.

Perhaps, this kind of "knowledge of current affairs" is the most irritating to people like Zheng Tian.

The person who spoke was an eunuch, dressed in brocade clothes, and seemed to have a high status.

This is Feng Xiang's supervisor, Peng Jingrou.

In the early Liang Dynasty, the supervisors were mainly censors, while in the later period they were mainly eunuchs.

Since there are many feudal towns at this time, it is inevitable that each feudal town has different opinions. In order to restrain the feudal towns, the emperor naturally had to choose his most trusted person to serve as the supervisor.

At this time, the status of the censor in the emperor's mind was far inferior to that of the eunuch.

Therefore, the eunuchs of the Liang Dynasty were much stronger than those of the Sheng Dynasty.Although there were eunuchs supervising the army in the Sheng Dynasty, the eunuchs supervising the army in the Sheng Dynasty were just supervising the army and had no power to command or transfer troops.

However, many eunuchs and supervising troops in the Liang Dynasty had the power to command and dispatch troops.

Zheng Tian, ​​played by Chu Ge, is Fengxiang Jiedushi at this time, he is naturally the highest leader here, but under him, the eunuch Peng Jingrou also has extremely high power.

It can even be said that at this time, Zheng Tian, ​​played by Chu Ge, is bedridden due to wind paralysis, and many military forces in Fengxiang will be handed over to Peng Jingrou, the supervising army, to act in camera.

"In short, Zheng Xianggong, you should rest at ease and recuperate first.

"The rebels are so powerful that it is difficult to attack them in a hurry. Since His Majesty has already left the capital to visit Xingyuan, there is no danger at this time. If Mr. Zheng wants to attack Huang Xianzhi, there is no need to be in a hurry."

After comforting Chu Ge a few more words, Peng Jingrou turned and left.

It's just that Chu Ge couldn't calm down anymore.

Because he knows what will happen next.

Huang Xianzhi's envoy is about to arrive, and the eunuch Peng Jingrou will draft a thank-you form in his name for the generals to sign.In layman's terms, it means surrendering to Huang Xianzhi.

This is what actually happened in history.

At this time, Zheng Tian was powerless at all, because of wind numbness, he could not speak. Although he could barely write a few words, it was difficult to hold the pen firmly.

Under such circumstances, why should he continue to persuade these generals?

Even those talents that he bothered about before didn't mean much anymore.

Chu Ge lay on the bed and sighed silently.

It seems that we can only wait.

According to historical records, after Zheng Tian became bedridden due to wind paralysis, the eunuch Peng Jingrou drafted a thank-you form in his name, and asked the generals to sign the thank-you form, expressing their willingness to submit to Huang Xianzhi.

However, when the eunuch Peng Jingrou entertained the envoy at the banquet, all the generals were crying.

The envoy was very strange, so he asked why.

One of the staff, Sun Chu, said: "Zheng Xianggong can't come because of wind paralysis, so we are sad."

But in fact, the generals were sad for the impending death of the Liang Dynasty.

It is precisely because of this that Zheng Tian realized that the hearts of the people have not been completely lost, and Liang Chao still has salvation.

So, after a few days, he recovered as before, and he summoned the generals to show his righteousness, and finally got the support of the generals.

After that, he pricked his arm with the generals, drenched their blood, repaired the city, reorganized the military equipment, and beheaded Huang Xianzhi to make him powerful.So Huang Xianzhi was furious and sent troops to attack Fengxiang, but was defeated by Zheng Tian.

Since then, Huang Xianzhi has flourished and declined, and finally perished.

As a result, Zheng Tian extended Liang Chaoduo's life for more than 20 years.

After figuring this out, Chu Ge decided to lie on the bed and rest peacefully.

It seems that to convince the generals, the real highlight will be a few days later.


While Chu Ge was sick in bed, his vision really entered the perspective of God again, and he saw the scene of Huang Xianzhi's envoy coming to Fengxiang.

The guest of honor seat was Huang Xianzhi's envoy, Wang Hui.

The eunuch Peng Jingrou waited for all the generals to be seated, and then introduced: "Generals, this is Wang Hui, the envoy sent by King Huang. Today, I have a banquet with all the generals, and I hope to discuss with you the future of the Fengxiang Army. .”

Wang Hui stood up triumphantly: "Generals, King Huang asked me to greet you, as long as you are willing to surrender, not only can you preserve your wealth, but King Huang will reward you for your merits!

"Now Huang Wangxiong has millions of soldiers, and there is no opponent in the north and south of the river, and now he occupies Chang'an without bloodshed, making the emperor of the Liang Dynasty run away like a bereaved dog. This is the general trend of the world and cannot be defied.

"If all the generals follow the trend and surrender, they will be rich and honorable; if they overestimate their strength and become enemies with Huang Wang, I am afraid that when the time comes, what Huang Wang's soldiers will point at will be the end of family ruin and death without a place to die!

"Where to go, please think about it carefully."

The eunuch Peng Jingrou also got up and said: "Everyone, Zheng Xianggong can't come because of wind numbness, but he has drafted a thank-you form and is willing to submit to King Huang.

"Everyone just needs to sign this thank you form, and the big thing will be done."

After all, he looked around at the many generals.

These generals have different expressions, some are expecting, some are suffering, but most are indifferent.

Obviously, everyone knows that this situation cannot be changed by one or two people.

Peng Jingrou didn't intend to give these generals too much time to think, and directly handed the thank you form to one of his confidantes.

"Sign it!"

The confidant general immediately took the thank you form, signed his name on it, and then handed it to another general.

In this way, these generals finally signed their names on this thank you form.

The supervisor Peng Jingrou took back the thank you form, and couldn't help laughing: "Okay, now that the big event is done, let's start the banquet!"

After finishing speaking, he handed the thank you form to Wang Hui, Huang Xianzhi's emissary, and the banquet was full of joy and harmony.


Chu Ge's time in bed passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

Huang Xianzhi's emissary, Wang Hui, returned to Chang'an to announce the good news to Huang Xianzhi shortly after receiving the thank you letter, and he would come again after a while.

It's just that when he comes again, Liwei will be beheaded by Zheng Tian.

In Jiedushi's mansion, Chu Ge paced back and forth a little anxiously.

According to the historical records, this should be the day when he summoned all the generals, pierced his arm and drank blood to form an alliance, and agreed to attack Huang Xianzhi together.

But Chu Ge didn't know what to do.

Because he discovered that some details did not happen as recorded in the historical materials!
Chu Ge roughly remembered that the records in the historical materials were like this.

The supervising army Peng Jingrou and the general Zuo made an announcement, and Xie Xianzhi signed it on behalf of Tiancao.The supervising army and the envoy had a banquet. During the banquet, all the generals and subordinates cried.The envoy blamed it, and Sun Chu, the guest behind the scenes, said: "I can't come because of the wind, so I feel sad."

However, while Chu Ge was ill, he also saw the whole process of the banquet from the perspective of God.

The first paragraph is consistent, but the latter is not right.

The generals did not cry at the banquet!
Therefore, the "messenger blamed him" and the subsequent events naturally did not happen.

The most terrible thing is that "all the generals cry" means that they are sad for the destruction of the Liang Dynasty in their hearts, so Zheng Tian thinks that the generals have not yet abandoned the Liang Dynasty, and then he has the follow-up of making an alliance with the generals and crusade against Huang Xianzhi.

But now, the generals didn't cry at all, this...

Chu Ge wasn't sure if he could persuade them, but at this point, he could only give it a try.

"Everyone, I already know about the banquet.

"Peng Jingrou, the supervisor, drafted a thank-you form in my name, which is a serious crime of treason! Generals, people's hearts have not yet abandoned the Liang Dynasty. It is time for us to repair the city, reorganize the ordnance, and fight Huang Xianzhi to the death!"

Chu Ge once again made an impassioned statement. With the blessing of the three talents, his words were touching.

Moreover, since Zheng Tian's body has just recovered from the wind numbness, his voice is hoarse and his body is not particularly agile. Such a speech adds a layer of appeal.

Even among the generals, some people's eyes were reddened by Chu Ge's words.

However, when Chu Ge finished his speech, hoping to form an alliance with the generals and jointly attack Huang Xianzhi, these generals looked at each other, and no one really stood up and firmly supported them.

"Zheng Xianggong, we can understand your feelings, but..."

The faces of the generals were still full of hesitation.

Obviously, Chu Ge's impassioned speech did move them, but only a little.

It's not enough for them to make up their minds and make an act of blood for an alliance.

Chu Ge didn't give up, but tried again and again, but it still didn't help.

A little short!
Yes, because these generals did not "cry one after another" at the banquet, so they were not really inspired and moved, and their nostalgia for the Liang Dynasty was not stimulated...

In this case, even if Chu Ge took three inspirational talents, he still couldn't be encouraged.

With a certain fluke mentality, Chu Ge continued to run and observe what happened afterwards.

Fengxiang finally surrendered to Huang Xianzhi, and was not encouraged by Zheng Tian to break with Huang Xianzhi.

Later, Peng Jingrou, the eunuch and supervising army, gradually realized this. He was very afraid of Zheng Tian. In the original history, after Zheng Tian regained the support of the generals, he lost follow-up records in historical materials.

This eunuch may have been eliminated by Zheng Tian, ​​or he may have been marginalized... In short, there was no further disturbance.

But in this historical slice, things are different.

Peng Jingrou found that Zheng Tian could not encourage these generals to resist Huang Xianzhi, so he gradually became more courageous.

He reported Zheng Tian to Huang Xianzhi, so Huang Xianzhi sent troops to encircle and suppress him.

Although Chu Ge hastily encouraged a small number of generals to resist desperately, they still failed to defeat Huang Xianzhi due to lack of strength.

This attempt, of course, failed.


Back to the original starting point.

Chu Ge was not in a hurry to start the trial again, but seriously thought about the key to clearing the level.

"From the current situation, we don't see too much falsification of history.

"If anything, the mentality of the generals has been tampered with to a certain extent.

"According to the normal situation, these generals should still yearn for the Liang Dynasty in their hearts. They are unwilling to surrender Huang Xianzhi, so at the banquet, after signing the thank you form, they all cried.

"Afterwards, Zheng Tianxiao gave an impassioned speech with great righteousness, which reawakened the fighting spirit in the hearts of these generals.

"In other words, the most critical link is missing now.

"I will find a way to wake up these generals.

"But... how to wake it up?

"I have obviously acquired the most provocative and contagious innate skill in theory, and there shouldn't be any problems with the content of my speech...

"Could it be that I have missed some other details?"

Chu Ge carefully reviewed his last attempt, and found that he had done the best within his ability.

That's bad news, but it's also good news.

The bad news is that since it is not a matter of details, he cannot pass the test by constantly improving details and fine-tuning the plan.

The good news is that he can go straight to finding a new way.

Motivating these generals and letting them rekindle their faith in the Liang Dynasty is the most important thing.

However, if Chu Ge, a sorter, cannot accomplish this with the blessing of triple talent skills, then what else can he accomplish?

At the same time, Zhang Chengfan, played by Zhao Haiping, has escaped from Tongguan with dozens of remnants.

It's just that he has no idea what to do next.

"The game is not over...

"Strange, it always feels like something is wrong.

"It stands to reason that the task of guarding Tongguan has come to an end, but the game does not give a clear ending, whether it is clearing the level or failing, it should give me a result...

"And now it's clearly in an unfinished state?
"Moreover, I suddenly realized that the role of Zhang Chengfan didn't give me a talent card selection page. Does this mean that this is not a part that must be played..."

Zhao Haiping obviously took a completely different route from Chu Ge.

Chu Ge realized immediately that the character Zhang Chengfan did not have a skill card, so this may not be a necessary link and can be skipped.

So the Zhang Chengfan he played died and jumped directly on Zheng Tian's body.

Zhao Haiping, on the other hand, didn't realize this at all. It wasn't until he foolishly guarded Tongguan for three days, and it wasn't until he withdrew from Tongguan that something seemed wrong.

And the moment he realized this, a talent skill card selection interface appeared in his vision.

(End of this chapter)

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