Chapter 295

[E. Steady as Mount Tai (blue): Your foot is stable, and it is less likely to be shaken by the impact of the enemy. 】

【D · Bow Horse Skill (White): Improve your riding and shooting skills. 】

[Ding Hunger (blue-divergent): For hunger and thirst, you have a higher tolerance than ordinary people.This effect can affect those around you. 】

Seeing this, Zhao Haiping couldn't help being taken aback.

"A new talent skill? Comes with a divergent effect?"

He has seen these three talents before, especially Hungry and Hungry, which he has already tried in the copy of the pawn trial.

It can only be said that in order not to drink horse dung juice, this talent is even more important than the golden talent.

But at this time, this talent reappeared, but there was an extra note of "divergence" behind it.

Divergence means that this has changed from a natural skill for oneself to a halo effect, which can also affect people around you.

"It's just, what's the use of the talent of enduring hunger?
"In this chaotic world, there is really not much food. If you get this skill earlier, you might be able to guard Tongguan for a few more days without food.

"Forget it, forget about Tongguan.

"The arrows and stones are gone. Even if you don't need to eat, you won't be able to defend it for long. And judging from the current situation, it seems that whether you guard Tongguan or not will not have much impact on the clearance of this dungeon..."

After thinking about it, Zhao Haiping still chose the "Hunger and Starve" talent with a divergent effect.

Then, he took these people around him and prepared to wander around Chang'an.

As for the target, it is also very clear, that is the Shence Army around Chang'an!

According to historical records, there were actually tens of thousands of Shence troops in Guanzhong at this time.

The fighting power of these Shence troops can't be expected too much, but no matter what, they are much better than the 3000 people that Zhang Chengfan took to defend Tongguan before.

After all, those Shence troops who stayed in Chang'an City were all children of rich families, and as long as these Shence troops sent out were scattered in Guanzhong and not in the capital, the proportion of children from rich families would drop significantly.

Children from rich families would never do this kind of hard work.

Judging from historical records, Fengxiang Jiedu envoy Zheng Tian did send people to appease the tens of thousands of Shence troops scattered in Guanzhong, and included them in Fengxiang's Liang army, which greatly boosted the army's prestige, and then defeated Huang Xianzhi.

Most of these strategic troops are from Chang'an. After entering Chang'an, Huang Xianzhi burned, killed and looted, and lost the hearts of the people. After they learned about the things in Chang'an City, they were sad and angry, and had a heart of common hatred.

But at this time, Huang Xianzhi was just about to enter Chang'an, and these Shence troops were still hesitating and waiting and watching.

In fact, these people waited and watched, on the one hand, because Huang Xianzhi's army was approaching menacingly, and they fell into confusion like other Jiedu envoys; The troops around Chang'an did not even give clear instructions to these shence troops.

Judging from the fact that Liang Xizong fled hastily without even telling the clan and officials, it is not surprising that he could do such a thing.

So, after Zhao Haiping thought about it, he made a plan.

He still has the status of Zhang Chengfan at this time, and Zhang Chengfan's official position is still a general of the Zuo Shence Army after all.In this emergency situation, he can still recruit these shenanigans for his own use.

If all these Shence troops can be gathered together, they may be able to equip them with a certain combat effectiveness through simple training.

Coupled with Zhao Haiping's ability to lead the army, maybe he can find an opportunity to defeat Huang Xianzhi.

"Hey, this chaotic world at the end of Liang is really a chaotic situation that cannot be dealt with."

While avoiding Huang Xianzhi's soldiers, Zhao Haiping marched towards the surrounding areas of Chang'an to find other Shence troops, while feeling emotional about the current predicament.

It has to be said that the troubled times at the end of Liang Dynasty is simply a dungeon with nightmare difficulty for the traversers.

Zhao Haiping also wanted to try other methods, but after thinking about it, only the Quartet forces could consider it at this time.

And these four forces are actually very unreliable.

Not to mention Liang Xizong, Tian Lingzi, the cheating eunuch, has always been there. Although Liang Xizong is still the nominal co-lord of the world, he is a proper fool, and there is no good fruit to eat by relying on his appointment.

The second force is Huang Xianzhi, but from all aspects, Huang Xianzhi is a typical peasant uprising army. Think too much.

What's more, if he took refuge in Huang Xianzhi, it would be impossible to be valued by Huang Xianzhi, and it would be difficult to be with Huang Xianzhi's arrogant soldiers.

The third force was Li Keyong, the leader of the Shatuo cavalry, and the fourth force was Zhu Wen, who was still emerging under Huang Xianzhi at this time and later surrendered to the Liang Dynasty.

Anyway, no matter which side it is, it doesn't seem like a wise master who can help the country.

In the final analysis, the history of the end of Liang Dynasty is a history of infinite chaos after the military people were not subject to control and the vassal towns were separated.

The main theme of this period of history is the transformation of feudal towns and the emperor with strong soldiers and horses.

Not only the entire Liang Dynasty was turned into a feudal town, but even the interior of the feudal town was further transformed into a feudal town.

The leader of the feudal town, to put it bluntly, is the leader elected by countless military leaders.If the leader cannot satisfy the interests of his subordinates, he may be abolished at any time.

For example, Li Keyong's son, Li Cunxu, was invincible in the early days, and he seemed to be thriving, but once he had the idea of ​​concentrating military power and controlling his generals, the good situation immediately collapsed.

It wasn't until the Qi Dynasty was established that Qi Taizu finally suppressed the warriors under the separatist rule of these feudal towns.

As for the serious problems caused by the Qi Dynasty's use of literature to suppress military affairs...that is another topic.

In short, Zhao Haiping asked himself, even with his level, it is difficult to really make any substantive changes in this troubled world.

However, the ultimate goal of this dungeon should not be to save Liang Mo's predicament, which is indeed a bit unsolvable at present.

Unless there are ultimate fierce men like Liang Taizong and Sheng Taizu who turn out to cut through the chaos quickly, they can only continue to be chaotic.

The goal at this stage should be to defeat Huang Xianzhi.

Thinking of this, Zhao Haiping continued on his journey to find other Shence Army.


When Zhao Haiping led the remnant soldiers to search for other Shence troops in Guanzhong, Chu Ge was still trying as Zheng Tian.

He has tried many methods.

For example, try to let the confidant generals directly kill Wang Hui, the emissary of Huang Xianzhi who came to recruit him, or try to persuade these generals with more reasoning and emotion, using more rhetoric that fits this era.

But without exception, these attempts all failed.

And there is only one knot in it, to put it bluntly.

That is the human heart!
The envoy who killed Huang Xianzhi could indeed force Fengxiang's defenders to have no way out, but after Huang Xianzhi's army came under pressure, Chu Ge found that the generals still failed to unite.

So there is still no chance of winning in a fight.

As for all kinds of rhetoric that unites people's hearts...

Even though Chu Ge's eloquence was brilliant and his words were full of hype, but in the face of tangible benefits, the generals were still superficially moved, but they didn't really become a rope in their hearts.

This made Chu Ge very puzzled.

What is missing?
According to historical records, Zheng Tian obviously persuaded the generals, then assembled the army to prepare for war, and defeated Huang Xianzhi.

But now, even though he has the innate skills of the sequencer, he still can't do what Zheng Tian did back then.

Chu Ge was convinced that he must have missed some crucial information.

So, he quit the game temporarily, and was going to look up more historical materials.

The first thing I found was this historical material.

The supervising army Peng Jingrou and the general Zuo made an announcement, and Xie Xianzhi signed it on behalf of Tiancao.The supervising army and the envoy had a banquet. During the banquet, all the generals and subordinates cried.The envoy blamed it, and Sun Chu, the guest behind the scenes, said: "I can't come because of the wind, so I feel sad."

The key to this is, "During the banquet, all the generals and subordinates cried."

Why on earth are they crying?

But this time, after consulting historical materials, Chu Ge found that there was another sentence behind.

"Everyone who hears about it weeps."

That is to say, at this banquet, not only were all the generals crying, but even when this incident spread to the people, all the common people who heard about it cried.

This is why Zheng Tian thinks that people's hearts have not yet hated the Liang Dynasty.

At this time, these people did not cry, indicating that a crucial opportunity was still missing.

And this opportunity is mostly at the banquet...

Chu Ge still had no clue, so he decided to continue searching for other records in historical materials.

It wasn't until he turned to the other two historical materials that a bold idea finally emerged in his mind!

The first historical data comes from another version of historical data records.

Compared with the previous historical material, it is basically the same, only two words are different.

The supervising army and the envoys feasted, and the music was played, and all the generals and subordinates cried.

The previous historical material did not record the word "Le Zou", but only said that all the generals and soldiers cried during the banquet, which made Chu Ge feel confused, thinking that this was an inevitable thing.

But now it seems that if this second historical record is true...

Then this "music performance" is very likely to be a key factor that made "all the generals cry"!
So the question is, Lezao, what kind of music is it?
Chu Ge found the answer from another historical material.

This piece of historical data comes from the early years of the Liang Dynasty, during the reign of Liang Gaozong.

"In July of the third year, Shang (Liang Gaozong) held a banquet in the Xianheng Hall of Jiucheng Palace..."

According to this historical record, Emperor Gaozong of Liang held a banquet in Xianheng Hall, and the music was played. At this time, Taichang Shaoqing played and said: "Broken Dance" is a song to promote the ancestor Shenglie. Since the death of the first emperor (Liang Taizong) After that, I stopped playing it because I was worried that your Majesty would be saddened by the memory of the late emperor when he heard this song. I was working in the music division and thought it was time to play "Broken Array Music" to express my filial piety and enjoy the music with the world. .

So Liang Gaozong took it seriously and ordered "Broken Array Music" to be played.After playing, "Shang (Gao Zong Li Zhi) sighed with emotion, exchanged tears with Si, and his ministers cried with grief, so they couldn't look up."

Finally, the mystery that had been covered up all this time was unfolded in front of Chu Ge.

He couldn't help but suddenly said: "It is... King Qin broke the formation!"

There is no record in the historical materials of the specific music played at that time.

However, from the various details of historical materials, it can be roughly inferred.

During the banquet for the envoy of Huang Xianzhi, music was played, and the soldiers wept.

Since the playing of music is mentioned in the history books, there is obviously a direct causal connection between the music and the tears of the soldiers.It is obviously impossible for the melodious and soothing court music, or the peaceful and contented melody, to have such a powerful appeal.

Moreover, it was also mentioned later that "everyone who hears from the people weeps weeping". If it is just the matter of the soldiers crying, it may not be enough to achieve the effect of weeping on the part of the people who heard it.

It must be the song itself, and the fact that the soldiers were crying, that made the folks who heard it cry too!

So, this song is a military music, and it has a great influence among the people...

The answer is almost imminent.

It is "Qin Wang Breaking the Array Music"!
According to historical records, "Broken Array Music" was created by Emperor Taizong.When Taizong was the King of Qin, he conquered all directions, and the song of the world ballad "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Battle". ... Hundred 20 people wear armor and hold halberds, and the armor is decorated with silver.Carry forward vigorously and rhyme generously.Enjoy the banquet and play it, the emperor avoids his seat, and everyone who sits at the banquet is happy. ... From "Broken Array Dance" and below, there are thunder and drums, mixed with the music of Kucha, the sound vibrates hundreds of miles and shakes the valley.

In other words, "Qin Wang Breaking the Battle" is an impassioned military music, the most appealing.

After Emperor Gaozong listened to "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Array" in the court hall, he "communicated with Tisi" with his ministers, which further confirmed this point.


Chu Ge couldn't help being silent.

"I see!"

In fact, after playing the role of Zheng Tian for the first time and trying to persuade the generals to no avail, Chu Ge vaguely realized that something was missing.

Moreover, it is something that cannot be achieved without manpower.

He has tried every means to persuade the generals, but it is useless. The generals still have their own thoughts and ideas.

And Chu Ge didn't expect that what really turned everything around was a piece of music written by Liang Taizong more than 200 years ago!
Chu Ge was surprised by this result, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt it was reasonable.

Why can't these generals be truly united no matter what Zheng Tian said before?
Because in the Liang Dynasty, he was just a former prime minister and a Jiedu envoy.

No matter how much you do, it will still be unable to awaken people's nostalgia, nostalgia and longing for the Liang Dynasty.

However, Emperor Liang Taizong truly reshaped the spirit of the entire nation, allowing the powerful Liang Dynasty to establish a country for more than two hundred years and conquering the barbarians.

And at the moment when the Liang Dynasty was about to fall and they heard "The Song of the King of Qin Breaking the Battle", these generals were awakened with pride and pride deep in their hearts.

At this moment, they are still willing to admit that they are the people of the Liang Dynasty.

They are still willing to take up arms and fight for the Liang Dynasty!

Chu Ge played a problem that Jiedu envoys racked their brains and couldn't solve, but it was solved simply by a piece of music written by Emperor Taizong of Liang more than 200 years ago!
(End of this chapter)

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