My players are all actors

Chapter 296 Is Taiping Autumn

Chapter 296 Is Taiping Autumn

The guess in Chu Ge's mind was gradually confirmed.

But whether this unsolvable situation can be solved with a piece of "Qin Wang Breaking the Array" still needs to be verified in the dungeon.

Therefore, Chu Ge entered the game again and quickly came to Zheng Tian.

But this time, although he still tried every means to persuade his generals as before, he didn't have much hope for it.

Sure enough, the generals were still indifferent, and Zheng Tian fell ill because of wind paralysis as before.

Huang Xianzhi's envoy still arrived on time.

Only this time, Chu Ge, who was lying on the hospital bed, speechless, was no longer doing nothing like before.

He gestured with his hands and asked the maid in costume to bring the pen and ink.

Barely supporting Feng Bi's body, he stood up and wrote a few lines with trembling hands.

Then, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he fell back onto the bed.

He waved his hand and asked the maid to deliver the letter to his confidant general.


Chu Ge's perspective rose rapidly. During the period when he was unable to move due to wind paralysis, he once again saw the scene of the generals welcoming Huang Xianzhi and trying Wang Hui from the perspective of God.

Chu Ge has seen this scene before.

First, on behalf of Huang Xianzhi, Wang Hui expressed his intention to surrender to these generals, and then, the supervisor Peng Jingrou took out a thank you form and asked his confidant and beloved general to sign it first.

Although these generals looked hesitant, they finally signed their names on this thank you form.

The supervisor Peng Jingrou took back the thank you form, and couldn't help laughing: "Okay, now that the big event is done, let's start the banquet!"

After finishing speaking, he handed the thank you form to Wang Hui, Huang Xianzhi's emissary, and the banquet was full of joy and harmony.

According to the previous situation, this banquet should have ended happily like this.And the generals also acquiesced to this fact, and no longer wanted to be the first to rise up against Huang Xianzhi.

But at this moment, a general came to the supervisor Peng Jingrou and Huang Xianzhi's emissary Wang Hui, and respectfully saluted.

"What's the matter?" Peng Jingrou raised his glass and asked.

The general said respectfully: "The envoy of Huang Wang came here today, it is a day of great joy, feasting and drinking, how can there be no joy?"

Wang Hui immediately patted the table: "That's right, how can there be no joy on such a happy day?"

Peng Jingrou hesitated and lowered his voice: "But, the musicians here can only play military music..."

Wang Hui didn't care about it: "How can you listen to those mediocre sounds on such an occasion? It's time to play military music!"

Peng Jingrou instinctively felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

After thinking about it, it is really necessary to play some military music at this time.

Although Huang Xianzhi was a traitor at this time, since the generals had drafted a thank-you form, it meant surrender and obedience.In any case, this is also a very formal occasion.

For such a banquet, it is indeed necessary to play some music, especially some solemn military music.

What's more, the emissary Wang Hui also wanted to listen to military music.

Therefore, Peng Jingrou nodded: "Okay, let's play music then!"

Not long after, several musicians arrived, each holding a flute, shengxiao, pipa, konghou, Zhenggu, copper cymbals and other musical instruments.

"Qin Wang Breaking the Array" is a large-scale group music, almost all the instruments at that time were used, and the performance is naturally magnificent.

Have fun.

Although the musicians did not sing the lyrics of "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Array", the faces of the generals at the banquet have already changed.

Because this word is too familiar to them.

Nobody can't sing!

And as the music gradually becomes passionate, these lyrics are also stirring in everyone's heart.

Resigned from the head of state by the law, the prime minister will punish the rebels.

The salty song breaks the array and enjoys the Taiping people together.

The imperial style of the four seas is quilt, and the thousand years of virtue and water are clear.

Not to mention the military uniform, today's success.

The Lord is in full bloom and Changli, and the minister is loyal to Dayou.

After you see Yange, it will be Taipingqiu!
The vocabulary in "The Music of the King of Qin's Breaking the Array" is subtle, vigorous, simple and elegant, which is typical of the poetic style in the early years of the Liang Dynasty.

This is when Emperor Taizong of Liang, who was still the king of Qin, defeated Liu Wuzhou and returned in triumph. To celebrate the victory, the soldiers sang old songs with new lyrics and adapted them.

Then, after Liang Taizong ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he ordered Tai Changcheng, who was in charge of music, to recompile the music, and several famous officials in the dynasty recompiled the lyrics, and rehearsed according to the dance diagram, so that the song finally took shape.

The real "Qin Wang Breaking the Array" also needs to be matched with special dances.

According to historical records, the dance of "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Battle" is not a graceful dance in which women dance their long sleeves and twist their waists, but is more inclined to a battle formation.

Left circle, right, first deflection, then Wu, Yuli, Eguan, Jizhang, Yishu, staggered flexion and extension, head and tail back and forth, stabbing back and forth, like a battle formation.

Wufan changes three times, and each changes into four formations, with a total of twelve formations, corresponding to the song festival.

There are 120 dancers, wearing armor and holding halberds, and the armor is decorated with silver.Beat the big drum, the sound shakes hundreds of miles, and the mountains and rivers are majestic.

Later, 2000 people were used to lead the team into the arena, which was particularly spectacular.Officials of the third rank and above and "barbarian chiefs" are played outside the Xuanwu Gate.

That is to say, the dancers are all soldiers in the army, 120 people, wearing armor and holding halberds, and the armor is decorated with silver.Amid the majestic drums, these people are constantly changing like an army formation, stabbing back and forth, and they are extremely majestic.

Later, they even organized [-] cavalrymen to perform "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Battle" outside Xuanwu Gate, for officials of the third rank and above and those "barbarian chiefs" who were captured and returned to Chang'an to activate the talent of "singing and dancing", showing the Liang Dynasty's Great reputation.

"The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Array" can be sung by one person and played by one musician, and at the same time, thousands of people can also sing and play in an ensemble.

Therefore, in the nearly 300 years of the Liang Dynasty, "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Array" not only spread throughout the Liang Dynasty, but also spread to the Western Regions, to the northern borders, and to every inch of land where the brilliance of the Liang Dynasty shined.


At this time, because there was no preparation in advance, the musicians played pure music, without the dance of the soldiers, and there was no majestic chorus.

But just this familiar melody has already made the soldiers in the army cry.

In fact, the emotions that can be aroused by pure music or singing and dancing are very limited.

What matters is the feelings behind the music or singing and dancing.

Back in the day, Emperor Taizong of Liang won all the battles and won all the battles. At 16 years old, he rescued Yanmen and rebel soldiers. At the age of 23, he captured two kings in one battle.

In just six years, the world has been leveled.

In the following twenty years, the sea embraced all rivers and worked hard to govern, turning a land that was torn apart by wars into a powerful dynasty that came from all nations.

This majestic and turbulent scene has long been deeply engraved in the hearts of every Liang Chaoren.

Even the clan of the Liang Dynasty all regarded themselves as "I am the descendant of Taizong" instead of "I am the descendant of the great ancestor". This is a unique phenomenon in the unified dynasty.

By this time, the thank you form had already been handed in.

The Jiedu envoys like Fengxiang also stood by and watched Liang Chao, as if the new peach was replaced by the old talisman, and the end of the road.

However, looking back at the glorious weather of the Liang Dynasty in its heyday, it still makes people...

I am unwilling.

Some soldiers stared at the wine glass in their hands, and then there was a "click", and crystal tears fell down.

During the banquet, there was a low sniffling sound.

Then, this crying sound spread quickly throughout the banquet as if it was contagious.

All the generals wept.

No one can tell exactly what kind of emotion this is, maybe it is regret for the Liang Dynasty, maybe it is a nostalgia for that prosperous era, maybe it is grief for this troubled world...

But no matter what, this emotion is like a heavy hammer, constantly hammering on everyone's chest.

The envoy Wang Hui was a little surprised: "The generals...why are you crying?"

Sun Chu, the aide, was quick to gain wisdom and said: "Because Zheng Xianggong Fengbi can't come to have a feast with everyone, so I feel sad."

Wang Hui didn't care, and just continued to drink and have fun with Peng Jingrou.

It's just that he didn't know that after the song was played, all the generals had already moved their minds.


After that, everything fell into place.

Chu Ge summoned the generals, made an alliance with blood, and vowed to fight for the Liang Dynasty.

The envoy came for the second time, beheaded Liwei directly, and broke with Huang Xianzhi.

After that, Huang Xianzhi was furious because of Fengxiang Jiedu's surrender and rebellion, and sent his generals to lead [-] troops to attack.

Chu Ge sent his soldiers to set up an ambush in advance, and he personally led thousands of old and weak soldiers to form an array on Gaogang, holding a large number of flags and scattered the array, giving people the illusion that the main force is here and the military discipline is lax.

However, Huang Xianzhi's generals mistook Zheng Tian for being a scholar and didn't understand military affairs, so they looked down on him very much, marched forward, and the formation was in chaos.

As a result, they encountered an ambush in Longweipi, beheaded more than [-] people, and lay corpses for dozens of miles.

But this battle brought the situation to a sudden turn for the worse.

Originally, many Jiedu envoys were waiting and watching, or they had already offered their thanks and surrendered to Huang Xianzhi, but after this battle, Huang Xianzhi's external strength and middling ability were fully revealed.

As a result, the Jiedu envoys who had originally surrendered also received orders to crusade and reorganize their banners.

Many of Huang Xianzhi's generals rebelled and surrendered.

After all, Huang Xianzhi, with a 600,000-strong army, was in decline after all, and went downhill.


A radiant portal appeared out of thin air in front of Chu Ge.

And everything around him seemed to have come to a standstill.

Chu Ge could vaguely guess that perhaps by stepping through this radiant light gate, he could directly skip Liang Mo's turmoil and step into Liang Taizong's copy in one step.

Then go to see the eternal heroic appearance of Admiral Tiance.

It's just... this step was so simple that Chu Ge felt a little empty in his heart.

Is this the end?
Before entering this dungeon, Chu Ge actually knew that this dungeon was also a stitched dungeon.

The scale of Liang Taizong's personal copy should be similar to that of Sheng Taizu.However, the monster temporarily blocked the power of the sorter with a history slice, which meant that before entering Liang Taizong's instance, players needed to clear another instance.

This dungeon that was pulled temporarily was obviously the dungeon of Liang Mo Huang Xianzhi.

Chu Ge originally thought that this dungeon should be similar to a normal trial illusion, and it would take two or three days to break it, but he didn't expect that it would be broken on the first day!

Strictly speaking, the way to clear the dungeon is a bit too simple.

As long as he died at the speed of light as Zhang Chengfan after he came in, and after he changed his role and became Fengxiang Jiedu envoy Zheng Tian, ​​he played "Qin Wang Breaking the Array" at the banquet where Huang Xianzhi's envoy came, and everything would be solved easily.


Chu Ge was also shocked. This is really not like the usual style of the game "Dark Sand", it is a bit too simple!

But after thinking about it carefully, Chu Ge suddenly felt that such an arrangement seemed to make some sense.

The subsequent scenes are not shown in the dungeon because...

This is the final highlight.

(End of this chapter)

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