Chapter 297
At the same time as the portal appeared, the surrounding area gradually filled with white mist.

This is the end of tonight's fun.

Although he was a bit reluctant, Chu Ge also had to admit that the progress of the dungeon this time was already beyond imagination.

It was only one night to get through the first stage of this dungeon?

That's just... a little too fast.

According to the original rhythm, the customs clearance time of a large-scale dungeon would take about four or five days at the fastest, and the first stage would usually take at least two days.

Although Chu Ge's luck in this process is really good, it seems that he has a bit of Li Hongyun's European emperor attributes. In the performances of the two roles of Zhang Chengfan and Zheng Tian, ​​they almost skipped those details and went straight to the point...

But in any case, this customs clearance speed is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Back in reality, Chu Ge immediately opened the forum to check.

Sure enough, the vast majority of players are still struggling in the first stage.

"Damn! Zhang Chengfan's performance is too difficult. Thousands of people guard Tongguan without even food. I have never fought such a poor battle!"

"However, playing Zhang Chengfan's identity doesn't seem to be necessary. If he dies, he can directly play the role of Zheng Tian."

"But according to the situation shared by Zhao Haiping, if you play Zhang Chengfan and persist in Tongguan for three days, you can activate your talent skills. Could this be another key to clearing this slice?"

"How did Zheng Tian pass the level? So far, I have taken all the talents that can fool people, but none of them are useful..."

"Yes, according to historical records, these generals should be easy to persuade, right?"

"It's a pity that I don't know how to talk. Even if I have talent, it's useless... Or I'd better go to Tongguan to beat Zhang Chengfan honestly, maybe I can find a route that is easier to pass than Zheng Tian..."

Obviously, the players were tortured enough by this dungeon.

This is also normal, after all, the difficulty of the game "Dark Sand" in the process of land reclamation is unreasonable, and the settings of many of the puzzles are completely speechless.

This time the puzzle is the same.

Who would have thought that the key to clearing the level lies in the song "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Array"?

If the players can't think of this, it will be a waste of effort if they want to pass the level.But if the player knows this, customs clearance becomes too simple.

Still the same as before, Chu Ge immediately shared his experience of clearing the first stage with the players.

After learning this, the players were shocked.

"The King of Qin Breaking the Formation Music? The key to clearing the level is to play the King of Qin's Breaking the Formation Music at the banquet?"

"I'm shocked... my three-inch tongue and the ingenuity of the sequencer are no match for a simple piece of music?"

"What a simple piece of music! That is the spiritual sustenance of Liang Chaoren!"

"That's how it is! No matter how much you try to persuade these generals, it's useless, because Zheng Tian is just an ordinary official, and his impassioned righteousness will certainly be convincing, but if you want all the generals to be willing to throw their heads and let it go Blood is still not enough. Only Emperor Taizong of Liang can arouse people's nostalgia and nostalgia for the entire dynasty!"

"Thinking about it from the perspective of modern people, this is actually quite reasonable. Now when we think of the Liang Dynasty, what do we think of? Is it a mess of the separatist regime at the end of Liang Dynasty? Or is it the Anshi Rebellion and the tragedy of the Liang Dynasty turning from prosperity to decline? Or is it a poem that is unique in the literary world from ancient to modern times? Maybe there are all of them, but the one who best represents the Liang Dynasty is Liang Taizong!"

"Indeed, just like people in the Great Sheng Dynasty miss Sheng Taizu, people in the Liang Dynasty also miss Liang Taizong... This is the influence of one emperor through the ages on future generations!"

"When I say this, I suddenly can't wait any longer. I really want to go back to the game now and see how magnificent the real "Qin Wang Breaking the Array" is in ancient times!"

After a short period of astonishment, the players were shocked by the decryption method of the first stage of this dungeon.

The key to it turned out to be a song!
And this song can inspire people and kill enemies. It is no longer a pure literary work, but a kind of condensed spiritual power, which can even have a profound impact on reality!

The spirit of Liang Taizong even traveled through more than two hundred years, and at the end of the Liang Dynasty's imminent collapse, it also inspired people's hearts and completed the last bloom.

Such a way to break the game is something that all players have never thought of.

However, some people also raised questions similar to Chu Ge's before.

"This... is this way of breaking the game too hasty?"

"Yeah, just cleared the level with one piece of music, doesn't it seem that the other attempts of the players are very dull..."

"Besides, there is still a lot of content to show later. Huang Xianzhi was not destroyed all at once. In real history, although Zheng Tian defeated Huang Xianzhi's [-] army, Huang Xianzhi still had many troops in his hands, and Huang Xianzhi still Repeatedly seesawing with the officers and soldiers around Chang'an City... These are not shown in the dungeon?"

"That's right, there should be more fights with Huang Xianzhi, right?"

Seeing the discussion of these players, Chu Ge quickly gave his own explanation after thinking about it.

"When I first saw the portal that entered the second stage, I had similar doubts.

"However, after thinking about it, I roughly guessed the designer's intention.

"This copy is a combination of two historical slices. According to the plot, our group of sequencers originally wanted to directly use Liang Taizong as the anchor point, break through many barriers, and go directly to the core of the historical slice of the Liang Dynasty.

"However, the demon hastily pulled this historical slice of Huang Xianzhi over and blocked us.

"So, considering this setting, there must be shortcuts. In other words, there are more convenient methods and more cumbersome methods.

"The King of Qin Breaking the Array is the point that resonates most with Emperor Liang Taizong, so it is a more convenient way to go to that slice of history.

"As for more complicated methods, I think there are also. For example, you can play Zhang Chengfan to defend Tongguan, recruit the Shence Army, or use more complicated methods to fight against Huang Xianzhi's army...

"But in this game, there is obviously no balance between the simple approach and the cumbersome approach.

"As for why all the highlights are concentrated on "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Array", and almost all other content is omitted...

"I suspect that this may be due to two reasons.

"First, this is still Liang Taizong's copy in the final analysis. Others, including Zhang Chengfan, Zheng Tian or Huang Xianzhi, are just supporting roles, so there is no need to focus on performance;
"Second, apart from this paragraph, there is really no need to waste too much ink on the other contents...

"This was the last highlight of the entire Liang Dynasty, and after that, no matter whether it was the fall of Huang Xianzhi, the fall of the Liang Dynasty, or the period of great chaos that followed until the end of the Qi Dynasty, no one truly heroes appear."

Under Chu Ge's popular science, many players who didn't know much about this period of history have gradually understood the thinking of the "Dark Sand" production team when designing this period.

In other historical slices, players often have very clear positions and goals.

For example, in the copy of the Dasheng Dynasty, wipe out bandits and resist the northern barbarians;
In the copy of the Qi Dynasty, stop the Jingping Change, make determined reforms, and save the people.

However, in Liang Mo's historical slice, the players couldn't find a clear exit and goal at all.

Should Huang Xianzhi perish?


Although he led the peasant uprising army, with natural and correct attributes, he was a representative figure who rose up to resist under the tyranny of the late Liang Dynasty.

However, he was unable to restrain his subordinates, burned, killed and looted in the city of Chang'an, and soon gave up making progress. Although he became the gravedigger of the decadent dynasty, on the other hand, he also caused great damage to the entire society.

What's more, Huang Xianzhi himself is not a farmer at all. He is a private salt dealer who has tried and failed.

If he really won the hearts of the people, how could he be destroyed in the end when he invaded Chang'an and the situation was very good?
Should the Liang Dynasty perish?
More should.

In fact, the Liang Dynasty, which was in its final years at the time, was even more outrageous than Huang Xianzhi.

Many feudal towns attacked Chang'an, and Huang Xianzhi's subordinates rebelled one after another, so Huang Xianzhi was forced to withdraw from Chang'an.

But the common people who welcomed the officers and soldiers only ushered in another burning, killing and looting from the officers and troops from all walks of life.

Thieves pass like a comb, and soldiers pass like a grate. This is by no means a false statement.

At that time, Zheng Tian ordered two generals to attack Chang'an, but this time Huang Xianzhi's withdrawal from Chang'an was just a false defeat.The two generals were greedy for merit and underestimated the enemy. After entering Chang'an, they allowed the soldiers to be plundered, and they didn't even notify Zheng Tian's rear army to follow up.

Therefore, Huang Xianzhi shot back with his carbine and took the opportunity to counterattack. Both Liang Jun's generals were killed in battle, and Zheng Tian had no choice but to retreat.After that, Fengxiang marched Sima rebelled and returned to attack. Zheng Tian didn't want his subordinates to kill each other, so he handed over his military power and left lonely until he died of illness in his later years.

After Huang Xianzhi entered Chang'an again, he directly massacred the people in the city.

The reason is also very simple, he couldn't figure out why he was so kind to the people in Chang'an, but when the officers and soldiers came, why did these people still not support him at all, but just welcomed the officers and soldiers?
No matter what you think, it's all the fault of these troublemakers!

As a result, under the blackening, Huang Xianzhi naturally ran in a more eccentric direction and ran all the way.

As for the feudal towns that ended the troubled times of the late Liang Dynasty...

They did end the Liang Dynasty, but soon, they brought the whole of China into a more chaotic world.

If we say that some dynasties in history were all heroes rising together and shining like stars, then Liang Mo was a mess of chickens pecking at each other.

In this situation, who can the players turn to?

Huang Xianzhi?Liang Dynasty?Or other feudal towns?

I'm afraid the only way is to shake off your arms and do it yourself.

Therefore, "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Array" is the last highlight in this era of chickens pecking each other.

It seems to be saying to all players:
Stop pecking at each other here, come with me quickly, let us go and see together, facing the troubled times, how does the King of Qin do it!

(End of this chapter)

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