Chapter 302
After throwing down the military order of "behead those who dare to speak up again", Li Hongyun began to retreat with the army.

Liu Heikai, on the other hand, was flattered and selected [-] elites from the army, and divided his troops to the direction of Zhiguanxing, intending to cross the Taihang Mountains and enter the Hedong area to open up a second battlefield there.

In this battle, if Liu Heitai can play the established level of "I am invincible under the King of Qin", conquer Zhiguanxing in a relatively short period of time, and stir up Hedong, then even if he can't hit Pujindu, he can't threaten Chang'an City , Liang Jun is bound to be shocked.

At that time, it will have a great positive impact on the frontal battlefield.

It's just that in the eyes of the generals, this operation of dividing the troops is obviously unwise.

After all, King Qin only had 500 people guarding Hulao Pass. At this time, most of the generals were not thinking about how to attack Hulao Pass, but how to fight the main force of the Liang army after taking Hulao Pass. question.

After all, in their view, as long as Xia Jun launches a fierce attack on Hulao Pass, King Qin will retreat sooner or later.

And when they arrived at Luoyang City, they had to fight the tens of thousands of Liang troops who besieged Luoyang City.

Therefore, they naturally do not want to divide their troops.

There are only 100,000 people in total, and [-] people are distributed all at once, which is still [-] elites. No matter how you look at it, this seems to be an operation that does not consider the main decisive battle.

What's more, Liu Heita is not a candidate who can convince many generals. This arrangement is more like Dou Jiande forcibly promoting his fellow villagers and making him a junior.

What made them even more unacceptable was that since Liu Heikai left, Dou Jiande ordered Xia Jun to guard the barracks, and at the same time strictly ordered all food transportation teams to be vigilant, and must not be robbed by Liang Jun's powerful cavalry.

In this way, the two sides continued to confront each other.

Many generals of the Xia army found it incredible.

We are tens of thousands of people fighting thousands of people!Confronting Liang Jun, we will lose a lot!

There are generals asking for battle every day.

It wasn't until Li Hongyun got angry and said, "Anyone who dares to speak out will be killed immediately", that this group of people was suppressed.

Of course, Li Hongyun was also very upset about this.

Apart from the all-pervasive pressure created by the mighty King Qin, this kind of displeasure is also very important because there are not many reliable generals under him!

In addition to Liu Heikai, who can be sure to be able to stand on his own after opening the perspective of God, there is also Su Dingfang, a general who can be called an SSR.

But at this time, Su Dingfang is still relatively young after all. He will really emerge seven or eight years later, and it will take another 20 years for him to truly be on his own.

Therefore, compared to Liu Heita, who can be entrusted with important tasks immediately, whether Su Dingfang can be hugged as a thigh at this time is a question mark.

Although the other generals seem to be many, they are all unambiguous.

For example, General Zhang Qingte seems to be a very reliable person, but in history, his team responsible for escorting food and grass was very loosely guarded. As a result, King Qin sent Wang Junkuo to lead more than 1000 light cavalry and robbed a large amount of food and grass. He also captured Zhang Qingte by the way.

Another example is the general Wang Wan, who also seems to be a top fighter. Dou Jiande also gave him the green horse of Emperor Sui Yang.As a result, when Wang Wan led [-] cavalry to Hulao Pass to seek a battle, Yuchi Jingde took two followers and captured him alive, including his horse.

This is still to leave a name in the history books, and those who do not leave their names are even more untrustworthy!
These generals at least cheated Dou Jiande's two big ones.

The first time was when Ling Jing proposed the strategy of going to the east of the river, and many generals were bought by Wang Shichong's emissary. Not only did Ling Jing's suggestion be said to be the words of a scholar, but they all expressed righteous indignation and resolutely called for war. , making Dou Jiande mistakenly think that his morale is high, and his self-confidence is smashed in Hulao.

The second time was before the real decision to launch a general attack on Hulao Pass. That night, the King of Qin received the intelligence and grasped the news.

Obviously, among the high-ranking generals in the army, there is the secret work of King Qin.

But the history books didn't say who it was. At this time, it would be impossible for Li Hongyun to find out the secret work.

Just such a group of people, how can people believe it?

In fact, in history, Dou Jiande had lost several times before the decisive battle.

First, King Qin brought dozens of cavalry to investigate the enemy's situation, and Xia Jun's several thousand cavalry pursued them, but they were ambushed and suffered heavy losses;

Then he was caught by the King of Qin, and the escort team was loosely guarded, and a thousand cavalry led by Wang Junkuo robbed a large amount of food and grass;

In the end, Dou Jiande spent more than a month in Hulaoguan before finally deciding to attack the city on a large scale.

The continuous accumulation of various small mistakes made Dou Jiande gradually become irritable and mentally collapsed, which also paved the way for his subsequent collapse.

And Li Hongyun's idea is very simple: I'll just hang up and wait for Liu Heitai!
Anyway, Dou Jiande had spent more than a month under Hulao Pass before attacking the city. In other words, Wang Shichong could still starve for at least two months in Luoyang City.

Now Liang Jun has made up his mind that he can't hold on, so why should I bother?
I also keep my own food path, let's consume it.

Anyway, the outcome depends entirely on the result of Liu Heita's fight against Guanxing.


At the same time, Hulaoguan.

"His Royal Highness, the latest military report!"

King Qin took the military report, quickly scanned it, and then only frowned.

This was the first time he encountered such an unpredictable and difficult situation.

Liu Heitai led [-] elite soldiers to march north to attack Huaizhou, and naturally they couldn't hide from Liang Jun's sentries.

And judging from their movements, it is not difficult to judge that the purpose of this trip is to go to Hedong and capture Shangdang.

As for after the capture of Shangdang, it is difficult to judge whether to attack the entire territory of Hedong, or to attack Pujindu directly westward and threaten Chang'an.

If Dou Jiande took away all the [-] troops and went to Zhiguanxing, then King Qin would definitely burst into laughter.

Because, since he can confront Dou Jiande at Hulao Pass, he can naturally choose the opportunity to steal buttocks, rob food roads, etc. in the process of Dou Jiande's attack on Zhiguanxing.

After all, the King of Qin didn't need to be stationed at Hulao Pass himself, he could go out and wander.

But now, Dou Jiande only sent [-] partial troops to attack Zheguanxing, while the remaining [-] troops were still staring at Hulaoguan.

Then, King Qin couldn't go out, or even leave.

Because he is very sure that only he can defend the Hulao Pass, and it would be difficult for anyone else to defend against Dou Jiande's main force for a long time, let alone defeat Dou Jiande and capture him alive.

Although King Qin hadn't read the future script, it was obvious that his strategic goal from the beginning was not just to defend the Hulao Pass.His goal was to "kill two grams with one stone", which he had already made clear to the generals when he decided to send [-] cavalry to Hulao Pass.

Therefore, if Dou Jiande's main force does not leave, he cannot leave.

"Divide troops to fight Hedong...

"It's really an unexpected and tricky choice..."

The King of Qin was not afraid of Dou Jiande smashing him to the death at Hulao Pass.

Because in his opinion, he actually had a great chance of winning the battle at Hulaoguan.

Although there is a huge gap in troop strength, the 500 people he brought with him are all elite Xuanjia soldiers. As long as they defend the fortified city and consume the enemy's energy, they can be defeated in one battle.

The initiative is completely in Liang Jun's hands.

But Dou Jiande's division of troops created factors beyond his control.

After all, no matter how powerful King Qin is, it is impossible to remotely command the Liang army on the other side of the river.If Liang Jun over there is not strong enough to defend Zhiguanxing, it will be really troublesome.

He wasn't worried that this strange army could really hit Chang'an all the way, but he lost Hedong, and it would be very difficult to get it back in the future.

At that time, the process of Liang Jun's unification of the country may have to be delayed for several years.

But at this moment, he could do nothing, neither go to rescue Hedong, nor leave Hulao Pass to attack Dou Jiande's heavily guarded army camp.

We can only wait here patiently for the time for the decisive battle to arrive.


In the game, due to Li Hongyun's long-time hang-up behavior, the entire history slice started to run at an extremely fast speed.

Li Hongyun did almost nothing every day, just stood still, repeatedly asked Su Dingfang and other generals he absolutely trusted to escort the grain, protect the grain road, and investigate the movement of the Liang army, and then waited.

Five days, ten days, one month...

Time passed day by day, and finally, Liu Heita's military newspapers came over one by one.

Huaizhou and other places obviously did not cause too much hindrance to Liu Heitai. This fierce general showed his strong military talent. Under the attack of [-] elites, the small number of Liang troops stationed in these places were quickly dispersed. .

But Zhi Guanxing is indeed easy to defend but difficult to attack, which caused a lot of trouble for Liu Heita.

A fierce battle broke out here for more than ten days at Zhiguanxing, but in the end, Liu Heita succeeded in capturing Zhiguanxing and continued to march towards the party.

Obviously, Liang Jun was careless.

Liang Jun at Hulao Pass saw clearly that Liu Heita left Dou Jiande's army and went north with [-] soldiers.

But it took a long time for this information to be transmitted from Hulao Pass back to Chang'an, and then sent all the way to Liang Jun in Hedong.

Moreover, it is likely that Chang'an did not pay special attention to this information, and did not really reinforce Hedong on a large scale.

It is of course reasonable to make this judgment, which is based on three considerations.

First, the main force of the Liang army was already besieging Luoyang City, and King Qin also took a great risk to draw [-] elite troops to defend Hulao Pass.In this situation, it is more difficult for Liang Jun to gather a large army to support Hedong again.

Second, Liu Heitai is still an unknown person at this time, and he took away only [-] Xia troops, so everyone's perspective is still focused on Dou Jiande's main force, and no one thinks that Liu Heitai is anything special military prodigy.Chang'an obviously believes that the defenders in Hedong are enough to deal with it.

Third, after all, the terrain is dangerous and the defender has an advantage.

Combining all kinds of factors, even if Chang'an had already learned the news, it would be difficult to make up their minds and deploy a large number of troops to the east of the river for defense in a short period of time.

And Li Hongyun took out Liu Heitai's SSR from the perspective of God, coupled with the time difference of Binggui's speed, and finally made his plan to attack Hedong smooth and unimpeded!

Finally, after crossing Zhiguanxing, Liu Heita's progress began to get out of control.

Conquering Shangdang and continuing westward, there is no dangerous pass along the way that can stop the Xia army he led.

After eating a large area of ​​​​Hedong, the only obstacle ahead is Pujin Ferry.

And after crossing Pujin Ferry, Chang'an is just around the corner.

Or even if you don't go to fight Chang'an, but continue to fight north, after eating the entire land of Hedong, Hebei and Hedong can be connected together.

In this way, the two places can be integrated, and at the same time, Pujin is always used to threaten Chang'an, which has a condescending advantage.

At that time, even if Xia Jun could not take Hulao Pass and Liang Jun took Luoyang, this result would be difficult for Liang Jun to accept.

Seeing Liu Heitai's military newspaper, Li Hongyun couldn't help but complain.

"it is good!

"It turned out to be true!"

Li Hongyun was very excited.

The success rate of this plan is not high, and it can even be said that it is completely gambling on luck, but obviously, he is a European emperor, and this time he won the bet again.

Li Hongyun was sure that King Qin must have received this military report.

Thinking of this, he ordered to summon the generals.

"Decree, go to battle tomorrow and capture Hulao Pass!"

(End of this chapter)

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