My players are all actors

Chapter 303 Ambush in my camp!

Chapter 303 Ambush in my camp!
As soon as this remark came out, all the generals summoned by the drums all looked at Li Hongyun with incredible eyes.

Obviously, they were all surprised.

King Xia suddenly changed his sex?

In the eyes of these generals, King Xia's behavior was not uncommon since he came to Hulao Pass.

Obviously there are [-] troops, but they stick to the camp and can't get out. Those who don't know it think that the Liang army is the attacking party.

You know, Wang Shichong in Luoyang City may be killed at any time.

Once Luoyang fell, Xia Jun's behavior before Hulao Pass would be completely meaningless.

But even so, the King Xia was still as stable as Mount Tai, and he never gave any orders except to send Liu Heitai to go to Taihang Mountain to attack Hedong.

As a result, he suddenly wanted to attack at this time?

All the generals were a little confused, but anyway, everyone was very happy.

After all, these people had no idea what kind of fate was waiting for them in front of Hulao Pass, they couldn't bear it long ago, and they were eager to fight.

At this time, more than a month had passed before Xia Jun came to Hulao Pass. Although this time was difficult, it was still in time.

"My lord, how do we fight?" A general asked eagerly.

Li Hongyun scanned the crowd and asked, "What do you think? Speak freely!"

Soon, the generals began to offer suggestions, just like when discussing Ling Jing's plan before.

"The general thought that Hulao Pass was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but after all, the Liang army only had 4000 people, while our army still had [-] people. It is better to divide our army into three teams and take turns to attack day and night. Let the Liang army in the Guannei be exhausted, so that even if King Qin uses his soldiers like a god, it will be difficult to do anything under this general situation!"

Li Hongyun nodded slightly, but did not speak.

This strategy seems to be the least bad strategy.

After all, Xia Jun still has 70,000 people. It is impossible for these 70,000 people to deploy in front of Hulao Pass at once and attack the city together.

That being the case, dividing the 70,000 people into three or four teams, taking turns to attack and rest, can continuously consume the energy and physical strength of the defenders in the city.

If such an offensive can last for three or four days, then the defenders in the city will not get a good rest, and the siege of the city is hopeful.

But this can only be said to be the least bad choice.

This way of fighting will not let the army be crushed by a wave of charges, but in terms of fighting will and ability to fight for a long time, the elite of the Xuanjia Army is also not weak.

Relying on the favorable terrain of Hulao Pass, Liang Jun might not be able to attack Hulao Pass despite heavy losses.

Another general said: "The last general thinks that it is unwise to divide the troops!
"At this time, our army is ten times stronger than the enemy, so attacking the heart is the most important thing!
"The last general thought that our army might as well line up along the Sishui River, and press the whole army up, with a strong army, to take the lead. Liang Jun was intimidated by our army's momentum, and his morale was completely lost. Hulaoguan will definitely be defeated in one go! "

Li Hongyun silently turned his gaze to him.

Well, the culprit has been found!
It was you who caused Dou Jiande to form a long snake array next to Sishui, and then he was taken over by the King of Qin, right?

Yes, you are just lucky enough to meet me. As a player, I am also a modern person after all, and I don't engage in the practice of being convicted for my words.If Dou Jiande is reborn and sees you again, he must hang you on the wall of Hulao Pass.

Soon, the generals each put forward their own opinions.

It's just that none of the opinions can satisfy Li Hongyun.

This is also reasonable. After all, such a big Hulaoguan is placed here, and it is difficult to fight hard.

Liang Jun's combat effectiveness was so strong, and the siege of Luoyang City occupied by Wang Shichong was stalemate for more than a month without any progress, and suffered heavy losses.

At this time, Xia Jun's combat effectiveness is not as good as Liang Jun's. No matter what method is used to attack the city, without a large siege weapon like a return cannon, it will be for nothing after all.

However, Li Hongyun has not been idle during the stalemate for more than a month.

His main job was to send people to transform the carts used to transport food and grass into chariots that could be used on the battlefield.

That's right, it was the usage that General Deng Yuanjing used against the Northern Barbarian cavalry during the Dasheng Dynasty.

At this time, although Dou Jiande's army did not have special chariots, it could have a similar effect after slightly modifying the carts for transporting baggage.

After all, Li Hongyun has the subsidiary talent of divine machine, and he is very proficient in carpentry. With some craftsmen, he quickly completed the transformation.

It's a pity that the level of technology at this time is still far behind that of the Qi Dynasty, and Li Hongyun can't carry the magic case. It is impossible for one person to forcibly develop high-tech for hundreds of years, so he wants to cut wood from nearby and manufacture Huihui. Don't even think about large trebuchets like cannons.

Otherwise, the chances of winning will be a little more.

At this time, Li Hongyun was almost fully prepared, so he planned to give it a try.

"Your generals, listen to my orders!
"Tomorrow the whole army will march out, marching with drums! Line up along the Sishui River, strengthen my prestige, and seize the tiger prison!"

However, after the meeting ended, he named and retained a few generals and gave them more details.

"Zhang Qingte, you lead the elite front army and line up along the Sishui River to show your prestige!
"If there is a cavalry from the Liang army to try, they will make a commotion and lure the enemy.

"Wang Wan, lead [-] cavalry to cross the north bank of the Yellow River and show me the direction of Hulao Pass. If Liang Jun comes to take back the war horses grazing in Hebei, they will chase after them and fight fiercely!
"Su Dingfang, you and I stand firm in the central army, form a car formation with the remodeled carts, raise my king's flag, and wait for the king of Qin to charge!"

After some arrangements, Li Hongyun arranged all the generals he knew.

Zhang Qingte, Wang Wan, and Su Dingfang were all generals under his command who knew everything, so he was not worried about leaking information.

Therefore, he purposely kept these few people and assigned important tasks to them respectively.

These people are obviously a little puzzled, and they don't know the purpose of such an arrangement.

Because in their view, although the Xia army divided up [-] troops, there are still [-] people.

Once this battle is fought, Xia Jun must attack the city and Liang Jun defend, there will be no other possibility.

That being the case, what is the purpose of sending elite cavalry across the north bank of the Yellow River?What is the purpose of forming a car formation in the Chinese army?
But they didn't ask too much, they just took their orders.

Li Hongyun waited patiently for the arrival of the war.


In the early morning of the next day, just as the sky was slightly bright, Xia's army had already set out, marching with drums.

All of a sudden, the Hulao was closed, the flags were fluttering, and the war horses neighed, looking very imposing.

General Zhang Qingte led more than [-] soldiers from the front, forming a long snake formation along the Sishui River.

In the real history, Dou Jiande ordered one hundred thousand troops to form a long snake formation, which stretched for more than [-] miles.But at this time, Zhang Qingte's front army only had more than [-] people, and it was obvious that a long snake formation would be broken, and it could only stretch for three or four miles.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it makes sense.

And the more than [-] people in the former army are relatively elite in the Xia army, and they have a strong will to fight. Even if they retreat at the beginning, they can gradually restore their organization and will not be defeated by a wave.

And Li Hongyun specially told Zhang Qingte to let the cavalrymen who came to test him, make the soldiers show agitation immediately—whether they were really agitated or not.

This is a key link in luring the enemy to go deep.


At the same time, the King of Qin had already boarded the Hulao Pass, looking at Dou Jiande's army from a distance.

After seeing Zhang Qingte's long snake formation at the front, King Qin couldn't help laughing.

"The thieves started from Shandong, and I have never seen a strong enemy. How dare they be so arrogant under the dangerous situation! Our army only needs to stand still, but for a while, the courage of the thieves will weaken. When the time comes, we will chase and attack them, and we will definitely defeat the thieves!"

In King Qin's words, there was not only excitement, but also a little rejoicing.

Because of the confrontation during this period, the pressure on Liang Jun's side is also increasing day by day.

Liu Heitai's military situation in capturing Hedong was naturally sent to Chang'an and Hulaoguan as soon as possible.

At the beginning, Liang Gaozu didn't pay too much attention to this 30,000 people's partial division, thinking that the defenders in the east of the river were enough to rely on the formidable Zheguanxing defense.

Although King Qin was worried, he couldn't do anything.

As a result, the battle reports that came one after another became worse day by day.

When Liang Gaozu realized that Liu Heita, the leader of this army, was not simple, and then wanted to forcefully squeeze and deploy troops to support Hedong, Liu Heita's army had already broken through Zhiguanxing, and no one could stop him in Hedong. up.

The Liang Jun who went to rescue later were all defeated by Liu Heita.

The situation in the entire East River is in chaos.

For Liang Jun, the land of Hedong is important, but of course Luoyang cannot relax.

Therefore, the final decision is to stick to Hulao Pass and eat Wang Shichong first.

But more than a month passed, and Luoyang City still could not be defeated. Wang Shichong knew that Dou Jiande was outside Hulao Pass and was going to rescue him, and he wanted to fight a trapped beast.

What's more, Wang Shichong's combat effectiveness is not weak. Although he has never defeated the King of Qin in the field battle, he has killed several of his horses, which shows his strong combat effectiveness.

At this time, Liang Jun was helpless to defend Luoyang.

Therefore, unlike the original historical situation, now it is King Qin's turn to be a little impatient.

According to the original historical situation, Dou Jiande did not divide his troops to fight Hedong, but a [-] army was stationed in front of Hulao Pass.

King Qin can naturally focus all his attention on Dou Jiande, plundering food and grass and sneak attacking scouts every now and then.

Moreover, Liang Jun has sufficient logistics here, so he doesn't worry about running out.

But now, with the addition of Liu Heita, who is constantly attacking cities and territories in Hedong, Liang Jun's situation will be even more disadvantaged if it is delayed for one more day.

At this time, the King of Qin was not worried that Liu Heitai would really go to Pujindu to attack Chang'an City, but if he was allowed to fight like this, I am afraid that when Luoyang was defeated, the entire east of the river would be occupied by the Xia army. up.

The land of Hedong is a battleground for military strategists, and it can condescendingly suppress the two sections of Guanzhong and Hebei at the same time.

If the Liang army occupies Hedong, it can use this as a springboard to attack Hebei on both sides; on the contrary, if the Xia army occupies Hedong, it can transport Hebei's troops to Hedong, and then threaten Guanzhong.

In this way, even if everything goes well afterwards, relying on King Qin's military capabilities, it will take at least a few more years to unify the country.

How can this be tolerated?
Therefore, it was Liang Jun who wanted to win as soon as possible at this time.

Finally, in this anxious waiting, Xia Jun showed his flaws.

The spies reported last night that Dou Jiande would lead an army to a decisive battle early this morning.

Of course, King Qin was overjoyed about this, and he was even more ecstatic after seeing the other party forming a long snake formation along the Sishui.

Because he has already seen the possibility of capturing the double kings in one battle!
From King Qin's perspective, the strategy for this battle is as follows:
First, he sent a group of war horses across the Yellow River to graze on the sandbars on the north bank.

He deliberately released the news through spies that "Liang Jun's war horses are about to run out of pasture and will go to the north of the Yellow River to graze their war horses" in order to make Dou Jiande think that the Qin army is temporarily unable to mobilize cavalry and come to fight him.

But at the right time, he would send someone to secretly transport this batch of war horses back and launch a fierce attack.

Secondly, he still couldn't stick to it, which frustrates his spirit.

After the morale of Dou Jiande's army arrayed behind the Boshui decreased, he sent a general to test it, passing by Xia's formation from north to south.

If Xia Jun is as steady as an old dog and does not move, then withdraw.

If there is a riot in the Xia army, then go straight to the east and start attacking the enemy, turning the small disturbance into a big disturbance.

Finally, after the first cavalry rushed in, King Qin would lead the elite cavalry to rush out, break through the Xia army's front army, and directly attack Dou Jiande's central army, performing a beheading operation.

Once the Chinese army collapsed, Dou Jiande's tens of thousands of troops would have no leader, and naturally they would all become lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

This is a pretty perfect plan, and judging from the current situation, the probability of success is extremely high.

Of course, compared with the real situation in history, the risk of implementing this strategy at this time is still very high.

Because in history, Dou Jiande arranged all the 20,000 troops into a long snake formation, but now, he only arranged more than [-] people.

In other words, Dou Jiande still has at least [-] follow-up troops in his hands.

If the first round of charge did not go down and the two sides fell into a fierce battle, it would be very disadvantageous for Liang Jun.

However, King Qin still decided to take the risk.

Because the situation in Hedong has already made it impossible for him to continue to guard Hulao Pass and wait for the next opportunity.

If Hedong is safe and sound, King Qin will continue to stand in a stalemate until he finds a perfect opportunity to make a move.

But at this time, the situation in Hedong is rotten, and if it continues to drag on, even if Dou Jiande is defeated, losing the land of Hedong will mean that the process of unifying the country will be delayed for several years, which is unacceptable.

The young King of Qin looked at the Xia army lined up on the other side of the Sishui River, and felt a rare hesitation in his heart.


Afterwards, things really developed as King Qin expected.

At this time, it has entered the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and the weather is hot.

Xia Jun's former army set up a long snake formation in front of Sishui. Although the formation was neat, seeing Liang Jun's slow movement, most Xia Jun soldiers mistakenly thought that this was the same as before, and they must not be able to fight.

As a result, these soldiers relaxed their vigilance one after another, sat on the ground, and even competed to drink water. The military discipline was extremely lax.

King Qin, who was above Hulao Pass, saw this scene and knew that it was time for a decisive battle.

He immediately called Yuwen Shiji and urged him repeatedly.

"Lead [-] cavalry, and pass through the Xia army's formation from north to south! If the enemy army stands still, then withdraw; if the enemy army breaks out, then immediately rush eastward into the enemy formation, disturbing the Xia army's formation!

"At that time, I will lead the Xuanjia Army's elite to fight out, and the world will be decided in one battle!"

Yuwen Shiji led the order and rushed out with three hundred cavalry.

However, not long after he left, someone came to report again.

"Report! When our army was grazing war horses on the north bank of the Yellow River, we were attacked by General Wang Wan of the Xia Army. Fortunately, we were able to escape after fighting hard, but... our army lost more than a hundred of the war horses grazing!"

On King Qin's calm face, a stunned expression finally appeared.

"How is it possible? How would Jun Xia know where we are grazing our war horses?

"No, it should be said, how did Jun Xia know the timing of our herding horses?"

In King Qin's view, this is obviously a rather puzzling matter.

The sandbar to the north of the Yellow River is very vast. Generally speaking, if the Xia army did not know the specific time and place in advance, it is unlikely to release cavalry to try their luck.

In other words, the location can be blurred and let the cavalry generals search for it by themselves, but it is difficult to get such a perfect time.

"Someone leaked information? Impossible?"

King Qin frowned, puzzled.

Because of the matter of grazing war horses, he did deliberately let out the wind, but the specific grazing people are all looking for absolute confidantes.

In other words, Dou Jiande could know that he was going to graze war horses on the north bank of the Yellow River, but it was impossible to know when he would go to graze horses.

Could it be that there are ghosts among these confidants?
Qin Wang naturally didn't believe it, but it still planted a small nail in his heart.

Although the loss of more than a hundred war horses was not large, King Qin's men only had a total of [-] elite Xuanjia troops, so it would still be a bit painful.

In fact, Li Hongyun didn't know the details at all.

But he knew that before he led the army to launch an attack, King Qin would definitely know the news and send someone to secretly transport back the war horses grazing north of the Yellow River to prepare for a decisive battle.

That being the case, before the start of the battle, let Wang Wan lead the cavalry to watch the movement of Hulao Pass, wouldn't he be able to find the approximate location of the grazing horses?
In real history, Dou Jiande thought that King Qin had no time to use these horses in the decisive battle, so he directly ignored this information.

But since Li Hongyun knew that the king of Qin would definitely call back this batch of war horses before the fight started, he could make arrangements in advance.

Although Wang Wan couldn't beat Yuchi Jingde, he was more than enough to beat ordinary generals.

The balance of the battlefield tilted slightly in the direction of Xia Jun again.

But in King Qin's view, Liang Jun still had a great chance of winning at this time.

Although the loss of more than a hundred war horses is a pity, it is not enough to have any fundamental impact on the battlefield situation.

At this moment, Yuwen Shi and the three hundred cavalry led by him had already crossed the Sishui River and came to the front of Xia Jun's former army.

Horseshoes burst out, and three hundred cavalrymen passed from north to south like a whirlwind, passing in front of Xia's formation.

Sure enough, these Xia Jun immediately panicked and rioted.

And Yuwen Shiji immediately rushed in from the center of the Xia army array with three hundred cavalry as King Qin said!
The city gate of Hulaoguan, which had been closed all along, was also opened at this time.

The King of Qin has already dressed neatly, leading [-] elite Xuanjia troops to attack the Xia army!

And his goal, of course, is to go straight to the Chinese army and execute the beheading operation on Dou Jiande.

The long snake formation in front of Xia Jun was almost instantly broken by Liang Jun, tearing a huge gap from the center, causing total chaos.

Just after rushing into the enemy's camp, Qin Wang found that he seemed to have won a big prize.

Because the Chinese army where Dou Jiande is in the front, it seems that the defense is very empty!
The war opportunity was fleeting, and Qin Wang immediately led many fierce generals to rush towards Xia Jun's central army.

However, after Liang Jun rushed for a while like chopping melons and vegetables, he found that there was a situation ahead that they hadn't expected.

Many carts used to transport food, grass and supplies were neatly arranged in a circle at this time, building a solid line of defense, covering the core position of the Chinese army where Dou Jiande was located layer by layer!
These carts are like fortifications rising from the ground. Although there are gaps, at most one or two cavalry can rush in at the same time.

Obviously, rushing in like this is too dangerous.

Not only that, but there were also many soldiers of the Xia army relying on these carts, setting up spears and crossbow arrows behind them to point at the rushing Qin army.

King Qin was stunned.

Because these carts were not pulled by Su Dingfang until the battle started today.Before that, no one in the Xia army except Li Hongyun knew that these carts were originally intended to be used in this way.

After the fight started, it was too late for the spies planted by the King of Qin to pass on the information.

In the center of the chariot formation, the banner of King Xia Dou Jiande stood high and fluttered in the wind.

In the original history, Dou Jiande was still holding a court meeting at this time.

When King Qin rushed in, he wanted to send two wings of cavalry to meet the enemy, but he didn't expect that the civil servants who were running away in the meeting blocked the cavalry's pace, so that they were pierced by a wave.

But now, Li Hongyun, who had obtained the script in advance, of course canceled today's court meeting immediately.

He deliberately ambushed soldiers in his army formation.

Su Dingfang led the elite infantry and formed a battle formation relying on carts to defend to the death. At the same time, the cavalry of the Xia army had already outflanked from both wings, directly rectified the defeated army in front, and attacked the Liang army's rear!
In Xia Jun's view, coach Dou Jiande's arrangement seems to be a serious illness.

70,000 people fight 500 people, and even engage in an ambush?Moreover, he also set up an ambush in his own camp?

Who will bring 500 people to the Chinese army of 70,000 people?

In the end, King Qin really rushed in...

(End of this chapter)

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