My players are all actors

Chapter 304 Wude 9 Years

Chapter 304 Nine Years of Wude
From the perspective of future generations, the method of fighting cavalry with chariot formations is actually not new.

But at this time, it was a style of play that surpassed the times.

Although there were chariot soldiers in earlier dynasties, the chariots at that time were not the same as the chariots that were specially used to deal with cavalry in later generations.

At that time, the chariot had two wheels and could only hold two or three soldiers at most.

As early as the early Chu Dynasty, this kind of chariot soldiers had been completely eliminated, and large-scale cavalry troops became the absolute main force in combat.

Later, with the improvement of cavalry equipment and the appearance of stirrups and Takahashi saddles, armored cavalry with all men and horses and ordinary light cavalry cooperated with each other to perform crushing operations against infantry.

Therefore, during the period when the Hu people went south before the Liang Dynasty, the cavalry had developed into the absolute main force on the battlefield.

After that, because the southern regime could not obtain a large number of war horses, it began to think about the method of riding with steps.

After continuous exploration and improvement, chariot soldiers became an important unit to restrain cavalry in the early years of the Dasheng Dynasty. General Deng Yuanjing carried it forward and made great achievements on the battlefield outside the Great Wall.

Of course, General Deng Yuanjing was not the first to create such a method of fighting with chariots to form tough cavalry, but it has been used for a long time.

For example, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, a famous general used chariot soldiers to form an array, relying on specially improved infantry chariots, and defeated tens of thousands of cavalry with thousands of elite infantry.

But that was only a special case. Chariot soldiers were not a common method of warfare. By the early years of the Liang Dynasty, this method of warfare had almost disappeared.

That's why King Qin was so astonished when he saw the large carts surrounding him.

But the matter has come to this point, and there is no turning back when the bow is opened.

The King of Qin gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Turn around! Attack the rear!"

The front layout of the entire chariot formation is very strict. The heavy carts can directly block the charge of the cavalry, and the soldiers who rely on the carts to hold crossbows, spears, lances and other weapons can completely wait for work.

In order to ensure the high mobility of the cavalry, Liang Jun's cavalry horses are not armored, or are simply armored at key positions.

It is impossible for such cavalry to forcefully rush into such a formation.

Therefore, Qin Wang immediately thought of the unique skill that every high-end cavalry general must master: detour!
Looking at the top cavalry generals in history, the process of winning some key battles often seems very simple, just a detour.

Detours can break all tricks.

So what should the other party do if they are prepared?

That is, the detour is not far enough, and the detour is farther!
Of course, the farther the detour is, the stronger the general's ability to control his own troops is required.

But anyway, detour is the only option in this case.

Utilizing the high mobility of the cavalry, they constantly clashed back and forth in the enemy formation, looking for flaws, and then pierced through in one fell swoop, completely disintegrating the stable army formation from the inside.

The elite cavalry of the Xuanjia Army followed closely behind the King of Qin, swept past Dou Jiande's middle army surrounded by carts like a whirlwind, slammed the flanks, and then walked along the chariot formation, trying to find the flaws in the chariot formation.

However, after rushing all the way to the rear of Dou Jiande's army, it was discovered that the defense of the cart here was also very tight!

The soldiers of the Xia army were also on standby, without any breakthrough at all!

King Qin was stunned.

And Xia Jun's soldiers were actually stunned.

They looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling confused and confused for a while.

Obviously, none of them expected that this rock-solid army would actually come in handy!

When Li Hongyun asked Su Dingfang to set up the formation, he ordered him to form a circle with all the large vehicles. It doesn't matter if the size is smaller, but he must ensure that all directions are impeccable.

Especially in the rear, Su Dingfang personally sits in command.

Su Dingfang and the Xia army soldiers who were in charge of setting up the formation were even more puzzled.

Setting up an ambush in the middle of one's own army is outrageous enough, but to strengthen the defense behind the middle army?
What do you mean?
Does this mean that the King of Qin would bring 500 people to charge the [-] army forcefully, not only charge forcefully, but also attack from the front to the Chinese army, and then detour from the front of the Chinese army to the rear of the Chinese army, chopping melons and vegetables all the way?

To be honest, this is a bit too contemptuous of Xia Jun's combat effectiveness.

In the eyes of most people, even if King Qin could break through the front army and rush to the middle army, it would be impossible to really go deep into the encirclement and rush in.

But unexpectedly, King Qin really rushed in!

If there hadn't been a large cart arranged in the rear in advance, it might have been directly shot through by the elite cavalry of the Xuanjia Army at this time.

But now, the entire army formation of the Chinese army is like a hedgehog huddled together, unable to speak!

Liang Jun's cavalry couldn't hold back any longer. They circled the chariot formation in a large circle, and were often shot at by arrows in the chariot formation. Seeing that they were completely helpless, they were a little anxious.

At this moment, someone saw a gap with a large gap in the rear car formation.

This gap can roughly accommodate three war horses passing side by side.

So, the cavalry, who had been suffocated for a long time, began to try to attack from here.

However, just as several cavalrymen were trying to charge in, Su Dingfang had already held up his long spear and stabbed at the horses of Liang Jun's cavalrymen.

In an instant, countless long spears and long lances stabbed out from the gap, stabbing these lucky cavalrymen off their horses.

At the same time, a thick arrow shot out from the chariot formation, and went straight to the horse under King Qin's crotch.


The war horse neighed, and the king of Qin pulled the reins and stood upright. The arrow just hit the air, rubbed the horse's belly, and nailed it to the ground.

In the car formation, Li Hongyun, who had just shot an arrow, was startled.

"What dog Ouhuang?"

He has always been very confident in his luck.

However, today, when he met someone with better luck, he finally realized the feeling of hatred when others looked at him.

King Qin's gaze swept over him like lightning, and he immediately galloped his horse to maintain mobility. At the same time, he opened his big bow and returned an arrow.


With a muffled sound, the arrow hit the cart, penetrating several feet deep.

Li Hongyun already felt that something was wrong when he saw the king of Qin firing his bow, so he quickly shrank his head and hid behind the cart, otherwise the arrow might kill him directly.

Many of the remaining cavalry of the Xuanjia Army also opened their bows to counterattack at the same time, and the dense arrows temporarily suppressed the firepower in the chariot formation.

Although the shooting range of the infantry bow is farther than that of the cavalry bow, the cavalry can concentrate on hitting a weak part by shooting in motion, so when it comes to fire suppression, the cavalry is obviously stronger.

The King of Qin didn't bother, he patted his horse and left with the cavalry again.

Going around the back of the car formation, made another big circle, and turned back to the front.

Seeing that King Qin was gone, Li Hongyun breathed a sigh of relief. While commanding the soldiers to stand firm in the chariot formation, they drew their bows and set up arrows to shoot at other cavalrymen of the Liang Army.

To fight against this kind of force, it is necessary to keep up the spirit of [-] points at all times.

Maybe he was accidentally caught by him and was taken away by a wave of comebacks.

If someone else led the troops, the winner would have already been decided by this time.

Li Hongyun had already let the cavalry on the two wings outflank and cut off the retreat, while the center was defending in formation.

Although the cavalry led by the King of Qin was very elite, their vigor had been thwarted by repeated conflicts.

If it was an ordinary cavalry unit, when they were outflanked by Xia Jun's cavalry, their morale would have collapsed and they would be in chaos.

Even if they choose to break through, most of them will not return the same way, but will rush in the direction of the rear army.

In that case, even if the cavalry rushed out, they would be cut off from Hulao Pass.

At that time, Li Hongyun will order to attack Hulao Pass again, and he can take it without too much effort.

But this is the elite Xuanjia army after all, and there are at least a few strong generals who can fight, such as Yuchi Jingde and so on.

Although they couldn't rush into the chariot formation, they rushed back and forth around the chariot formation, no matter whether they encountered infantry or cavalry of the Xia army, it was like chopping melons and vegetables, as if entering a land of no one.

King Qin didn't intend to break out from the rear at all, he seemed to want to fight against Dou Jiande's cavalry!

At this time, the cavalry on the two wings had gathered the defeated troops of the former army and reorganized to stop King Qin's cavalry.

In the army formation, Li Hongyun directly asked Su Dingfang to mount his horse and lead his soldiers to attack King Qin's cavalry from the rear.

After all, this place is still Xia Jun's home court, and the number of people is ten times that of Liang Jun.

As long as the Chinese army is not defeated and the organization is not completely collapsed, various orders can still be conveyed.

The battlefield was in chaos, and Li Hongyun had already played all his cards at this time, and he couldn't do anything other than shoot arrows out of the army formation.

He didn't intend to lead his troops to fight out at all, because that kind of behavior didn't make any sense.

Even in this kind of situation where you are basically about to win, you have to be extremely vigilant, otherwise you may be forced to come back.

Finally, the two sides fought fiercely from noon to nightfall.

The Liang army led by the King of Qin seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and it actually insisted on piercing through the siege of the Xia army again, and returned to Hulao Pass.

It's just that in this battle, Liang Jun paid the biggest price since he conquered Wang Shichong.

More than half of the 3000 cavalry were lost, King Qin himself was hit by arrows, and his horses were replaced twice.

But still rushed out.

When Li Hongyun received the news, he was not too surprised.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered to take advantage of the situation to launch a fierce attack on Hulao Pass!
The morale of the Xia army was greatly boosted by repelling the Liang army, and after the Xuanjia army suffered heavy losses, the defensive force in Hulao Pass was also greatly weakened.

The [-] army attacked repeatedly, from nightfall to dawn, and then until the afternoon.

During this period, each general took turns to lead troops to attack, and took turns to come down to rest and eat.

Finally, on the afternoon of the second day, Xia Jun captured Hulao Pass as he wished.

But King Qin saw that there was nothing to be done, and led the elite Xuanjia army to retreat.

And at the moment when Li Hongyun boarded the Hulao Pass, the huge ball of light wrapped in layers appeared again in his vision.

With a crisp sound of "pa", the obstacle avoidance on the first floor was broken!
At the same time, everything around Li Hongyun stopped moving, and the smiles of the soldiers after the victory froze on their faces, as if time stood still.

The second layer of black air was revealed, waiting for Li Hongyun to touch it.



Happiness came too suddenly, which made Li Hongyun feel unreal.

But when he thought about it carefully, when the script he planned reached the point where King Qin could not enter the battle, the outcome had already been decided.

As for King Qin being able to defend for two days with the remaining Xuanjia army and Hulaoguan's original surrendered troops, it is already quite outrageous.

If there were any other generals, Hulao Pass would have been breached as soon as the field battle ended.

In this battle, Li Hong calculated that he really won the king of Qin.

Judging from the situation at this time, the next trend is actually easy to predict.

Hulao Pass fell, and Dou Jiande's army was able to go to Luoyang City.

And no matter how much King Qin could fight, the only way at this time was to retreat.

Because Luoyang City has not yet been defeated, and it is impossible for Liang Jun to divide his troops to fight Dou Jiande's army in the field.

If you do that, although Wang Shichong in the city is already frightened, he will definitely come out of the city and attack from both sides.

At that time, Liang Jun's troops will be at an absolute disadvantage, and there is no danger to defend, so it is absolutely impossible to win.

But Liang Jun retreated, and it was difficult for Dou Jiande and Wang Shichong to take advantage of the victory to pursue and expand the results of the battle.

The situation after that is the most favorable for Dou Jiande.

Dou Jiande can continue to command Liu Heitai to seize the entire Hedong land, while he can try to swallow Wang Shichong, occupy Luoyang and continue westward, confronting Liang Jun in front of Tongguan.

Using the pressure from the two directions of Hedong and Luoyang, they tried to suppress Liang Jun in Guanzhong and were not allowed to go east.

Of course, this is the most ideal situation.

Hedong is regarded as the headquarters of the Liang army. King Qin will definitely rescue Hedong as soon as he returns to his army.

Liang Jun's comprehensive strength is indeed higher than that of Xia Jun, so the situation after that is still not optimistic.

Moreover, Dou Jiande was born in Hebei after all, and basically did not get the support of too many nobles, while Liang Jun was just the opposite.

Generally speaking, even if he wins the battle of Hulaoguan, Dou Jiande's chances of winning are not too great.

Unless he can maintain the level of Li Hongyun's ability to predict the future in every subsequent battle, and that is obviously impossible.

However, if such a future comes true, it will be a huge tragedy for the entire China.

Because the Turks in the north are still eyeing the Turks, if the King of Qin can't quickly unify and draw strength to deal with the Turks in a short period of time, but has been fighting with Dou Jiande...

So once the window period of Turkic weakness is missed, it will be difficult to destroy Turkic in the future.


Li Hongyun briefly analyzed the possible future situation and decided not to think too much about it.

According to the development of this script, there are too many variables in everything, and it is useless to think about it.

Perhaps within a few months after King Qin returned to Guanzhong, there was another fairy battle, and Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande might be brought together.

In short, after getting through this stage, Li Hongyun didn't have much information about defeating King Qin.

It stands to reason that winning the Battle of Hulao Pass should be something to be proud of, but what impressed Li Hongyun the most was the King Qin's slender figure on the battlefield.

In all fairness, Li Hongyun's victory somewhat lacked martial ethics.

To be able to defeat the King of Qin, the following points must be met at the same time.

First, he could predict that his [-] army would be pierced by thousands of troops of the King of Qin, and divide his troops to fight Hedong;
Second, he can directly dig out famous generals such as Liu Heitai and Su Dingfang from many cheating generals;
Third, be able to grasp many details in the battlefield, such as sticking to the grain road in advance, going to the north bank of the Yellow River to stop the Liang army from releasing horses, forming a chariot formation in the camp to stop the cavalry of the King of Qin, and so on.

In the real history, all of this information is covered by fog.

Without these, Li Hongyun has no doubt that he would probably be like Dou Jiande, who was suddenly defeated by King Qin because of a negligence that he didn't realize.

"I don't think anyone will be ashamed to call me a bad guy in the future. Compared with the real bad guys in history, I'm nothing..."

To say that Li Hongyun's deepest impression is that fighting against King Qin is completely different from fighting against other people.

Facing other famous generals, Li Hongyun at most felt that the opponent's lineup was solid and impeccable.

But when fighting against the King of Qin, Li Hongyun always felt a thorn in his back.He can't tell where the other party is strong, he only knows that an unexpected negligence may be directly defeated by the other party.

This suffocating sense of oppression may be the strength of King Qin...


After calming down a bit, Li Hongyun touched the second layer of black energy again.

The scene in front of him changed rapidly, and in front of Li Hongyun, a line of handwriting appeared.

"The ninth year of Wude, August."

(End of this chapter)

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