My players are all actors

Chapter 305 Don't Play Cards According to the Script

Chapter 305 Don't Play Cards According to the Script

"Nine years of Wude..."

Li Hongyun savored this critical time node carefully.

For a history student, the ninth year of Wude is a very sensitive time node.

Because it was in this year that the King of Qin launched the Xuanwu Gate Change and successfully killed everyone who threatened his throne.

Therefore, the ninth year of Wude was also the last year of Liang Gaozu's reign.

And after King Qin ascended the throne, the reign title was changed to "Zhenguan", which means the reign of Zhenguan, which can be called the most prosperous civil and martial arts for thousands of years, and is like a textbook for all emperors and courtiers in later generations.

But there is another very important thing in the ninth year of Wude, and that is the alliance of Weishui.

After the Xuanwumen Incident, the Turks got news that this was the most vulnerable moment of the entire Liang Dynasty.

Then, Jieli Khan's army approached the city of Chang'an.

As for how many troops Jieli Khan brought, the historical records are unclear. There are records of 400,000, and there are records of 200,000. But no matter the specific number, Jieli Khan must have brought almost all the soldiers of the country.

In addition to Jieli Khan's own core troops, he must also bring a large number of cavalry recruited from various tribes.

According to historical records, Turkic troops formed formations on the other side of the Weishui River, with flags flying for tens of miles.

It's just that this time there was no great battle to determine the fate of the two countries. At this time, King Qin, who had become Emperor Taizong of Liang, set up a plan to suspect soldiers. Khan missed the appointment.

Then, Liang Jun arrived and came to Taizong's back to display his banners.

Jieli Khan saw that Liang Jun's army was very prosperous, so he didn't dare to confront Liang Jun head-on. The two sides signed an alliance at Weishui Bianqiao in the western suburbs of Chang'an City, beheading the white horse and forming an alliance.

Afterwards, Jieli Khan led the Turkic cavalry back, and a great battle died down.

During this process, Liang paid some gold and silk property to Jieli Khan, and Jieli Khan originally said that he would donate three thousand horses and ten thousand sheep, but Taizong did not accept it, but asked the Turks to return the invaders. the people who were taken captive.

As a result, the two sides entered a three-year peace period, until three years later, the Turks were destroyed by the Liang Dynasty.

Judging from the specific events at this time, it should be the time when the Turks invaded after the Xuanwumen Incident.

"Could it be that the object of the role this time is a Turkic person?
"Probably not, after all, no aliens have ever been played in "Dark Sands"."

Li Hongyun subconsciously thought that he was still acting as Liang Taizong's enemy this time, but after thinking about it again, he felt that it was unlikely.

In "Dark Sand", the player has never played a foreign race, which is one reason.And the more important reason is that if you play the role of Xieli Khan, it is simply too easy to win.

Before the Weishui alliance, a series of military operations by the Turks can be said to be the pinnacle of Jieli Khan's life.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the person Liang Taizong was removed from history, the prosperous Liang Dynasty would cease to exist.Not only that, but the whole of China may enter the dark period of the Qi Dynasty that was ravaged and ruled by foreign races early.

Under the general situation at that time, the battle for hegemony between the Liang Dynasty and the Turks would directly determine the situation of the entire world, and it would also determine the future historical direction of China.

The Eastern Turks were the backing of various separatist warlord forces in the early years of the Liang Dynasty, and they were also the source of wars in the interior.

This black hand continues to fuel the flames and weaken the Central Plains.

After the various forces supported by the Eastern Turks were wiped out by the King of Qin and the Central Plains were unified, the Eastern Turks finally couldn't sit still. They stepped from behind the scenes to the front stage, frequently invaded, and continued to disrupt the stability and development of the new Central Plains regime.

Of course, from the perspective of the Turkic people, this is a life-and-death war, and it is understandable to be cruel to a deadly enemy.

There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence between the two sides. Either you will kill me, or I will kill you.

Peace is nothing but a temporary truce.

What's interesting is that both parties have experienced each other's weakest period.

The change of Xuanwumen was the weakest period of the entire Liang Dynasty. Before that, the top leaders had just been in chaos due to political strife, and the entire country had just recovered from the continuous warlord melee, and the number of household registrations dropped sharply.

Moreover, there were continuous natural disasters recorded in the Zhenguan period, which shows that the situation in the Wude period should not be much better.

On the other hand, East Turkistan is actually in the process of evolving from a loose nomadic khanate to a more advanced political entity.

The Yazhang of the East Turks has moved south to Dingxiang, and a large number of people from the Central Plains have joined them. The separatist forces in the Central Plains have also been titled by the East Turks, and the political system of the Turks is also constantly being formalized.

Xieli Khan is working hard to build his own centralized power model, and this behavior has triggered a backlash from the Turkic nobles.

Coupled with natural disasters, it gives people a feeling of East Turkic internal and external troubles.

But in fact, if Jieli Khan can really survive this most dangerous stage and successfully integrate the interior, then when he makes a comeback again, he will be a behemoth more terrifying than the Jin Kingdom facing the Qi Dynasty.

Under such circumstances, Jieli Khan went to the outside of Chang'an City in the month when Liang Taizong ascended the throne. He successfully appeared in the most core and deadliest area of ​​the entire Liang Dynasty when it was weakest.

If the Liang Dynasty loses this battle, the entire city of Chang'an will be destroyed.

And hundreds of years later, the shame of the "Jingping Change" may be staged in advance.

If Li Hongyun were to play the role of Jieli Khan, then he would not have to do anything, just direct the army A to go up and it would be over.

As long as he can be immune to the aura of Liang Taizong's protagonist, then if this battle is really fought, Jieli Khan has a great chance of winning.

Of course, Emperor Liang Taizong was a military genius with numerous famous generals under his command. Although there were only tens of thousands of soldiers in Chang'an City, the Turks might not be able to win a complete victory relying on Chang'an's strong city to defend and mobilize all forces.

But in any case, A used to be the optimal solution for the Turks at that time.

Because they don't A pass, three years later they will be arrested by Li Jing and returned to Chang'an to dance.


Li Hongyun was still guessing the customs clearance requirements of this link. At this moment, the line in front of him began to scroll down, and more years appeared.

Not only that, but these years have bottom frames in the form of buttons, which means they are all interactive options.

Among them, the "Nine Years of Wude" option at the bottom has a special display effect, which should mean that it is the core link and the final goal of customs clearance.

On the top, there are five options including "three years of Wude", "five years of Wude", "six years of Wude", "seven years of Wude", and "eight years of Wude".

Among them, the option of "Three Years of Wude" is already displayed as "Completed", while "Seven Years of Wude" is obviously more eye-catching than other options, second only to "Nine Years of Wude".

Li Hongyun was a little puzzled: "What do these years mean?"

After trying hard to recall in his mind, Li Hongyun roughly remembered that from the third year of Wude to the fourth year of Wude was the battle of Hulaoguan where the two kings were captured in one battle.

"Because I played Dou Jiande and experienced the battle of Hulaoguan before, and successfully figured out how to solve it, so at this stage, the judgment is automatically completed?

"But, are there any major events in other years?"

Li Hongyun thought for a long time, but he didn't think of any major battles between the fifth year of Wude and the eighth year of Wude.

Because after defeating Hulao Pass, King Qin was basically in a state of being hidden by the snow.

On the one hand, after the Battle of Hulao Pass, the entire Central Plains had basically settled down. Although there were still turmoil such as Liu Heita's rebellion, Liang Gaozu had no intention of allowing the King of Qin to make more military exploits.

Instead, he asked the prince, Li Jing and others to pacify the fire, and only when it was absolutely necessary did he ask the king of Qin to put out the fire.

On the other hand, before the Xuanwumen Incident, the conflict between the prince and King Qin had been intensifying, and the political struggle between the two sides was very sharp.

During this process, Liang Gaozu has always been biased.

The reason is that the change of Xuanwu Gate was not so much aimed at the princelings, but actually aimed at the emperor.

What King Qin wanted to snatch was not the right of inheritance, but the throne.

At that time, Liang Gaozu was still very young.As the emperor of a new regime, he certainly hoped that he could rule forever.

In comparison, the crown prince is obviously a very easy candidate, and his second son, King Qin, is a difficult target for the emperor because he has already made great military exploits.

Therefore, Liang Gaozu revived the art of imperial check and balance in his heart. He wanted to support the crown prince to suppress the king of Qin.

During the period from the Battle of Hulao Pass to the Change of Xuanwu Gate, there were actually not many commendable things, let alone things related to Turks.

Of course, Li Hongyun didn't have a special understanding of the history during this period, otherwise he could at least have thought of an important event about Turks in the seventh year of Wude.


After thinking about it, Li Hongyun clicked on the final option of "Nine Years of Wude".

Because he must first know who to play and what the goal is at this stage.

The surrounding scene changes rapidly.

In the field of vision, Liuqi rushed out from the center of Chang'an City through the Xuanwu Gate and headed straight for Weishui.

On the north bank of the Weishui River, the Turkic cavalry banners were like clouds, stretching endlessly.

Among the six riders, who is the leader of the horse, if not Liang Taizong?

Li Hongyun's vision fell quickly, and he possessed Liang Taizong.

In an instant, a sense of strength and confidence filled the whole body spontaneously.

Li Hongyun can feel that this body is in its peak state, every cell seems to be inflated with joy, and the flexibility and control of the body are also at its peak.

Li Hongyun's riding skills are not very superb, but after possessing Liang Taizong's body, he can directly experience the peak state of the unity of man and horse, and a sense of pride naturally arose in his chest.

"Is this... the feeling of Doll Gundam?"

Li Hongyun was shocked.

In "Dark Sands", players often possess some fierce generals.For example, at the very beginning of the Assassin Trial, I played the role of the top swordsman Nie Rang.

Possessors have different physical qualities, so players will naturally use them differently.

As for Liang Taizong, obviously among all the historical figures that the players have possessed, he is the most top-notch figure, which can be described as super first-class.

Even when Li Hongyun's own riding skills were mediocre, the little muscle memory left in Liang Taizong's body alone was enough for him to raise his riding skills to an incredible level.

"Since I'm playing Liang Taizong, then I'm invincible!"

Before playing Dou Jiande, he has a deep understanding of the meaning of the word "hanging force".

But now, he personally plays the role of the coward, and if he adds his own luck, it seems like a very simple task to reproduce the Weishui alliance back then...?


Li Hongyun clamped his horse's belly happily and continued to gallop forward.

However, at this moment, a minister with the appearance of a civil servant beside him said immediately: "The bandits are powerful. Your Majesty first detained the envoy, and then led six people to face the army. This is a personal risk. I think this trip It's too dangerous, Your Majesty must not have the heart to underestimate the enemy, and die with the honor of Wancheng!"

Li Hongyun took a look at him and knew that this was Xiao Yu, an important minister in the early years of the Liang Dynasty, and one of the six people he was traveling with this time.

Among the other five people, there are important ministers such as Gao Shilian and Fang Xuanling.

As a player who has seen the standard answer in history, Li Hongyun laughed and didn't care.

"Don't worry, I've already thought about it!

"The reason why the Turkic people dared to come all the way to the outskirts of Chang'an is because they knew that our country was in trouble, and I had just ascended the throne, so they thought I could not defend against the enemy.

"If you show your weakness to the enemy and defend behind closed doors, you are showing your cowardice to the Turks. At that time, the Turks will inevitably send troops to burn, kill and loot everywhere, and the bandit soldiers will be overwhelming, and things will get out of hand at that time.

"But now that I'm Qingqi alone, it looks like I'm belittling them, and then I'm showing off my military power, showing the stance of a decisive battle with them. The Turkic people who penetrated into the hinterland of our Liang Dynasty must be afraid.

"Qing is optimistic, subdue Turkic, this is one action!"

Li Hongyun's words were basically the original words of Liang Taizong back then, so he spoke with confidence.

In fact, long before Liang Taizong and Jieli Khan met beside the Wei River, Jieli Khan had already sent an envoy, Zhi Shisili, to meet Liang Taizong.

The character of Zhishisili is also very interesting. He is a chieftain of East Turks and a confidant general of Jieli Khan.

Jieli Khan sent him to Chang'an to meet Liang Taizong, which shows that he has great trust in this person, and also wants to use this to find out the truth.

After seeing Liang Taizong, Zhishisili said: Jieli Khan and Tuli Khan have led an army of one million to come.

In the words, the meaning of showing off is self-evident.

And Liang Taizong directly reprimanded him: "I made an agreement with your Khan face to face to make peace, and gave you a lot of gold and silver money back and forth, but you broke the covenant and rode deep into our territory! You are the sons of Rong and Di." People, but they should also have a heart, how dare you forget the kindness I have shown you, and boast about your strength? I will kill you first!"

The king's arrogance was instantly shaken so that he lost his mind and was terrified, kneeling down and begging for mercy.

Later, minister Xiao Yu and others suggested that Liang Taizong send him back according to etiquette, but Liang Taizong believed that it was already too much for the Turkic people to send envoys to show off. People think Liang Chao is afraid of them.

Therefore, Liang Taizong imprisoned Zhisili, and then went to the bank of the Weishui River to meet Jieli Khan.

But after the conclusion of the Weishui alliance, Zhishisili was released and returned to Turkic north.

Later, when Li Jing destroyed the Turks, he lost his mind because he had great prestige in the Turks, so Emperor Taizong of Liang ordered him to recruit and surrender. He gradually became a famous general in the Liang Dynasty. He also married the younger sister of Emperor Taizong of Liang. The battle between Tubo, Xue Yantuo and other forces.

In fact, it can be known from the fact that the prisoner lost his mind, Liang Taizong had already made up his mind to sing the "empty city plan" to the Turks with a tough attitude, and force them to retreat.

And a series of actions in Weishui are obviously implementing this central idea.

At this time, Li Hongyun was about to follow Liang Taizong's strategic thinking and continue to perform.

After Li Hongyun finished speaking, he patted his horse forward and reached the edge of the Wei River.

At this time, there was a temporary bridge over the Weishui River, and 200,000 Turkic soldiers lined up on the north bank with banners fluttering.

When Li Hongyun came to the bridge, he said loudly to the Turkic people on the opposite side: "Jieli! You and I have already made a covenant and made peace. Why did you lead troops to invade our border today! You are Rongdi, and you should have a What kind of face is it to be the lord of the Turkic people if you are so rebellious and repeatedly betrayed the alliance!"

These words were spoken boldly and majesticly.

After all, the sound of horseshoes behind him was the same.

Liang Jun's cavalry came galloping like lightning, and also lined up on the bank of the Wei River.

The flags are flying, and the army is in order!
Li Hongyun couldn't help feeling a sense of heroism in his heart, a man should be like this!
However, the Turkic people across the Weishui River did not react much.

Li Hongyun couldn't help frowning, realizing that something was wrong.

Because according to historical records, Jieli Khan should be ashamed and speechless at this time, while the Turkic cavalry should have expressions of fear.

As for the leaders of the small tribes brought by Jieli Khan, they even crossed the Wei River to pay homage to Emperor Taizong of Liang.

But at this time, none of these things happened.

The Turkic cavalry on the other side of the river did not respond at all. Instead, the sound of horseshoes came rolling like thunder. The 200,000 army went to war without saying a word!
Li Hongyun was stunned for a moment.

its not right!That's not how the script was written!
These Turkic people didn't seem to take Liang Taizong seriously at all, and when they saw the opposing emperor rushing to the front line, they immediately launched an attack!
After a brief astonishment, Li Hongyun angrily led the soldiers to fight the Turks.

Liang Taizong's fighting power was indeed beyond the charts. Li Hongyun drew his bow and arrows on his horse, and all the Turkic cavalry fell.

However, there was still a big gap in military strength between the two sides. After a fierce battle, Li Hongyun had no choice but to lead his troops back to Chang'an City.

And at the moment when he returned to Chang'an City, the time of the slice of history came to a standstill.

This challenge also failed.


Back to the original starting point.

Li Hongyun frowned, a little confused as to what went wrong.

In history, the records about the Weishui Alliance are actually not particularly detailed.

Therefore, Li Hongyun only knew that Liang Taizong pretended to be a big one in front of the so-called million-dollar Turkic army, and then made an alliance and the Turks withdrew.

But this time Turkic, it seems that he does not play his cards according to the routine, and is completely stunned.

"Strange, these Turkic people seem to have never heard of the prestige of King Qin at all, this is unreasonable..."

Li Hongyun quickly grasped the crux of the problem.

There is an important prerequisite for Liang Taizong's operation of subduing others without fighting, that is, he has a very high prestige on the grassland.

Therefore, when he appeared, the leaders of those small tribes crossed the river to bow down one after another.

But this time, not only did the leaders of those small tribes not come, Jieli Khan didn't even speak to him.

This is clearly a blatant disregard.

"Could it be that Liang Taizong's prestige on the grassland was forcibly deprived by the game?
"If that's the case..."

Li Hongyun had a guess.

He turned his attention to other options such as "five years of Wude" and "six years of Wude".

"Does it mean that I have to complete these tasks before I can rebuild Liang Taizong's prestige in the hearts of the Turks?"

With this guess, Li Hongyun chose the option of "five years of Wude" and started the trial again.

(End of this chapter)

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