My players are all actors

Chapter 309 How the God of War Was Forged

Chapter 309 How the God of War Was Forged

Seeing that the Turkic cavalry began to retreat, Li Hongyun reined in his horse and continued to cross the river without bringing the hundred cavalry.

However, he was still on this side of the ditch, staring at the Turks.

Seeing that all the more than ten thousand cavalrymen had withdrawn from Wulongban and were heading towards the Turkic camp further away, they brought the hundred cavalry back to the Liang Army's formation and retreated to Binzhou City.

After doing all this, Li Hongyun felt his heart beating wildly.

It's so exciting to pretend to be forced and run!

After all, he is not the king of Qin, but just playing the role of the king of Qin.

Therefore, he basically pretended to be calm before, but in fact, he was very panicked.

That "I am the King of Qin" was not only a deterrent to the opponent, but also a boost to the morale of his own side, and it was also emboldening Li Hongyun himself.

After shouting out, Li Hongyun seemed to really feel that he had become the king of Qin, with a strong aura of "even though there are tens of thousands of people, I will go".

After the whole process of acting was completed and the Turkic people really retreated, Li Hongyun was relieved and could sum up the reason well.

King Qin's handling method can be described as a standard answer.

But why is this the standard answer?What details are there?

This is worthy of Li Hongyun's careful analysis.

First of all, to carry out this operation, the prestige of King Qin himself is indispensable.

The value of personal force is beyond the mark, the art of war is like a god, and it is also famous among the Turks. From the khan to the leader and even the ordinary soldiers, they all respect the king of Qin as a god. This is a prerequisite.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for another person to have such a powerful deterrent effect.

Secondly, King Qin's operation is based on knowing himself and the enemy.

Judging from the situation at the time, if a fight really broke out, Liang Jun would definitely not be able to take advantage of it.King Qin knew this very well, so he didn't start the fight rashly.

If he really had the strength to annihilate the Turkic people, he would have started doing it a long time ago, so why would he play any tricks.

After all, at this time, Jieli Khan led an army deep into the territory of the Liang Dynasty. If the Turks could be destroyed here, beheaded and killed, and the Turkic army was severely damaged, then there would be no need to go deep into Mobei to crusade in the future.

The King of Qin knew the situation of the Turks very well.

He not only knew the strength of the Turkic people, but also the characteristics of the internal division of the Turkic people, and even the way of life of the grassland people.

Demanding a one-on-one confrontation with Jieli Khan, disintegrating Turkic morale, and then re-examining the brotherhood with Turkhan Khan, deliberately showing closer.

On the one hand, this will lower the morale and fear of Jieli Khan and the Turkic cavalry, and will further intensify the conflict between Jieli Khan and Turkic Khan.

Jieli Khan and Tuli Khan had conflicts.

Jieli Khan is the third son of Qimin Khan. Before him are the eldest brother Shibi Khan and the second brother Chuluo Khan.As a result, both his eldest brother and second brother died not long after becoming Khan.

Tuli Khan is the son of Shibi Khan, the elder brother of Jieli Khan.

In other words, Tuli Khan is also a strong contender for the position of Khan, and he also represents an important force, and he is not completely of the same mind as Jieli Khan.

If it is someone else, even if they know this, it is difficult to make a fuss.

After all, no matter how close the people of the Central Plains Dynasty are, they are still outsiders.

No matter what Tuli Khan said, he would be of one mind with Jieli Khan.

But King Qin is different. The envoy used his name to sworn obeisance to Tuli Khan before. .

In addition, Tuli Khan is a strong contender for the position of Khan...

So in Jieli Khan's view, this set of operations of the King of Qin is very likely to contain a huge conspiracy.

The King of Qin only had a hundred horses, but he had to cross the ditch, and used low to fight high and hard to attack more than ten thousand Turkic elite cavalry.

The king of Qin used his troops like a god, so he wouldn't do such a thing that would bring about his own death.

So, what kind of backhand did King Qin arrange to dare to do this?
In Jieli Khan's view, first of all, after going deep into the hinterland of the Liang Dynasty, his rear was not completely stable.It is very likely that King Qin has sent Li Jing, Yuchi Jingde or other Liang army generals to lead cavalry to outflank his rear.

Secondly, King Qin and Tuli Khan are so close, it's more like a secret signal.

If the king of Qin led a hundred cavalry into the battle, at the same time, a Liang army suddenly appeared behind Wulongban to outflank the rear, and the Liang army in the front responded to the king of Qin in time, and Tuli Khan suddenly turned against him in order to seek the position of Khan...

That Jieli Khan might end up being defeated in an instant.

In fact, if you calm down and think about it, you will understand that this possibility is actually not high.

But in such a tense atmosphere, Xieli Khan didn't have much time to think.

King Qin's unexpected move created great psychological pressure on the Turkic people.Therefore, this is not a drop of intelligence, but more like a forced error.

It’s like when you’re playing laning in a game, if you’re playing against a rookie, you’ll make few mistakes; but if you’re playing against someone above your level, every feint he makes will make you uneasy and aggravate your anxiety. Psychological pressure, slowly, there will be a large number of forced errors.

When you have to make an extremely important decision in a very short period of time, very few really stunned young people will choose to go up rashly, and more people will choose to play it safe and withdraw first to see the situation.

This was the case with Jieli Khan at this time.

His intelligence system was obviously crushed by the King of Qin. The King of Qin was well aware of the way of thinking of the Turks and the conflict between Jieli Khan and Turk Khan. The fact that Wang has conflicts and other facts is completely unknown.

Therefore, in front of the mighty majesty pretended by the king of Qin, he fully admitted his cowardice.

First he said, "I have no other intention of bringing hundreds of thousands of people here in the rain, but just want to reiterate the previous covenant with you, King Qin", and then led the cavalry to withdraw from Wulongban and return to the camp further away.

In this way, King Qin accomplished his goal of defeating others without fighting.

Under the circumstances at that time, neither the real fight nor the weakness of the enemy could be found. It was impossible to find a better solution than this.


Leading the soldiers back to the city of Binzhou, the exhausted soldiers finally had time to enter the house to take shelter from the rain and rest.

The soldiers didn't have any special reaction to King Qin's operation as if he was cheating.

Only people like Li Hongyun would be excited because they reproduced King Qin's operation. The soldiers under King Qin were already used to this kind of fairy operation.

But it is clear that the task this time has not been completed.

The Turks just withdrew from Wulongban, and no longer stared at Binzhou City.However, more than [-] troops are still stationed nearby, and it is still possible to fight this battle.

Li Hongyun told the soldiers who had traveled long distances to take the time to rest, eat, and maintain their weapons in the city, and at the same time, he called together many generals to discuss the next step.

At the same time, the light rain that was originally pattering began to get heavier and heavier, and even gradually turned into a torrential rain.

The generals under King Qin were still wearing armor, while King Qi had already taken off their wet armor and put on ordinary clothes.

"Although the Turks retreated to their battalion, it was clear that they still had no intention of retreating.

"What do you guys think?"

Li Hongyun looked around at everyone.

A general said respectfully: "Only His Royal Highness's orders are to be obeyed!"

Obviously, these generals have great trust in King Qin.

Before, King Qin's one-handed operation made the Turks retreat, which has already amazed the generals.Under the current situation, most of the generals could not think of any particularly good countermeasures.

King Qi was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Second brother, let's draw it slowly!
"The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the roads are muddy. How can we fight in such weather? In my opinion, if the heavy rain falls for a few more days, the Turkic people may simply retreat.

"We'd better wait patiently in Binzhou City, at least, let's wait until the rain subsides..."

He obviously has made plans to sleep well in Binzhou City tonight.

Li Hongyun ignored his opinion and said: "The Turkic people rely on nothing more than war horses and bows and arrows. At this time, it is raining heavily and the roads are muddy. The mobility of the Turkic war horses is greatly reduced. have dropped significantly.

"However, after our army rested and took shelter from the rain in the city of Binzhou, after the house was burned and burned, its combat effectiveness has quickly recovered.

"Although our army's bows and horses will also be affected, armor and knives are our strengths, and our army has a great advantage in hand-to-hand combat!

"When the Turks occupied Wulongban, they used the high to control the low and waited for work with leisure. Our army could not face their edge. But after the Turks retreated, their morale had fallen and their fighting spirit was timid. This is the time when they are most relaxed.

"If you don't take advantage of the momentum and attack it at this time, can there be a better opportunity?
"When the rain clears and the Turkic cavalry can gallop freely again, if we want to fight the Turkic decisively, what are the chances of winning?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at King Qi: "I leave you 2000 people to stay in Binzhou City and wait for news from me!

"Other generals, order all the troops to leave the city at midnight tonight and go straight to the Turkic camp!"


At this time, in the camp of the Turks.

Many Turkic people had already fallen asleep listening to the sound of the torrential rain in their tents, but Tuli Khan was still awake.

The Turkic people are not comfortable with running around for days.

Unlike Liang Jun, they can enter the houses in Binzhou City to rest, light a fire and cook. They can only barely find a clean place to sleep in the simple tents.

The torrential rain kept washing the tents, leaking rain and damp, which made the Turkic people unable to sleep well.

But Jieli Khan recruited 150,000 troops to go south this time, but he has not achieved any huge looting results, so he just retreated silently?Obviously he is absolutely not reconciled.

This time Chen Bing was in Wulongban, originally he wanted to wait for work with leisure and directly defeat Liang Jun's spirit.

If Liang Jun admits his counsel and retreats into Binzhou City, then the Turks will be able to boost their morale and continue to run wild; big.

But never expected that King Qin's domineering maneuvers, showing off his power in front of the Turkic people and overwhelming the audience, made Jieli Khan lose face and had to withdraw his troops.

The morale of the Turkic people was severely frustrated, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier, so they had to stay in their tents and wait for the sky to clear.

I don't know how long this rain will last, but if it goes well, if it can be sunny within two or three days, then the Turks can continue to rectify and choose an opportunity to fight Liang Jun.

However, what Tuli Khan was thinking at this time was not the matter of fighting Liang Jun. After all, it was up to Jieli Khan to make up his own mind.

What he was thinking about was the matter of being named by King Qin during the day.

When I think of this, I am so excited that I can't sleep.

What is the status of Tuli Khan on the grassland?It can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand people.

But the gap between him and Jieli Khan is huge.

In this southward invasion, Tuli Khan had the right to speak, but not many, and basically he had to obey Jieli Khan.

On the battlefield during the day, the King of Qin rode alone in front of the formation, showing off his might, showing off his might. This kind of powerful aura, as destined by destiny, impressed all Turkic people.

What's more, the King of Qin actually called Tuli Khan openly, and reiterated his brotherhood with him again and again!

In fact, the brotherhood between the two of them can only be regarded as a plastic brotherhood at best. After all, they did not worship face to face, but the envoys of the Liang Dynasty who went to Turkic to worship him in the name of King Qin.

In today's words, this should be regarded as "Cloud Brothers" or "Online Brothers".

But judging from King Qin's reaction, he seemed to attach great importance to this brotherhood, and even talked about it in front of the two armies, as if he really regarded Tuli Khan as a close brother.

This flattered Tuli Khan.

Who doesn't know the great prestige of Qin King sweeping the Central Plains and invincible?

To be regarded as a brother by such a hero, so important, made Tuli Khan excited.

And most importantly, King Qin did not show such closeness to Jieli Khan, who had a higher status. Instead, he repeatedly reprimanded him, using all diplomatic rhetoric, and did not give the Turkic leader any face at all.

This made Tuli Khan even more proud.

If it was possible, Tuli Khan really wanted to go to Chang'an to meet King Qin and formally complete the ceremony of worship in person.

However, at this moment, there was a commotion outside the tent.

"Reporting to Khan, it's not good!

"Liang Jun, Liang Jun is here!"

Tuli Khan couldn't help but turn pale with shock: "What?!"

He hurriedly got up and left the camp, and flew on his horse.

At this time, the entire Turkic camp that stretched for several miles was in turmoil. Countless Turkic cavalry came out of the camp in a panic, and each took their weapons and mounted their horses.

After riding a horse, braving the torrential rain, and stepping on the mud to rush out of the camp, Tuli Khan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Liang Jun hasn't come yet.

The Turkic scouts discovered it in time.

After all, Jieli Khan and Tuli Khan were also good fighters on the grassland, so they did not relax their vigilance at this time, but scattered the rangers and were always on guard.

Otherwise, if Liang Jun sneaked into the vicinity of the camp without anyone noticing, and rushed to kill them, the army of more than [-] people might collapse on the spot.

But now, Liang Jun cavalry is rushing towards the Turkic camp.

Tuli Khan stood on a high place riding a war horse, struggling to look into the distance in the dark night.

In the valley not far away, Liang Jun was rushing forward in the rain!

The leading Liang Jun generals were all neatly dressed, and their armor was washed bright by the rain. Although it was raining heavily, they could still vaguely see the cold light under the weak light.

Armor, broadsword, horse spear.

Armed with these weapons, the Liang army will have a great advantage when encountering the Turkic light cavalry with a low armor rate and whose main combat method is cavalry and shooting.

Tuli Khan looked behind him, and saw that a large number of small leaders and cavalry had arrived one after another.

It's just that after they saw Liang Jun rushing forward in the rain, they were all shocked and silent.

Obviously, they had no idea that this army would choose to attack at such a time!
In the middle of the night, there was a torrential rain. In this situation, let alone fighting, the general army might not even be able to march normally.

When General Deng Yuanjing of the later generations was training troops, he once made soldiers stand on the playground in the torrential rain for a whole day, and no one in the army moved.

This shows the strict military discipline and strong combat power.

At this time, Liang Jun was not standing in a military posture in the torrential rain, but was rushing forward to fight the Turks to the death.

The sense of oppression brought by this kind of behavior is much stronger than standing in a military posture in the rain!

Have the Turks ever seen such a scene?

Soon, Liang Jun had already rushed forward, hovering within the dangerous range.

Tuli Khan hurriedly shouted, "Where is King Qin?"

Liang Junzhong, the leading rider quickly stepped forward: "I am!"

Tuli Khan hurriedly said: "I am Tuli Khan! The King of Qin said that he and I are in love with each other in the daytime, and I take it for granted! Now the King of Qin led the Liang army to come to my tent suddenly, what is the meaning?"

Li Hongyun, who is playing the role of King Qin, is actually not in a good state.

The consequence of rushing forward in the rain was that almost all Liang Jun's bodies were drenched by the rain, and in the heavy rain, the raindrops slapped their helmets and faces, basically they couldn't see clearly ahead.

The road is muddy, and it is not easy to rush here.

And the most important point is that the Turkic people arranged scouts to guard nearby. At this time, they have quickly prepared, and it is impossible to directly break into the camp by surprise and kill the Quartet.

If there is a real fight at this time, although Liang Jun can still have some advantages, there are too many variables and it is not safe.

Li Hongyun immediately said: "This is the territory of our Liang Dynasty, and our army is free to come and go, why do we need to explain to the Turkic people?

"On the contrary, it is you who invaded our borders and penetrated into the hinterland of our Liang Dynasty, claiming to confirm the covenant, but have no plans to withdraw your troops at all.

"Tuli Khan, because of the brotherhood between you and me, I will tell you the benefits and disadvantages right now.

"The reason why you Turkic people still stay here is nothing more than to wait for the rain to clear before continuing to plunder! How could this king be fooled?

"Now that it's raining heavily, the bow glue is gone, the road is muddy, and the bow and horse are not good. But my Liang army houses fire and food, and the knives are sharp. If you control labor with ease, you will win if you attack!

"This king could have directly led his troops to your camp, making you come and go, but even though you Turks have broken the contract, the Liang Dynasty is a state of etiquette.

"That's why I only give you one hour to think about it!

"Go to Jieli Khan and tell him that if you want to fight, we will have a showdown tonight! Since you, the Turks, broke the contract first, then no matter what the outcome of the battle is, I, the Liang Dynasty, and the Turks will never die. Game!

"If you still want to confirm the covenant, send envoys here immediately, agree to cease fighting, and withdraw your troops!"

Tuli Khan hurriedly said: "King Qin, don't be impatient, I will inform Jieli Khan right away!"

After finishing speaking, he whispered a few words to the people around him, and immediately patted his horse and rushed to Jieli Khan's camp.

The Liang Jun led by Li Hongyun was silent in the heavy rain, confronting the Turkic cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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