My players are all actors

Chapter 310 Listening to Thunder in a Silent Place

Chapter 310 Listening to Thunder in a Silent Place

In the rainstorm, Tuli Khan took several entourages and went straight to Jieli Khan's tent.

Sure enough, Jieli Khan had also received the news, and he was also fully dressed at this time, and even got on his horse.

After seeing Tuli Khan, Jieli Khan did not immediately lead the troops to fight, but asked him the specific situation at this time.

Tuli Khan hurriedly repeated what King Qin had said.

Jieli Khan stared at Tuli Khan, his face sinking like water, and asked, "Then what should we do between you?"

Tuli Khan hesitated for a moment, but still said: "It's better... to send envoys to discuss peace and retreat."

Jieli Khan couldn't help being furious, and scolded: "I am overthrowing the border with tens of thousands of soldiers, and I retreat before the first battle? If I retreat, how will the people of the world think of me!

"Tell me the truth, have you conspired with the King of Qin?"

Surprised, Tuli Khan hurriedly got off his horse, knelt down and swore: "The Great Khan knows clearly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this! I am completely considering it from the Turkic point of view!"

Jieli Khan was pacing back and forth in the mud on his horse with some irritability, his face was rather ugly.

The two people who were supposed to have the most consistent interests in Turkic, but at this time there was a rift in their hearts.

Why did Tuli Khan want to negotiate peace and withdraw troops?
Because in his opinion, both public and private, this is the best result.

Yu Gong, he didn't think that the Turkic people could defeat King Qin at this time.

The Turkic people didn't know about King Qin's reality, and they had already been forced to take a step back by King Qin when they retreated at Wulongban.

If this period of time has passed and the Turkic people come back to it, they may understand that Liang Jun is a strong outsider but a capable man in the middle.Otherwise, why didn't Liang Jun dare to do anything after the Turks returned to the camp?
And just when the Turks returned to the camp, the torrential rain was pouring and they were about to fall asleep, the king of Qin led the Liang army to rush forward in the torrential rain, making a gesture of wanting to die with the Turks under such extremely unfavorable circumstances. Let the Turks tremble up and down.

They didn't know what kind of backhand King Qin had arranged, what kind of preparations he had made, and they didn't know where King Qin's self-confidence came from.

But this tough stance has further strengthened the feeling in Wulongban during the day.

That is: King Qin is not afraid of going to war with the Turkic people at all, and he is even confident that he will start when the Turkic people give him a reason first.

Tuli Khan was much more frightened than Jieli Khan. After all, the king of Qin rushed to his camp first with his troops, as if he wanted to use him as a breakthrough.

Personally, Tuli Khan didn't think he should go to war with King Qin either.

During the daytime today, King Qin gave Tuli Khan a lot of face in front of the two armies, which made Tuli Khan somewhat fall to King Qin's side.

But this time the king of Qin could fight directly without disagreement, but at the risk of being betrayed by the Turkic people, he gave Tuli Khan an hour to persuade Jieli Khan.

What does this mean?
First, the king of Qin talked to himself first instead of Jieli Khan, which shows that the king of Qin has a better impression of himself, and the love for incense is not just lip service.

King Qin is so loyal, so Tuli Khan, as a prairie man, should have due courtesy.

Moreover, King Qin paid more attention to himself than Jieli Khan, which also made Tuli Khan feel a little flustered.

Second, King Qin gave Tuli Khan an hour at the risk of being turned over by the Turks, which meant that King Qin trusted Tuli Khan, and that King Qin was not afraid of going to war.

He is confident that even if the Turkic people regret going to war, he can lead Liang Jun to deal with the Turkic people severely.

If a fight really broke out, then Tuli Khan could be said to have lost and lost.

The loser means that the king of Qin, who swore to his brother, gave him enough face, but he betrayed his promise and stabbed him in the back; and as the king of Qin said, fighting in the middle of the night with heavy rain, the probability of the Turks losing the battle is also very high.

Tuli Khan didn't want to take this risk, and couldn't afford to lose this man.

Jieli Khan was obviously very upset.

King Qin's extreme pressure greatly increased the possibility of him making a forced error.

As King Qin said, he was only given an hour.And in this hour, the time when Tuli Khan came and returned was also counted.

Of course, Jieli Khan did not dare to bet that King Qin was bluffing, because King Qin always kept his word.

In fact, Jieli Khan wanted to fight. The more than [-] troops spent so much effort to penetrate into the territory of the Liang Dynasty. Could it be that they came here for sightseeing?
There are countless cattle and sheep eaten along the way.

If he didn't get too many things and just went back like this, the prestige of himself, the Khan, would be greatly damaged.

But Tuli Khan insisted on withdrawing his troops, and he had to consider it.

After all, Tuli Khan is the person second only to him in status, and if this battle is really going to be fought, Tuli Khan must be counted on to contribute.

If Tuli Khan didn't want to fight, not to mention his betrayal, even if he just did not work hard, the result of this battle would not be optimistic.

So, can Jieli Khan afford to gamble?
Would he dare to bet that Tuli Khan would fight with all his heart if they really fought?
Do you dare to bet that in such a torrential rain at midnight, the Turkic people can defeat Liang Jun's elite when their armor and weapons are all at a disadvantage?

Dare you bet that the King of Qin didn't have a strong backup?

The final answer is no.

Sometimes, the power gap between the two wrestling parties is not too great.

But once a certain party starts to retreat, the decline will be out of control and can no longer be stopped.

After thinking over and over for a long time, Jieli Khan said: "You and Ashina Simo, go to discuss peace with the King of Qin, please make peace with the Liang Dynasty."


As a result of the peace negotiation, the king of Qin agreed to the Turkic people's request for marriage, and at the same time presented some gold and silk property, and the Turkic people presented some cattle and sheep as gifts in return.

In this way, both parties have obtained acceptable results.

The Turkic ran such a large circle, and was reprimanded by the King of Qin in public. Jieli Khan needed a step down.

Although King Qin made a very tough stance, he also knew that it would not be wise to start a full-scale war with the Turks at this time, so he handed over some gold and silk property and made appropriate concessions.

After completing the challenge of the Seven Years of Takenori, all that remained was the Weishui Alliance in the Ninth Year of Takenori.

In this series of events, Li Hongyun also deeply realized a problem: the Weishui alliance was not an isolated and abrupt event, but a general outbreak of conflicts between the Liang Dynasty and the Turks.

In fact, as early as before the Liang Dynasty raised troops to pacify the world, the Turkic people had already been eyeing the Central Plains.

At the beginning, Liang Gaozu was just one of the groups supported by the Turks.

After the unification of the Liang Dynasty, the Turks began to invade south frequently.

Although these southern invasions were also recorded in the annals of history, when people think of the relationship between the Liang Dynasty and the Turks, they often only think that the Liang Dynasty destroyed the Turks within a few years, so they think that the Turks are not a serious problem at all.

But after experiencing it personally, Li Hongyun discovered that, in fact, every Turkic invasion to the south was fraught with danger.

And if one is not careful, it is very likely that the Jingping Change will be staged in advance.

What would happen if the capital was sent to Fan Deng according to the ideas of Liang Gaozu and the prince?
The Turkic people must have gone south more recklessly, driving straight into Chang'an, Hedong and even Hebei.

At that time, these three places will be in a huge crisis.

Since the Chang'an and Guanzhong areas are going to be relocated, the burning of the city and emigration is an inevitable result.However, so many people have their own land in the Guanzhong area, and it must be difficult to leave their homeland.

Therefore, no matter how you move, the affluent Guanzhong area still retains a lot of wealth, and the Turkic people's ravages will turn this place into a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered and suffer a lot.

Hedong was the place where the Liang Dynasty raised its troops, but it was also the place where it faced the threat of the Turkic people.

Originally, the capital was in Chang'an, and it could smoothly radiate its power to Hedong. Once it moved south, Hedong would appear to be out of reach.Turkic people can travel around Taiyuan every now and then, and many cities in Hedong will be under the peeping of Turkic people.

As for Hebei, the situation is even worse.

Because Hebei is the place where the Turkic forces have penetrated the most, after the death of Dou Jiande, Liu Heita was defeated by the King of Qin for the first time, and he borrowed cavalry from the Turks to go south.

The land of Fan Deng has weaker control over Hebei, and it is not impossible for the whole of Hebei to surrender and rebel.

The Turks go south every year, bringing more than [-] troops at every turn, and every time they don't handle it well, it will become a disaster.

Thanks to the presence of the King of Qin, the dangers were saved repeatedly, and Liang Gaozu's stupid idea of ​​wanting to move the capital was eliminated.

Li Hongyun sorted out his emotions, chose the Nine Years of Wude again, and started to challenge.

After the previous rehearsal, he is already full of confidence in this challenge.


The surrounding scene changed rapidly, and Liuqi rushed out from the Xuanwu Gate again, heading straight for the Wei River.

On the north bank of the Weishui River, the Turkic cavalry banners were like clouds, stretching endlessly.

Coming to this familiar scene again, Li Hongyun's feeling has changed.

This is not to say that Liang Taizong possessed by him has been strengthened in some way. There is no such setting in "Dark Sand" that the character will be significantly enhanced after completing a specific task.

It was Li Hongyun's own mentality that changed.

Li Hongyun actually didn't think too much when he acted for the first time, he just reproduced all the things Liang Taizong did and said.

But it turned out that the Turkic people ignored him at all and called him directly.

But now, Li Hongyun not only established a high prestige in the hearts of the Turks through the previous confrontations with the Turks, but also enabled him to better understand and play the role of Liang Taizong at that time.

Just like Wulongban two years ago, Liang Taizong's words and his actions were carefully planned, not simply bluffing.

While the horses were galloping, they had already reached the temporary bridge beside the Wei River.

"Jeli Khan!
"Two years ago in Wulongban, you and I made a solid alliance and agreed to make a marriage. Why did you lead troops to invade our borders today! You have repeatedly betrayed the alliance, what face is it to be the lord of the Turks!"

These words are bold and majestic.

Last time, Li Hongyun also used similar rhetoric, but the Turkic people were completely indifferent.

But this time, the Turkic people's reaction has obviously changed.

There was some commotion in the army!
Especially those Turkic people at the forefront, their faces were obviously full of surprise and surprise.

At this time, Jieli Khan, Tuli Khan, and various small leaders of the Turkic people gathered together and looked at Chang'an City across the Wei River.

Obviously, they have not made up their minds to go to war immediately at this time, and they have some ideas of showing off their might.

Gathering together, we can watch Liang Chao's reaction and discuss countermeasures in time, and if they really decide to start a fight, they will each disperse back to the army under their control and implement different battle plans.

And these leaders are basically acquaintances of Liang Taizong.

As early as two years ago in Wulongban, they had already met each other!
At that time, Liang Taizong, who was still King Qin, left an indelible impression on these Turkic people.

First, he reprimanded Jieli Khan for breaking the alliance at Wulongban, and forced Jieli Khan to retreat to Wulongban with a tough posture of crossing the ditch; retreat.

At that time, King Qin was already a real hero among these Turks.

Now, Liang Taizong did the same thing as two years ago, riding alone against the 200,000 Turkic army.

But the shock to the Turkic people this time is far greater than that of two years ago.

Because the Turkic people all know that the King of Qin at this time is not just the King of Qin, but the emperor of the entire Liang Dynasty.

An emperor actually came out lightly?Riding alone again to confront the army on the other side of the river?

This is quite rare even in the grasslands where force is respected!

Such courage is really admirable as always.

Therefore, the scene that made Li Hongyun realize that "the script is right" was staged in front of him.

Those small leaders of various Turkic tribes, those acquaintances who had dealt with on Wulongban two years ago, actually got off their horses one after another, and saluted Liang Taizong, the "Khan" across the bank.

Li Hongyun was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

Because he knew very well that this kind of treatment definitely belonged to Liang Taizong alone.

If someone else, such as Liang Gaozu, or the prince, or the king of Qi, came to the river bank to say what he said, I'm afraid it would only make the Turkic people laugh and disapprove.

As for the act of detaining Zhishenli, if it is put on Qin Wang's side, it is a strong statement, but if it is put on others, it may be to find a reason for the Turkic people to start a war.

Jieli Khan's face was obviously a little ugly.

Because every time Liang Taizong appeared on stage, he seemed to be stepping on his face.

It stands to reason that he is at least equal to Liang Taizong, or even higher.After all, if you have to say it, when Liang Gaozu raised his troops, he became a minister in order to gain the support of the Turkic people.

Liang Gaozu was not less embarrassed by the Turks, so when Jieli Khan was captured and returned to Chang'an to become the king of dancing three years later, Liang Gaozu was very happy. fixed.

In Jieli Khan's view, it was only natural for the Turks to overwhelm Liang Chao.

What's more, at this time, civil strife had just occurred in the Liang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong of Liang seized the throne, and the Turkic people were in their heyday.

As a result, Liang Taizong was the same as two years ago, with far more courage than him, and his home court advantage was wiped out.

Jieli Khan could even feel that some of the little bosses under him admired King Qin very much, and this admiration almost surpassed their loyalty to him...

As a khan, I can't hold back my face.

But at this moment, smoke and dust rose in the distance.

Liang Jun's cavalry has arrived!
The elite Xuanjia army pressed forward like a black cloud, and neatly reined in behind the King of Qin.

The horses in the front row raised their legs and neighed in unison, their movements uniform.

The cavalry in the back row also stopped quickly, keeping the gap with the cavalry in the front just right, neither crowded nor loose.

Behind King Qin, these cavalry stood like mountains, just like the rainy night two years ago.

The combat effectiveness of the army can be seen from the marching situation.

The neat marching shows that this army has strict discipline, high organization and high morale.And such an army will definitely not have low combat effectiveness.

The Turks have long learned about Liang Jun's combat effectiveness.

Especially on that rainy night two years ago, the appearance of Liang Jun's cavalry rushing forward in the rain left a very deep impression on the Turkic people.

At this time, Jieli Khan felt the mountain-like pressure from two years ago.

Because several things in succession have exceeded his expectations, which makes him more prone to forced errors.

Zhi Si, who went to test, went to Chang'an arrogantly. He was supposed to show off his might, and then came back to report the news of the peace, but at this time he was directly detained by Liang Chao;

Qin Wang has just become emperor, the situation in the court should be unstable, there is no reason to take it lightly, but he still rushed over without any hesitation just like two years ago;

Coupled with the sudden arrival of Liang Jun, Chen Bing had already made a clear gesture on the other side: the capital was not empty, and Liang Jun was already ready for a big battle.

So Jieli Khan was dumbfounded again.

Just like two years ago, he had to make a crucial choice in a very short period of time.

If it was in the Qi Dynasty, then the initiative of the alliance under the city was in the north.

Because the enemy's army is already approaching the city, shouldn't we take the initiative in the negotiation?

But in the Liang Dynasty, even if it was an alliance under the city, the initiative was still in the hands of the Central Plains Dynasty. This is the difference.

Jieli Khan looked at Liang Jun on the other side and fell silent again.

Negotiating peace has once again become his only option.

(End of this chapter)

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