Chapter 311
After completing all the preparatory work, Li Hongyun's field of vision began to rise rapidly, returning to the perspective of God again.

Then, he saw Liang Taizong ordered all the cavalry to retreat, leaving him alone, talking with Jieli Khan on the temporary bridge over the Weishui River.

Li Hongyun didn't know what the two sides discussed in detail, but he could guess something from their expressions.

Liang Taizong still looked calm and calm, calm and calm, completely unable to see the emptiness and cowardice behind him, and he didn't even mind showing an aggressive edge at a certain time;
Although Jieli Khan was trying to maintain his majesty as the great Turkic Khan, and even wanted to rely on the 200,000 soldiers behind him to put pressure on Liang Taizong, but from the perspective of God, this revealed that he did not have much confidence.

As for the leaders of the other Turkic tribes on the north bank of the Weishui River, they looked at the scene in front of them with great interest as if they were eating melons.

The two khans bargained in the verbal confrontation, trying to conclude a covenant acceptable to both parties. In the eyes of the tribal leaders, this is also a reserved program in the grassland tradition.

They saw with their own eyes the two most powerful khans in the world at that time sign a covenant face to face, and witnessed history with their own eyes. Perhaps this was more interesting to them than a war of death and injury.

After going through preliminary bargaining and basically reaching an agreement, the two returned separately.

During this process, Jieli Khan did not let the Turks attack suddenly, and Liang Taizong naturally did not let the cavalry behind him approach.

The Turks returned to their camp, while Liang Taizong returned to Chang'an City.

Two days later, Liang Taizong and Jieli Khan signed a peace agreement on the Weishui River Bridge, and beheaded Baima Limeng.

What's interesting is that during the official peace talks, Jieli Khan was alone on the other side, while the leaders of the Turkic tribes ran to the other side to pay homage to Liang Taizong, the "Khan".

In the eyes of the Central Plains people, this is simply incredible.

Although the two countries have established an alliance, they are still enemies, and it can even be said that they are sworn enemies.

Have you ever heard of the kings and generals of the Central Plains dynasty paying homage to the Turkic Khan in the past?

But from the perspective of grassland people, this is natural and should be taken for granted.

Perhaps it can be said that these barbarians are "awe-inspiring but not virtuous". When they decide to make a covenant with you, it must be because you are stronger than them, and once you show your flaws, they will immediately betray their promises, tear up the covenant, and ruthlessly Bite your wounds.

But these prairie people's respect and admiration for heroes is also real.

On the grassland, strength is the most respected, and those with strength can be supported by everyone.And this is unreasonable from the perspective of the Central Plains people.

If Liang Taizong was really born in the grassland, then even if he is the second son, there is no need to think about the change of Xuanwumen, because he can fight, and he is the best candidate to inherit the position of Khan.

The Turks pulled out their camps and left, and a great battle disappeared without a trace.


Li Hongyun, who has experienced the entire Weishui alliance from beginning to end, has a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship with the Turks in the early years of the Liang Dynasty.

Although this challenge was conducted from the perspective of the King of Qin, most of the time he was copying the standard answers of the King of Qin, but if you dig carefully, you will find that there are many details in it that can be dug deeper.

Especially when Li Hongyun subconsciously substituted the perspective of Jieli Khan, he realized that the suffocating sense of oppression had returned.

That was the sense of oppression he experienced when he saw King Qin from the perspective of Dou Jiande!
Is Turkic weak?

Is Jieli Khan stupid?

After going through all this, Li Hongyun is very sure that the answer to both questions is no.

There is a saying that difficulties are like springs, it depends on whether you are strong or not, if you are strong it will be weak, if you are weak it will be strong.

The same holds true for the relationship between the two countries.

The Turks were weak in front of King Qin, but that didn't mean they were really weak.

The Turks were destroyed, although Liang Taizong seized the opportunity well, but not everyone has the ability to seize the opportunity.

For example, when Qi Taizu founded the country, he set the policy of first going south and then going north. He allowed the Liao Kingdom's faint king to sleep in the north for ten years, and he just missed the best window for recovering Yanyun.So that ten years later when he crusaded against Yanyun, he encountered the most powerful comrade group since the founding of the Liao Kingdom.

You know, starting a big battle is not just like playing a game, just pressing a few buttons.

It is necessary to train troops in advance, transport food, arrange strategies, detect the enemy's situation, divide and disintegrate the enemy, and so on.

These preparations can take months or years to complete.

In the confrontation of the Liang Dynasty, the Turks did not have the opportunity to attack.

In the few years from the fifth year of Wude to the ninth year of Wude, the state of the Turks was in full swing, while the Liang Dynasty was in the midst of fierce internal strife.

The series of actions of Jieli Khan actually reflected his foresight.

He has long realized that the Turkic people will not have good results when the Liang Dynasty becomes stronger, so he mobilizes heavy troops to go south almost every year.

There are as few as 200,000 and as many as [-]. In terms of military strength, the Liang Dynasty is already in a state of absolute crushing.

Moreover, Jieli Khan is not brave or foolhardy, and he will not fight an uncertain battle.

Starting from the fifth year of Wude, the previous invasions were actually probing.Test the best route and test the quality of generals like Liang Chao.

From the beginning, he chose the east and Taiyuan routes to invade, and later directly approached Chang'an City through the Weishui Valley; from the beginning when he met the King of Qin, he avoided the edge and attacked other generals first, and later on Wulongban, he also began to try to fight against the Liang Dynasty. The strongest king of Qin confronted each other.

It can be said that every step Jieli Khan took was to prepare for the defeat of the Liang Dynasty as much as possible.

When it came to the Weishui League, Jieli Khan had no problems with his ability, vision, and force projection. This long-distance raid and direct attack on Chang'an can be regarded as a textbook for the northern nomads to use their troops.

If a more mediocre emperor were replaced, even if Chang'an City could be defended, the entire Guanzhong Plain would probably be ravaged wantonly under the iron hooves of the Turks.

If the Turks win a big victory, Jieli Khan's reputation will rise rapidly and his position will be more stable.

But by chance, he met the nemesis in his life.

This kind of helplessness, I am afraid that only Dou Jiande can understand.

Li Hongyun thought for a while, if he really entered into the perspective of Xieli Khan, he would probably make the same choice as Xieli Khan without cheating or predicting the future in advance.

Whether it was on Wulongban or on the banks of the Weishui River, Jieli Khan made the choice he thought was the safest and most likely to win despite the obstacles of the fog of war.

But he also completely lost the opportunity.

Of course, even if Jieli Khan really loses his mind and decides to fight at all costs, the trend of history may not change much.

After all, the failure of Jieli Khan was not just a wrong decision.

What the two sides displayed during the game was the comprehensive crushing of intelligence, psychology, and military power.

After the conclusion of the Weishui Alliance, the Turks did not go south again for three full years.

This is certainly due to the gradual emergence of internal conflicts among the Turks, but the more important reason is that the Weishui alliance has completely shattered the prestige of Jieli Khan.

If it is said that during the time of Wulongban, the King of Qin led the elite cavalry to rush forward in the rain and forced Jieli Khan to retreat, he stabbed Jieli Khan's prestige severely, then the alliance of Weishui was directly smashed Jieli Khan's prestige was smashed to pieces.

Leaders of various tribes crossed the Weishui Bridge to pay homage to Emperor Taizong of Liang. Only Jieli Khan was left on the other side of the river, which already reflected a crucial point: Jieli Khan's prestige and control were seriously insufficient.

Apparently, after several years of successive trips to the south, and repeated defeats by the King of Qin, the leaders of the various Turkic tribes had already understood a fact.

Since you Jieli Khan didn't dare to fight when you were the strongest and the Liang Dynasty was the weakest, and you couldn't do anything. The 200,000 army just went to the Weishui River for a tour. After that, any of your military operations will naturally not Any more results.

Therefore, even if Jieli Khan refuses to accept it and wants to summon another army to go south, whether the leaders of the various tribes will listen to him will be a big question mark.

This year, Liang Taizong was 28 years old.

The strong and weak relationship between the Liang Dynasty and the Turks completely changed positions.

The Zhenguan monarchs and ministers began to work hard to govern and mobilize their troops. In the case of continuous natural disasters in various places, they helped the victims and resumed production.

On the Turkic side, Jieli Khan's prestige completely collapsed. Many tribes refused to attach and began to defect one after another. Many tribes even fell directly to the Khan Liang Taizong in their eyes.

The order of the entire grassland began to reshuffle, and this also laid the groundwork for the battle of the Liang Dynasty to destroy the Turks.


In Li Hongyun's vision, the second barrier was also broken through.

He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the core of this historical slice.

In one go, he directly touched the third layer of black air.

But this time, an exact year did not appear in Li Hongyun's field of vision. Instead, he directly came to the top of Chang'an City from the perspective of God, and fixed on a very critical area.

Xuanwu Gate.

When Li Hongyun went to Weishui to make a covenant with the Turkic people, it was the Xuanwu Gate that he left with Fang Xuanling and others.

Xuanwu Gate was first built in the former dynasty and was the north gate of Daxing Palace. In the Liang Dynasty, Daxing Palace was rebuilt into Taiji Palace with two gates on the north side. Xuanwu Gate is located in the west of the north of Taiji Palace, and Anli in the east. Door.

Xuanwumen is located on the high slope of Longshouyuan, adjacent to the West Neiyuan in the north, overlooking the palace city, and is the commanding height for controlling Taiji Palace.

It can be said that if you control the Xuanwu Gate, you will control the Taiji Palace; if you control the Taiji Palace, you will control Chang'an City; and if you control Chang'an City, you will control the entire country.

At this time, the game screen repeatedly showed many details of Xuanwu Gate, which had hinted to Li Hongyun, no, it should be said that it clearly indicated the goal of this stage.

Obviously, what he wants to experience this time is the famous Xuanwu Gate change in history.

The change of Xuanwumen was indeed a hurdle that Liang Taizong couldn't get around.

"I don't know who is going to play this time?

"Directly play King Qin?
"Still playing the opponents of King Qin, the prince and King Qi? Or, directly playing Liang Gaozu?"

What Li Hongyun did not expect was that this time his vision did not directly possess someone like before, but still hovered over the entire city of Chang'an from the perspective of God.

And in Chang'an City, dots of light began to light up one by one.

Watch carefully, those light spots are attached to ordinary people one by one.

He saw spots of light among the guards of the Imperial Army on the Xuanwu Gate, spots of light in the mansions of meritorious officials and generals in Chang'an City, and even among ordinary people.

As for the palace, the spots of light are even denser.

On the left and right sides of Liangyi Hall are Chengqian Hall and Wude Hall, which are the residences of King Qin and King Qi respectively.

The Lizheng Hall and Cheng'en Hall in the east are the East Palace, the residence of the prince.

A huge number of light spots are woven together into a broad stage for the Xuanwumen Incident.And the combined force formed by the attitudes of these people will directly determine the direction of the entire empire in the next hundred years.

In many cases, history will show its inevitability;
But sometimes, history is full of chance.

For example, the weather of a dynasty is often highly consistent with its founding king.And once the founding king made a wrong decision at a certain critical point, causing another founding king to take over, then the history of the next hundred years or so might be completely changed.

And when Li Hongyun wondered how to start this challenge, a book appeared in front of him.

To be precise, this is a collection of history books.

There are dense traditional characters written on it, but fortunately, all these traditional characters will be automatically translated in the next second, allowing him to understand without stress.

"This is... the relevant historical records of the Xuanwu Gate Incident?"

Li Hongyun could see that many of the entries above were basically derived from various historical materials.

For example, he is familiar with "Entrepreneurial Living Notes", "Old Liang Shu", "New Liang Shu", "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", and many other titles that he has never heard of, which may have existed before Historical materials that have been used, but have since been lost.

In ancient times, books were very precious and scarce resources, especially history books, which generally did not survive many times, especially for some less important history books.

In troubled times, warlords of all walks of life always like to burn things, treasuries and cities are often burned, and many precious historical materials are lost in the process and can never be seen again.

"Zi Zhi Tong Jian" is an important historical material for studying the history of the Liang Dynasty, precisely because Wen Jun was able to see many historical materials other than the old and new Liang books that cannot be seen now when he wrote it.

But Wen Jun actually synthesized the records of these historical materials, and after a comprehensive textual research, he wrote them in "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

Therefore, the part of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" about the Liang Dynasty is not a complete copy of the old and new Liang books, but has its unique historical value.

Li Hongyun was dazzled by the various records with various names and the names of many historical materials.

Then, the clearance target appeared in his vision.

[Chang'an City at this stage is the distorted and changed Chang'an City. 】

[The player can judge the authenticity of the historical materials by themselves. Once confirmed, the situation of Chang'an City will change according to the player's judgment on the historical materials. 】

[Select the light spot, you can observe it from the perspective of the character, and have a chance to obtain memory fragments. 】

[Restore the original appearance of the Xuanwumen Change as much as possible, and the completion of more than 70% is considered a clearance. 】

Seeing the customs clearance target, Li Hongyun couldn't help being a little surprised.

Because the customs clearance form this time is completely different from the previous mode.

There are two key points: the first is that everything that happens here may be distorted and tampered with, for example, a certain character does not match the real character in history, or the development and direction of a certain thing is different from the history The directions above are different.

And Li Hongyun has to judge the authenticity of the historical materials by himself. Once judged, the historical materials will solidify certain factors in this world.

For example, suppose a certain historical material records that the prince was wise and strategizing, and Li Hongyun believed this historical material, then the prince in this world would really become wise and wise.

Conversely, if a piece of historical material records that the prince acted recklessly and stupidly, and Li Hongyun believed it, then the prince in this world would really become a waste.

Second, he can experience from any perspective, to control these characters to do something, or to spy on their memories.

But this is still based on the first point.

In other words, the memory fragments he saw may be evidence of historical data, but they may also be completely wrong.

On the surface, if the historical data that the prince, Qi Wang, and Liang Gaozu are all useless is directly accepted, there is no suspense that Qin Wang will win.

However, if this kind of belief conflicts with the historical reality, the scene that Li Hongyun reappears will deviate too much from the historical reality, and it will also be impossible to pass the level.

All in all, Li Hongyun needs to distinguish the relatively correct historical materials from the vast sea of ​​historical materials, both true and false, and make preliminary corrections to the entire changed Chang'an City.Then play the role of each light point, constantly promote the development of the event, and restore the true appearance of the Xuanwumen Change as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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