My players are all actors

Chapter 312 Believe it or not

Chapter 312 Believe it or not
The fog in front of him filled the air, and Li Hongyun woke up from the bed.

So far, it has been the third day of his raid on Liang Taizong's personal dungeon.During this period of time, he successively opened up the previous two parts, namely "Battle of Hulao Pass" and "Weishui Alliance".

And the third part, "The Change of Xuanwumen", also opened a head.

For him, this is a pretty good progress.

It is especially important to see the beginning of the third part, which means that he can find the corresponding historical materials in reality and make full preparations.

In this way, the clearance progress of the third part can be greatly improved.

"Chu Ge, where did you hit?" Li Hongyun asked.

Chu Ge sighed silently: "I'm still stuck in the Weishui League. This dungeon is really unfriendly to scribe players!"

There is obviously a reason for his complaints. Whether it is the "Battle of Hulao Pass" in the first part or the "Alliance of Weishui" in the second part, Liang Taizong's personal force value has played a very important role.

Scribe players have to play Liang Taizong, but even with his strong body and muscle memory, it is difficult to play his due strength like the other three professions.

Of course, scribe players also have corresponding solutions.

For example, during the Battle of Hulao Pass, the scribe player could lead a group of warriors under his command to fight, while he just rode a horse among the cavalry to buff everyone.

At that time, the King of Qin was not fighting alone, and his generals could be described as shining stars in that era, such as Yuchi Jingde and Qin Shubao were excellent representatives among them.

These two goalkeepers have unique skills. For example, Yuchi Jingde is good at capturing spears immediately, and once competed with King Qi.The king of Qi used a horse lance to assassinate Yuchi Jingde, but Yuchi Jingde captured the lance three times.

You must know that immediately seizing the lance is a highly difficult technical task, and it can be said to be the top operation in the horse battle.

In comparison, stabbing the opponent to death with a lance, or just dodging, is much easier than seizing the lance.

Although King Qi's reputation is not as good as these star-studded generals, he has been trained as a proficient archer and horse since childhood, and his personal strength is not low.In this case, he was still beaten by Yuchi Jingde. It can only be said that Yuchi Jingde's personal force value has reached the ceiling at that time.

No wonder the king of Qin praised: I hold a bow and arrow, and the public holds a lance to accompany me. Although there are millions of people, I can do nothing!

As for Qin Shubao, he also had a ceiling on his personal strength.

For example, it is recorded in historical materials that every time Qin Shubao went on an expedition with the King of Qin, there would often be generals in the enemy's ranks showing off their strength, and at this time, the King of Qin would ask Qin Shubao to teach him how to behave.

Qin Shubao often single-handedly beheaded this pretentious enemy general among thousands of troops, and then returned.

Although there is no record in the historical data that he killed a very famous general, it is still not comparable to General Qin Kaiyun's operation, but it is enough to see that Qin Shubao's personal force value is also very high.

In addition, there are many other strong men in the generals under King Qin, but because the light of King Qin is too dazzling, these people are all covered up.

When the scribe player plays the role of King Qin, he can command these generals to charge instead of charging himself. As long as he chooses the right timing, he can also achieve similar results.

But in any case, it still takes some time to adapt, so Chu Ge's progress has been slowed down to a certain extent, and he is still stuck in the Weishui League.

"Where have you hit? Have you reached the third stage?" Chu Ge asked.

For this dog Ouhuang, Chu Ge felt that he was probably making faster progress than himself.

Li Hongyun nodded: "Well, I saw the beginning of the third stage, but... I still have no idea how to pass the level."

Then, Li Hongyun told Chu Ge about the relevant content of the third part "Xuanwu Gate Change".

Chu Ge was thoughtful.

After he gets through the "Weishui Alliance", he will also have to clear the "Xuanwu Gate Change", so it will be good for him to study it now.

Maybe at that time, I can rely on my own mind to overtake others and recover a lot of progress.

Li Hongyun asked: "I am not very familiar with the history of the Liang Dynasty, but to get through this part, there should be a very important problem to be solved.

"Liang Taizong...has he changed the history? If he changed it, how much has he changed? What places have he changed?
"If you don't understand this question, you won't even be able to determine the general direction, let alone solve the puzzle."

Although Li Hongyun is a student of the history department, his research on the history of the Liang Dynasty is not very in-depth.This is also normal. After all, students in the history department are still in the process of learning. The history of China is vast and has too much content. Even many scholars can only specialize in a certain era, let alone students.

But even so, he still accurately grasped the key point of the third part of this trial.

That is to try to identify the authenticity of these historical materials in reality.

Although the game of "Dark Sand" is full of definite history, in the process of solving puzzles for players, the game deliberately covers up these fogs again.

Players must first solve the puzzle before they can see the truth through the fog.

But in this way, what the players are doing is a bit like historical research.

It is necessary to speculate the truth at that time as much as possible through many contradictory historical materials.The result of the speculation will directly affect the progress of the third part of customs clearance.

If you make a wrong deduction on a key person or key event, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to meet the requirements for clearing the game.

On the Internet, some people sneered at Liang Taizong's achievements.

Among them, some people are deliberately unconventional and appear to be different from others, while others believe that Liang Taizong has changed historical materials, so all records about him are not credible, especially the records about the Xuanwu Gate. Even more completely unbelievable.

If the historical data is really completely changed, it is almost impossible for players to successfully solve the puzzle and clear the level in the third part of "Xuanwumen Change".

As for how did the saying "Liang Taizong changed history" come from?

This is actually recorded in historical materials.

It is recorded in the Old Liang Book that Emperor Taizong of Liang wanted to find Chu Suiliang to read the notes on daily life, and was very curious about what the historian who had been following behind him to record his words and deeds wrote.But Chu Suiliang refused, and said that no emperor had ever looked at his daily life note before.

Then Liang Taizong asked, if I have done something wrong, will Qing also record it?
Chu Suiliang said, of course, I will remember what His Majesty has done.

Then the servant of the Huangmen said that even if Chu Suiliang didn't remember it, people in the world would remember it.

But Emperor Liang Taizong "taken it for granted".

However, Liang Taizong obviously never forgot about this matter, and later he approached Zhu Zishe to read the daily notes, but was rejected again.

But many years later, Liang Taizong still saw the historical materials recording himself as he wished.

"Zizhi Tongjian" records that Fang Xuanling presented "Gaozu and Taizong Shilu" to Liang Taizong for reading.However, Emperor Liang Taizong saw that the incident on June [-]th, that is, the record of the Xuanwu Gate Change in the memorandum, "the language is too subtle", so he said to Fang Xuanling that the historians need not hide their words and let them "cut off the floating words." , Directly write about the matter."

It is also recorded in the "Old Liang Shu" that after Xu Jingzong took charge of the national history, he "recorded things with Aqu". Many examples were cited later to prove that he deleted and distorted the historical materials with his own love and hatred.It can be seen that "Gaozu Shilu" and "Taizong Shilu" were seriously tampered with by Xu Jingzong.

Therefore, the saying "Liang Taizong changed history" naturally spread along with the highly discussed topic of the Xuanwumen change, and became a hot topic on the Internet.

And Li Hongyun fell into this kind of confusion at this time.

If "Records of Emperor Gaozu and Taizong" is not credible, then the old and new Liang books based on it are naturally also not credible, and the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" based on the old and new Liang books is naturally also not credible...

Isn't that completely impossible to reproduce the truth?
Chu Ge was silent for a moment, then said, "Correct your views.

"First of all, Liang Taizong did not read No. 1 of the daily life note. According to historical records, he just asked Chu Suiliang about the daily life note, but there is no record that he read it. Fang Xuanling showed him the real record. The real record is the same as Living notes are not the same thing.

"There are many emperors who read the real records, and there have been emperors who read the daily life notes. For example, in the former Qin Dynasty during the Sixteen Kingdoms period, there were emperors who read the daily life notes and burned the records. If the historian was dead at that time, it would probably be too late. be dealt with together.

"Secondly, there is a phenomenon of Spring and Autumn brushwork among the historians, not to mention the Liang Dynasty, even the longer Yan and Chu, there are a lot of records of the Spring and Autumn brushwork. For example, there are historical records in the late Chu Dynasty. Within a year, the three legal heirs died of illness one after another, and then the new emperor ascended the throne... Can you believe it?

"As for whether this is specifically the emperor's request or the historian's personal desire to survive, it's hard to say.

"As for Xu Jingzong, he did change the historical materials, but he changed the history when Liang Gaozong was in power, and the historians at that time were very contemptuous of this, and they basically changed it back. Among the historical materials he tampered with, there are There are many who discredit Liang Taizong's monarchs and ministers.

"Of course, these do not completely prove that Emperor Taizong of Liang did not change the history. Judging from the historical records, Emperor Taizong of Liang did read the records of Emperor Gaozu and Emperor Taizong, and he really hoped that his ministers would rewrite them. However, it is not credible to say that the existing historical materials , that is obviously too arbitrary.

"In fact, the entire Liang Dynasty historians are particularly eager to find the real hammer of Liang Taizong's reform of history, and have been working tirelessly. Moreover, they are very excited when the epitaphs of related figures come out.

"But until now, after generations of research, books have almost been turned to pieces, and tombs have been opened one after another, but no really convincing evidence has been found. The matter of Emperor Taizong's reform of history is still just speculate.

"Moreover, even if we start from historical materials, we can find a lot of evidence that 'existing historical materials are still credible'."

Li Hongyun thought for a while: "But, if no evidence is found, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist?"

Chu Ge nodded: "Of course, but you have to know one thing: To change history on a large scale is basically equivalent to completely eradicating people's memories at that time, which is not something the emperor can do with a single sentence.

"Because in addition to the official history books, there will also be a large number of unofficial records recorded by the people, or there will be epitaphs after the death of the people at that time, or various other records, etc.

"Even if the emperor at that time changed the official history books, it was impossible to change all the historical materials or epitaphs recorded by the people. As the servant of the Huangmen said, even if Chu Suiliang didn't remember it, people in the world would record it.

"Although the historical materials we have seen so far are limited, the more ancient people saw more historical materials. For example, when Wen Junshi wrote "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", he could see many historical materials that we can't see. However, he still generally adopted the records of the old and new Liang books in "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

"In history, there are actually many historical revision events, such as the Chu Dynasty, the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Sheng Dynasty, etc., there are many records of historical revisions, and basically all of them are hammered because of the unearthed cultural relics or the latest research. It is difficult to reverse the verdict.

"Only the largest and most condemned incident of Liang Taizong's reform of history in modern times has yet to be found with solid evidence, which can actually explain some problems from the side.

"Moreover, there is one necessary condition to change history on a large scale. The Liang Dynasty did not have it."

Li Hongyun asked: "What?"

Chu Ge smiled slightly: "The literary inquisition, and it is a large-scale literary inquisition sweeping the whole country from top to bottom.

"Because if you want to change history, it's not enough to just change the history of the country. There are also a large number of folk historical records. Although these folk historical materials are unofficial histories, they will also collect a lot of corresponding information, and many people who write unofficial histories are also highly respected. , Famous and weighty people.

"Perhaps one day in the future, these unofficial histories will corroborate with some unearthed historical materials, thus proving the falsification of official history.

"So, if you want to change the history, you have to eradicate the unofficial history, leaving only the official history that you have revised. To eradicate the unofficial history, you have to set up a literary prison on a large scale, arrest and kill all the people who wrote the history, Burn all the books they wrote, and even the private collectors will also be executed...

"Only in this way can it be completely banned.

"But we all know that in the Liang Dynasty, private history was not allowed, speech and thought were not restricted, and there was no literary prison. The cultural environment at that time can be said to be the most open and inclusive in the entire ancient Chinese.

"And, if you really think about this issue with skepticism, you should think like this: The person who changed history will let you know that he changed history? How low is his IQ?

"If Liang Taizong really wanted to change history on a large scale, why did he leave such an obvious stain in the historical materials that he asked his officials to change history?
"On the contrary, those dynasties that have not found any historical records, should be more vigilant. Because they really did a very careful and perfect revision, deleted all the places that should be deleted, and even set up a literary inquisition to kill all the folk historical materials. It took decades of trying to get you absolutely no clue about the real history."

Li Hongyun thought for a while: "What about "Entrepreneurial Living Notes"? It seems that there are many things that are different from the old and new Liang books, right?"

Chu Ge nodded: "Well, yes, but "Entrepreneurship Daily Notes" may not be reliable, because there are many records that are unreasonable to think with your toes.

"For example, it is recorded in it that after the siege of Yanmen, Liang Gaozu, the god of war in Mayi, frightened the Turks so that they did not dare to go south. I also want to perform the ceremony of a vassal to Liang Gaozu.

"As a result, in May of the following year, the Turks surrounded Taiyuan with tens of thousands of cavalry.

"And we know that the Turks will not really invade again until the Weishui Alliance about ten years later. During these ten years, the Turks went south to harass almost every year, and it became more and more intense.

"Obviously, this is baseless bragging."

Li Hongyun was speechless for a while, he was indeed persuaded by Chu Ge.

"Then... what about the folk records of Liang Taizong?"

Chu Ge smiled slightly: "Folks? People's views on Liang Taizong are much more outrageous than the official history.

"However, no one questioned or slandered Liang Taizong, but they all regarded him as a 'holy king'.

"There are two poems that are enough to explain.

"'I have been here for 190 years, and the world is still singing and dancing'. In other words, it has been 190 years since Emperor Liang Taizong passed away, but the people are still singing and dancing to praise his holiness.

"'Accumulated anger sometimes sings, and lonely loyalists cry at Zhaoling'. This is written by a famous poet in the Qi Dynasty. It talks about the customs of Liang and Qi Dynasties. When Zhongliang was persecuted and wronged, he went to the tomb of Emperor Taizong of Liang to cry. .At this time, it has been 600 years since Emperor Liang Taizong passed away.

"If Liang Taizong really has any huge black material, then I think the people at that time should be able to find it more than people now, and they have more reasons to record and disseminate it."

Li Hongyun nodded slightly: "That means... I just follow the historical records to clear the Xuanwu Gate change?"

Chu Ge was silent for a moment: "That's not true. There are some details that need to be carefully screened and perfected by you.

"But in general, it should be no problem to follow this big framework."

(End of this chapter)

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