My players are all actors

Chapter 319 King Qi Is Actually Myself

Chapter 319 King Qi Is Actually Myself

After realizing this key detail, Li Hongyun reviewed the whole operation again, only to realize that he had missed a key link that was not recorded in the history books.

That is, what is Liang Gaozu doing?
Li Hongyun's thoughts quickly reversed, and he returned to the very beginning, the night when the Qin Palace conspired.

In the process of formulating the plan, the Forbidden Army in the palace is a force that cannot be ignored.

Judging from common sense, if you set your sights on the Forbidden Army in the Palace and Liang Gaozu, it is definitely tantamount to treason, and it is best not to do it.

The main goal of King Qin at this time is to kill the prince and King Qi, so that he is the only heir to the throne, and the crown prince is in his pocket.

Then the goal should be achieved...

Obviously not.

If only the actions against the crown prince and King Qi were planned, then there would be many uncontrollable factors in the whole process.

For example, suppose the ambush fails, the crown prince or King Qi escapes, and the forbidden army in the palace comes to suppress it, what should we do?Do you want to fight directly with the Forbidden Army in the Palace?

You must know that the generals under the prince were still attacking Xuanwu Gate at that time, and they almost couldn't hold it.If you are attacked by two sides, the consequences will be disastrous.

At that time, Liang Gaozu may justifiably stand on the side of the prince and King Qi.

Even if the ambush is successful and the prince and King Qi are both dead, what if Liang Gaozu disagrees with the succession?
What if Liang Gaozu was furious and asked the forbidden army to kill the King of Qin and all the generals in the Qin Palace in the name of treason, and then appointed his younger son as the prince, and continued to be the emperor himself?
Judging from the results afterwards, Liang Gaozu seemed unwilling to lose his second son, so after learning of the death of the prince and King Qi, he had no choice but to accept the result.

But the records in the history books may be the result of beautification.

No emperor in this world would be willing to give up the power in his hands and be set up to be an overlord far away from power and doing nothing every day.

What's more, when the people in Prince Qin's Mansion were making plans, they couldn't predict the future. They knew that Liang Gaozu would accept the result so easily.

The change of Xuanwu Gate is treason, a serious crime that will destroy the nine clans if one is not careful.

Then, when they made their plans, would they leave such a huge loophole and let themselves carry out the risk of exterminating the nine races?

Thinking of this, the scene in the entire field of vision also quickly dialed back to the night of the conspiracy in the Qin Palace.

During the planning, King Qin placed his fingers heavily on the location of Linhu Palace.

"This is an excellent location to ambush the crown prince and King Qi.

"However, this is already the hinterland of the palace, and there are many imperial guards guarding and patrolling.

"We're going to ambush dozens of cavalry here. It's impossible for the forbidden army not to see it. The number of the forbidden army is not enough to worry about, but if they go to inform the emperor, or if they shout loudly to alert the prince and King Qi, it will make our The plan fell short.

"If the Crown Prince and King Qi run away, we will be in danger when the generals of the Prince's Mansion lead the Changlin soldiers to join forces with the Imperial Army."

The King of Qin looked around at the crowd. Obviously, these battle-tested generals and strategists were all well aware of this.

But what to do?
Only the King of Qin is qualified to make a decision on this matter, and it is considered a serious crime for others to even give advice.

After a moment of silence, King Qin made up his mind.

"After our people entered the palace, we first sent a team to the palace to control father and ministers.

"Any forbidden army who dares to stop...

"Kill without mercy!"

Seeing this, Li Hongyun finally let out a sigh of relief.

Right, right!
If you don't control Liang Gaozu, but just ambush the prince and King Qi, it is a serious military adventure, and you are pinning everyone's wealth and lives on some uncertain factors.

The King of Qin fought so many tough battles with his generals, so he will not fail to understand this truth.

But if you control Liang Gaozu first, and then ambush the prince and King Qi, then no matter what the result is, the overall situation is under your control.

This is no longer an adventure, but a performance.

A performance for Liang Gaozu.

If he hadn't done these things, then Liang Gaozu's behavior would be difficult to predict when he was furious.

What if he didn't give up because of this, didn't accept the reality, and instead mobilized all the forbidden troops to besiege and kill the King of Qin?
But according to this plan, if Liang Gaozu is allowed to go boating in the sea pool and let the ministers accompany him, then in the process, he will gradually accept the reality, and the persuasion of the ministers around him can quickly calm down his emotions.

In this way, when he saw the heads of the prince and King Qi, the emotion in his heart was no longer anger, but fear.

Because after this period of thinking, he will be very clear about the consequences of not meditating, and his reason will gradually overwhelm his emotions, forcing him to make the only choice.

The fog was instantly cleared, and everything in front of him became clear.

But at this time, the screen is stuck.

The time in Prince Qin's mansion seemed to freeze instantly, and no one took any further actions.

"Huh? Stuck?

"...Could it be that you are asking me to determine who will carry out this plan?"

Li Hongyun was stunned for a moment and quickly realized that he still had one most critical problem that he had not resolved.

Who is going to perform this most important task, no, it should be the second most important task?

The most important task should be to cooperate with the king of Qin to ambush the crown prince and king Qi to ensure that these two people must die.Otherwise, even if Liang Gaozu is under control, the Changlin soldiers from the prince's mansion will come, the situation will still be hard to say.

Controlling Liang Gaozu is the second most important task.

The difficulty of this task is actually lower than the ambush of the prince and king of Qi. After all, the prince and king of Qi are full of vigilance and have many private soldiers. be on guard.

Moreover, most of the manpower in the Qin Palace was mainly used to kill the imperial army and control Liang Gaozu.

Yuchi Jingde hunted down the crown prince and the king of Qi with only dozens of riders, where are the rest of the manpower?Li Hongyun had been a little confused before, but now he is completely confirmed.

So, who exactly carried out this task?

A person who had been neglected before suddenly flashed in Li Hongyun's mind.

"Hou Junji!"

When the King of Qin summed up the credit for the Xuanwumen Change afterwards, Yuchi Jingde ranked first, there is no doubt about it.

Whether it was to encourage the King of Qin to make up his mind in advance, or personally lead the cavalry to rescue the King of Qin, shoot and kill the King of Qi on the day of the incident, and throw the heads of the Prince and King of Qi to Xuanwumen to let the people in the Prince's Mansion disperse, and finally went to the Liang Dynasty in person. Forcing the palace in front of Gaozu, they all had a sense of presence in the whole incident.

But the person who ranked second was Hou Junji.

Historical materials do not record what Hou Junji did in the Xuanwumen Incident, but only say that he was the core figure of the whole operation and offered a lot of advice.

But the question is, how did you “provide a lot of advice”?Moreover, Hou Junji is a general, and he can come in second place for offering a lot of advice. What do real counselors like Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui think?
As a military commander, he offered a lot of advice, but didn't arrange any particularly important tasks in the final actual action?

None of this makes sense.

Although later Hou Junji participated in the prince's treason case during Liang Taizong's time, which caused this person's reputation in history to be not very good, but Liang Taizong was a relatively magnanimous person. I still remember it all.

Then, Hou Junji made the second most contribution in the Xuanwumen Incident, but there is no clear record of his deeds, so there is only one explanation.

What he did during the Xuanwumen Incident cannot be remembered at all.

At the moment when Li Hongyun's thoughts became clear, the picture in front of him moved again.

"Hou Junji!

"Lead five hundred warriors, and invite your father and go on a cruise in Haichi."

King Qin looked at Hou Junji, and Hou Junji accepted the order excitedly: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

Time came again to the day of the Xuanwumen Incident, but the scene Li Hongyun saw this time was quite different from before.

Chang He, who was in charge of guarding the Xuanwu Gate, opened the gate, and King Qin's men entered in mighty force.

And when King Qin and Yuchi Jingde started to ambush near the Linhu Hall, Hou Junji led the main force into the palace in mighty force.

All the imperial guards who dared to stop them were killed along the way, to ensure that the vast area from Xuanwu Gate to the surrounding area of ​​Linhu Hall was nothing unusual except quiet.

Then, he went directly to the deep palace, found Liang Gaozu who was discussing with the ministers, and "invited" them all to the sea pool for rowing.

Afterwards, Hou Junji led people to guard here, and waited until Yuchi Jingde killed the crown prince and King Qi to come over.

According to historical records, when Yuchi Jingde saw Liang Gaozu covered in blood, wearing armor and holding a spear, "Gaozu was shocked" and asked, "Who is making trouble today, and what is Aiqing doing here?"

Yuchi Jingde replied: "The crown prince and the king of Qi led troops to make trouble, and the king of Qin and his ministers raised troops to kill them. The king of Qin was worried about alarming your majesty, so he sent his ministers to serve as guards."

But at this time, it was unreasonable for Liang Gaozu to be "surprised", because he should have been shocked before.

So Liang Gaozu asked the people around him what to do.

At this time, many ministers were boating with Liang Gaozu. Among them, Yuwen Shiji and Yan Shigu belonged to the party of the King of Qin. It is customary to excuse King Qin's speech.

Among the people present at this time, only Pei Ji was the one who was really at odds with King Qin and who was absolutely loyal to Liang Gaozu.

And when Liang Gaozu asked this question, Pei Ji's face was paler than his.

Because when Jinyang raised troops, Pei Ji, Liu Wenjing, King Qin, and Liang Gaozu were the four planners who raised the army. After Liang Gaozu became emperor, Pei Ji and Liu Wenjing were both prime ministers.

It's just that Pei Ji firmly supported Liang Gaozu, while Liu Wenjing firmly supported King Qin.

However, Pei Ji and Liang Gaozu brazenly killed Liu Wenjing, which was enough to be hated by the King of Qin for a lifetime.

At this time, if Liang Gaozu did not agree to transfer power, only half of them would die, while Pei Ji would die 100%.

Driven by a strong desire to survive, Pei Ji naturally could only agree.

Therefore, Xiao Yu and Chen Shuda suggested that Liang Gaozu hand over the power, Feng Lun and Dou Dan said that it should be so, Yuwen Shiji said that His Majesty should have established the King of Qin as the prince long ago, and Yan Shigu said that the officials and ink had already been polished .

All the people present unanimously agreed to ask Liang Gaozu to hand over the power to King Qin.

And Liang Gaozu had no choice but to say awkwardly, this proposal is very good, in fact, I have long wanted to hand over the power to King Qin.

Obviously, Liang Gaozu was probably also thinking at this time, if he disagreed, it might not be King Qin who came, but a glass of wine or a rope.

Thus, the entire Xuanwumen change ended like this.

In the subsequent episode, the king of Qin came to see Liang Gaozu crying with a headache, and then Liang Gaozu issued two edicts within a day, namely "Edict of Establishing the King of Qin as Prince" and "Decree of Shenyao Ordering the Crown Prince to Decide on the General Administration". State affairs are handed over to King Qin.

After that, King Qin did three things.

The first thing was to award meritorious officials. Except for a small number of Liang Gaozu’s old officials who symbolically elevated their positions and overhead real power, the entire court was replaced by a group of civil servants and military generals from the Qin Palace, so the court structure of the Zhenguan Reign initially took shape.

The second thing is to kill all the descendants of the prince and King Qi.

The third thing is to appease the world. After treating Wei Zheng with courtesy, let him go to various places to recruit the remaining forces of the prince and restore the country's stability in a short period of time.

Of course, there is no doubt about rewarding heroes and pacifying the world, but killing all ten of his nephews by killing the grass and roots seems too cruel, and it has left a lot of infamy in later generations.

But thinking about it from the perspective of King Qin, it is very necessary to do so.

This is not only for Qin Wang himself, but also for the consideration of these heroes who launched the Xuanwu Gate Change with him.

The king of Qin is now in full swing, but who can guarantee what will happen in the future?

After Emperor Taizong of Liang passed away, if some people wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make troubles, then the prince and the descendants of King Qi would be the best tools.

What's more, if these people are not killed, the prince and many old minions of King Qi will not give up. It is difficult to win over, and it will be a huge hidden danger after all.

The most important issue is that Yuchi Jingde, Hou Junji and other Xuanwu Sect hero groups need King Qin to kill these people.

In the future, the descendants of King Qin will still be emperors, so even if something happens, they may not be able to trap them.But once the emperor and the courtiers, Yuchi Jingde, Hou Junji and others held high positions in the dynasty, but their descendants may not be able to keep this family business.

Once the power declines at that time, and the descendants of the prince and King Qi want to take revenge, they are likely to kill all their descendants through some conspiracy.

After all, no matter what the descendants of the crown prince and King Qi are the royal family, it is easy to find a way to kill the descendants of Yuchi Jingde, Cheng Zhijie and others.

Therefore, Qin Wang himself bears these infamy, not only for his own consideration, but also for the consideration of his subordinates.

This is not the only time King Qin blamed his subordinates.

For example, according to historical records, the King of Qin shot down the prince, but when he was fighting with the King of Qi, Yuchi Jingde rushed to him, so what did Yuchi Jingde do before?It is very likely that he went to make up for the crown prince.

During the entire Xuanwu Gate Change, the heroes under the King of Qin did their best to kill the King of Qin. When it comes to the Xuanwu Gate Change in later generations, all the blame was resolutely carried by the King Qin himself, and no hero was punished because of the Xuanwu Gate Change. Involve or leave the infamy of "bewitching the King of Qin".

Maybe it's like King Qin personally serving as the rear guard for the soldiers on the battlefield.

With such a leader who is willing to carry all the infamy, can take responsibility, and does not blame the blame, it is no wonder that all the heroic groups have unshakable loyalty to the King of Qin.

As all the dust settled, a line of words appeared in front of Li Hongyun.

[Completion of the current event: 74%]

[You can experience this session repeatedly to unlock more details and further improve the degree of completion. 】

[After confirmation, you will enter the next link. 】

"I have worked so hard, but the result is only 74% complete?"

Li Hongyun was a little surprised.

Obviously, there are still a lot of details waiting for him to dig out in the whole Xuanwu Gate incident.

This time "Dark Sand" did not directly reveal all the truth for the players, but let the players continue to explore and dig by themselves.

"Forcibly extend the life of the game, right?"

Li Hongyun even had a premonition that this part of the Xuanwumen Change in "Dark Sand" would be frantically studied by countless players, experimenting with different options, and even players would discuss repeatedly because of many details.

But he didn't intend to continue wasting time on this link.

If the completion rate is more than 70%, he will pass, and he is ready to enter the next stage.

In the field of vision, the third layer of black air was also broken, revealing the fourth layer of black air.

Li Hongyun couldn't help being a little curious: "What is the fourth layer of black energy? Is it to destroy the Turks? Or to conquer Goguryeo?"

In fact, in Li Hongyun's view, the most dangerous and difficult thing in King Qin's life was the change of Xuanwu Gate.

The other battles, whether it was the capture of two kings at Hulao Pass, or Wulongban and Weishui retreating the Turks alone, or sending Li Jing to destroy the Turks and personally conquer Goguryeo, were far less dangerous than the Xuanwu Gate.

The personal conquest of Goguryeo was the last battle of Liang Taizong in his later years. Although he failed to destroy Goguryeo in one battle, he had already achieved the greatest results with the smallest losses, which can be regarded as a great victory.

It's just that in many wars where troops were sent to destroy the country at every turn, the record of personally conquering Goguryeo is not so impressive.

For Liang Taizong, these battles were large enough and the results were brilliant enough, but they were far less challenging than the Xuanwumen Incident.

After the Xuanwumen Incident, Emperor Taizong of Liang made great efforts to rule and created the rule of Zhenguan. Not only did the national power recover quickly, but foreign wars were not delayed at all. Every time, the greatest results were achieved with the smallest effort.

It is also a coup d'etat. Some emperors are complacent and reckless after a successful coup d'etat, while some emperors use this to spur themselves after a successful coup d'etat, and dare not slack off for a moment.

Perhaps this is the biggest gap.

Li Hongyun lightly touched the fourth layer of black air, but what surprised him was that he did not start a war to destroy Turks or conquer Goguryeo.

Instead, a familiar figure appeared in his vision.

King Qi.

It's just that King Qi at this time is obviously still very young, only about sixteen or seventeen years old.

Judging from the time, the place where King Qi was at this time should be in Jinyang, which is the time when Liang Gaozu just started his army.

Liang Gaozu took the prince and King Qin to Chang'an to do great things, while the youngest King Qi stayed in Jinyang.

It's just that in the real history, King Qi was very disappointing. He hunted every day in Jinyang, and even went to the street to shoot and hunt the people for fun, so that the people lost their hearts.

When Liu Wuzhou called, King Qi fled back to Chang'an in embarrassment, and directly lost the crucial Hedong base camp.

In Li Hongyun's field of vision, a line of prompts appeared.

"Play as King Qi and win the Xuanwu Gate."

Li Hongyun's mouth grew slightly, and he was speechless for a while.


At this time, "Dark Sand" seems to be saying: You have seen King Qin's attack on Hulao Pass, retreat from Turks, and bloody Xuanwu Gate. You already know the details of King Qin all too well.

Now, it's your turn to do it yourself.

Get rid of King Qin, please!

(End of this chapter)

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