My players are all actors

Chapter 320 Infinite Talent Blessing

Chapter 320 Infinite Talent Blessing
Seeing this mission goal, Li Hongyun's eyes froze for a moment.

Are you kidding me?
Get rid of King Qin?

Although Li Hongyun feels pretty good about himself and thinks he is strong, but that must be when the difficulty of the game is reasonable and he has the blessing of golden talent and the dog luck arrives.

Playing as King Qi and killing King Qin is simply hellish difficulty.

First of all, King Qin is a hexagonal guy with no dead ends, and his talents in any aspect are the top in the world, and even his luck is better than himself.

On the other hand, what about King Qi?

Although historical data records that King Qi is also a person with good military strength, it is only "good" at best.

King Qi was good at using horse spears, but he was beaten three times in a row with Yuchi Jingde in a martial arts competition.

As for wisdom and strategy, these are completely non-existent.

Although Li Hongyun's role as King Qi can make up for his intellectual shortcomings to a certain extent and correct those low-level mistakes he made, but this is actually of little significance.

Because of King Qi's shortcomings, it did not have much impact on him in history.

He did gossip and lost Jinyang, and he did nothing during the South and North Wars, but this did not affect Liang Gaozu's promotion of him like a rocket.

As soon as Liang Gaozu occupied Chang'an, he enfeoffed him as the Duke of Qi, in charge of the military forces of the fifteen counties, the general of Zhenbei, and the marshal of Taiyuan Road.After the establishment of the Liang Dynasty, he was directly promoted to the King of Qi and awarded the Governor of Bingzhou.

So this shows a problem: Liang Gaozu's trust in the clan is above everything else.

No matter how serious the disaster is, King Qi can still be promoted all the way and control all kinds of power. He is stable and makes no mistakes, and the power he holds is still the same, and there may not be any substantial changes.

Therefore, unless King Qi played by Li Hongyun can perform as shockingly as King Qin, can there be a fundamental change with the historical trend.

But at that time, maybe he was the one who was suspected by Liang Gaozu together with King Qin.

All in all, Li Hongyun felt that the design of this mission goal was not reasonable at all.

But at this moment, another line of prompts appeared in his vision.

[In this challenge, every time you achieve a staged achievement, you can get a chance to select a talent skill.The selected natural skills can continue to be retained, and superimposed to take effect. 】

Seeing this reminder, Li Hongyun couldn't help but widen his eyes, full of shock.

"Can it still be like this?!

"Then I'm not invincible!

"King Qin, you wait!"

Li Hongyun instantly felt relieved.

This is the first time he has encountered such a good thing.

In the previous trials, usually after selecting a talent skill at the beginning, it was used until the end, and only after death could it be restarted.When it is better, you can choose a talent every stage, but after you choose it, the previous talents will naturally become invalid.

But this time, talent skills can be selected once in each stage, and can also be superimposed?
Invincible, really invincible.

Li Hongyun was already thinking about what kind of abnormal chemical reaction he could produce if he took three golden combat talents at the same time, plus the fixed belt talent and the subsidiary status talent.

Just like some meat pigeon games, after multiple talents are superimposed, the combat power can be improved exponentially.

In this way, Li Hongyun has more confidence in playing the role of King Qi to kill King Qin.

First look at the first three talents.

[E. Leadership temperament (blue): Your leadership temperament is more outstanding, making everyone feel convinced from the bottom of their hearts. 】

[E. Arrow Skills (Golden): Your arrow skills have been improved accordingly. 】

[D. Formation of troops (golden): You can naturally master the basic strategy of marching and formation, and reach the level of commanding troops of general veterans. 】

Li Hongyun thought about it for a while.

All three skills are useful, but the order in which you take them definitely matters.

The key depends on what is the main task of King Qi at this time.

As far as Li Hongyun knew, at this stage Liang Gaozu, the prince and King Qin had all gone to Chang'an, and the task of King Qi was to guard Jinyang.

In the second year of Wude, Liu Wuzhou led [-] cavalry to invade Huangshe Ridge. The king of Qi forced Zhang Da, the cavalry general, to lead [-] infantry to try it out. completely annihilated.

So Zhang Da was very angry, and he served as Liu Wuzhou's guide to conquer Yuci County and advance to Bingzhou.

King Qi was very panicked, so he lied to Sima Liu Dewei to let him defend the city, and he took his strong soldiers out of the city to fight.In the end, taking advantage of the opportunity of leaving the city, he took his wives and concubines and left the army to flee back to Chang'an, and Bingzhou soon fell.

In short, it can only be said that it is very imaginative to review these things that King Qi did.

Even if he did nothing, handed over the military and political power to his subordinates, and stood firm in the city until Liang Taizu sent reinforcements (specifically referring to King Qin), this battle would not have ended like this.

King Qi's behavior is the sixth person of the enemy.

Liang Gaozu was furious when he learned about this. He said that King Qi was young and not familiar with military and political affairs, so he sent Dou Dan and Yu Wenxin to assist him.As a result, there were tens of thousands of strong men and horses, and the military rations had been pre-allocated for nearly ten years. The birthplace of raising the flag to fight the country was lost in the blink of an eye.

So he was furious and wanted to kill Yu Wenxin. Fortunately, the ministers around him urged him to be exonerated.

In short, Li Hongyun felt that the difficulty of this stage was not too great.

It is difficult to defeat Liu Wuzhou. After all, Liu Wuzhou is also a hero. Yuchi Jingde is under him at this time. When the King of Qin conquered him, he also fought in Baibi for a long time. Finally, he achieved key results in Meiliangchuan, Queshu Valley and other places, and won Gradually pacify the east of the river.

But as long as he doesn't mess around like King Qi, it shouldn't be a big problem to hold Jinyang and wait for reinforcements.

Thinking of this, Li Hongyun decided to strengthen his strong project first, and chose [Arrow Mastery].

He didn't plan to go out and fight Liu Wuzhou to the death, because the variables in the field battle were too big, he might not be able to win.But for defending the city, as long as the preliminary preparations are done well, coupled with his excellent archery skills, there will be no problem.

After selecting the talent, Li Hongyun looked at the other talents he already carried.

At this time, as a player, he still has the default talents [Memory Fragments], [Increase Morale], [Survival from Despair] and the exclusive talent [Ingenious Workmanship] for magic players, which can be said to be full of confidence.

The trial officially began.

Li Hongyun's vision sank and entered King Qi's body.

The first feeling is that the physical fitness is not bad.

Although King Qi was still very young at this time, only 16 years old, he liked bowing horses since he was a child, so there was no problem with his physical fitness.

Although it doesn't have the feeling of a human figure like King Qin in its heyday, at least it won't hold back Li Hongyun.

King Qi's original riding and archery skills combined with Li Hongyun's proficient talent in archery, should be promising.

However, before he could fully blend in, he heard Yingyingyanyan's voice ringing in his ears.

"My lord, come quickly!"

Li Hongzhuan turned his head to look, and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw many young and beautiful women wearing battle robes and armor, holding knives and guns in their hands, and they were already in formation, ready to attack each other.

And the leading beauty who looked like a general was obviously a concubine of King Qi, and she was winking at Li Hongyun, as if signaling that he could start, even as an invitation.

Li Hongyun couldn't help swallowing.

Good guy, he was so explosive when he first came up, use this to test the cadres!

I have to say that in the evil old society, these masters really know how to play.

King Qi was only 16 years old at this time, but relying on Liang Gaozu's unconditional love, he was the absolute emperor in Bingzhou and Jinyang. He had hundreds of concubines and worked hard day and night.

After fighting in bed at night, they were asked to put on battle robes and armor to continue fighting during the day.

The key is not to simply gesticulate, but to really cut each other.

According to historical records, many concubines were hacked to death in this way, and King Qi himself was hacked to death.

In this regard, Li Hongyun can only say that King Qi is more or less involved.

Thinking of this, he straightened his face and said, "Stop it all!"

The concubine noticed the strangeness on King Qi's face, and hurriedly asked: "Your Majesty is not in a good mood today?"

Li Hongyun shook his head: "No, don't do this kind of thing again in the future, and return the knives, guns and armor to the treasury."

Many of these concubines showed expressions of surprise and joy.

Obviously, most weak women are very resistant to this kind of thing. After all, people die every day, and no one knows if they will die next.

But the leading concubines showed some hesitation on their expressions, and they were even not very happy.

Because they have a high status in this game, they are "generals", and they will basically not be in too much danger if they sit in the rear and command.

Moreover, they also know that King Qi likes to play like this very much, and they will be more favored if they continue to play.

So today King Qi's sudden change of sex made them a little bit at a loss.

The favorite concubine reacted the fastest, immediately took off her armor, and came up to lean on Li Hongyun's side: "The king is not in a good mood today, why don't you go back to the mansion, and the concubine sings and dances for the king..."

Li Hongyun felt like being shocked by an electric shock in an instant, and hurriedly tried to break free: "No need! You all back down!"

After dismissing all the concubines with a straight face, Li Hongyun let out a sigh of relief.

"Boy, almost didn't pass the test.

"If you can't even resist this temptation, then don't expect to overthrow King Qin and pass the level."

Li Hongyun felt that he was an elite player anyway, so he couldn't just give it away for nothing so easily.At least you have to wait for the first pass, and then experience this link slowly.

After driving away these concubines, Li Hongyun was about to leave when a more than 40-year-old woman came in front of him.

"My lord, you really can't go on like this! Not to mention whether your majesty will be punished for this, if the king is injured by the blade, it will be too much to lose!"

Li Hongyun was stunned for a moment before realizing who it was: Nanny Chen.

When King Qi was just born, his mother, Empress Dou, hated his looks and was unwilling to raise him, so she asked her family to abandon him.

The maid Chen Shanyi secretly took him back to raise him in secret, and only reported it after Liang Gaozu returned home, so King Qi survived and did not die in his infancy.

Later, this Nanny Chen followed King Qi all the time.

Later, King Qi asked his concubines to hack each other with knives in armor every day, killing people every day, and he himself was hacked, so Nanny Chen advised him to restrain himself.

As a result, King Qi was so angry that he "ordered the strong man to kill him", and later pursued his posthumous posthumous title as Mrs. Cixun.

Obviously, this is the top brat in ancient times.

It was hard for Li Hongyun to imagine what kind of state of mind King Qi was in to be able to do such a thing. Nanny Chen was also his savior after all, and the reason for her words of advice was to make him cherish his body. He took the risk with his own body, but in the end he avenged him and died for no reason.

Therefore, of course Li Hongyun had to correct this outrageous mistake by the way.

He said sincerely: "Yes, I have already asked those maids to return all their weapons and armor to the treasury, and I will not let them practice fighting in armor again."

Nanny Chen was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect this persuasion to go so smoothly.

But seeing King Qi's sincere expression, she was still very relieved and turned to leave.

Next, Li Hongyun filled in the pits that King Qi stepped on before with a gesture of reforming himself.

King Qi liked to hunt, and there were more than 30 carts loaded with nets. Dou Dan, who assisted him, not only did not stop him, but also pretended to go out of the city with him to hunt and trampled on the crops.Yu Wenxin repeatedly advised, but to no avail.

So Li Hongyun burned all these traps, and then gave these vehicles to the treasury to transport military supplies.

King Qi likes to shoot arrows and hurt people in the city, and enjoys watching pedestrians avoiding them. He also "opens the gates of the mansion at night and publicizes other people's houses", allowing his soldiers to plunder everywhere, which makes the people in the city boil.

Li Hongyun asked Yu Wenxin to reaffirm military discipline, and directly beheaded dozens of soldiers who had robbed the people in the downtown area as an example. injured pedestrian.

After that, he handed over all major internal affairs to Yu Wenxin to make decisions, and he led his generals to inspect the defense every day.

Until Liu Wuzhou once again led five thousand cavalry to Huangsheling.

This time, of course, Li Hongyun would not ask Zhang Da to bring 100 people to deliver. Instead, after receiving the signal from Liu Wuzhou to send troops, he directly sent his men to fortify the walls and clear the fields, and moved all the population and food from the surrounding villages to nearby cities. , or let these people hide in the mountains.

After that, even Liu Wuzhou led [-] cavalry to attack the city, but Li Hongyun remained unmoved.

Just let the generals under his command guard Yuci County and Jinyang, and stand by for help.

This time without the rebellious Zhang Da as the leading party, Yuci County persisted a little longer, but Liu Wuzhou was strong after all, and finally fell after persisting for more than a month.

Immediately afterwards, Pingyao and Jiezhou in the south also fell within two months.

At this time, Liang Chao had already learned about the military situation and sent people to support him, but the problem was that the person who came to support him was not King Qin.

As a result, Liang Jun who came to rescue was defeated one after another, and the counties around Jinyang were cleaned up.

The area from north to south, except for the isolated city of Jinyang, was already occupied by Liu Wuzhou.

Liu Wuzhou's strategy is very simple. He also knows that Jinyang, which later became Taiyuan, is a tall and strong city, easy to defend and difficult to attack, so it is meaningless to fight hard. It is better to clear the surrounding obstacles first, and wait for Jinyang to become an isolated city and King Qi to become a city. After the turtle in the urn, it will naturally surrender without a fight.

And the development in history is exactly as Liu Wuzhou expected.

After learning that the surrounding counties had been occupied and that the prime minister Pei Ji who came to rescue had been defeated, King Qi decisively coaxed his subordinates and then fled.

As a result, the army's morale in Jinyang City was slackened, and in addition, King Qi's coquettish operation had already defeated the hearts of the people, so this fortified city was easily conquered.

After all, no matter how strong a city is, if you want to defend it, you must first have morale and organization inside.

Taiyuan has always been an extremely resistant city in history. It can be said that in the era of cold weapons, as long as there is enough food in the city and the army can maintain a basic degree of organization, it is a fortified city that is almost invincible.

Li Hongyun is also very aware of this, so his strategy is very simple, that is to defend Jinyang, wait!
King Qin will come sooner or later, and when King Qin comes, killing Liu Wuzhou in Queshu Valley will be a great achievement for him to defend Jinyang.

It is even possible to take advantage of King Qin's severe attack on Liu Wuzhou to send troops from Taiyuan to make a contribution.


Time passed quickly in the Trial Illusion.

Liu Wuzhou finally leveled the surrounding prefectures and counties, repelled the Liang army who came to rescue, and approached the city of Jinyang.

Liu Wuzhou's army strength is not very large, his vanguard cavalry has 5000 people, and the total army strength should be more than 20,000.

After sweeping the prefectures and counties and defeating the Liang army, the remnant soldiers will be recruited, and the strength of the troops will not increase significantly. It is impossible to encircle Jinyang with water.

After setting up camp and testing, Liu Wuzhou decided to attack the city.

Although the king of Qi did not flee at the wind this time, but continued to stay in the city, in Liu Wuzhou's view, Jinyang was already an isolated city, and it would not have much impact whether the king of Qi stayed or not.

The drums were beating, and the soldiers rushed down the city wall carrying the ladders.

They had captured the surrounding counties simply like this before, so they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it.

However, at this moment, they saw a young man who looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old appearing at the top of the city.

I saw him wearing armor and holding a big bow, shouting.

"I'm Qin...oh no, I'm also King Qi!"

This voice stunned the soldiers who were about to attack the city.

What, can you call yourself wrong?

Li Hongyun wiped his sweat silently, shouting that he was used to it.

I have been playing the role of King Qin before, and every time I start a fight, I can directly give a buff that increases morale by 100% for my own soldiers, and a debuff that reduces morale by 99% for the opponent.

This time he called King Qi, which obviously couldn't have such an effect.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the first time is raw and the second time is familiar, he has already made up his mind that from now on, he will yell like this every time he plays King Qi to start a fight.

After shouting, Li Hongyun directly opened his bow and set an arrow, aiming at the soldiers under the city with an arrow.

With a "poof", the arrow pierced through the soldier's armor and shot him down.

Although the low-level soldiers at this time were also wearing armor, they were generally relatively crude, and their protection was average. It was impossible for everyone to wear Mingguang armor.

Therefore, Li Hongyun's bows and arrows are still extremely lethal to them.

He kept drawing his bow and nodding his arrows again for a moment, and another soldier fell in response to the bowstring.

Only the sound of bowstrings on the city wall kept ringing, and the morale of the other guarding Liang troops was greatly boosted, and they also shot arrows one after another. Liu Wuzhou's attacking soldiers suffered heavy losses.

Liu Wuzhou, who was commanding the battle under the city, saw this scene, his expression became dull.

Didn't you say that King Qi is a playboy?

Why is it that Liang Gaozu and his family of children are all good archers?
(End of this chapter)

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