My players are all actors

Chapter 321 Brotherly Love?

On the city wall, Li Hongyun fired all his arrows.

Under the city wall, the corpses of Liu Wuzhou's army were scattered all over the field.

Encouraged by Li Hongyun's performance as a sharpshooter, Liang Jun all fought bravely to be the first, resolutely repelling the attack of Liu Wuzhou's army.

So Liu Wuzhou was furious, and after a short rest, he continued to strictly order the soldiers to attack the city.

As a result, Jinyang was still impenetrable and could not be conquered at all.

Liu Wuzhou was autistic.

In his view, there is absolutely no problem with his strategy.Cut off all the states and counties around Jinyang first, and make Jinyang an isolated city. At that time, King Qi will naturally panic, and the morale in the city will inevitably collapse.

At that time, as long as it is besieged for a period of time, Jinyang will naturally be able to go down with a drum.

Unexpectedly, the information was wrong, and this King Qi is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and his arrow skills are really good.Moreover, he is not the playboy in the rumors, who made the Jinyang people resentful, but he seems to be the same as his second brother, and he is a very popular leader.

But it has come to this point, and Liu Wuzhou has no other choice at all.

"Unite the Turks, enter Jinyang, and go south to fight for the world" is Liu Wuzhou's strategy at this time. Now the counties around Jinyang have been wiped out, and the Liang army who came to help has been defeated by him, and the prime minister Pei Ji was even defeated. Only to escape.

There is only one isolated city of Jinyang left, so we can't just stop there, right?

You can't skip and don't fight. In that case, when he leads his troops south, Jinyang will be a nail in the rear, and he can go out of the city infinitely to harass his logistics and food roads.

It is also impossible to encircle without attacking. The army consumes a lot of food and grass every day, and if the army has been stationed here, the situation will be very difficult when Liang Jun's reinforcements arrive again.

So Liu Wu gritted his teeth on Monday and ordered to continue the onslaught!
But Jinyang is a strong city after all. There are tens of thousands of soldiers left by Liang Gaozu here, as well as abundant food reserves that can last for several years.

Li Hongyun was no longer that brat of King Qi. He compensated the people as much as possible, took out the treasury and his own personal treasures to reward the soldiers, and went to the city to fight in person, trying his best to repair the damaged hearts of the people.

As a result, Liang Chao's image here gradually improved again.

As an invader, Liu Wuzhou can't take advantage of the hearts of the people.

The two sides faced off like this for three months.

At the very beginning, Li Hongyun was still a little nervous, and he went all out in every battle, but soon he found that Liu Wuzhou's troops were not strong enough to take down Jinyang.

His army defending the city was actually more than Liu Wuzhou's attacking army.

However, Li Hongyun still suppressed the idea of ​​taking the initiative to go out of the city to fight Liu Wuzhou. After all, he knew that his field combat ability was not strong at this time, so he should be on the safe side.

In November, three months later, the situation finally turned around.

King Qin is here!

Sure enough, the same as the original historical development, Liang Gaozu couldn't sit still after the Liang army sent out was defeated one after another.

Originally, if King Qi lost Jinyang, Liang Gaozu would have the idea of ​​​​giving up the entire Hedong land and retreating to Guanzhong.It was the king of Qin who strongly demanded to go out to fight, and then Liu Wuzhou was leveled.

But this time, Jinyang has not been lost, and King Qi is still defending, so Liang Gaozu naturally has no idea of ​​​​giving up the land of Hedong.


Instead, he even more eagerly sacrificed the big killer, King Qin, to rescue King Qi.

From a historical point of view, although King Qi was born ugly and was abandoned by Queen Dou, Liang Gaozu loved this youngest son very much, even more than the prince and King Qin.

Otherwise, King Qi probably wouldn't have become such an arrogant and domineering character.

In short, King Qin is here.

Liu Wuzhou was forced to divide his troops to fight the King of Qin. This time he did not have the strong city of Jinyang as his stronghold, so he would only lose faster.

After the king of Qin had a stalemate with Liu Wuzhou in Baibi for a period of time, he soon discovered that Liu Wuzhou was weaker than expected. After all, the loss of storming Jinyang was great.

Therefore, the King of Qin attacked decisively, first defeated Yuchi Jingde in Meiliangchuan, and then defeated Song Jingang in Queshu Valley, so that Liu Wuzhou could only lead [-] cavalry to flee northward and escape to Turkic.

And Li Hongyun also took advantage of the fierce battle between the two sides in Queshu Valley to send troops, and made a sneak attack and gained some results.

The entire area around Jinyang was restored.

The gate of Jinyang city was opened to welcome King Qin into the city.

"Fourth brother!"

At this time, the king of Qin was dusty and haggard, but his spirit was high.

In the battle with Song Jingang in the Queshu Valley, the King of Qin marched [-] miles a day and night with a knife in hand, and fought dozens of battles with Song Jingang's soldiers and horses, all of which were victorious.

Then, still chasing madly.

The subordinates advised that the soldiers might die if they were exhausted and chased after them. The King of Qin said angrily: "If you serve the country loyally, how can you care about yourself?"

So continue to chase.

No food for two days, no disarmament for three days, eight battles in one day, all of them were defeated, and tens of thousands of enemy troops were captured and killed, and Yuchi Jingde was taken in by the way.

The two brothers hugged each other warmly.

Strictly speaking, King Qi is the fourth younger brother of King Qin, and the third younger brother died in front of him, that is, the outrageous character in the novel who killed a million soldiers with a pair of golden hammers.

At this time, the relationship between the three brothers is still good.

After all, the Liang Dynasty was still in its infancy stage, and everyone was busy expanding their borders, and there were not so many conflicts of interests.

King Qin looked at the situation in Jinyang City, and nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, he has also heard about what his brother did.He wanted to persuade him, but Liang Gaozu was so conniving, so it was not very easy for him to speak as an elder brother.

But at this time, after seeing a big battle, this young brother seems to have a tendency to reform himself, so King Qin is naturally very happy.

After pacifying Liu Wuzhou, Liang Gaozu was overjoyed and rewarded both brothers heavily.

Sure enough, as Li Hongyun expected, he didn't need to fight those tough battles like King Qin.

The real King Qi is either the best sixth man, or a bastard, and just like that, he can still be rewarded all the way and his power continues to expand, not to mention that he has played at the level that a normal leader should have.

Therefore, Li Hongyun communicated with the King of Qin, and then gave a memorial to Liang Gaozu, saying that he wanted to go out with the army, and he was quickly agreed.

Obviously after this battle, Liang Gaozu was pleasantly surprised to find that the young King Qi also seemed to be a military prodigy.

Liang Gaozu has always spared no effort to support the clan, and he has no concept of "distinct rewards and punishments" for his son.

There is basically no punishment for mistakes, and there is no limit to rewards for meritorious deeds.


Obviously, Liang Gaozu also hoped that King Qi and King Qin would each lead an army and make military exploits respectively.

The military achievements are not concentrated on one person, and he and the prince will better balance the power of the court, so that the king of Qin will not be the only one.

According to Liang Gaozu's plan, he must be inclined to let King Qi gradually lead the army independently, but the tense situation did not give him this opportunity after all.

Because in just five months, Liang Jun will devote all his troops to fight Wang Shichong.

This battle lasted from July of the third year of Wude to June of the fourth year of Wude. After Wang Shichong couldn't bear it and was forced to ask Dou Jiande for help, it was the battle of Hulaoguan that Li Hongyun was familiar with.


Soon after, Li Hongyun came to Hulao Pass again.

It's just that when he came to Hulaoguan again this time, he felt a lot of emotion.

The last time he played Dou Jiande, he defeated King Qin here, repelled Liang Jun, and successfully entered Hulao Pass.

Of course, it relied on the strategy of the prophets and setting up a car formation in their own camp.

And now, he played the role of King Qi, and he was going to fight side by side with King Qin.

In the process of conquering Wang Shichong, King Qi played by Li Hongyun has made many military exploits and gained a strong sense of presence.

Adhering to the concept of "Where is the King of Qin, I will be where I am", Li Hongyun followed the King of Qin to investigate the enemy's situation and experienced many fierce battles.

King Qin led light cavalry to investigate and was surrounded by Wang Shichong's cavalry. King Qin asked his men to return to the camp first, and stayed behind alone.

When Shan Xiongxin led hundreds of cavalry to chase after him, the king of Qin opened his bows left and right, and the enemy fell down without responding.

Li Hongyun, on the other hand, followed the King of Qin with his bow and arrow, and those who fell in response to the string doubled again.

When Dou Jiande came to rescue Wang Shichong, Li Hongyun and Qin Wang made a decision together and decided to go to Hulao Pass to defend Dou Jiande.

But this time, King Qin didn't keep him to besiege Luoyang, but took him with him.

The main reason why the king of Qi was left to besiege Luoyang before was because the king of Qi was useless, and it would probably be a hindrance to keep him with him.

Wang Shichong has been beaten into a frightened bird, and he dare not go out of the city at all, and Liang Jun can't actually beat Luoyang.So King Qi sits there, similar in nature to a mascot.

But this time, King Qin has realized that King Qi is his right-hand man, right-hand man, so he takes him with him.

The battle of Hulao Pass was staged again.

The King of Qin led the elite cavalry to investigate in person again, and as usual, he continued to place the few cavalry everywhere along the way.

When they arrived at Dou Jiande's camp, only Qin Wang, Qi Wang, Yuchi Jingde and others were left.

When Dou Jiande's soldiers saw the scattered Liang Jun, they thought they were rangers who came to investigate, so they didn't care.

But the King of Qin shouted directly: "I am the King of Qin!"

Launched the taunting skill on all soldiers of the enemy camp.

And Li Hongyun also shouted very timely: "I am the king of Qi!"

Taunt effects are doubled.

As expected, Dou Jiande's cavalry came out to pursue them, but the result was that King Qin and King Qi flew kites together. Yuchi Jingde firmly held the hatred, and led Dou Jiande's cavalry to the place of ambush, defeating the opponent.

The King of Qin couldn't help laughing, and said to Yuchi Jingde: "My two brothers lost their bows, and the father followed each other with his lance. Although there are millions of people, I can't help it!"


Li Hongyun said excitedly: King Qin is right!

After more than 20 days of confrontation, King Qin attacked again according to the original historical trajectory. In the first battle, he directly pierced through Dou Jiande's Chinese army camp and captured him.

In the battle of Hulao Pass, the two kings were captured again. Both King Qin and King Qi were rewarded for their military exploits.

However, Li Hongyun was not satisfied with this. He went to Shuliang Gaozu again and asked himself to guard Hebei.

For Liang Gaozu, this request was exactly what he wanted.

The crown prince was in Chang'an and couldn't move; King Qin was already Tiance Admiral after capturing the two kings in the first battle, and he was unsealable. Liang Gaozu was more inclined to let him stay in Chang'an.

On the one hand, it is to let him stop making military achievements, and distribute the final military achievements to the prince and others to pick peaches. On the other hand, it can also ensure that any rebellion in any place can be put down immediately with the King of Qin.

And since King Qi also performed well in the previous wars, it is logical to guard Qi and Hebei.

After arriving in the land of Hebei, Li Hongyun first found Liu Heita, who had already returned home to work in agriculture, and treated him with great respect and respect. This thigh.

When Dou Jiande lost, Liu Heitai was still not well-known, so he didn't expect Liang Jun to discover and reuse him, so he went back to farm.

Now that the king of Qi was so courteous, Liu Heita was immediately flattered and willing to serve him.

According to the original historical line of development, the Liang Dynasty's Hebei land policy has a big problem.

Dou Jiande was already very popular in Hebei, and Hebei was extremely powerful.After King Qin defeated Dou Jiande, Dou Jiande's army was simply dispersed.It is impossible for King Qin to kill all these people, so he can only put them back.

However, Liang Gaozu immediately executed Dou Jiande in the downtown area very ignorant of politics, and forced Dou Jiande's old generals to go to Chang'an.As a result, everyone in Dou Jiande's old tribe in Hebei was in danger, thinking that Liang Gaozu was going to kill them, so he recommended Liu Heita to fight against them.

Li Hongyun opened the perspective of God, so he naturally knew how to deal with it at this time.

First of all, Shangshu Liang Gaozu asked himself to have the right to do business in Hebei, and Liang Gaozu agreed.

Liang Gaozu had always trusted these sons very much, even to the point of blind faith.

Before taking Luoyang, Liang Gaozu had already promised King Qin that he could decide all matters in Luoyang by himself.

Although he later regretted it and asked the imperial concubine to go to the treasury to select treasures, the general style of doing things can be roughly determined.

What's more, the land of Hebei is different from Luoyang.

Luoyang is prosperous and prosperous, and those people in the palace are staring at wanting to get a share of the pie, while the land of Hebei is relatively bitter, and there are not many valuable things. Whether it is Liang Gaozu, the prince or those concubines, basically they are not interested in this place. Interest, not much at all.

It is precisely for this reason that Liu Heita's rebellion went so smoothly.

Li Hongyun took the bottom line, found Liu Heitai before Dou Jiande's old department, and brought him under his command. Then he used both kindness and power to recruit Dou Jiande's old department, Xu Yi high-ranking officials and generous salary, and disintegrated them. Fan Yuan and others who planned to take the lead in rebellion were decisive. Attack, cut grass and roots.


When Liu Heitai first started his army, there were only a few hundred people, and then it snowballed all the way to an army of tens of thousands again.

Li Hongyun eliminated the hidden dangers in time, and recruited Dou Jiande's former troops as much as possible, so all the credit for the prince's Pinghebei in history was attributed to him.

Not only that, these old ministries of Dou Jiande also discovered that they had no other choice but to bet on King Qi.

They were forced to rebel before. They rebelled after seeing Liang Gaozu kill Dou Jiande and drive them all to death.

But now that the King of Qi has been dispatched, they don't have to go to Chang'an, but can listen to orders under his own account, and he doesn't hesitate to treasure wealth and official positions for these surrendered generals, and sincerely make friends with them, so most of them will be down-to-earth He stayed under King Qi's hand.

However, in order to recruit talents from Hebei, Li Hongyun also missed some things.

From the fifth year of Wude, the Turks found that all the forces they supported were wiped out by the Liang Dynasty, so they began to travel south frequently.

Originally, King Qi and King Qin should have gone to deal with the Turks together in history, especially in Wulongban in the seventh year of Wude. If Li Hongyun played the role of King Qi, he would have another chance to pretend to be a wave with King Qin.

But at this time, he was still developing his power in peace in the land of Hebei, so naturally he could not appear on the battlefield against the Turks.

It was not until the eighth year of Wude that Li Hongyun went to Shuliang Gaozu and asked to return to Chang'an from Hebei.

Liang Gaozu readily agreed.

The subsequent plot began to develop towards the original Xuanwu Gate Change.

It is inevitable that the conflict between the crown prince and King Qin will continue to intensify, after all, both of them have appeals to the throne.

It is inevitable that Liang Gaozu continued to favor the prince and began to weaken King Qin's power.

The only difference is that King Qi's power has significantly improved compared to before.

Whoever King Qi helps will win with a high probability.

At this time Li Hongyun was actually very entangled, because starting from his heart, he wanted to stand on the side of King Qin.

When Jinyang was besieged, it was King Qin who did not eat for two days and did not disarm Song Jingang for three days to rescue him.

In the process of the South and North Wars, the King of Qin was his staunch comrade-in-arms, but what about the prince and Liang Gaozu?


For Li Hongyun, it doesn't matter who is the emperor, but if he helps the crown prince to kill King Qin at this time, then the crown prince will probably kill him next time.

King Qin's military exploits are outstanding, and his military exploits are high, so now you, the King of Qi, have no military exploits?
Back then, you could have had a fierce fight with King Qin, but since the crown prince killed King Qin, how could he let you go.

And what if you help King Qin?
Launch the Xuanwu Gate Change, kill the prince and Liang Gaozu, then King Qin will sit in the world, but he, King Qi, can sit back and relax.

Because the king of Qin himself is the most capable person, no matter who has troops outside, the king of Qin will not be afraid.

So Qin Wang will not suspect him.

At that time, no matter whether Li Hongyun wants to eat, drink and have fun in the mansion every day and be a heartless royal family member in the dark with the maids, or sit in one side and hold an important position in the court, it should be no problem.


There is a gap between the prince and the king of Qin in ability, and there is also a gap in their hearts, so from the perspective of hindsight, helping the king of Qin is the only correct choice, and it is also the choice that Li Hongyun wants most subjectively.

It's a pity that the mission goal of each stage is to kill King Qin in the Xuanwu Gate Incident.

Li Hongyun had no choice but to choose to side with the prince.

As a result, the strength of the prince and King Qi expanded rapidly.

If history plays out as it did before, they will have a big advantage.

But to Li Hongyun's surprise, history has changed.This change did not come from King Qin, but from Liang Gaozu.

According to the original history, the prince actually had two very serious troubles: one was to let the frontier army send five hundred cavalry, colluding with the side generals was a serious crime;

In history, Liang Gaozu just scolded him and gave him wheat rice, but there was no further punishment.

Not to mention abolishing the position of the prince, he didn't even deprive him of his power.

This time, the prince still did these two things, but the situation has changed.

Liang Gaozu was furious, and punished many officials in the Prince's Mansion, or demoted them, or asked them to leave Chang'an and take up local posts.At the same time, the Crown Prince's East Palace Guards were dismantled, and the side generals who colluded with the Crown Prince were also punished.

And Li Hongyun, the king of Qi, was also implicated at this time because he was close to the prince, and the power of the Qi palace was dismantled and weakened.

"No reason!"

Li Hongyun was very angry, but after thinking about it carefully, he came back to it.

There is nothing wrong with Liang Gaozu's behavior, which fits his personality very well.

Liang Gaozu's character design has never been partial to the prince, if he likes to strike a balance between his sons.

The King of Qin is too strong, so let's take aim at the King of Qin and try to sideline the prince.

But at this time the crown prince and the king of Qi joined forces, and their power had clearly surpassed that of the king of Qin, so Liang Gaozu would naturally weaken the power of the prince and king of Qi and help the king of Qin.

In the final analysis, Liang Gaozu's first appeal was to let his sons live in peace, so that he could sit on the throne for a few more years.

After being forcibly balanced by Liang Gaozu, Li Hongyun was very upset, but there was nothing he could do.

After regrouping, Li Hongyun once again began to plan the Xuanwu Gate Change.

He patiently waited for the "Taibai Jingtian" incident to happen.

This time is easy to calculate. Once the Taibai Jingtian incident occurs, the Taishi Order will play "The King of Qin should have the world", and the King of Qin will go to the palace to report that the prince has an affair with the noble concubine in the harem. Liang Gaozu summons the prince and King Qi to enter the palace the next morning Confrontation.

And at that time, it's time to do it.

Li Hongyun had already made up his mind. On that day, he and the prince directly brought all the private soldiers, entered the Xuanwu Gate with a full body armor, and then directly fought a head-to-head battle with the King of Qin.

At this time, although the power of the prince and King Qi has weakened a little, there are still 3000 people.

As long as these 3000 people did not wait for the prince to die before attacking the Xuanwu Gate, but broke through the Xuanwu Gate from the very beginning, then the dozens of cavalry that King Qin ambushed them would be killed by them in turn.

At that time, even if the King of Qin is against the sky, can he still beat 3000 people by himself?


After making up his mind, Li Hongyun began to plan patiently.

Sure enough, the Taibai Jingtian incident happened as planned.

Li Hongyun immediately went to lobby the prince.

In the previous session, he not only took the relevant talents needed for the battle, but also took a talent called [Smart Tongue As Yellow], which greatly enhanced his lobbying ability and ensured that the prince would act according to his own ideas.

Thus, the crown prince led the people in the East Palace to attack the Xuanwu Gate in a mighty manner.

Chang He, the guard of the Xuanwu Gate, belonged to King Qin, so of course he would not let them in.

So Li Hongyun first sneaked into the Xuanwu Gate with a few dead soldiers without wearing armor, and then killed Chang He immediately when the gate opened.

The more than 3000 private soldiers of the prince and King Qi immediately rushed up and took the Xuanwu Gate.

Only then did Li Hongyun put on his armor and led Liu Heita and others to break into the Xuanwu Gate and reach the Linhu Hall.

Everything is going as planned.

However, when Li Hongyun was around the Linhu Palace, an embarrassing situation happened.

The King of Qin did appear, but besides generals such as Yuchi Jingde and Qin Shubao, there were also imperial guards in the palace who appeared with him.

Li Hongyun was stunned.

Why... the forbidden army in the palace also stood behind King Qin?

Then, he heard Liang Gaozu's angry and trembling voice.

"You two rebels! How dare you rebel!
"If King Qin didn't come to rescue me, I would really die at the hands of you two rebels!

"King Qin, cut up these rebellious officials and thieves! If this matter is over, I will make you the crown prince!"

King Qin glanced at King Qi with a complicated expression.

Obviously, he has always hoped that this brother can stand by him. After all, the two of them fought together in the world, how much they cooperated with each other, and how much sympathy they had for each other.

But by this time, any brotherhood had vanished.

King Qin's face became stern: "My son obeys the order!"

Li Hongyun froze in place for an instant.

its not right!That's not how the script was written!
My players are all actors

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