As soon as these words came out, Yin Kaishan and Liu Wenjing were completely speechless.

At the beginning, Yin Kaishan thought that King Qi's words were just an excuse, or a tactic to delay the attack.

He wanted to fight, but Qi Wang was obviously timid and afraid of getting into trouble. He only knew how to listen to Qin Wang, so he decided not to fight.

As for the so-called "the time has not yet come" and "the achievement of suppressing Xue Ju is already in the bag", these are just mysteries, or a kind of excuse.

That's why Yin Kaishan kept asking unwillingly, what exactly is the so-called timing.

Is there an exact time?

If it is an excuse, then King Qi must not be able to give an accurate time.

Just say something like "the time has not come, be patient".

If King Qi really did that, Yin Kaishan would not be able to do much. After all, the military power was in the hands of King Qi at this time, and he could only hold back if he refused to accept it.

Unexpectedly, King Qi actually gave an accurate reason and an accurate time!

Looking at the sky at night, I found that Xue Ju's life span is only a month?

Moreover, it has been decided to attack after 35 days, and there is still a whole?
This is off the charts!
You know, there is no joke in the army. As the commander-in-chief of the army, although it is the first time that the king of Qi has taken charge of the army, he has been making suggestions since the rise of the army in Jinyang, and he has fought many tough battles with the king of Qin.

He should be very clear that this kind of thing can't be said nonsense.

If it is not fulfilled by then, it will be a huge blow to his prestige, and when King Qin returns, he will have to step aside completely.

Even with King Qin's strong support, the soldiers have already disapproved of him, thinking that he is a charlatan who runs the train with his mouth full, so what's the matter?
Even if you are King Qi, you can't talk nonsense.

So, what if it comes true?

That is indeed invincible, and it means that the gods are alive, but the question is, can such an accurate prophecy be fulfilled?

Xue Ju's life span is only a month?
Before Xue Ju had led an army to challenge, he was alive and kicking.

He was in his prime, and without external interference, there was only one possibility for him to die violently, that is, he died of a sudden illness.

But in the eyes of the ancients, things like dying from a sudden illness are basically no different from divine punishment.

What's more, it is a critical period when the two armies are confronting each other.

The probability of this conclusion being realized is almost zero.

But in any case, since King Qi has given a very clear time node, then Yin Kaishan and Liu Wenjing can only wait patiently.


Liang Jun let Xue Ju lead the army to challenge continuously, but he couldn't hold out.

However, during this period of time, Li Hongyun was not idle. He continued to send Yin Kaishan and other generals with cavalry to harass Xue Ju's food road.

But it didn't work very well.

Because the number of cavalry on Xue Ju's side was superior to that of Liang Jun at this time, and Yin Kaishan's ability was obviously not as good as King Qin and the group of generals under King Qin, so he didn't make much achievements.

But it doesn't matter, Li Hongyun's move is just to make a gesture, and the key to the decisive victory is not here.

He spent most of his time on psychological warfare.


First, he sent his subordinates to collect a lot of silk, and then wrote a line of simple words on all of these silks: Xin Jiri, Xue Jude!The morale of the army has been dispersed, please surrender Liang Hulang!
This slip of the tongue, which can barely be regarded as a prophecy, is actually not very literary, but the prophecy does not need any literary talent. The important thing is that it is simple, clear, catchy, and easy to remember.

Xinji Day is the ninth day of August.

In ancient times, the celestial stems and earthly branches were used to date the year. The year is 60 years a Jiazi, and the date is also a cycle of [-] days.

Therefore, Xinji Day does not need to consider which month it is. In the past two months, there is only one Xinji Day, which is the ninth day of the eighth month.

Of course, it may also be misunderstood as Xinji Day in the next cycle.

But it doesn't matter, because Xue Ju's death date has been determined, which will be the next Xinji Day.So even if Xue Ju's generals misunderstood it, when all this happened, the shock to them would be even stronger.

As for "Liang Hulang", this was a general under Xue Ju's tent at that time.

According to the original historical development, when King Qin made his second expedition in November, Xue Ju was already dead, and his son Xue Rengao led the army.

The two sides have been stalemate for more than 60 days. Xue Rengao's army ran out of food, and this Liang Hulang was the first batch of famous generals who came to surrender.

It can be seen from this that Liang Hulang should be one of these generals who was not convinced by Xue Rengao and was pessimistic about this war, and his status in the army was not low.

Writing him on the prophecy can further divide and disintegrate the centripetal force and morale of Xue Ju's army.

After finishing writing, Li Hongyun sent these generals to lead rangers to secretly wrap these silks on arrows and shoot them into Xue Ju's camp.

Just a small amount of ejaculation will definitely not have a very good effect, and it will not spread.

So during this month, when Li Hongyun caught the opportunity, he sent people to shoot arrows from all directions and angles to ensure that the news could spread quickly in Xue Ju's camp.


Xue Ju is in the camp.

"What the hell is Liang Jun doing!
"Did you really think that such a trick of pretending to be gods and ghosts can disturb the morale of our army? What a joke!"

Xue Ju held the cloth with the prophecy written in his hand, a little dumbfounded.

This is really absurd. In the decades of his marching and fighting, he has never seen such an outrageous thing.

How could he accurately predict his own death?And it's specific to the sky?

How can there be such a prophecy!
Prophecy in history is often a very vague concept, and the specific time is never stated, because once the time is not correct, the prophecy is false, so what is the point?

The nearest Xinji day is the ninth day of the next month, which is simply impossible.

Because Xue Ju is still alive and kicking, and is in very good condition.

But if it is not the next Xinji Day, then this prophecy will have no effect at all.

You can insist that the prophecy predicts a certain Xinji Day ten years later, but does that still help the current battlefield?

Prince Xue Rengao said from the side: "Father, according to my son, in the Liang army, except for King Qin who threatens us, everyone else is nothing to worry about!

"Then Yin Kaishan and Liu Wenjing gained their status in the Liang army only by beating a few unknown people. If they fight, I have the confidence to defeat them in one battle and capture them all alive!

"However, I really didn't expect that King Qin would be so ignorant and cronyistic that he didn't hand over the military power to Yin Kaishan and Liu Wenjing, but instead handed it over to his younger brother, King Qi, who was only 15 years old!
"If Yin Kaishan and Liu Wenjing lead the army and can't hold out, our army will still be a bit tricky.

"But if it's this young King Qi, our army will undoubtedly win!
"This kid's tricks are mostly done by the King of Qi. He wants to use this childish method to mess with our army? It can only be said that his talent is completely different from that of the King of Qin!"

At this time, Xue Ju's army was still very afraid of King Qin.

Because the Battle of Qianshuiyuan was not the first time they fought against the King of Qin. Last year, Xue Ju sent Xue Rengao to command an army of [-] to attack Fufeng while the Liang army captured Chang'an. He was defeated and was chased by Liang Jun all the way to Longdi.

Xue Ju fled from Longdi, and even asked his subordinates, "Did there ever be emperors who surrendered in ancient times?"

Although Xue Ju immediately dismissed this idea after being persuaded by counselors and found a way for himself, it can also be seen from this that Xue Ju was afraid of the King of Qin.

Now that King Qin is ill, in their view, it is of course a god-sent opportunity to defeat the Liang army.

Such naive psychological warfare is not enough to cause problems with their morale.

"However... father, the Liang Hulang mentioned in the prophecy..." Xue Rengao hesitated to speak.

It's hard to say clearly about this matter.

As the prince, Xue Rengao knew very well that Liang Hulang didn't particularly admire him.

In case something happened to Xue Ju, it would be no problem for him to succeed to the throne, but whether he could hold down these generals was uncertain.

Xue Ju glared at him: "How are you doing?
"This is just a plan to sow dissension by the king of Qi. Is it possible that you will have a rift with your general just because of a rumor released by the enemy?"

Xue Rengao hurriedly said: "I dare not."

Xue Ju waved his hand: "There is no need to talk about this matter anymore, continue to provoke outside Liang's army camp and force them to fight!"

Xue Rengao took the order: "Yes, father!"

But at this time, Liang Hulang was restless in the military tent.

"Liang Jun is such a vicious scheme! How could he frame me like this!"

Liang Hulang couldn't figure out why the king of Qi wrote a prophecy and brought himself along by name.

Yes, he was indeed one of the generals in Xue Ju's army who were more dissatisfied with the prince Xue Rengao, but isn't Xue Ju still dead?

The prophecy directly pushed him to the forefront.

He didn't think that Xue Ju would do anything to him because of this prophecy, but this kind of thing would leave a very bad impression on Xue Rengao and further aggravate Xue Rengao's suspicion of him.

Perhaps, Xue Rengao has already spoken ill of him in front of Xue Ju now.

This is how a chain of suspicion is formed.

But at this time, it was obviously impossible for Liang Hulang to go directly to Liang Jun, and the situation was far from that point.

So, the two sides continued to confront each other like this.



Finally, the time came to August.

Seeing that the "Xin Ji Day" in the prophecy is approaching, there is also an inexplicable atmosphere of panic in the army.

Although the discussion about this prophecy has been forcibly suppressed by Xue Ju's order, it still inevitably spread in a small area in private.

Coupled with the recent stalemate, neither side has achieved anything, the soldiers seem bored every day, and it is easier to think about it.

The key depends on whether this Xinji Day can be passed safely.

If Xue Ju is still alive and kicking after that day, this ridiculous prophecy will be self-defeating. When the morale of Xue Ju's army is greatly boosted, the morale of Liang Jun may be affected to a certain extent.

Prince Xue Rengao came to Xue Ju's army and reported the situation on the battlefield as usual.

"Father, Liang Jun still can't hold out and won't fight us."

Xue Ju waved his hand weakly: "Understood, step back."

Xue Rengao froze for a moment: "Father, what's wrong with you?"

He noticed that Xue Ju's complexion seemed a little ugly, and his spirit was not very good.

Xue Ju shook his head slightly: "It's okay, it may be an accidental cold, it's just a trivial matter, and it will be cured in a few days."

Xue Rengao hurriedly said: "Father, should the pre-military meeting tomorrow be cancelled?"

Xue Ju hesitated for a moment, but did not answer right away.

Xue Rengao asked a very crucial question, and even he didn't know how to answer it.

Xue Ju had already proclaimed himself emperor, and although he led the troops to confront Liang Jun, he had to receive and make decisions no matter whether it was news from the rear or intelligence from the front.

Therefore, meetings are held every few days, and the generals are called together to assign tasks.

But now, Xue Ju is sick, can this meeting still be held?

If it is opened, let many generals see Xue Ju's current state, and then think of the prophecy that Xin Jiri is only a few days away, will it have an impact on morale?

But if not, what is the reason?Will these generals believe it?When the time comes, more suspicions will be aroused, what should we do?

After thinking about it, Xue Ju said to Xue Rengao: "Go and tell the generals, we will open in a few days."

Xue Rengao froze for a moment: "How many days?"

Xue Ju nodded: "That's right, it will open on Ding Ji's day!"

Xue Rengao was stunned for a moment, he didn't react immediately, but soon, he figured out the joint, and immediately said: "Yes, father!"

Xue Ju did this obviously to minimize the impact.

At this time, his condition is not good. If he goes to see the generals, although he can still deal with political affairs, it will bring a very bad signal to the generals.

Therefore, he postponed the time until Ding Ji Day, because this was the day prophesied.

At this time, Ding Jiri is still a few days away, and his condition may improve within a few days.Therefore, as long as he appeared vigorously in Ding Ji's day, the suspicion caused by him not being seen before would be wiped away.

During this period of time, he can also recuperate with peace of mind.

So, what if the disease is not cured on Ding Ji's day?

Then there is absolutely no way out, you must come forward to appease the ministers, and then consider whether to retreat.


Liang Jun also waited anxiously.


Although it was the unanimous opinion of King Qin and King Qi that they could not stick to it, Xue Ju kept sending people to challenge him in the past few days, which still made Liang Jun's morale low.

If the prophecy spread did not come true, it would be a huge blow to Liang Jun's morale.

At this time, King Qin's illness had largely recovered, but considering his fighting style of taking the lead and not eating for two days and disarming for three days, Li Hongyun still urged him to rest for half a month.

The king of Qin agreed.

Finally, the ninth day of August came.

Xue Ju's general Zong Luohui came to challenge again, but this time, Liang Jun did not shrink back, and really came out to fight!

Li Hongyun lined up his troops and asked Yin Kaishan, Pang Yu and other generals to line up in front.

Zong Luohu couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately led his army to attack.

At this time, Xue Ju's troops were in an advantage, and Liang Jun fought very hard head-on.

But at this critical moment, an elite cavalry suddenly went around their rear and launched a fierce attack!

And the one who led this cavalry was none other than His Royal Highness King Qi.

Although he was only 15 years old, but at this time he was wearing a white robe and silver armor, rushing back and forth in the war, shooting bows and arrows in his hand, and everyone in the middle fell down!
Zong Luohu was shocked by such a heroic appearance.

This is simply the possession of King Qin!

Zong Luohu hurriedly sent someone to ask for reinforcements, but unexpectedly, there was no response from Xue Ju's camp for a long time.

So Zong Luohu was defeated, Liang Jun pursued and killed thousands of people bravely.

Zong Luohu was speechless, he didn't know why both sides fought, but Xue Ju's camp remained silent.

If the reinforcements had arrived earlier, he would not have been defeated by the two-sided attack, and perhaps he still had hope of turning defeat into victory.

Li Hongyun pointed in the direction of Xue Ju's camp: "Xue Ju has been condemned to death! Everyone, follow me!"

Although Liang Jun didn't get the news of Xue Ju's death at this time, his side had already won a big victory, and judging from the fact that Xue Ju didn't send troops to support him, something big must have happened in his camp.

As a result, Liang Jun's morale rose instantly, and he chased Zong Luohu all the way to Xue Ju's camp.

Sure enough, Xue Ju died of illness today, and Xue Rengao was also at a loss. In the chaos, he could only block the news while planning for succession.

But he didn't expect that in the chaos, Liang Jun actually came to fight!
This made him extremely suspicious that there was a high-level ghost in the army.

But the problem is, even if there is an insider, there is no reason for the information to be delivered so quickly, right?

Liang Jun didn't wait for Xue Juzhen to die of illness at all, he had already called when he was dying. Obviously, this was not prepared to send troops after receiving accurate information, but planned early in the morning!

In the chaos, Xue Rengao was unable to organize a strong resistance at all, and the army collapsed at the touch of a touch. After being chased and killed by Liang Jun, Liang Hulang and other generals fled and surrendered to Liang Jun.

Seeing that the situation was over, Xue Rengao had no choice but to surrender.

Therefore, the battle ended with Liang Jun's complete victory.


At the end of the war, Liang Jun began to count the results of the battle, and sent people to send the victory report to Chang'an.

King Qin, who had just recovered from a serious illness, rode a horse and patrolled the battlefield at the end.

"Fourth brother really uses soldiers like a god...I'm not as good as that!"

He expressed such emotion from the bottom of his heart.

This is also normal, because at this time King Qin looked at King Qi's performance as if someone else looked at him.

Others don't understand how King Qin fought those immortal battles, but King Qin himself knows it well.However, after watching it for a long time, King Qin didn't understand how King Qi fought such a super fairy fight.

He could understand every step after that, but the only thing he couldn't understand was, how could he be sure that Xue Ju would definitely die of illness on this day?

"Fourth brother, are you suspicious of the soldiers, hit by mistake, or..."

Li Hongyun smiled slightly, thinking to himself, I said I read your letter in the history books?
But at this time, in order to maintain his personality, he still has to perform.

"Second brother, when you and father were in Jinyang, I had nothing to do in the mansion, but I dabbled in some divination techniques.

"That's why I watched the sky at night and calculated Xue Ju's death date after doing some calculations. Only then did I break it down in one fell swoop."

Qin Wang was suspicious: "The fourth brother still has such supernatural powers? Then can you do the calculation for my brother? How long will my life expectancy be?"

Li Hongyun's expression became serious, and he shook his head slightly: "The secret must not be revealed."

It's just that while he was talking, he put on a slightly regretful expression, which made King Qin feel a little terrified.

Could it be... Fourth brother calculated that I would die early?That's why you won't tell me?
King Qin naturally had such a guess in his mind.

My players are all actors

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