My players are all actors

Chapter 326 Fighting Jinyang Again

Chapter 326 Fighting Jinyang Again
After defeating Xue Rengao, Liang Jun spent a lot of time cleaning up the mess.

Because judging from the military strength at that time, Xue Ju, Xue Rengao and his son were stronger than Liang Jun, and a large number of cavalry were also captured in this battle.

Someone in later generations once asked, what step would Liang Gaozu have achieved without King Qin?
And the conclusion of most people's serious analysis is: I am afraid that no one will remember Liang's separatist regime, because when he fought against Xue Rengao in the Battle of Qianshuiyuan, he might have been wiped out.

After all, in the first battle of Qianshuiyuan, King Qin fell ill, and the two founding heroes Liu Wenjing and Yin Kaishan almost brought all the Liang army elites to light.

Later, the King of Qin went to battle again, and he brought almost all the soldiers of the Liang Dynasty. If he lost again, the Liang Dynasty would really be destroyed.

But now, such an unworldly achievement has been successfully captured by Li Hongyun.

Li Hongyun was still a little uncertain about how to deal with these surrendered generals, so he asked King Qin for his opinion.

Qin Wang's opinion is: all surrender, and still hand over these soldiers and horses to the Xue Rengao brothers and Zong Luohu and other enemy generals to lead.

Many people advised against it, thinking that this would be very risky, but after thinking about it, Li Hongyun decided to follow King Qin's way.

Because in history, the king of Qin has always been like this to surrender generals.

Whether it was Zong Luohu at this time, Yuchi Jingde later, or some Turkic generals later, he had no doubts and trusted them very much, and these people did not live up to his trust, and they were all willing to die to serve.

Therefore, Li Hongyun copied King Qin's answer, and also showed a very broad mind to accept these surrendered generals.

And in the process of returning to Chang'an, another thing that surprised King Qin happened.

The army marched to Binzhou, and the people sent by Liang Gaozu arrived to meet them.

And this person is Li Mi.

At this time, the battle between Li Mi and Wang Shichong was over. Li Mi won countless battles, but in the most critical battle, he lost all his capital and profits.

So Li Mi had no choice but to surrender to Liang Chao.

But Liang Gaozu's mind is far behind that of King Qin. Whether it is towards the later Wang Shichong, Dou Jiande, or the current Li Mi, he is generally more mean.

Dou Jiande was killed directly in the downtown area, forcing Hebei Liu Heita to rebel;
Wang Shichong, originally King Qin promised not to kill him, but Liang Gaozu let him go on the surface, turned his head and hinted that his enemy killed him, and only reprimanded him afterwards;

Li Mi came to serve with sincerity, and it was recorded in the history books that "Liang Gaozu was overjoyed", but in fact, he was only given the position of Guangluqing.

What does Guangluqing do?In charge of palace portals, tent utensils, meals for officials and court meetings, etc.

It can also be regarded as sealing him as the head chef of the palace.

Of course Li Mi was very upset, so he conspired to rebel and was eventually executed.

Although Li Mi's rebellion was his own death, Liang Gaozu gave such a separatist hero the position of Guangluqing, which is somewhat insulting.

Of course, that's all for the funeral, Li Mi has just surrendered at this time.

Liang Gaozu immediately sent him to Binzhou to meet King Qin and King Qi who had just returned from victory.

In the process, Liang Gaozu obviously also thought of the words that King Qi said when he raised troops in Jinyang.

"Li Mi, although there are many thieves and bandits, there are many internal conflicts, and he will eventually be defeated, so there is nothing to worry about."

How long has it been?It has been fulfilled!

You know, when they raised troops in Jinyang, Li Mi was the most powerful, and he seemed to be a strong contender for world domination.On the other hand, Wang Shichong was so beaten up by Li Mi that he couldn't lift his head up, and he had no hope of winning at all.

Even when Li Mi wrote to Liang Gaozu, Liang Gaozu could only reply reluctantly and humbly.

But now, Li Mi has already lost to Wang Shichong, and he came to seek refuge like a bereaved dog.

This shows that Qi Wang's eyes are as bright as a torch!
In addition, when King Qin was seriously ill, King Qi succeeded King Qin and won a big victory. The first battle completely wiped out Xue Ju's power, which made Liang Gaozu further admire his fourth son.

Ordinary people have one cheating son, and the ancestral grave is already smoking, but now there are two cheating sons, this is simply the ancestral grave breathing fire!
In this way, what is the point of destroying the world!


Li Mi rode a post horse to Binzhou, and saw the flags flying, the military majesty, surrounded by generals, two young generals came like stars.

That was the King Qin and King Qi who had returned from victory.

The two walked side by side, and the one on the right was the King of Qin. He was dressed in bright armor, majestic and majestic.

And the one on the left is King Qi. He is wearing a white robe and silver armor, and he looks only fifteen or sixteen years old. There seems to be nothing special about him.

However, King Qin respected him very much, and even had a faint gesture of respecting him.

Li Mi couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

In the original history, when Li Mi saw the King of Qin here, he was terrified and amazed, and privately said to Yin Kaishan: "The true hero! Otherwise, how can there be disasters and chaos?"

But now, not only did he see the domineering King Qin, but he also saw King Qi who even King Qin respected. The shock was beyond words.

Although I don't know how powerful this king of Qi is, how can the young man who makes King Qin respect him so much be mediocre?

Liang Jun returned triumphantly and went to the Taimiao to present his victory.

The first victory in this battle was naturally King Qi. Liang Gaozu was never a person who was stingy with rewards for his son, so he directly named this 15-year-old boy as Shang Shuling of Daoxingtai in Eastern Shaanxi and General Zuo Wuhou.

Historically, these rewards were all given to the King of Qin, but the King of Qin was indeed making soy sauce all the time during this battle, so in the process of rewarding meritorious deeds, he only added the rewards on the original basis, unlike King Qi who soared into the sky .

But King Qin didn't complain about it, instead he felt it was reasonable.

Because in his opinion, King Qi's ability to win this battle has surpassed himself.

If he were to fight Xue Ju, it would take him more than two months to launch a fierce offensive. However, King Qi was able to accurately calculate the date when Xue Ju fell ill and died suddenly, and completely resolved the battle in more than a month.

Having fought such a battle of gods, there is nothing to say about being superior to him.

However, Liang Gaozu was worried about the specific distribution of troops.

Because according to the original historical development, after the Battle of Qianshuiyuan, basically all the soldiers and horses were controlled by King Qin.

After that, no matter whether it was Liu Wuzhou, Wang Shichong, or Dou Jiande, they were basically all soldiers of the whole country, and they could only be led by King Qin alone.

After all, King Qin's record has already demonstrated that only by letting him lead the entire army can he ensure victory in every battle of national destiny.

But this time the situation is different.

The Battle of Qianshuiyuan was the first battle of national destiny after the founding of the Liang Dynasty. Although the King of Qin had made many military exploits before, it happened that in such a critical battle this time, the King of Qi emerged and won all the merits.

If you continue to hand over all the soldiers and horses to King Qin, it will definitely be unfair to King Qi;

However, it would not be appropriate to completely deny the King of Qin and hand over all the soldiers and horses to the King of Qi just because of this battle.

After entanglement, Li Hongyun, who still played the role of King Qi, took the initiative to give a solution.

Split up!

Since the two sons are so fierce, they will fight their own way.

Li Hongyun offered to take tens of thousands of people and some generals to guard Jinyang to guard against Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang in the north, while King Qin led another group of troops to try to leave the customs to touch Wang Shichong who occupied Luoyang.

This proposal is of course very chicken thief.

Because judging from the later situation, Wang Shichong's side was obviously more difficult to fight.

In real history, King Qin went to crusade Wang Shichong after he first destroyed Liu Wuzhou, expanded his power, and regained Yuchi Jingde and other fierce generals.

That's it, it's still dangerous, and it's quite hard to fight.

Although it was difficult for Liu Wuzhou to fight, on the one hand, it was because Jinyang was lost at that time, so that Liu Wuzhou was given a ready-made base, and reinforcements were sent several times, so the situation was so difficult when King Qin took over.

Letting Li Hongyun fight Wang Shichong now is purely for nothing.

But let him fight Liu Wuzhou, as long as he is prepared in advance, Jinyang will not lose and successfully integrate the superior forces of the Liang army, there is still hope.

And the most important point is that in this battle, you can get a limited SSR goalkeeper of Xuanwumen: Yuchi Jingde!
There is no doubt about Yuchi Jingde's role in the Xuanwu Gate Change. If he can fight Liu Wuzhou first, it is possible to bring Yuchi Jingde under his command.

When the time comes to experience the change of Xuanwu Gate, Li Hongyun will have one more good card in his hand, while King Qin will have one less good card in his hand.

This back and forth is a huge advantage!

Everyone agrees with this suggestion.

As far as King Qin was concerned, although he could see that Wang Shichong was a tougher nut to crack, firstly, King Qin had a disobedient character and didn't have any fear of difficulties; secondly, Liu Wuzhou hadn't taken the initiative to invade Jinyang at that time.

That is to say, King Qi took the initiative to ask to defend Jinyang and stabilize the rear. In the eyes of everyone, it is very likely that he will do nothing.

What if Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang didn't come to fight Jinyang?

Even if King Qi took the initiative to fight, Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang on their own territory may not be easier to fight than Wang Shichong.

After all, there were Turkic forces behind Liu Wuzhou at this time, and he was named "Dingyang Khan".

In this way, King Qi and King Qin went north and east, each expanding in different directions for Liang.


Returning to Jinyang again, Li Hongyun was filled with emotion.

I, King Qi, are back again!
So far, Jinyang can be said to be the place Li Hongyun is most familiar with in this challenge.

The first time I played the role of King Qi was here to defend Jiancheng, repel Liu Wuzhou's attack, and successfully persisted until the arrival of King Qin.

But this time, he can no longer rely on King Qin.

Because if you want to win the Xuanwumen Incident, you have to make sure that every tough battle is fought by yourself. Only in this way can you build up enough prestige and form a strong enough team.

It is a bit difficult to defeat Liu Wuzhou by relying on one's own strength.

Because the war at this time can no longer be staged according to the script.

In the script, King Qi lost Jinyang, so that the whole of Hedong fell, and King Qin had to confront Song Jingang at Baibi, fortified the wall and cleared the field, for three months. beat it.

But at this time, Li Hongyun couldn't withdraw the army to Baibi before starting the fight, could he?

The location of the battle is different, and the enemies you deal with are also different, so there is definitely no way to copy the standard answer.

But Li Hongyun also has a way.

First of all, although it cannot be completely copied, the strategic thinking is the same.

According to the analysis of historical data, one of the biggest shortcomings of Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang's army was the lack of logistics.

According to historical records, they would not carry too much luggage during the battle, but would plunder on the spot and give food to the enemy.

That is to say, the army's combat effectiveness is there, but it is more aggressive when grabbing food. Once it is not available, the whole army can only starve.

Therefore, the style of playing against the wall and clearing the field is still effective.

Li Hongyun can completely rely on Jinyang City and the surrounding strongholds to defend to the death, which is better than King Qin's defensive conditions in Baibi.

Secondly, Li Hongyun found that the greater the contribution he made in the previous link and the more changes he made to history, the easier it is for him to obtain better talent skills.

For example, after defeating Xue Rengao, he successfully obtained a talent that he had never seen before.

[Ding: Use soldiers like a god (gold): Obtain this talent on the basis of the talent "Arrangement of troops", and you can naturally master advanced marching strategies and reach the level of commanding troops of a generation of famous generals.If you continue to win, you will have the opportunity to draw the talent of "Rebirth of the Soldiers". 】

Before Li Hongyun followed King Qin to sweep around Chang'an, because he didn't see any other better options, he took the talent of "Arranging Troops" by chance.

Before that, Li Hongyun always felt that this talent was somewhat accumulated. Although it is a golden talent, it can only be raised to the level of a "veteran".

This is still not a guarantee of victory!
The previous Liu Wenjing and Yin Kaishan were all veteran generals, and they didn't just send Xue Ju straight away.

But now Li Hongyun knows that this thing can be upgraded in the future.

Arranging troops, using soldiers like gods, and reincarnation of soldiers, these are the three talents that can be advanced. Only after taking the first one can you get the second one.

Therefore, Li Hongyun's current leadership level is "a generation of famous generals".

Not as good as King Qin, after all, King Qin should be at the level of "Reborn Soldiers".

However, Li Hongyun has no problem dealing with these separatist forces when he has read the script in advance and knows himself and the enemy.

Returning to Jinyang again, Li Hongyun could obviously feel that his control over the entire Hedong had improved significantly.

He is no longer the brat who shoots and hunts people in the street and makes people complain, but the majestic king of Qi who has been leading the army in battle.

What's more, this time he also brought Zong Luohu and other fierce generals brought over from Xue Ju.

Therefore, this time Li Hongyun did not defend Jinyang, but marched into Yuci to confront Liu Wuzhou who was stationed in Huangsheling in the north of Yuci.

He personally led people to investigate the terrain, and at the same time strengthened the walls and cleared the fields, and sent cavalry from time to time to attack the grain road.

Hey, why is the sense of sight so strong?
It's okay, it's not a big problem, as long as you can win anyway.

When Liu Wuzhou just went south, the military report had already reached Chang'an.

Liang Gaozu's first reaction was obviously shocked.After all, Liu Wuzhou is relying on the Turks at this time, and his strength is not weak.

The king of Qin faced Luoyang in the east. Although Wang Shichong was stronger there, Chang'an was in the middle of the pass after all, and there were various dangers along the way that could be used as obstacles.

It is almost impossible for Wang Shichong to get in.

But the north is different. Although Jinyang is impenetrable, once the surrounding counties fall and Jinyang becomes an isolated city, a large area around it may fall.

However, Liang Gaozu was relieved as the subsequent battle reports were sent one after another.

What am I worried about? I'm not the only son who is cheating on King Qin, but I also have a cheating son in the north!

(End of this chapter)

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