My players are all actors

Chapter 327 Where did the Turkic cavalry come from!

Chapter 327 Where did the Turkic cavalry come from!
Fighting Liu Wuzhou again, Li Hongyun is full of confidence.

With the blessing of golden talent, he can not only charge forward, but also strategize.

However, the script did not develop exactly as he imagined.

Liu Wuzhou sent his subordinate Yuchi Jingde to challenge, but Li Hongyun still followed the route of King Qin, holding the wall and clearing the field, and at the same time sent his downstream cavalry to harass Liu Wuzhou's grain road.

However, Yuchi Jingde took Liu Wuzhou's cavalry to beat up the cavalry sent by Li Hongyun, and Zong Luohu only escaped with his body.

Li Hongyun was speechless, what's going on!
This Yuchi Jingde is too stupid!
Li Hongyun had no idea how to catch Yuchi Jingde.

He had no choice but to watch the crucial battle of King Qin subdue this SSR goalkeeper again: the battle of Meiliangchuan.

In the original history, King Qin was originally stationed in Baibi to fight against Liu Wuzhou's army. At the same time, Lu Chongmao in Xia County rebelled, so Liang Gaozu sent King Yong'an to attack Lu Chongmao.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chongmao asked Liu Wuzhou for help, and Yuchi Jingde led his army to the south. King Yong'an was defeated in Xia County because of his negligence of precautions, and all important officials including King Yong'an and Minister of Industry were captured.

The entire Liang army group in Xia County was wiped out, and many of them were Liang troops drawn from other battlefields.

At this time, the Liang army was at a comprehensive disadvantage, and the king of Qin who was stationed in Baibi had only two options: either to defend passively and take part of his troops to go south to Puzhou to rebuild the defense line, or to take the initiative to attack.

The risk of taking the initiative to attack is naturally great, because at this time the force in his hands is only about 30,000 people. If Song Jingang suddenly mobilizes heavy troops to attack with all his strength, and Baibi is also broken through, the situation of Liang Jun will be in danger. Total collapse.

But if you defend passively, obviously the prospects will not be too good.There will be no problems in the short term, but it will not be able to reverse the decline.

Therefore, King Qin chose to take the initiative to attack.

He didn't rush forward hastily, but calculated that Yuchi Jingde would go to Meiliangchuan if he wanted to return to join forces with Song Jingang.

Therefore, the King of Qin set up an ambush in Meiliangchuan, and Yin Kaishan and Qin Shubao, two generals who were good at cavalry, suppressed Yuchi Jingde, and smashed it in Meiliangchuan, beheading more than [-] levels. Liang Jun regained the former Xia County. A large number of prisoners of war and luggage left.

Since then, it can be said that Yuchi Jingde was hanged and beaten by the King of Qin every time he saw him. Until Liu Wuzhou's power was over, he had no choice but to surrender to the King of Qin and was reused.

After some analysis, Li Hongyun fell silent.

Judging from the standard answer given by King Qin, if you want to kill Liu Wuzhou, you must first kill Song Jingang; if you want to kill Song Jingang, you must first kill Yuchi Jingde.

How to get rid of Yuchi Jingde?
Not only must he be ambushed accurately, but also two generals who are good at cavalry should be used to suppress him.

Because Yuchi Jingde himself is the top cavalry general, it is not safe to let only one person ambush him.

King Qin sent two top cavalry generals, Yin Kaishan and Qin Shubao.

But here comes the problem, these two people are not under Li Hongyun's subordinates now...

Moreover, it is impossible for Li Hongyun to ambush Yuchi Jingde in Meiliangchuan again, because in this world line, he did not abandon Jinyang, so the fronts of both sides are completely different from the history.

"It seems that if I want to subdue this door god, I still have to do it myself..."

Liu Wuzhou must be taken, otherwise Li Hongyun will not be able to win the opportunity to attack Wang Shichong from the hands of King Qin; Yuchi Jingde must also be taken, this person will play a key role in the Xuanwu Gate Change, and he cannot be handed over Give it to King Qin.

Li Hongyun looked at the map. At this time, his army occupied Jinyang and Yuci at the same time. These two locations were in the west and south of Huangsheling respectively, showing a faint siege.

Moreover, both Jinyang and Yuci have been operating strongholds for a long time, and the city defense is more reliable.

However, Huangshe Ridge has a relatively high terrain, so it is condescending and has an advantage. It is definitely not a good strategy to attack rashly.

Therefore, whoever takes the initiative to attack will get no benefit, and the long-term confrontation between the two sides is a foregone conclusion.

However, during the confrontation, the two sides would continue to send cavalry to harass each other. At this time, Li Hongyun did not have a cavalry general who could surely defeat Yuchi Jingde.

Even if Li Hongyun goes out in person, he may not be sure of defeating Yuchi Jingde.

It's better to set up an ambush on Yuchi Jingde's only way like King Qin did, and then concentrate the superior force and the most capable cavalry general under him to completely defeat him in the first battle.

Where is Yuchi Jingde's only path at this time?
Li Hongyun continued to follow the map, looking northwest.

Judging from the territory at this time, the Liang Dynasty obviously occupied the largest territory, and Mayi, Liu Wuzhou's base, was in the north of Jinyang.

During the stalemate between the two armies, they can attack each other and disturb the grain road, or... go around and attack!
This is how King Qin fought in the Battle of Baibi.

After the defeat of Yuchi Jingde in Meiliangchuan, Liang Jun won consecutive battles and his morale was high.His subordinates persuaded him one after another, hoping that he would fight Song Jingang immediately.

But the king of Qin refused, saying that Song Jingang had been victorious in battles and his troops were in full swing, and it was not yet time for a decisive battle.

He sent generals to cross Luliang Mountain to the west, and went straight to Jiexiu and Mengmen Pass, cutting off Song Jingang's grain road.

The stalemate lasted until Song Jingang ran out of supplies and the morale of the army collapsed. Then he made a decisive attack and chased him for hundreds of miles. One battle will decide the world.

Therefore, Li Hongyun naturally thought of this method.

At this time, although his battle line moved north as a whole, and the two sides faced each other in Jinyang and Yuci, Li Hongyun could also cross Luliang and go north, detouring to the rear of Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang's army, trying to isolate them from the logistics road of Mayi.

Judging from the map, when King Qin confronted Baibi, Song Jingang's supply line was longer and food consumption was faster, so this method was more likely to work.

At this time, Li Hongyun was confronting Jinyang and Yuci, and the supply lines of Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang were much shorter.

However, Li Hongyun's advantage is that he has not experienced the great defeat of Jinyang. He has far more soldiers than King Qin, and he has an advantage in numbers.

Moreover, Mayi is Liu Wuzhou's lair, which will cause great psychological pressure on the opponent when attacking.

At that time, Song Jingang is very likely to send Yuchi Jingde back to rescue, and if he ambushes Yuchi Jingde on the road, he may win in one battle!
After confirming the plan, Li Hongyun immediately began to plan.

At this time, he already had the blessing of golden talent, so he lined up his troops against the marching map, and everything went smoothly.

The so-called art of war, in fact, the most critical place lies in the details.

It is useless to memorize Sun Tzu's Art of War thoroughly, because no matter how many military theories the average person masters, they will not be used in actual combat at all, it is just talk on paper.

But now that Li Hongyun has the blessing of talent, he is familiar with all the details of the plan, and he has prepared in advance for various emergencies.

Therefore, he left the main force to guard Jinyang and Yuci, resolutely not to fight, while he personally led a partial division, crossed the Luliang Mountains, and rushed to Mayi, Liu Wuzhou's base camp, for a long distance.

It didn't go well the first time, but it doesn't matter, Li Hongyun can come again.

The second time, he successfully avoided the eyes of Liu Wuzhou's army and attacked Mayi by surprise, which shocked Liu Wuzhou.

As a result, he happened to break into the ambush circle set up by Li Hongyun on the road. After a fierce battle, Yuchi Jingde was defeated.

Seeing that the army's logistics were in danger of being completely cut off, Liu Wuzhou had no choice but to stay behind Song Jingang and return first.

Li Hongyun led the army to fight fiercely with Liu Wuzhou. At this time, the generals of Jinyang and Yuci also attacked decisively when they saw the confronting enemy retreat.

It's just that these generals are obviously far behind King Qin.

King Qin was able to seize the opportunity of Song Jingang's retreat to fight eight times a day, without eating for two days, without disarming his armor for three days, chasing him for hundreds of miles, and beating Song Jingang until he was powerless to fight back.

But these generals obviously did not have the decisive power of the King of Qin, so they could barely bite behind Song Jingang's army.

Of course, Li Hongyun didn't insist on the speed of their advance, but he also warned them not to advance rashly.

Because these generals are not as capable as the King of Qin, if they are ambushed by Song Jingang, they will suffer.

So the two sides entangled all the way, but Li Hongyun suddenly went south and stopped Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang's army upstairs.

In this battle, Li Hongyun commanded the battle on the front line on a horse, and his arrows never missed. The morale of Liang Jun was greatly boosted. After gathering superior forces, he completely defeated Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang.

The two fled to the north with the remnant soldiers, thinking that they could not hold Mayi, so they fled towards the Turkic people.

The Turks sent a cavalry to respond, and Li Hongyun decisively led his army up to defeat it, and surrendered the Turkic cavalry, incorporating them into his own army.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Yuchi Jingde finally came to seek refuge under Li Hongyun's persuasion.

The north of the Liang Dynasty was completely pacified, and Jinyang, the base camp, was also firmly in the hands of the Liang Dynasty.

Historically, the Liang army in Jinyang had an advantage in numbers and logistics, and it was also the place where the Liang Dynasty raised troops. It made no sense to lose it so easily.

However, King Qi's foolishness and the ineffectiveness of the follow-up support generals almost pushed the Liang Dynasty into desperation. In the end, it was up to King Qin to turn the tide.

In this timeline, King Qi played by Li Hongyun used his superior force to win the downwind battle that should have been won.

After this battle, Li Hongyun sent people to create "The Music of the King of Qi Breaking the Battle", which was used to publicize his heroic demeanor of strategizing and defeating the enemy.

Although it was a bit forceful, he also defeated Xue Ju after all, and defeated Liu Wu, Zhou Song and Jingang, and successively pacified the enemies in two directions for Liang Chao.

However, in the several frictions between Qin Wangdong and Wang Shichong when he went out of Luoyang, he did not take advantage of it because his military strength was not dominant.

After King Qi, played by Li Hongyun, returned to Chang'an, Liang Gaozu, who had great military strength and felt good about himself, finally made up his mind to gather a large army to go east to Luoyang to fight against Wang Shichong, and to face the last two great enemies that would pacify the world.

It's just that there are still some suspense about the selection of the main general.

At this time, King Qin and King Qi have made great contributions, and both have the ability to command this battle. How to make a choice really gave Liang Gaozu a little headache.

But in the end, he chose King Qi.

This is obviously the result of multiple factors working together.

First of all, starting from the rise of troops in Jinyang, King Qi was like a magician, basically calculating every move of Liang Jun.The strategic planning during the dialogue with Liang Gaozu, like Longzhong's pair, showed a strategic planning ability that surpassed the times.

Of course, this kind of strategic planning ability is actually fake and is copying historical data, but Liang Gaozu didn't know it.

Therefore, in the eyes of Liang Gaozu, King Qi is the image of a wise general who strategizes and wins thousands of miles.

On the other hand, King Qin, although victorious in all battles, looks more like a fierce general in appearance, without the strategizing and indifferent bearing of King Qi.

Secondly, King Qi's military exploits have surpassed King Qin's.

After defeating Xue Ju in the battle of Qianshuiyuan, Li Hongyun defeated Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang again, taking all the credit that originally belonged to King Qin.

Therefore, in Liang Jun's vision, King Qi is already a victorious general who has surpassed King Qin, and his prestige is unparalleled for a while.

Finally, there is another very important point, that is Liang Gaozu's selfishness.

According to the original historical development, the reason why Liang Gaozu sat and watched the situation in Jinyang and even the entire Hedong gradually deteriorated and became unmanageable, but he would rather let King Qi mess around and let Pei Ji lead the rescue is because he saved it and wanted to beat it. King Qin's thoughts.

Qin Wang defeated Xue Ju, and his prestige in the army was too high, so Liang Gaozu also began to feel that he could not rely entirely on him.

It's just that he was taught by Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang to be a man, and found that no one could handle it except King Qin, so he had to move King Qin out again.

In this world line, although the King of Qin did not directly win the battle of Qianshuiyuan, nor did he defeat Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang, his military ability is still solid, and his prestige in the army is still extremely high.

Moreover, the crown prince is obviously getting closer to King Qi.

In the eyes of Liang Gaozu and the crown prince, King Qin is still a huge threat, and may directly challenge the position of the crown prince.

And what about King Qi?Too young, and more like a strategist, not as aggressive as King Qin.

So after weighing again and again, Liang Gaozu decided to hand over the power of commanding the troops to King Qi.

King Qin, on the other hand, played the role of King Qi's important assistant and striker.

Finally came the battle of Hulaoguan.

Li Hongyun has experienced it many times, but he is even more familiar with playing Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang.

He began to line up troops, constantly eroding Wang Shichong's military strength, and gradually surrounded Luoyang.

But Qin Wang was surprised to find that it seemed that the fourth brother could always think of going with him.

But this matter no longer made him happy, but made him feel depressed.

Because he always feels that there seems to be an invisible obstacle in front of him, and every time he wants to do something, he always finds that King Qi is already waiting there...

This feeling is quite like the powerlessness felt by the original author of the poem after being copied by the traveler Wen Chaogong.

However, King Qin didn't think much about it, and just continued to lead the army to fight with all his heart.

This time, Li Hongyun was full of confidence, because without the two major losses of Diving Yuan and Jinyang, Liang Chao could mobilize more soldiers.

In addition, he and the King of Qin cooperated seamlessly. He arranged troops in the rear, strategized, and predicted the future as if he was hanging out. King Qin rushed to kill all the generals in the front.

However, what Li Hongyun didn't expect was that just when he was about to fight Wang Shichong and drove him into Luoyang City and dared not come out, an accident happened.

King Qi, played by Li Hongyun, is leading his army to the battle, with all the bows and arrows in his hands.

However, a Turkic cavalry suddenly rushed out from the rear, breaking up Li Hongyun's main formation.

Wang Shichong took advantage of the situation and attacked back and forth, joining forces with the Turkic cavalry.

Li Hongyun was beheaded under the horse in a daze, and countless question marks were still floating in his mind.

Where did the Turkic cavalry come from behind my ass?
The Turkic people are far away in the north. Could it be possible that they just grew wings and crossed the land east of the river and flew to Luoyang?

Take a closer look, no, why does this seem to be the Turkic cavalry under my command...

Confused and unwilling, Li Hongyun inexplicably ended this smooth battle and also ended his performance this time.

After reviewing the entire battle, I finally found the problem.

These Turks were an army he subdued by the way when he defeated Liu Wuzhou.

Li Hongyun still followed the previous strategy for treating prisoners of war, showing his extremely tolerant mind, not only incorporating these troops as they were.

Not only did it not break up its establishment, but also let the original generals command.

Before Ping Xueju, Zong Luohu and others will be dealt with in this way.

Later, when fighting Liu Wuzhou, he also dealt with Yuchi Jingde and other surrendered generals in the same way.

This is also the consistent style of King Qin.

However, both Zong Luohu and Yuchi Jingde were loyal to him, but the Turkic people did not accept this at all.

Wang Shichong heard that there were a group of Turkic people in Liang's army, so he secretly sent envoys to buy them off with a lot of money and let them defect.

This strategy really worked. King Qi, who was so clever and seemingly exhaustive, capsized in this gutter.

Li Hongyun was very angry. When he restarted the trial to kill all these Turkic people, he also understood a truth.

There are also prerequisites for employing people without doubt.

And this premise is to know people well and be able to see through people's hearts.

For generals like Zong Luohu and Yuchi Jingde, they know honor and disgrace as well as benevolence and righteousness, so using benevolence and righteousness to win them over can make them serve him loyally.

But what about the Turks?
Barbarians, like animals, are afraid of power but not virtuous.

Although this sentence is somewhat extreme to some extent, it is indeed true.Because the Turkic people and the Central Plains people do not have the same moral standards, it is by no means a simple matter to control them and make them serve themselves loyally.

Li Hongyun also wondered, how did Liang Taizong do it?
Not only did the Turkic people submit to him willingly, but even when he died, many generals of the Hu people asked themselves to be buried.

What's even more magical is that Liang Taizong expected this before his death, and left a will on purpose to let these barbarian generals not to be buried, but to live well.

This incident made Li Hongyun understand a truth. Pure benevolence and righteousness are useless. In troubled times, many people have their own ghosts. If you don't have enough force and wisdom, they won't think you are a benevolent king. Just think you're a cowardly idiot.

Therefore, Li Hongyun once again chose the talent to improve his knowledge of people, and once again came to the battle of Hulao Pass.

(End of this chapter)

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